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  • fg_admin

    March 8, 2012 at 2:23 pm in reply to: Alex Jones

    EDITORIAL: Sent to us by a reader. These are not necessarily our views but we thought we would offer an alternative perspective


    Read with discernment

    10 Reasons Why Alex Jones Should Be Tried For Treason

    Posted: February 19, 2012 in Alex Jones, BREAKING NEWS

    “You don't know who's good or bad until you get to that crisis point.” ~Alex Jones, Oct. 14, 2011

    David Chase Taylor

    February 19, 2012

    The goal of Alex Jones and his Zionist handlers is to get America to destroy herself. This is done the same way that Russia was destroyed under Stalin; dividing and then collapsing society upon itself by baiting Americans into a violent revolution against their own police and military.

    Alex Jones is the founder of and, and the self-proclaimed grand-daddy of the 9/11 Truth movement. He has made and produced countless documentaries, the most famous of which are Terrorstorm, End Game, The Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic. While many people have enjoyed listening to his radio show, patriotic Americans are now starting to question his true motives.

    Currently, The Alex Jones Show boasts a radio audience of over 3 million gun-owning Americans. In effect, Alex Jones is the unofficial Commander and Chief of the largest militia the world has ever seen. With this unprecedented concentration of power into the hands of one man, it is imperative that people take a second look at Jones, his true motives, and what it means for the future of America.

    After all, can America really afford a betrayal by Alex Jones?

    While Jones can be thanked for waking Americans up to the evils of government, the fear is that Jones may be part of a greater Zionist plot to destroy America from within. While it may be hard to do, it is the patriotic duty of every American to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including Alex Jones.

    1. STRATFOR Intelligence Operative

    On February 12, 2012, news broke that Alex Jones was likely an intelligence tool of STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence agency located in Austin, Texas. On February 15, 2012, just 3 days after the original article was published, Jones abruptly canceled his nationwide speaking tour which he had been promoting since February 2, 2012.

    Jones stated that his sudden change in plans was due to the fact that “the collapse is so imminent”. Obviously, Jones has been made as a traitorous spy and is running scared. Revelation of Jones’ ties to Israeli intelligence should come as no surprise since Jones has not and will not reveal the true Zionist control of America.

    As evidenced in further detail below, Jones has repeatedly made predictions that ultimately come true, especially in regards to terror events executed by the Israeli Mossad. The connection between Jones and Zionist STRATFOR is particularly damning considering STRATFOR openly admits to being an intelligence gathering center.

    Therefore, it stands to reason that Alex Jones & Co. have been gathering intelligence, data and information on patriotic Americans since their inception in 1996, coincidently the exact same year that STRATFOR was founded. The widespread fear that Jones’ true mission is to identify and neutralize political information, activists and movements in America has now come to fruition.

    Alex Jones is just like an insecticide – 98% of it’s a harmless gas, but it’s the 2% percent left that will kill you. What that means is that Jones will make total sense for a while, but when it counts, he will betray the American people.

    2. Operation End Game

    Alex Jones’ film End Game (2007) appears to be the cover for Operation Endgame, a “2003-2012 plan under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport all removable aliens and “suspected terrorists” currently living in the United States by 2012″.

    The term “suspected terrorists” essentially refers to anybody listening to Jones’ radio program, yet Jones conveniently failed to mention Operation Endgame in his 2 hour film about the extermination of humanity. Jones leaving out Operation Endgame is like making a movie about the Titanic, but forgetting to include the iceberg that allegedly sunk her. The blatant PSYOP by Jones & Co. was obviously done in a premeditated attempt to disguise the real Operation Endgame from truth seeking Americans.

    Operation Endgame is the end game plan for America, its Constitution, its Bill of Rights, and could ultimately lead to the arrest, incarceration and slaughter of millions of Americans at FEMA concentration camps nationwide. Although Hollywood movies were made around the same time with roughly the same name, (e.g., End Game in 2006, End Game in 2009 and Operation Endgame in 2010), the film End Game appears to have been tailor made by Jones and STRATFOR to keep the operation secret from Americans. To date, their plan has worked.

    3. The Stochastic Terrorist

    Aside from calling for a violent revolution, but not in those words, Alex Jones is without a doubt the greatest stochastic terrorist alive today. Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communication (e.g. radio, television, movies, videos and the internet) to stir up random lone wolves to carry out violent acts of terrorism that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable (see below). Examples of Jones’ stochastic terrorism are all over the internet, but a small sample was taken from his radio broadcast of February 10, 2012, whereby Jones states “We are at the crossroads!”, “Time to get aggressive”, “It is on!”, and “There is no choice, you gotta fight them!”.

    While Jones is indeed correct about many topics such as 9/11 Truth, the rising police state, eugenics, vaccines, fluoride, aspartame, etc., Jones’ handlers understand that the daily exaggeration of news and events will statistically cause a certain amount of individuals to psychologically snap, with a certain percentage of them resorting to acts of terrorism. These acts of terror are then used to demonize Americans and further legitimize the passing of draconian legislation which ultimately degrades the American way of life.

    4. The Y2K Beta Test

    During the Y2K scare of 2000, Alex Jones attempted to whip the American people into a frenzied hysteria and subsequent panic after he repeatedly lied on the air and stated that Russia was planning a preemptive nuclear strike upon the United States (see below). What Jones was engaged in was likely part of a Zionist beta-test to see how the American public would react to a War of the Worlds type of doomsday scenario. The fear is that Jones will repeat his Y2K behavior in the aftermath of a terror attack and bait his gun owning audience into a full-blown attack on police and military based on fraudulent information.

    Excerpt of the Alex Jones Show on December 31, 1999 (Y2K):

    Nuclear Missiles Deployed

    Alex Jones: “…Oh, this is extremely serious…two weeks ago Topol-M, 6,200 mile super-range multiple warhead newest design U.S. cloned technology missiles were deployed across Russia. They are mobile. These are first strike type systems. They are also designed to survive several strikes from America or any other nation…They are deploying these and Yeltsin openly has been threatening us weekly to nuke us. I mean, it’s just getting insane. And absolutely, this looks like just one more ratchet on the takeover of America. And yes, they have an extreme strongman in, a KGB leader, running Russia right now. They have deployed their missiles against us and their submarines and have already delivered fully functional missile cruisers to China…”

    First Strike

    Alex Jones: “…Yes, he took the codes off and he took away our first strike capability. By first strike, that means that if missiles are in the air, let’s say 4,000 of them, Russia’s got a lot more than that, 4,000 missiles coming in, subs launching, suitcases going off, we have to wait until we absorb the first strike that will mean virtual inhalation to our military…”

    KGB Chief Putin

    Alex Jones: “…All I know is this, Boris Yeltsin, at 4 o’clock in the morning, as the Russian time zone in its eastern area near Japan was entering into Y2K, he resigned and now Vladimir Putin, known as Vladimir the Ruthless by the Russian people is now taken the reins of power and he is a former KGB Chief…This is just unbelievable…”

    Nuclear Rumors

    Caller: “One other thing, I heard Bill Greg say this morning that Russia said if their power goes out that they’re gonna blame us and they’re gonna set off their nuclear warheads.”

    Alex Jones: “Well, I didn’t hear that but I would be interested to have any details. Do you have the details of what Colonel Greg said?”

    Caller: No, that’s all I heard him say was that they said if they had a power blackout they’d blame it on us.

    The Nuclear Threat

    Alex Jones: “I know they’re threatening to nuke us every single week…I’ve read the Associated Press, Reuters, Interfax News Agency, London Times articles here…I mean, I’ve read Yeltsin and Jiang Zemin’s quotes, the dictator of China, and they’re saying we’ll nuke you. I mean, they spell it out…We will hit you with nuclear weapons. We reserve the right to hit you. Three weeks ago their head of their missile forces said we reserve the right to nuke you first…”

    Stand Up America

    Alex Jones: “…Americans standing up as Russia threatens to attack us with nuclear weapons, as nuclear power plants, at least one are being shut down, as the military runs around with the police and the FBI saying terrorism is imminent, and some would characterize us as dangerous because we report the facts. Absolutely out of control. Just maintain your readiness, be calm, defend your family, defend your country…”

    Cold War Radar System Activated

    Alex Jones: “…They have activated a powerful Cold War radar system in the North Pole region…Military traffic is everywhere right now ladies and gentlemen, scrambled…We got super power radar systems, nuclear systems up…Perhaps our military is refuse…It was Clinton that shut down that Cold War radar system. It’s now back up from people that actually worked in there. We have it confirmed from the sound and where its coming from, from experts…This is absolutely out of control…”

    Jones’ Y2K actions were traitorous at best and an obvious and calculated attempt to deceive the American public into believing that nuclear war with Russia was imminent. Had Americans actually listened to Jones on December 31, 1999, riots would have ensued, thousands of Americans would have died, and martial law would have been instituted across America. As of 2012, Jones’ radio audience is far larger, far younger, and far more trigger happy than they were in 1999.

    Lastly, one cannot say “Fire!” in a theater, yet Jones was allowed to openly try and bait the American public into a mass panic with no accountability whatsoever. If Jones was not part of the intelligence establishment, he would be rung up on charges, tried in a court of law, and likely convicted for conspiracy to commit terrorism. The late William “Bill” Cooper repeatedly exposed Jones’ dangerous Y2K behavior on his radio show and was subsequently gunned down on November 5, 2001.

    5. Assassination of William “Bill” Cooper

    After the premeditated and traitorous actions of Alex Jones on December 31, 1999 (Y2K), Bill Cooper took Jones to task on his radio show and warned that Alex Jones was not a real patriot and that his behavior was dangerous to America. On the day of 9/11, Cooper repeated his warnings regarding Jones and stated that Alex Jones is a disinformation agent sent to provocateur violence in the midst of a national tragedy.

    On November 5, 2001, less than 2 months after 9/11, Bill Cooper was assassinated outside of his home in Eagar, Arizona. Despite Cooper’s death, Alex Jones continues to demonize and libel Cooper every chance he gets. Cooper, while not perfect, was a true American hero and the antithesis of Jones.

    Cooper taught his listeners how to decipher news from propaganda, fact from fiction, and essentially how to think for themselves. While no evidence has surfaced linking Jones to the murder of Cooper, it is highly likely that Cooper was liquidated in order to silence his critique of Jones and to eliminate him as Jones’ only real competition.

    6. Alex Jones goes COINTELPRO at the Austin Gun Rally

    COINTELPRO is a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other agencies aimed at surveiling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations. The following actions by Alex Jones on January 25, 2010, CAN ONLY be construed as the work of an intelligence operative out to subvert genuine grassroots political movements:

    A protest regarding the closure of the Texas Gun Show in Austin, Texas, turned ugly when liberty activists on the steps of the Austin Police Department headquarters were verbally attacked by Alex Jones. Although Jones was formally invited to speak at the protest, he declined, but showed up anyway to bullhorn, disrupt and drown out the event’s scheduled speakers.

    In the video chronicling the takeover of the protest by Jones, an off-camera and unnamed activist asked why Jones didn’t work with the event’s organizers, to which Jones replied, “Well, I’m sorry; I brought 80% of the people here.” Catherine Bleish, Executive Director of the Liberty Restoration Project confronted Jones by stating that, “Many people worked really hard on this event,” to which Jones replied again, “You don’t know what you’re doing.” Jones then stated that “You’ve got a hard-on for me” and “I’ll be here in 20 years.”

    The next day, Jones went on the air and blatantly lied about the events of the day by stating: “The whole time I was there I had like COINTELPRO poking me and getting in my face, and I’m sure some of them were because later I found out about a meeting afterwards with some people we know are connected to some operations about how they want to get me and go after me, it’s a whole another subject, but it borders on illegal but uh, luckily we had people on the inside that found out about that and called me about it”

    Jones’ accusations that COINTELPRO was attacking him was a calculated attempt to shift blame away from himself onto others and to deceive his radio audience as to what really happened. If there was any doubt that Alex Jones is the COINTELPRO agent provocateur he speaks of, the video of the Austin gun protest is the smoking gun.

    On January 25, 2010, Texas and America realized that:

    A) Jones cannot be trusted,

    😎 Jones has ulterior motives, and

    C) Jones is purposely working against, not for American patriots.

    7. The Terror Predictions

    Alex Jones appears to be fed just enough Israeli intelligence via STRATFOR to make bold terror predictions a few months, weeks, or days prior a terror event transpiring in realty. In all documented cases, Jones never cares to substantiate his predictions with hard evidence as to why he is making a given prediction, only stating that he “knows how the government thinks” and that “after analyzing the enemy profile” he is able to ascertain that certain events will happen.

    As Alex Jones’ terror predictions continue to come true, Jones looks more and more prophetic which ultimately gains him more credibility with his audience. The fabricated likeness of Jones as a geopolitical mastermind will then be used to provocateur violence in the midst of a national tragedy, all based on fraudulent information. In essence, Jones has been built up by the Zionist establishment to prematurely ejaculate the 2nd American Revolution.

    9/11 Terror Attacks

    Both STRATFOR and Alex Jones made terror predictions in regards to 9/11 about what was going to happen and who would be allegedly responsible. According Wikipedia, STRATFOR has a connection to the 9/11 Terror Attacks: “At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, STRATFOR made its “breaking news” paragraphs, as well as some notable analyses predicting likely actions to be taken by al-Qaeda and the Bush administration, available freely to the public.”

    On July 25, 2001, Alex Jones famously stated the following on his radio program: “We know the government is planning terrorism. We know Oklahoma City and World Trade Center was terrorism. The point is: If any terrorism comes it’s from this government. And if there was an outside threat like bin Laden, who was a known CIA asset in the 80’s, running the Mujahedeen War, whose family builds all the military bases over in Saudi Arabia right now, whose sits on the board of Iranian satellite, he is the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system.”

    Just 48 days later on September 11, 2001, the Israeli Mossad hijacked 4 planes, crashing 2 of them into the World Trade Center. As predicted by Jones, the blame was then placed onto Osama bin Laden by the Zionist media. Clearly, there is some sort of an intelligence connection at play between Jones and Israel. STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence operation, obviously knew of the impending 9/11 attacks which were carried out by the Israeli Mossad. Post 9/11, Jones has made sure that Americans believe “9/11 an Inside Job”, thus putting the blame squarely on the American government and its people rather than the Israeli Mossad where it belongs.

    Norway Terror Attacks

    On July 21, 2011, Alex Jones famously stated the following on his radio program: “They are now shifting to a new phase…Now the next phase they have already been beta-testing behind closed doors with the police and military…Now they are moving it to White Al Qaeda.”

    The next day, July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, a white terrorist, allegedly bombed a government building and attacked a youth camp killing 77 and injuring 151, all while dressed in a police uniform. Coincidentally, the youth camp that was attacked just happened to have major pro-Palestine rally (anti-Israeli genocide) the previous day.

    The Norway terror attacks also occurred on the same date as the King David Hotel Bombing of 1946, which was admittedly executed by Zionist terrorists, including the 6th Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin. Since the Norway terror attacks were perpetrated by the Israeli Mossad, it stands to reason that Jones was given insider information that something regarding terrorism and the new White Al Qaeda was about to transpire.

    The Future Assassination of Obama

    Aside from a 2011 report that Alex Jones is actually working for the Obama administration, Alex Jones is one of 10 or so “celebrities” that have openly predicted the future assassination of U.S. President Barack Obama. In a video uploaded on February 15, 2010, Jones emphatically states that he is “100%” sure an Obama assassination is going to happen.

    There are many reasons to believe that an Obama assassination by the Israeli Mossad is going to happen, but interestingly this evidence is never mentioned by Jones.’s sister website entitled has fully exposed the future assassination of Obama by the Israeli Mossad and detailed how Alex Jones will attempt to provocateur and race bait in the aftermath of an Obama assassination. Should even a small percent of Jones’ audience act on his hate speech, a full-scale race war may ensue.

    Upcoming Bio-Terror Attack

    As of 2012, Alex Jones is now claiming that a major bio-terror attack is imminent. As with the 9/11, the Norway terror attacks and the future assassination of Obama, Jones is again making a baseless terror prediction without substantiating it with hard evidence. How Jones, a college dropout, is able to routinely predict geopolitical events without EVER providing a shred of evidence for his claims is a mystery at this point unless he is part of the STRATFOR intelligence network.

    The bio-terror prediction is likely being made based on intelligence coming from STRATFOR and the Israeli Mossad. After all, Israel is the only modern nation that has NOT signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (refusal to engage in offensive biological warfare, stockpiling, and use of biological weapons) and therefor it stands to reason that should a bio-terror attack take place, it will be executed by the Israeli Mossad.

    8. Denial of Zionism

    The main job of Alex Jones is to convince people that Zionists do not own and operate the United States of America. That is why Jones has his audience chasing illusionary ghosts such as the New World Order, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Elites, Luciferians, Eugenicists, Satanists, Bilderbergers, the Royal Family, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller Family, the Rothschild Family, the Club of Rome, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Globalists, the Banksters, The FED, The Trilateral Commission, and even the Bohemian Grovers!

    Which one is it Alex?

    Zionists are the only group Jones conveniently does not speak out. Despite Alex Jones stating that he defends the 1st Amendment and the right to Free Speech, everybody who has tried to call into Infowars to warn the audience about Zionism is immediately cut off and dropped.

    When one researches the true power structure of America, undoubtedly they will find Zionists in every meaningful position. Despite all the evidence available, Jones has not and will not reveal the true Zionist control of America. Aside being married to an Israeli, Jones’ repeated denials and lies in regards to Zionism clearly indicating that he is nothing more than a Zionist tool.

    9. The Millionaire Truther

    The Alex Jones/Infowars money sucking machine has continually bilked and drained money from its listeners and fans with repeated “Money Bombs”, which are no different than what the infamous Jim and Tammy Fay Baker did to their audience. The numerous Money Bombs were allegedly conducted to raise capital for Jones’ 3rd studio in as many years, but as of February 17, 2012, Alex Jones is now speaking about building a 4th studio!

    Even if the money is partially being used for a 3rd or 4th studio, the Money Bombs are an obvious personal money grab. One look at Jones’ website and it’s clear that Jones cares more about selling products than he does about speaking the Truth.

    After all, should Jones betray his audience, he must get all the money he can before he twists the knife in the back of America. Based on his monopoly of truth related merchandise and repeated Money Bombs, Alex Jones is probably worth at least $50 million. Despite his grandiose success, whether legitimate or not, he is continually asking for donations despite not producing a new film in almost 4 years.

    A great example of how Alex Jones continues to defraud his audience is detailed in a video entitled, “Alex Jones’ Potassium Iodide scam Exposed!”. As documented, Jones takes full advantage of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan by lying about the scarcity of potassium iodide in America in order to charge people exorbitant prices. Aside from jacking up the price, Jones went into daily diatribes in a calculated attempt to literally scare his audience into purchasing the potassium Iodide from the Infowars store.

    Enough said…Watch the video.

    10. The Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot

    On February 1, 2011, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed to the world via leaked classified diplomatic documents that Al-Qaida was on the brink of using a nuclear bomb and that the West was on the verge of a “Nuclear 9/11″. What the diplomatic documents failed to mention was actual target, date and location of the upcoming nuclear terror attack.

    Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack. As detailed in The Nuclear Bible, Alex Jones’ traitorous behavior previously exhibited on Y2K was to be repeated that Sunday night when a thermonuclear weapon was to be detonated in Dallas, Texas. After all, that’s why Alex Jones began broadcasting on Sundays starting in 2008, so he would be live on the air when (censored) hit the fan!

    Oiling His Guns

    Exactly six months prior to Super Bowl XLV, Alex Jones stated on his radio program that he was “oiling his guns” in an obvious statement to his listeners that he was getting ready for a violent revolution of some sort. Based on Jones’ inflammatory rhetoric in the months counting down to the Super Bowl, Jones was psychologically prepping his audience for the scheduled nuclear terror attack.

    Beta-Testing the Infowars Audience

    Shortly after the comment by Alex Jones that he was “oiling his guns”, Jones began the disturbing trend of beta-testing his Infowars radio listeners. On almost a daily basis, Jones began to instruct his listeners to Google specific terms so that Jones and his handlers could see via Google Trends how many of his listeners were heeded his commands. Other forms of Beta Testing included the Obama poster campaign, whereby Jones ordered his listeners to print and hang millions of Obama Joker posters.

    While these orders may seem innocent on the surface, it is clear that Jones & Co. were calculating how many listeners routinely obeyed his commands in order to gain a statistical understanding of Jones’ commanding effect on his audience. There is no doubt that many of Alex Jones’ listeners see him as an authority figure on truth, news, terror and the U.S. Constitution. Members of Jones’ audience who has previously heeded Jones’ commands would then be more likely to also heed Jones’ commands to commit violence and terrorism, similarly to the Stanford Prison Experiment.

    Immediately after the February 6, 2011 Super Bowl, the beta-testing curiously stopped.


    Pakistan, the Super Bowl nuclear terror scapegoat, has been set-up over the last 25 years as the greatest purveyor of terror and nuclear proliferation in recorded history. In the aftermath of the first nuclear attack upon America, Jones was set to blame the U.S. government for the attack just as he has done so many times before.

    If gun owning Americans would have obeyed Jones’ subsequent orders to attack police, military and government installations across America, they would have been crucified in the court of public opinion when Pakistan was ultimately fingered in the attack. After the Jones led revolution, Jones would have vanished, millions of patriotic Americans would have been rounded up and disappeared, and Pakistan would have been targeted with nuclear weapons.

    Super Bowl Aftermath

    After the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot was exposed in early February of 2011, Jones was a blubbering mess on the radio and could barely contain his apparent anger and disbelief that he and the nuclear terror plan had been exposed. Since then, Jones has refused to speak about The Nuclear Bible, and has instructed his minions such as Mark Dice and We are Change censor, block, and ridicule The Nuclear Bible and This failed Super Bowl nuclear terror plot is potentially the biggest news story in American history and has the power to bring down the Obama administration, the U.S. Federal government, and the Zionist establishment, but no one will touch it


    While Jones professes to be a loving Christian who cares about humanity, nothing is further from the truth. Aside from smoking, drinking, cursing, lying, using illegal drugs and constantly degrading fellow truthers, Alex Jones is a closet race baiter and blatant fear monger.

    Jones, the alleged man of truth, breeds continual fear into his audience which inevitably causes them to be kept in a perpetual state of fight or flight. Instead of imparting wisdom on how to make America and the world a better place, Jones preaches a steady diet of negativity which ultimately never raises the consciousness of his listeners.

    In a nutshell, Alex Jones is a divider rather than uniter.

    Exposing Alex Jones, STRATFOR, and their partners in crime is the first step towards getting a real and independent investigation into 9/11 and saving America from is rapid free-fall. America and Alex Jones are run by Zionists, not a New World Order. The sooner Americans figure this out, the better.

    About the Author: David Chase Taylor is an American journalist, researcher, writer, teacher, media analyst and peace activist. He is the editor in chief of, a false-flag and state-sponsored terror whistleblower website which serves as a conduit for worldwide peace related news and information. Truther’s motto is “Peace by Revelation”, with the stated purpose of obtaining world peace though non-violent pro-active peace action.

  • fg_admin

    March 6, 2012 at 12:58 am in reply to: Obama Doesn't Know His Own Birth Date!

    Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

  • fg_admin

    March 4, 2012 at 6:15 pm in reply to: IF THIS IS GOING TO BE A CHRISTIAN NATION

    EDITORIAL: Response of a reader OTHER than us to the above:


    Jesus said no such thing. this is the propaganda of the pietistic Christian. See Mt 26:6ff. Poor is a relative term. Most of the poor in America have television sets, computers, cell phones, cars, showers, indoor toilets, 24 hour water and electricity, medical coverage, and a welfare check adjusted both for inflation and for each illegitimate child birthed into the faterhless family. If you want to see poor, go to Citee de soleil in Haiti. The people barely have clothing and have to queue up everyday for a small ration of water that serves all purposes. On good days there is an hour or two of electricity (which requires water to produce). Being poor in a socialist system impoverishes the producers and while enriching the non-producers. Giving alms is encouraged but not madated by Nancy P. or Harry R. Christians ought to read the scriptures with their glasses on.

  • fg_admin

    March 4, 2012 at 3:34 pm in reply to: Illinois judge: law barring recording police is unconstitutional; 3/2/2012



    A Blow to the Police State: Judge Rules Illinois Eavesdropping Law Unconstitutional

    The Intel Hub

    By Madison Ruppert

    March 3, 2012

    In a major victory for Americans who value liberty and the First Amendment, a Cook County, Illinois judge ruled that the state’s highly controversial eavesdropping law is unconstitutional.

    The law made the simple act of recording a police officer without their consent, even during the course of their public duties, a felony offense.

    Judge Stanley Sacks declared that the eavesdropping law is unconstitutional on the grounds that it has the potential to criminalize what would otherwise be “wholly innocent conduct.”

    I couldn’t agree more, and it’s great to see that there are, in fact, some sane individuals working in the American justice system still.

    I’ve been incredibly disillusioned by cases like that of Thomas Arthur and the wildly inconsistent prosecution of criminal acts, but this gave me a much-needed boost of hope.

    The eavesdropping law, in principle, doesn’t seem like all that bad of an idea. After all, it is supposedly there to protect peoples’ private conversations from being recorded without their permission.

    However, the way in which it was utilized was a different matter entirely.

    Using this law to punish people for recording their interactions with police is patently absurd. The police are public servants carrying out public duties in public places, all funded by the taxpayer.

    As a taxpayer, why shouldn’t you have a right to film your employee carrying out their public duties in a public area? It simply makes no sense.

    The application of this law to encounters with police is based on the clearly erroneous idea that police have a reasonable expectation of privacy while performing said public duties.

    If this was a case of an off-duty police officer being recorded in a private residence or other location in which they obviously had a reasonable expectation of privacy and were not engaging in public duties and therefore not being paid by the taxpayer, I would think that the application is fair.

    Of course, that is far from how this law was applied in the case of Christopher Drew.

    Drew is an artist who was arrested back in December of 2009 for selling art without a permit. After it was discovered that he had an audio recorder in his pocket capturing his conversations with the police officers, he was charged with a felony violation of Illinois’ eavesdropping law.

    While the story at the Chicago Tribune ends there, some additional details can be found via Kevin Gosztola of FireDogLake.

    “Drew, who has a history of challenging the city’s restrictions on the selling of art, was peddling silk-screened patches for $1 in an act of civil disobedience. A First Amendment lawyer and a team of photographers filmed his arrest,” Gozstola reports. “A First Amendment lawyer and a team of photographers filmed his arrest. The police let the filming go, and Drew was arrested. When it was time for Drew to face his charges, he found out he had been given a Class 1 felony charge for violating the Illinois Eavesdropping Act and filming his arrest. This meant he faced a possible sentence of fifteen years in prison.”

    Gozstola reinforces my earlier point in highlighting the fact that Chicago police have leveraged the eavesdropping law not to protect the privacy of regular people but instead as a nice way to avoid lawsuits for the abuses police might carry out while on duty.

    Gosztola cites an example from an Occupy Chicago demonstration as proof of this activity, “In the final days of January, Occupy Chicago was out protesting in the city when a police officer took a camera from someone who was live streaming the action and deleted the video. He told the live streamer, Keilah, that she could have been charged with a felony.”

    In his article he says that while police may continue to try to arrest demonstrators under the eavesdropping law in order to avoid being filmed, any charges brought under the law are unlikely to hold up.

    This is a huge step forward not only for what is commonly referred to as “citizen journalism” but also for those brave individuals who are on the front lines of protests across the country and recording police misconduct.

    Furthermore, it is an even greater blow to the dualistic justice system which treats everyday Americans completely differently than an on duty police officer.

    This will help keep police in Illinois accountable, especially during the upcoming protests focusing on the G8 and NATO summits. However, there have been some disturbingly draconian laws (not to mention the so-called “Trespass Bill”) put in place that might outweigh whatever benefits this latest ruling might have.

    That being said, I don’t think that these facts diminish from the power that this decision could have on the future of the American police state.

    This article originally appeared on End the Lie

  • fg_admin

    March 2, 2012 at 11:19 pm in reply to: Obama Doesn't Know His Own Birth Date!

    “Very Interesting Bit of Detective Work”

    1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is 'African-American when the term wasn't even used at that time?

    2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961. It also lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in ” Kenya , East Africa “. This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the ” British East Africa Protectorate”.

    3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is “Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital “. This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called “KauiKeolani Children's Hospital” and “Kapi'olani Maternity Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?


    Post-colonial history (from Wikipedia)

    Why hasn't this been discussed in the major media?????

  • fg_admin

    March 2, 2012 at 4:47 pm in reply to: City demands Christians get permit for Bible study; 9/16/2011

    CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, INC. Backs down on prohibition on home bible study.

    However, it was only public opinion that made the city back off. Waiting around passively for public opinion to come to one's rescue is futile, especially when the remedy is right at hand.

    The original post still makes the important point that if you know the law, and that a corporation has no jurisdiction over you without a written, ink-signed contract (like the one u make for a credit card), you can just do what Ghandi did, and Nancy Reagan recommended; Just say NO.

    The couple could turn around and sue the city officials in their personal capacities under 42 USC 1983 for conspiracy to deprive them of rights bestowed on them by God (according to the Declaration of Independence). That would be taking responsibility for themselves.

    When a useless bureaucrat has to come up with 400 bucks an hour for a personal lawyer, the abuse will stop in its tracks. The Founders gave us the means to keep the gov in it's tiny box.

  • fg_admin

    March 1, 2012 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Interesting perspective on Abortion




    Evangelist leaves celebrity psychiatrist tongue-tied

    At what point does it become a baby?

    Published: 2/22/2012

    Evangelist and Christian author Ray Comfort, whose new book “Hitler, God, and the Bible” and its accompanying movie “180″ are energizing pro-life activists across the nation with a simple, truthful approach to the issue, has left prominent celebrity psychologist Carole Lieberman tongue-tied.

    Those who have seen the movie or read the book know that it’s a straightforward argument against abortion, comparing the mindless determination that Jews, gypsies and homosexuals in World War II were less than human and could be exterminated to contemporary America’s determination that the unborn are less than human, providing a constant stream of death to feed the abortion industry.

    Lieberman, who apparently had not been fully briefed on the project by her staff, launched into a discussion only to find out that abortion (she’s all in favor) and evolution (she believes in it fully) were being undermined.

    “I don’t want to talk about Darwin. I don’t want to talk about abortion,” she exclaimed at one point. “This is not what was …”

    “It’s what the book’s about,” Comfort explained to her. “Did you read the book?”

    “You have a publicist. I received his press release,” she said.

    Comfort asked for the name of his book on which the program was focusing. She responded, “Adolf Hitler, God and the Bible.”

    Then, “I should be able to talk about God and the Bible,” Comfort said.

    Comfort explained that as part of his book project he interviewed university students on video, finding out that many of them were unaware of Hitler’s extremism and evil.

    He explained when he started asking them specific questions, he was able to convince them to take another view of abortion in America. He asked if the students, at the point of a Nazi gun, would use a bulldozer to shovel Jews into a burial pit even if they were alive.

    Most said they would refuse.

    He then asked a correlating question about abortion: Did they think it’s a baby in the womb, and just when is it all right to kill that baby.

    The result was a sensational 30-minute documentary, “180,” which has been viewed online some 2.4 million times and has had hundreds of thousands more sold.

    “This is not good. This is not what I thought we were going to talk about,” a surprised Lieberman said.

    “You’re censoring me,” said Comfort.

    Then the evangelist, who is co-host with actor Kirk Cameron of the popular TV series “The Way of the Master”, started pressing Lieberman for answers to the questions he previously asked the students on the video.

    “Do you think it’s a baby in the womb?”

    Lieberman said, “At a certain point … it isn’t at the beginning.”

    “What point does it become a baby?”

    “Well, uh, uh, you know…. I, uh, uh, I, I can’t remember right now. Like five weeks … or some … there’s some point,” she responded.

    “You really… I really don’t think we should go into the abortion issue. … I think it is a woman’s choice,” she stated.

    “I want to find out why you think that,” Comfort responded, noting it’s good to have discussions on areas of disagreement.

    “I watched the trailer for that movie … I didn’t know the movie was online. The movie has you asking who was Adolf Hitler. I had no clue that it has anything to do with abortion,” Lieberman said.

    When Comfort explained that many minds have been changed by additional, accurate information, she stated, “I have enough information. You’re not going to change my mind.”

    The evangelist explained how Hitler was a great fan of Charles Darwin, who spoke of the survival of the fittest, and Hitler echoed such beliefs. He said it’s likely that Hitler actually determined to kill off segments of society because he would benefit financially by confiscating homes, bank accounts, art work and other valuable resources.

    But it wasn’t long before Comfort was able to turn the conversation back to the focus on his book: that evil can be overcome by the grace of an all-powerful God.

    “You think you’ve told how many lies?” he asked.

    Lieberman wouldn’t quantify an answer.

    “Ever stolen something?”

    “I’m not going to [go there],” she said.

    “Used God’s name in vain?”


    “Looked with lust?”

    “As much as possible.”

    So, Comfort said, Lieberman is a lying, stealing, blaspheming, lusting woman, and God’s standard for morality is “perfection.” Thus, the need for a redemptive savior.

    Lieberman launched then into a long story about a recent movie she’d seen, explaining, “The reason I’m bringing it up is I want to talk about anything except abortion.”

    Lieberman’s biography touts her “multi-dimensional career as an internationally renowned ‘Media Psychiatrist’” who is on radio, television and the Internet, in film and print.

    “Dr. Carole’s insights help people seize the moment to live happier, more fulfilling lives.”

    She’s a three-time Emmy award-winner and has appeared on “Oprah,” “Larry King Live,” “Entertainment Tonight,” CNN, Fox News and others.

    She has written “Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them,” as well as “Coping with Terrorism: Dreams Interrupted.”

    “Maintaining a star-studded practice in Beverly Hills, Dr. Lieberman is well known as a psychiatric expert witness who testifies in high profile trials, and analyzes trials in the media. Psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals hold Dr. Lieberman in highest esteem, recognizing her as a famous psychiatrist who deserves to be called the Dr. Freud of modern times,” her publicity explains.

    Comfort argues simply that the destruction of a fetus at conception is the destruction of a life.

    “If we understand that, we can see that more than 50 million Americans have had their lives destroyed because of legislation that says abortion is OK in America,” Comfort said.

    The book is the first of a series of titles about cultural and political icons. The next, scheduled for later this year, is called “The Beatles, God and the Bible.”

    On Facebook, Comfort fans were amazed:

    “WOW! What a profound interview and what an amazing job Ray did in responding to her attempts to digress away very relevant aspects of both his book and the condition of the soul.”

    “She’s pretty flustered…”

    “Even shrinks can be clueless without Christ.”

    “I love it when psychiatrists show that they are clueless about the realities of life, especially denying our sin nature. Good job Ray! We’ll pray the Holy Spirit convicts Dr. Carole’s heart and grants her repentance and faith in Jesus Christ!”

    “The book and movie got plugged, but most importantly the Gospel was preached. Praise the Lord!!!!!”

    “By the 30 minute mark you could tell she was near panic! Thanks Ray for your poise!”

    “This was awesome!!!!”

    “That woman needs a psychiatrist of her own!!!”

    “Hitler, God and the Bible” is now available, autographed by Comfort and packaged with “180″ video at a special low price exclusively at the WND Superstore.

  • fg_admin

    February 28, 2012 at 1:33 pm in reply to: Lindsey Springer Updates

    Lindsey Springer here thanking each of you for continuing to care about the rule of law. I know it seems the Federal Government refuses to honor the law and it is for that reason People make their objections. I have dealt with the same range of emotion some of you have written me about and the more I zoom in on my relationship with God the more I am inspired to stand firm.

    There is some good news. States are fighting for their retained power against the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 (26 States)(a majority), immigration within their borders; and the chemical case pending in Bond v. U.S. at the 3rd Circuit after remand from a 9 to 0 Supreme Court reversing all lower Courts, shows States and the Citizens therein are fighting over what power to regulate and prohibit was “surrendered” to the United States, and what Powers were retained by and for States only.

    There is no “shared” or “joint” power surrendered to the United States and simultaneously withheld and retained by the 50 States. If both the States and the United States prohibit the exact same conduct within the boundaries of any State, one or the other is acting in an unconstitutional manner. Read the Tenth Amendment.

    My lost December 22, 2011, civil Petition to the Supreme Court was sent back to them by permission on February 6, 2012, and lost again by the Prison. Yesterday, they reported they found it and sent it out on the 15th so it should be there by now. For those who have helped me in that case THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

    My criminal petition was due February 26, 2012, and Justice Sonya Sotomayor has extended that time period until April 26, 2012. In both cases I zoomed in on the impact no internal revenue districts or district directors have on the tax imposed and enforcement rules and regulations. The two most shocking issues center around the requirement to “file” a tax return and the Paperwork Reduction Act.

    To avoid 26 U.S.C. section 6091( :cool:, the Tenth Circuit switched the indictment to section 6091(a) on appeal, holding the requirement to “file” a “tax return” is according to 26 CFR section 1.6091-2(2005). Because the version for 2000 through 2004 directed internal revenue districts and district directors as the place mandated to file, which the Panel held no longer exists and leaving off “(2005)”, they turned to regulations to affirm convictions that were brought on section 6091( :cool:.

    When they turned to the Paperwork Reduction Act violations I claimed they held the requirement to “file” a “tax return” is required by section 6012 and 7203 and is “divorced” from Form 1040. Section 6012 never mentions “file” and section 7203 only mentions it in the name of the section but not the body.

    The Courts for decades held filing requirement is directed at section 6091( 😎 which used the word “file.” With so many being brought into this fight due to the health care requirement making criminals out of those who do not enter into a health care contract, all will need to understand the tax return trap.

    If they tell on themselves by Stating they did not have insurance that admission results in a penalty that if goes un paid turns into a crime.

    If they do not “file” well we know where that leads.

    If they “file” and write “fifth amendment” that will certain send a link in a chain necessary to convict.

    The Supreme Court decisions on similar tax schemes by the United States warranted silence as the best answer. It is interesting the Tenth Circuit held the requirement to “file” is divorced from Form 1040 but then what information would you provide or questions would you answer and how would you calculate what you owe. What about health insurance. The Fifth Amendment was enacted for just such Government conduct.

    I have other issues raised and will share more in future emails. For now, just know everyone is trying to save our nation. Some are resorting to tyranny as they see that as the only way to protect themselves from the unconstitutional decisions they have made. Some wish to keep doing the same thing while others realize the error in that thinking.

    Once we have rid ourselves of the regulatory created agency of the Secretary of the Treasury named IRS, and its lawlessness, God willing, our nation can get back to being by the people and for the people. I believe even a movement to seek Congress to make the IRS an actual Federal Agency it is responsible for like the FBI, CIR, DOJ, SOTT, Department of Treasury, and the like, would heap so much attention on Congress to admit this thing called the IRS, with so much tyrannical power, must be stopped.

    Since health care is so huge an issue and the IRS is being used to “enforce” it, if you have not done anything in a while, why not start a movement to ask your Congressman or Congresswoman where did Congress create the IRS. It is a simple question and one you think would readily be answered like the FBI or CIA or other Agencies created by Congress. When you see there is only one answer coming from Congress maybe that will make many stop and go hmmmmm!

    I have been for the last several months attempting to raise a few thousand dollars and am almost at half the goal. Any help you are inspired to give is greatly and most wonderfully appreciated and needed.

    God Bless you, and thank you for caring about our land. Lindsey Springer.

    P.S. Thank you for all your letters and cards as they inspire me and give me hope.


    Thank you so much for the support you have given us so far. I pray that you are rewarded for your generosity, both in this life and the next.


    Mailing address for donations or other inquiries (cash, or blank first name on checks):

    _________ Springer

    5147 S. Harvard, #116, Tulsa, OK 74135

    Letters to Lindsey directly (no donations or packages):

    Lindsey Springer, 02580-063

    FCI Big Spring

    1900 Simler Ave

    Big Spring, TX 79720


    Lindsey & Family

  • fg_admin

    February 28, 2012 at 12:02 pm in reply to: New Method for Quitting Social Security

    One can use thick staples or comb binding. Your choice. Comb binding is the most effective method. We have our own comb binding machine so it was free for us but it will cost an extra $2 or so if you have it done at a copy center.

  • fg_admin

    February 27, 2012 at 10:38 pm in reply to: Thanks again, and I am back…


    Welcome back. And thanks for sharing your story. It's a great encouragement to us all.

    Thanks go to you for your diligence and commitment to the cause. We need more people like you.


  • fg_admin

    February 27, 2012 at 11:51 am in reply to: Feds urge court to reject laptop encryption appeal;2/19/2912



    Appeals court: Fifth Amendment protections can apply to encrypted hard drives

    By Timothy B. Lee | 2/25/2012

    Two rulings this week helped to clarify the circumstances under which a defendant can be compelled to reveal the contents of an encrypted hard drive. On Wednesday, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals let stand a judge's ruling in a Colorado case that the defendant in a mortgage fraud case could be compelled to produce the contents of her encrypted laptop. But on Thursday, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a Florida contempt of court charge against a suspect in a child pornography case who refused to decrypt the encrypted contents of several hard drives.

    While the two rulings reach opposite results, they don't necessarily contradict each other. The results turned on how much the government knew about the contents of the encrypted drives. In previous cases, the courts have held that when the government already knows of the existence of specific incriminating files, compelling a suspect to produce them does not violate the Fifth Amendment's rule against self-incrimination. On the other hand, if the government merely suspects that an encrypted hard drive contains some incriminating documents, but lacks independent evidence for the existence of specific documents, then the owner of the hard drive is entitled to invoke the Fifth Amendment.

    For example, in 2006, a border guard in Vermont examined the contents of a traveler's laptop and found several files that appeared to be child pornography. But when the laptop was closed, the portion of the hard drive containing these files was automatically encrypted, and the government sought to compel the suspect to decrypt the files again. The court ruled that because a government agent had already seen specific incriminating files, compelling the suspect to produce those same files did not violate the Fifth Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination.

    In the Colorado case, the police had intercepted a telephone conversation in which the defendant, Ramona Fricosu, acknowledged her ownership of the laptop and alluded to the existence of incriminating documents in the encrypted portions of the hard drive. The government successfully argued that this precluded her from claiming Fifth Amendment protection, since she had already acknowledged the existence of incriminating documents in the case. The Tenth Circuit let that decision stand on Wednesday, though it may consider the issue again later in the process.

    In the Florida case, on the other hand, the government lacked any specific evidence about the contents of the encrypted hard drives. A forensic expert acknowledged it was theoretically possible that the drives, which were encrypted using TrueCrypt, could be completely empty. Hence, forcing the suspect to decrypt the drive would be forcing him to reveal whether any relevant documents exist, which would be inherently incriminating.

    The government tried to get around this problem by offering the suspect, identified in the court filings only as John Doe, immunity in exchange for producing the documents. However, the immunity the government offered was extremely limited: the government promised not to use the fact that he was able to produce the documents against him, but it reserved the rights to use the contents of the documents against him.

    But Doe still refused to decrypt the drives, arguing that he would still be incriminating himself if he helped produce incriminating documents.

    “Reasonable particularity”

    In its Thursday ruling, the Eleventh Circuit agreed. It pointed to a 2000 Supreme Court case that arose out of the Whitewater investigation. In that case, a Bill Clinton associate named Webster Hubbell was compelled to produce incriminating documents after being granted limited immunity by the government. When the government used evidence from those documents against him, Hubbell appealed, arguing that the immunity he had been granted should have extended to the contents of the documents, not merely to the fact that he had been able to produce them.

    The Supreme Court agreed, holding that the government could only compel a suspect to produce documents when it can describe those documents with “reasonable particularity.” The government only knew that Hubbell was likely to have relevant tax and business records, it couldn't identify the specific documents it was seeking. And so the Supreme Court held that the government was barred from using the contents of those documents as evidence against him.

    The Eleventh Circuit argued that exactly the same reasoning applies to an encrypted hard drive. When the government lacks any specific knowledge about an encrypted hard drive's contents—or, indeed, whether the encrypted drive contains any files at all—then compelling a suspect to produce incriminating documents stored on that hard drive violates the Fifth Amendment's protection against self-incrimination.

    As for Fricosu, if she still refuses to decrypt the contents of her hard drive, or claims she has forgotten the hard drive's password, the judge will have the option to hold her in contempt. If he does so, this could lead to another round of appeals in which she could cite the Eleventh Circuit decision as a precedent. However, that decision may not be sufficient to save her, because the government has more specific evidence that the encrypted drive in her case contains incriminating documents.

  • fg_admin

    February 27, 2012 at 11:48 am in reply to: Supreme Court holds warrantless GPS tracking unconstitutional



    FBI turns off 3,000 GPS trackers after Supreme Court ruling

    By Sean Gallagher | Published 2/26/2012

    Andrew Weissmann, general counsel for the FBI, has announced that his agency is switching off thousands of Global Positioning System-based tracking devices used for surveillance after a Supreme Court decision last month. Weissmann made the statement during a University of San Francisco School of Law symposium on communications privacy this past Friday. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Weissmann said the ruling in the US vs. Jones case, which broadly limited the use of warrantless GPS tracking devices, brought about a “sea change” at the Justice Department.

    The ruling (PDF), issued on January 23, held that placing a GPS device on the underbody of a car constitutes a search and requires a valid warrant. In the case of Antoine Jones, law enforcement agents obtained a warrant to place a GPS tracker on a car registered to Jones based on evidence suggesting he was involved in drug trafficking. However, the warrant expired before agents actually installed the device, and the GPS tracker was eventually installed in a different jurisdiction from the one the warrant had even authorized. The Justice Department claimed Jones had no reasonable expectation of privacy because he was driving on public roads.

    The Supreme Court disagreed. Its ruling led to the FBI immediately turning off about 3,000 GPS tracking devices already deployed, according to Weissmann. The Bureau is now developing new guidelines for the use of the devices.

  • fg_admin

    February 21, 2012 at 2:57 am in reply to: Media Propaganda about Sovereign Citizens
  • fg_admin

    February 20, 2012 at 6:15 pm in reply to: Change is On the Horizon
  • fg_admin

    February 20, 2012 at 6:15 pm in reply to: Change is On the Horizon
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