Forum Replies Created

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  • fg_admin

    January 4, 2013 at 4:03 pm in reply to: Doug Casey on Second Passports

    We absolutely agree that their mission statement is inconsistent with both the Holy Bible and the teachings of this ministry!  Thank you for pointing out that discrepancy.


    For an exposition on the duties the Bible imposes on Christians in relating to the secular world, secular governments, etc, and which is supported by this ministry, see (OFFSITE LINKS):


    Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007




    In particular, see section 2.4, which is entitled “Christians are Called to be Citizens and Domiciliaries of God’s Kingdom on Earth and not any man-made Government”.  “Any man-made” government certainly INCLUDES certainly includes WORLD government.

  • fg_admin

    January 4, 2013 at 2:58 pm in reply to: Doug Casey on Second Passports

    Please be MUCH more precise.  Provide a link to their materials which confirms your assertions. We don’t allow presumptions about anything on this site.

  • fg_admin

    January 4, 2013 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Some issues when applying for Non-citizen National passport



    Welcome to the forums.  That subject is covered in detail in:


    1.  SEDM Forum 2.3.4:  Obtaining USA Passport as a non-citizen national


    2.  SEDM Form #10.012: Getting a USA Passport as a “non-citizen national”


    3.  SEDM Form #10.013: Getting a USA Passport as a “non-citizen national”


    The above are on the SEDM sister site which we are not responsible for.  Please do not ask questions about the above content in these forums.  You will need a free member account on the SEDM site to view any of the above content.

  • fg_admin

    December 13, 2012 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Where can I sit and talk to a real sovereign?

    The whole point of FG is to provide EDUCATION, not ADVICE.  We don’t speak for SEDM.  The giving of ADVICE implies that we become surety for the decisions or actions of others, whereas those who simply offer EDUCATION never become surety. Proverbs says that one should NEVER become surety for anyone else, and ADVICE always implies surety, especially as the legal profession and the courts interpret that word. 


    Dangerous Promises


    6 My son, if you become surety for your friend,

    If you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,

    2 You are snared by the words of your mouth;

    You are taken by the words of your mouth.

    3 So do this, my son, and deliver yourself;

    For you have come into the hand of your friend:

    Go and humble yourself;

    Plead with your friend.

    4 Give no sleep to your eyes,

    Nor slumber to your eyelids.

    5 Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,

    And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

    [Prov. 6:1-5, Bible, NKJV]


    Lots of people get prosecuted for giving “legal advice” who are not “lawyers”, so we stay away from that word entirely, mainly because of this reality.  They get in trouble because they violated the above element of God’s law.


    The word “COUNSEL” on this website also implies EDUCATION, and not ADVICE.  You misquote the scriptures above by using the word “ADVICE” in proverbs.  The correct word is “COUNSEL” in the scriptures you quote, not “advice”.  No sane lawyer would give you ADVICE, but plenty of them will offer you COUNSEL.


    If you seek ONLY EDUCATION and “COUNSEL” rather than “ADVICE”, then you are in the right place.  Sovereignty begins with taking complete, personal, and exclusive responsibility for oneself, which implies that one can never seek for ANYONE to give either “ADVICE” or become SURETY for you, your decisions, or your actions.


    We agree that people need encouragement and emotional support, but we are not equipped to provide it in the only context in which it is useful, which is when it comes from a close friend you trust.  If we said it is pointless to provide encouragement, then you misunderstood us or we were mistaken.  We are not, however, resourced to provide it because if we did it, we would have no time left for anything else, given the size of the audience we are trying to reach and given that we would have to provide it EQUALLY to ALL, or else be guilty of favoritism and discrimination.  Therefore, we limit ourselves to what we can reasonably accomplish with logic, evidence, and the Socratic method.  The encouragement must come from a local freedom group and not from us, among people you personally know and trust.  If you think more encouragement needs to be done in these forums, then hang around these forums and help us give it!  Sow what you expect to reap.

  • fg_admin

    December 10, 2012 at 1:47 am in reply to: SSTrustIndenture Errata/Issues

    No.  The original statement is correct.

    If you are still confused, please reread:

    Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006


  • fg_admin

    November 30, 2012 at 1:18 am in reply to: How much does your "soul" weigh?

    From Einstein, we know that:


    E=m(c )2


    This means that energy and mass are interchangeable.  From the mass of 21 grams we can calculate the amount of energy contained in the human soul.

  • fg_admin

    November 29, 2012 at 8:04 pm in reply to: How much does your "soul" weigh?
  • fg_admin

    November 26, 2012 at 9:42 pm in reply to: Dissolution of marraige

    This matter can be settled in any civil court in your state using the contract that comes with the book, or whatever version the two parties eventually settled on. No divorce agreement is needed if the contract in the book is followed. Rather, the matter is settled in civil court rather than family court as a matter of contract, rather than under the family code of the state involved.

    If the parties didn't keep multiple copies of the agreement, some of which would be offsite (so they can't be destroyed in fire), they may have created a problem for themselves. If the agreement was destroyed by fire or the parties didn't do the agreement required in the book, then the matter can only be settled in a family court, which is the default court for settling such matters.

  • fg_admin

    November 7, 2012 at 5:35 am in reply to: Immigration Law Question

    1. Immigration is a foreign affairs function, and the national government has the jurisdiction to naturalize foreign nationals, no matter whether they are on federal territory on within a Union State. It has been this way from the foundation of this country.

    2. The geographical definitions in Title 8 of the U.S. Code are different than the definitions in Title 26. Do NOT assume they are the same. One can be a “Permanent resident” of one of the 50 states WITHOUT being a “resident” under Title 26. As long as these distinctions are carefully clarified at the time of making application to become a permanent resident under Title 8, then one may not lawfully be treated as a resident under title 26, or a “taxpayer”. As we say in the Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, Section 4.6, its all in the definitions and its your job to include definitions every time you communicate with the government so one isn't victimized by the same kind of presumptions you just made.

    3. The definitions under Title 8 are found in 8 USC 1101. The definitions under Title 26 are found in 26 USC 7701.

    4. Please be MUCH more careful about your spelling and grammar. We had to correct many spelling and grammar errors in your post before we could even respond. That adds insult to injury.

    Nevertheless, welcome.

  • fg_admin

    November 5, 2012 at 6:45 pm in reply to: Rule 16 Conference Required

    1. A fee schedule is an itemized list of the cost of each service the magistrate demands of you. You are a merchant selling him/her services. How you measure the service and the fee can be broken down by hour, by page, by event, or however one wishes. As long as they are notified in advance of the cost, demanding the service becomes the equivalent of putting it into their “shopping cart” and walking out the door without paying.

    2. A notice of lien documents a lien upon the property of the person requesting the service, and quantifies the amount and the debtor. The court record is the public record where the notice is recorded. It behaves just like the IRS notice of lien, IRS Form 668. You determine your own format but one can emulate the irs, as long as one does not use the seal or identify of any government agency, and so long as the NOTICE does not represent itself as “simulating legal process” or any kind of legal process. See:

    Policy Document: Unlawful Ways of Protecting Your Rights that Should Be Avoided, Form #08.016, Section 5

    3. Whoever is committing the crime is the person to file the complaint against. If they are a federal actor, the complaint should be filed with their supervisor, the Chief Justice under the local rules, the FBI, and in the record of the proceedings. The crime being committed is theft and eminent domain, because they are demanding services and property that they refuse to pay for and converting your PRIVATE time to PUBLIC use without your consent.

  • fg_admin

    November 3, 2012 at 5:06 pm in reply to: What does "privileges and immunities" mean in the Fourteenth Amendment?

    FYI. Below is a detailed legal treatise on the history of the “Privileges and immunities” clause within the USA Constitution:

  • fg_admin

    November 1, 2012 at 3:21 am in reply to: Rule 16 Conference Required

    Your question is filled with presumptions that need to be explained:

    1. What court is this: federal or state?

    2. What rule: Federal or state?

    If you mean a federal court, Rule 16 is found at:…es/frcp/rule_16

    This rule is intended to induce the parties to settle so as to avoid an expensive and time consuming trial. Its also called a pre-trial settlement conference or trial planning conference.

    If the magistrate in a federal court disregards 28 USC 636, wherein he/she can't preside without the consent of the parties, the answer is to file a Fee Schedule into the record notifying both other parties the costs involved in proceeding without your consent, keeping in mind that if they don't pay, they are THIEVES of your time and resources. Follow it up with:

    1. A notice of lien against the parties filed into the PUBLIC court record, and indicate to them that a failure to deny constitutes consent, just like with what the magistrate is trying to do by violating 28 USC 636.

    2. A criminal complaint for grand theft by the magistrate, because he is STEALING your time, which is property. Set the amount of the theft at the fees you noticed him/her of and which they implicitly consented by a failure to deny. That's the same CRAP they do with IRS notices of deficiency. If they can do it and we are all equal, they you can too. And the court record is a public record of the lien and valid if uncontroverted.

    Never ask the judge questions. He isn't a participant or fact witness in the proceeding, but a coach. The only real decision makers are the jury. The only person one can question is the other party. Even the U.S. attorney for the government is not a fact witness, so technically there IS no evidence on the record and the government has no case until they produce BOTH a fact witness AND a specific injured party within a federal agency who has delegated authority to specifically REPRESENT that department on the delegation order.

    If these principles are unfamiliar to you or you want to learn more, see:

    1. Civil Courtroom Procedure, Litigation Tool #10.014

    2. Common Law Practice Guide, Litigation Tool #10.013

    We don't care to replace or rewrite the above in these forums. We also can't answer questions about them because we didn't write them.

    Finally, please don't ask us to do or to give examples of the above. That's your job and it would be a punishment to make it our job. Post your work products here for the benefit of other members, and to share. This is a team and not slavery or a dictatorship.

  • fg_admin

    October 25, 2012 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Apple is a modern religion, anthropologist confirms

    I'm amazed at the Apple stores. All the drones worshipping $30 accessory chargers. The clerk SHUNNED me when I told her that the claim of a wall charger being “digital” and hence worth $30…was absolute Apple crapola. I wasn't “one of the flock so I had to get the flock out of there so to speak.” And yes…EXACTLY….WOZ WAS THE MAN…a genius. Jobs was an OPPORTUNIST….an elitist..[Elitist Defined: One who prescribes for another that for which he would not take or accept for himself.]

    And EXACTLY right on point on Govt being the RELIGION. Who could deny that seeing this “crowning” election year! These MORONS “follow” their leader KNOWING he did the same things that the other guy did …that they hated him for it. Love and adoration are blind for sure. Some guy got on me about Obummer and how he was for Robme….all over the executive orders of Obummer. Same guy I told 2 years ago about moron Bush's executive orders. So I reminded him and he got this “GLASS EYE GLAZED OVER LOOK”….like THAT thought process was too hard to bear:

    “Oh my god…he's stripping me to the point I have to THINK. Oh please…just give me my leader. He will save me….oh Mr Wizard…please make me believe that you are indeed the Wizard of Oz.”


  • fg_admin

    October 25, 2012 at 5:18 pm in reply to: Apple is a modern religion, anthropologist confirms

    Belief is a powerful thing. The Aztecs, one of the fiercest tribes ever, submitted themselves to the Spanish because they rode horses. The Aztecs thought they were gods and for 400 years submitted themselves to all sorts of bad behavior because they believed.

    The same thing is going on today between the average Amerian and any member of the legal profession. Instead of horses, it's suits and law degrees. Men have been using religion to control the masses since the beginning of time. Even Apple is a religion.

    Even most native tribes have a 'witch doctor”. Our modern witch doctor is called “attorney” or “politician”. Both of those are synonymous because nearly all politicians are lawyers.

    The Vatican is what we call “Roman Empire II”.

  • fg_admin

    October 25, 2012 at 5:13 pm in reply to: Apple is a modern religion, anthropologist confirms

    SOURCE: http://www.csmonitor…-religion-video

    EDITORIAL: Here's the article he is commenting on. This analysis might be useful as a methodology for characterizing GOVERNMENT as religion.


    Is Apple fandom a religion? (+video)

    As Apple fans await Tuesday's expected announcement of a smaller iPad, an anthropologist notes the event's similarities with religious revivals.

    By Francie Diep, TechNewsDaily Staff Writer / October 23, 2012

    Apple's emphasis on its icon and the company's policy of not live-streaming its launch events are just a couple ways that Apple product launches resemble religious revival meetings, according to one anthropologist.

    There's supposedly a new iPad in the works. Apple is expected to unveil a pint-size version of the tablet on Tuesday at an event in San Jose, Calif. CNET's Sumi Das has a preview.

    Many Apple observers and academic researchers have covered how Mac fan culture can seem a little like a religion — or a cult. With the upcoming iPad “Mini” launch event, however, TechNewsDaily wanted to take a deeper look at Apple product launches. We asked Kirsten Bell, an anthropologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, to look at some launch videos for us.

    She came to some of the same conclusions as her predecessors, including Eastern Washington University sociologist Pui-Yan Lam, who published an academic paper more than a decade ago that called Mac fandom an “implicit religion.”

    “A stranger observing one of the launches could probably be forgiven for thinking they had stumbled into a religious revival meeting,” Bell wrote to TechNewsDaily in an email. Bell now studies the culture of modern biomedical research, but before she got interested in scientists, she studied messianic religious movements in South Korea.

    Apple's product launches take place in a building “littered with sacred symbols, especially the iconic Apple sign itself,” she said. During keynote speeches, an Apple leader “addresses the audience to reawaken and renew their faith in the core message and tenets of the brand/religion.”

    Even Apple's tradition of not broadcasting launches in real time is akin to a religious event, Bell said. (Today's event will be available live on Apple's website.) “Like many Sacred Ceremonies, the Apple Product Launch cannot be broadcast live,” she wrote. “The Scribes/tech journalists act as Witness, testifying to the wonders they behold via live blog feeds.”

    Apple-as-religion isn't the perfect analogy, Bell said later, over the phone. “It's ultimately a somewhat superficial comparison,” she said. “Religion is trying to do something different from a computer brand.” Religion tries to give life meaning and explain humanity's purpose, she said. “It's trying to explain questions that are very different from what science and technology is oriented to.”

    For anyone seriously trying to understand Apple product launches and culture, using the religion analogy could help, but it might also keep people from noticing other interesting aspects of the culture that don't fit in with the metaphor, she said.

    Yet there are strong reasons people have long compared Apple culture to religion, Bell said. “They are selling something more than a product,” she said. “When you look at the way they advertise their product, it's really about a more connected life.” A better life is something many faiths promise, she said.

    In addition, like many faiths, the Apple brand emphasizes its origin story and its founder, Steve Jobs. Few other technology companies are so strongly associated with one person, although one came to mind for Bell: “Microsoft would be the only one that would even come close,” she said.

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