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  • fg_admin

    August 16, 2012 at 9:10 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia Interview on the Constitution

    Interview with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stevens

    1. Nominated in 1975 by president ford.

    2. Served in the navy during WWII. Served in Pearl Harbor during the war.

    3. Went to law school after the war. Finished law school in two years.

    4. Later clerked for Justice Rutledge for one year instead of two so he could enter law practice earlier.

    5. Went into private practice in Chicago. Few of the justices have been in private practice.

    6. Says law firms of today are much larger than they used to be.

    7. Says there is a lot of variety in the legal profession. Says it is exciting.

  • fg_admin

    August 16, 2012 at 9:08 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia Interview on the Constitution

    Lives in Law with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Alito

    1. Appointed by Bush in 2005 and confirmed in 2006.

    2. He is from Trenton, New Jersey, the state capitol.

    3. Both his parents were public school teachers. Father taught high school. Later he was a legislative researcher.

    4. He was a baseball fan. Rooted for the cubs.

    5. He worked in the Dept. of Justice as a lawyer in the appellate division. He was also an assistant U.S. Attorney. Worked for the Solicitor General's office. He has argued dozens of appeals before the Third Circuit.

    6. Says it is a whole lot easier to ask questions than to answer them.

    7. Says branches of government cannot sue each other. The SG's office would publish research on intragovernmental issues.

    8. Says the president is the chief law enforcement officer. His job is to make sure the law is faithfully executed. Thinks that political issues should not enter into decisions.

    9. He was appointed to the appellate bench in 1990 in the Third Circuit. Got a call from First President Bush from Air Force One. Did that job 15 years.

    10. None of the jobs he had were planned. Was never involved in politics at all. To be appointed as a judge usually you have to know a senator.

    11. Says being an appellate judge is very demanding, and much more demanding than the Supreme Court. Number of cases active per year is 300. Supreme Court only handles 80 for all judges. Case load is “crushing”.

    12. Chief circuit judge is in charge of administration. Interfaces with the GSA, that maintains federal buildings. Has to handle ethical complaints about judges. Says there are a lot of such complaints, most of which are frivolous.

    13. Lot of more recent judges were not judges in lower courts. This is a new phenomenon.

    14. He was interviewed by the President before he was nominated. Had to spead with 83 senators before he was appointed. They asked very detailed questions about doctrinal issues. Took over a month to do all the interviews. They also did practice sessions of the confirmation process.

    15. He said he did mostly reading and writing and little interaction most of his day as a judge.

    16. Says most appellate cases are appeals by right, whereas supreme court cases are certs that they have discretion to hear. Says 8 of the justices were in the certiorari pool. There are 9000 cert petitions per year. Law clerks write bench memorandums on whether the case should be heard. Some cases are put on a “discuss list” before granting cert. This is called a “conference”. Says he is a very fussy editor.

    17. They pick appeal cases very carefully.

    18. When he writes opinions, he does an outline and hands it to the law clerk, who writes the opinion. Then he reviews and edits the final opinion written by the clerk. Says there is no time frame for issuing opinions.

    19. Says that whenever there is a replacement of a justice, it changes the court.

    20. He focuses on weak points of attorneys at oral arguments.

    21. Has trouble getting a word in edge wise during oral argument.

    22. Total pages of breifs they receive in recent years is tremendous. Over 500 pages of amicus briefs.

    23. Says the privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment has played a very small role up to this time. Court ruled that the Second Amendment was incorporated into the Fourteenth Amendment and applicable to the states.

    24. He said Harry Truman said if you want a friend in washington, talk to your dog.

    25. Alito teaches a course on judicial interpretation.

    26. He says that the law is a very hard working profession. Says that can adversely impact your life.

    27. Says the judges have lunch together, but they have a rule not to discuss cases at that time. Try to keep their private and personal life.

  • fg_admin

    August 16, 2012 at 9:07 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia Interview on the Constitution

    Interview with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

    A Conversation With Justice Clarence Thomas

    1. His wife doesn't like law school.

    2. Grew up in Pinpoint, Georgia. From Savannah. Grew up in a safe neighborhood with good people. Like “The Help” movie.

    3. Graduated from High School in 1967.

    4. Grandfather played an important role. Greates man in his life. Grandfather's father died at age 8. Grandfather said dont do as I say, but as I do.

    5. Worked on the farm as a kid. Installed gas water heaters at 11 or 12.

    6. In 1968 he wanted to become a priest and go to seminary. He was on his own from age 19.

    7. Went to Holy Cross college. Only 5 blacks out of 550 in his class. Then went to Yale.

    8. He ended up as a judge because he couldn't get a job after Yale. Couldn't get a job in Atlanta or any place in the south because a black. Just wanted to end up in Savannah. So he had to go to Missouri.

    9. He didn't understand law school. Like poetry because he didn't understand poetry. Says it was very hard for him. Wrestling with the english language because it was his second language. Legal language was yet another language.

    10. He is a southerner and would be hard pressed to leave now.

    11. His comfort zone is that he has not had a comfort zone since age 16.

    12. Worked for the Missouri Attorney General. Argued cases in front of MIssouri Supreme Court. Only had one job offer. He worked for a republican and a nice man.

    13. He thinks that working for the person is far more important than working for the man. Labels are irrelevant, like republican, democrat. Was understaffed.

    14. Passed missouri bar Sept 14, 1974. Was arguing before the MIssouri supreme court within days. Officemate was John Ashcroft. Argued 40 appellate briefs.

    15. Good people really made the job enjoyable. Earned $11K/year. That's what made him a good lawyer. He was at his desk by 4:30 am every morning.

    16. He doesn't like politics. Makes his head hurt.

    17. Joined dept of education as a secretary under Reagan.

    18. Calls his time at the supreme court as life without the possiblity of parole.

    19. Asked what he would do over, and he said nothing. Places his wife and son first. You play the hand you are dealt.

    20. He is a Nebraska sports fan.

    21. He didn't want to be a supreme court justice when he was nominated.

    22. Thinks the U.S. Supreme Court is a wonderful place to work. Thinks Kagan is a very nice person. Says everyone is trying to live up to their oath. You can talk with everyone in the halls.

    23. Sat with Ginzberg most of his career.

    24. In that business, it is very personal and can talk directly to others. Executive branch delegates. Rule is don't change your mind unless you are persuaded. Nobody tells you how to do your job. The only people who try to tell you how to do your job are people who have never done it. It is a humbling job.

    25. He doesn't revisit cases and doesn't have favorite cases.

    26. Thinks it is important for young people to maintain a positive image. Older people should not spill over they cynicism on you. Knows how the sausage is made. You shouldn't think you can lead people if you are better than you.

  • fg_admin

    August 16, 2012 at 9:05 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia Interview on the Constitution

    Interview with U.S. Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginzberg

    1. She says the person who influenced her most was her mother. She believes women should be as independent as possible.

    2. She said that Vladimir Nobokov, a novelist, influenced her because he changed the way she reads and writes. He was in love with words.

    3. She is know for her requirement to keep things “right and tight”. She taught law.

    4. Marty Ginzberg, her husband of 56 years, was the first man who cared that she had a brain. He was so confident of his own ability that he never regarded her as any kind of threat. He was also a great cook. He started out as a chemistry major and treated cooking as chemistry. Her own daughter liked dad's cooking more than hers. Said mom should be removed from cooking duties.

    5. Husband died last year. Daughter comes once a month and fills mom's freezer.

    6. Husband taught law at Columbia Law School.

    7. She served in the D.C. Circuit court.

    8. She talked about the establishment clause. Flask v. Cohen was the lead case. Says that equal protection is the current approach, meaning that churches being subsidized have to be subsidized equally and without discrimination.

    9. She thinks the corporate playing field is unequal. US manufacturers can be the subject of product liability cases but foreign manufacturers can't. That's unfair.

    10. Court is a reactive institution. It is never in the forefront of social change. Courts should never react to the weather of the day, but to the climate of the era. She said WWII was against an odious form of racism, and yet our own troops were segregated. The segregation had to go and the time was right in Brown v. Board of Education.

    11. She was very focused on gender discrimination.

    12. She served in the ACLU before she became a supreme court justice. She says Congress has become polarized on party lines much more so than in the past.

    13. She says Scalia's opinions are always attention grabbing. Says Scalia is her biggest buddy at the opera and travels with him. She says the court is very collegial.

    14. She recently had colon cancer. Had chemotherapy and radiation. She also had pancreatic cancer surgery two years ago.

    15. She said they all revere the court and do not want to do damage to it.

    16. Like Breyer, she likes to quote and study international law.

    17. She talks about the balance between liberty and security: How much liberty are we willing to give up to get security?

    18. She said human dignity is important, which is why torture is not approved of by the court.

    19. Until world war II, we didn't look abroad because there was nothing to look at. That was because the legislatures determined what the constitution meant.

    20. She says if we don't listen to others, then we won't be listened to. That is why it's important to study and cite foreign courts on subjects of human rights. Canadian courts are better at us at studying and citing foreign law.

  • fg_admin

    August 16, 2012 at 9:04 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia Interview on the Constitution

    Interview of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brier

    1. Says we live in a cynical age in which people distrust government.

    2. He wrote a book to try to get people to like and accept an independent judiciary. Wants to bolster the reputation of the court with the public.

    3. Says 40% of cases are unanimous.

    4. Says the central theme of the constitution is that all people are treated with equal respect.

    5. Says you can't do anything you want with are LIMITED by words.

    6. Says he looks at the precedents and consequences when deciding how to decide a case.

    7. Blue is petitioner, red is the respondent.

    8. Says opinions need not stand up to Aristotelian logic. We disagree. An opinion that doesn't stand up to logic is not a ruling, but a DECREE and tyranny.

    9. Believes in “subsidiarity” in which a governmental power should rest at the smallest unit most acountable to the people it would affect. It comes from europe. Says that's a federalist notion. Jefferson would agree. For him, the question is what part of government should deal with a specific problem.

    10. Almost all law in the USA is state law. Family, business, property, tort, criminal…

    11. He thinks its ok to cite precedents in other countries if they are relevant. This is called “foreign law”.

    12. His wife is a psychologist.

    13. They only take 80 cases per year, he says.

    14. Says he relies on the lawyers to find case law mainly. They can't find it often.

    15. The court is there to protect individual rights.

    16. He uses the ABSENSE of dissent on the part of the majority within the court as proof of facts or the validity of his arguments. This is consistent with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(b )(6), which says that a failure to deny is an admission.

    17. He disagreed with the ruling in Korimatsu, which dealt with the japanese internment in California during World War II.

  • fg_admin

    August 13, 2012 at 1:27 pm in reply to: SSTrustIndenture Errata/Issues


    Thanks for your very useful and constructive feedback. Our response:

    Typo Errors

    You are correct. All have been fixed as you suggested.

    ISSUE 1

    There is a notarized affidavit. It was already contained in Enclosure (6), acrobat page 142, and document p. 112 of the version you commented on.

    ISSUE 2

    We agree. We haven't implemented it yet but plan to.


    We have posted a revised version of the form and changed the last revision date to 8/11/2012. See:

    Please keep your very helpful feedback coming. I benefits everyone to have the most error free research possible posted on the site.

  • fg_admin

    August 12, 2012 at 3:46 pm in reply to: UN Gun Treaty


    You are welcome.

    In the interest of protecting your privacy, we recommend changing your display name to NOT use your real legal name. That will only invite needless persecution.


  • fg_admin

    August 11, 2012 at 3:06 am in reply to: Larry Becraft on Elements of Martial Law

    EDITORIAL: Response to the above by one of our readers. We didn't write this.


    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]On top of every flag pole is a brass ball of martial rule. The Union army h[/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]as withdrawn with the understanding that they will not return so long as the [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]local government does what it is told to do. The local government will [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]always do what they are told to do because they all want the “benefits” [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]available through The State SOCIALIST Plan. And the office next to each and every [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]elected official in Texas is occupied by a son or daughter of Cain who is a [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]satanic priest craft member of the middle temple in “The City” of London [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]making certain that the ignorant elected officials do what they are [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]supposed to do.[/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]You need to look a little deeper than young fools in green fatigues [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]carrying M4's and riding around in Humvees. There are indeed some troopers [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]on the ground in the form of surrogate soldiers steroid thugs with guns in [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]pretty non threatening uniforms who get paid by an EIN federal corporation [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]and derive most of their money and equipment through The State Plan and [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]federal giveaway programs; for if their master in the local government was [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]not a part of The State Plan the steroid thugs with guns would not [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]be receiving any money for weapons of war. Yes, the police departments are [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]the standing army in the field. Texas state troopers are nothing more than [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]soldiers in pretty non threatening uniforms. And all that IRISH bagpipe [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]bullshit played at the funerals of the human garbage steroid thugs with [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]guns when one of then finally gets ded is for the families and the stupid [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]slaves who think the police are here to protect the slaves. The thugs are [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]all insane steroid thugs with guns soldiers and society becomes [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]incrementally better when one of the soldiers gets ded. [/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Now as to the courts being open. The courts of the people here in “the [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]state of Texas” are NOT open, and when I tried to open the county court in [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Tarrant county, Texas, a piece of human garbage named Thomas Van der Griff [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]called the FBI and told them that I had made a terroristic threat against [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]him because he would not open the county court and I told him that I would [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]personally rack closed the prison cell door on his ass for sedition. He [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]was only running the statutory commissioners court in “this state, THE [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]STATE OF TEXAS” on the commercial side in the air with satan [ Texas penal [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]code defines “this state” as the venue in the air above the land and water [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]of “the state of Texas”] where everything is in all cap letters signifying [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]that the Sedes Sacrorum owns everything like a large plantation owner owns [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]all of the capati on his plantation. Now I dont know how you boys do it in [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Alabama, but in Texas, in the Texas constitution, it is crystal clear that [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]we are only running the commercial martial rule communitarian welfare [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]benefit slave plantation religious trust through The State Plan as [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]published at Article 11 section 1. NO, the courts of the people ARE NOT [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]OPEN.[/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Also, more proof that the courts of the people are not open is that there [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]are thugs with guns in the courtroom which is an abomination to the common [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]law and the civility of gentlemen decorum. No, the courts of the people [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]ARE NOT OPEN. [/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Larry, the people have all voluntarily applied for a social security number [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]and voluntarily joined a satanic welfare benefit religious church [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]plantation trust called “the United States.” The adherence to the public [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]policy of the church is absolute as no more eloquently expressed than in [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]the Missouri constitution at article 1 section 6.[/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Unfortunately, Milligan no longer applies,,,,well, it [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]applies,,,,,buttttt,,, there are not any “people” remaining in “the state” [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]venue. Everyone is now a “United States Person” in “this state” and a [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]member of a satanic welfare benefit religious church plantation trust.[/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]The illusion of reality has replaced actual reality. It was done [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]with deceptive similar words.[/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]P.S.: No, we dont need no more accurate reading and understanding of the [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]law and the SCOTUS opinion. What we need is a congress and senate who will [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]follow the law. And the first law that needs enforcing is the deportation [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]of a half white illegal alien from Kenya who is in violation of federal law [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]by using the social security number of a dead man. But, for as long as the [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]people will use the IMF/FED banks they will get the government that they [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]deserve.[/background]

  • fg_admin

    August 9, 2012 at 8:14 pm in reply to: Mike Bodine, Give Me Liberty's Right Hand Man, has a stroke; 6/29/2012

    August 9, 2012


    May 23, 1959 – August 1, 2012

    We Salute the Life of a True Patriot and Great Freedom Keeper for Liberty

    As suddenly as Michael Bodine entered the current of my life, and that of the We The People organization, he departed.

    He entered in June 2000 when he introduced himself by telephone. He passed last week, unexpectedly.

    For those twelve years, Michael gave and gave, and continued to give, all of his time, his extraordinary intellect, wisdom and heart, all in service to his Country – all in defense of his Constitution and the Rule of Law.

    In 2000, Michael, the stranger, telephoned to offer his life's saving (approximately $60,000) to fund a full-page message in USA TODAY to inform the People of the Government's refusal to meet with an IRS whistleblower and other experts regarding the constitutionality of the operation and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, and the fraudulent ratification of the 16th Amendment, and to encourage the People to educate themselves on the issues. Click here for the text of the July 7, 2000 USA TODAY message funded by Michael.

    From that day until the day he passed, there was no separating Michael from WTP. Together we planned the work and worked the plan to hold Government officials accountable to the entire Constitution.

    Michael had a faithful adherence to the constituted authority of America and was loyal to the cause of institutionalizing citizen vigilance.

    For a measure of the talent and esteem in which Michael was held, one only has to review the archive of all the articles posted at beginning in July of 2000. Mike helped plan the events, posted all the articles, and was responsible for all things related to the Internet.

    In addition to his technological skills, Mike was articulate, with a wonderful way with words, and he had a natural talent in matters of law, from research to the writing of legal briefs.

    As was the case with each of his siblings, Michael Bodine was highly accomplished.

    Mike graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Management Sciences & Management Information Systems.

    Before his alliance with WTP, Mike had over two decades experience as a Programmer, Systems Analyst and Project Management consultant. He specialized in the design and implementation of cost & schedule software systems and in the management & business practices of large government projects.

    He had worked on a number of multi-year, multi-billion dollar projects headed by organizations such as : Rockwell International, Westinghouse, Fluor Daniel, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

    For a number of years, Mike held a top-secret, “Q” clearance with the Department of Energy, making him a first-hand witness to the management of America's leading technology programs.

    In 1993, Mike became involved in a major whistleblower case involving fraudulent accounting, procurement and progress claims on a major Department of Energy environmental restoration contract for a former nuclear materials processing facility. As a key witness in the case, Mike was able to help document a wide array of illegal management practices and outright theft that resulted in the loss of millions of taxpayer dollars.

    The case was settled out of court just prior to a District Court evidence hearing that would have exposed the illegal alteration of electronic computer files by the Defendant. The settlement amount was the largest in U.S. history of any whistleblower case where the Department of Justice did not intervene on behalf of the Whistleblower.

    Mike's use of his project management skills and planning efforts has been of significant benefit to the We The People organization.

    Click herefor an example of Michael's project management skill – his slide presentation for Project TOTO, given at the Crystal City Hilton Hotel on February 17, 2001.

    For a glimpse of Mike's early years Dan Celander, his friend of 35 years, has provided the following for posting here.

    I first met Mike Bodine (aka “Bo”) outside Smugglers' Inn in Clive, Iowa on the evening after our high school senior banquet in May of 1977. As it turned out, Mike could not enter the bar at Smugglers' Inn where most of his high school comrades were having their after-party for only one technical reason: Mike did not become of legal age for another few days. What transpired in our initial conversation moved and inspired me in ways beyond my expectations of this brief first encounter outside that bar. And little did I know that it would be the beginning of a vibrant, lasting friendship of over 35 years.

    Beginning a friendship has never been easy for me, particularly at that time in my life with the then recent loss of both my father and brother. Mike understood what it meant to lose someone dear even before it occurred to him in this natural world. I sensed this of him from our initial conversation. It took me years to appreciate how deeply Mike understood human nature being the old soul that he is.

    Mike's passion for life abounded in everything he did for work, play, and love. His work was varied. He particularly enjoyed integrated systems analysis and project management. He recognized that businesses could improve their efficiencies simply through better project management strategies. He devised creative solutions that many of his clients adopted for their advantage. He continued to apply these principles in his passionate work with the Foundation.

    His play was always fun and fair. One of the things that Mike's friends will always acknowledge is his enjoyment for argument and debate. Those who know well Mike's spirit will attest that Mike enjoyed the banter for banter's sake; that arguments are not meaningful without substantive support for one's position; and that, in the end, what matters most is the debate itself and not who wins or loses. Mike was passionate about the process of engagement and the fun everyone had along the way.

    Mike's loves were focused on his life with Julia and their three Lhasa Apsos (Buster, Bailey and Brennan); his love for his family; and in his love of the Foundation's mission. Mike met Julie during their college days at theUniversity of Iowa. Mike always spoke of Julie as his soul mate. He never used such terms lightly. He never had another partner like Julia since their relationship.

    Mike always had strong, emotional bonds to his immediate family. It was a visceral experience to see Mike interact with his family. At times, I felt like Eddie Haskell intruding in the American Family embodied by the Bodines. The members of the entire Bodine clan are all so bright that it was a treat to watch the social dynamics in play!

    Mike was raised in the Catholic faith, but his spirituality took a quantum leap through his relationship with a woman “healer” named Patti. In that spiritual re-awakening, Mike recognized and appreciated his final calling in life: to educate others to adhere to the constitutional principles espoused by the Founding Fathers. Mike sacrificed so much in support of his final call. I know that he will rest well knowing that he accomplished his work with moral dignity and integrity.

    That is the being of the Mike Bodine who I know and love. He has repeatedly touched and moved my life in countless ways. I hope that his being has inspired you, too.

    And the following from Judith Whitmore, National Coordinator for We The People Congress:

    God Bless Mike for his humble, selfless, tireless, determined Service to America for the Cause of Liberty, Justice and Truth!

    If you send him Love and Gratitude, I'm willing to bet you'll feel his Love coming back to you on a Ray of Light.

    There are three of us who work by Bob's side at the national level – Judy, Mike and myself.

    Mike has been with Bob since 2000 helping in a variety of capacities including the all-important promotion of our webinars and updates, publicizing our tours, posting information on our websites, managing our email database; managing IT projects and programmers; and providing strategic and editorial input on Bob's legal briefs and updates. He has been a true blue patriot friend to Bob and the organizations. He has Served America's Constitutions and the Cause of Liberty in uncountable ways over the years, always behind the scenes and ever so humbly.

    There are so many more things to say about Mike's loyalty, talents, incredible intelligence and ongoing determination that Truth and Divine Justice would have their day in America.

    Mike had a stroke in May. He lost much of the use of the left side of his body, but was working diligently each day to re-train and recover his skills. Fortunately, his ability to speak and think was not impaired! What a smart and intuitive man! Over these past weeks, he has provided crucial information from his hospital bed so we could work with a volunteer programmer to continue on with priority IT needs.

    Bob called him nearly every day to show him support, keep up his spirits and remind him that he was needed. I had many talks with him too about his hopes for America. He truly felt that we were entering into a time inAmerica when all the efforts Bob had been making for decades and he, since 2000, were finally going to come to fruition. He didn't want to miss it for anything.

    Mike's dad called Bob to tell us that Mike passed away unexpectedly.

    We accept his VICTORY IN THE LIGHT! We accept he has a front row seat and is joining with all the patriots of old “Up There” to help America at this time.

    We wanted you to know what had taken place and ask your prayers for Mike and his family.

    While the loss of Mike –ever since May and even with his help – has been a setback for us, we will continue onward. Every constructive action towards permanent citizen vigilance, government accountability and constitutional governance restored in America, will be with Mike in mind.

    The state coordinator calls and the webinars will begin again soon, at which time we will provide a fuller explanation of all that has been taking place. Be patient as we endure and overcome.

    God Bless Michael Bodine! Huzzah – Mike! Huzzah! We Love You! We Thank You for Your Tireless Service to America and our Constitutions. Thank you for all you have done for the Cause of Liberty. Be with us all moving forward!

    Michael Bodine is truly one of America's unsung, modern day heroes, ever so humble, selfless, tireless, and determined in his Service to America for the Cause of Liberty, Justice and Truth.

    I am forever grateful that Michael came into my life and I am proud to call him my friend.

    God Bless You, Dear Michael.

    Bob Schulz

    Chairman and Founder

    We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.

    We The People Congress, Inc.

    We The People of New York, Inc.

  • fg_admin

    August 6, 2012 at 4:38 pm in reply to: Marriage License Application
  • fg_admin

    August 4, 2012 at 1:46 pm in reply to: Anarchism Versus Minarchism – Stefan Molyneux & Jan Helfeld

    EDITORIAL: This site advocates a Minarchist rather than Anarchist view towards government. This debate helps highlight the differences. The minarchist view we have is also shared by the John Birch Society. Their view is extremely well explained in the following video:

  • fg_admin

    August 2, 2012 at 1:40 pm in reply to: Message to the Voting Cattle – Larken Rose

    EDITORIAL: Description of Larken's message from a pastor. We didn't write this.


    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Perspective is difficult to achieve. When you get a chance, I “double dog” [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]dare you to rush to listen to Larken Rose on “The Voting Cattle.” -a hard [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]hitting exposure of Christian-American hypocrisy-how many American profess [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]devotion to God, but in reality show ultimate devotion to the insane, [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]arbitrary commands of the corrupt, lying, delusional megalomaniacs who [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]infest our sacred institutions. He identifies the real problem better than [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]most. [/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]15 minute video: [/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]<[/background]…v=t5FNDRgPOLs >[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]; [/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]The value of Larken's speech is that it exposes hypocrisy; the weakness is [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]that he offers no solutions. Nevertheless, it is a powerful message well [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]worth your time . . . if you are at all concerned about the usurpation of [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]government over the human soul. Not for the faint of heart. [/background]

    [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]The solution the Larken does not provide is pure “devotion to Christ” [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)](Colossians 2:3-12) . . . and a faith that confesses Him by way of [/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]resistance to de facto authorities. [/background]

  • fg_admin

    August 1, 2012 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Message to the Voting Cattle – Larken Rose

    I have referred this video to others and the major complaint is that he does nothing BUT complain and offers no solution on SAFE or EFFECTIVE civil disobedience. Since his conviction on failure to file tax returns, he quit publishing legal research and has operated EXCLUSIVELY in the POLITCAL and not LEGAL sphere. That means none of his political diatribes can ever translate into EFFECTIVE courtroom action that can accomplish meaningful change.

  • fg_admin

    July 31, 2012 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Shawn Rice, Sovereign Citizen, Convicted of Money Laundering
  • fg_admin

    July 28, 2012 at 9:22 pm in reply to: Pete Hendrickson Newsletters/Updates

    What Does ‘Illegal’ Really Mean, Anyway?

    Leaving aside common offenses relevant to its territorial police power, is anything actually illegal simply because any or all of even a duly-constituted government’s legislative, executive or judicial organs– referred-to hereafter by the term “State”– would rather you didn’t do it? Or is anything required (failure of which is subject to sanction) simply because the State would like it done?

    A little thought provides the answer that “displeasing the State” is an “offense” subject to penalty only under a despotism, and never under a legitimate rule of law worthy of respect and support. Consider the following.

    Under the rule of law, for something to be a punishable act or omission cognizant by the State (outside the exceptions previously noted) it must involve the violation of an actual positive duty owed to the State. Because under the rule of law the State is not an autocrat, actual duties owed to the State can only arise in certain ways and subject to certain rules– and never simply as an exercise of State power or authority.

    To begin with, a State cannot claim to be owed any duty in conflict with the limits to which the State itself is subordinate– either implicit natural limits or explicit Constitutional limits. That is, there can’t be a “duty” to perform, or to refrain from performing, something with which the State is prohibited from concerning itself in the first place (and there are NO exceptions to this limit).

    For instance, a State cannot [lawfully] even attempt to establish or allege a duty on anyone’s part to suppress his or her speech or to control the content of such speech, under any circumstances. Nor can a duty to create or endorse a State claim to someone else’s property arise by any means (absent fair compensation). These limitations apply even if the other party is agreeable (whether due to being addled, ignorant of the State’s limits, or intimidated). Such purported “duties”, however pretended to have arisen, would be fictions. They would be void impertinences which could not be [lawfully] enforceable.

    Nor can a positive duty lawfully arise outside the scope of a State’s positive Constitutional authority to act. For instance, the United States’ Constitution neither imposes nor authorizes the imposition of any duty to the United States on any citizen (other than as relevant to the “territorial police power”)– indeed, it doesn’t impose any requirements of any kind on citizens directly. The charter only imposes certain duties on the several uniting States (in accordance with their agreement). Because the greater governs the lesser, and Congressional authority to pass laws only extends to those necessary and proper for carrying into effect the powers granted under the Constitution, there can be no Constitutionally-conforming circumstance in which an involuntary duty by an individual citizen to the United States can be imposed or implied by federal statute or judicial construction, either.

    (As much as it may call for a little thinking-time to let this percolate through, the fact that the United States is authorized to collect taxes, for instance, DOES NOT create, impose or imply a corresponding involuntary duty of anyone else to pay a tax, create or file tax forms, or what have you. The authority simply means the United States has been given permission to charge fees under certain circumstances, such as for the privilege of carrying goods into the country through its “national border” zone. No one is thereby obligated to become an importer.

    Similarly, the United States is authorized to “regulate Commerce among the several States”. This is an authority delegated by the several States to the federal State, permitting it to exercise such control over commerce amongst themselves that each of the several States would otherwise be entitled to exercise individually. This DID– by agreement– create a duty on the several States to subordinate themselves to the United States in this regard. But it did NOT create or impose a “duty” on individual Americans to subordinate their commercial activities to the United States and its decrees or enactments.)


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    Mid-Edition Update, July 27, 2012

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    An Excellent Review Of CtC To Read and Share

    A Nice Little Supplement To This Edition’s Commentary, ‘Words Matter’

    Drilling Down On The REAL “Healthcare Crisis”

    …and much, much more!
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