Forum Replies Created
Everything having to do with that filing and an explanation of the context is contained in:
Sovereign Christian Marriage, Form #06.009
https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htmThe only proper form that members can use is the W-8. W-9 is incorrect for most americans. Procedures for using it are at:
The above goes with the following, which you should also read:
Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/NonresidentNonPersonPosition.pdfWe do not answer questions about SEDM materials, including any of the above. You have to be a member (free) of their site to ask questions in their forums. Please no further questions here about the above or reinventing the above here.
You must be compliant and following their procedures to use their tax information or services directly. Compliance is described in:
Good luck.
Items 1 and 2 in the above are the only method we know of at this time. Please see our answer to your other question on the same subject.
AdministratorDecember 8, 2021 at 1:13 pm in reply to: Naturalized citizen seeking informationKaren,
Our understanding is that the State Department limits the process you describe to those in possessions such as American Samoa and Swain’s Island. Although technically it does apply to state citizens, they interpret the term “U.S. national” to be limited to those places incorrectly so that they don’t hemorrhage the tax system. They do this IN SPITE of the fact that the courts frequently refer to state nationals as “U.S. nationals”, as documented in:
Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but Not Statutory Citizen
https://famguardian.org/Publications/WhyANational/WhyANational.pdfTherefore, the process will most likely not get you what you want. Its more important to use the correct process to apply for a USA passport found on the following sedm.org forms:
1. Getting a USA Passport as a State National, Forms 10.012
https://sedm.org/member-subscription-forms/getting-a-usa-passport-as-a-state-national-form-09-007/2. USA Passport Application Attachment, Form #06.007
https://sedm.org/product/usa-passport-application-attachment-form-06-007/Lastly, please never again use the word “seeking advice” in these forums. We don’t give legal advice on this site. We only give non-factual beliefs and opinions that are educational in nature and point to credible sources of evidence on the subject originating from other than us. We changed the title of your lead post to reflect this fact.
Thanks for paying close attention to the subject before posting your question. And welcome to the fellowship.
AdministratorNovember 10, 2021 at 11:41 pm in reply to: Another website talking about taxes.1. That website is run by Dan Evans, who also runs Quatloos.com.
2. We talk about Dan Evans in:
Who’s Who in the Freedom Community
3. He is an IRS shill and has testified before congress before.
4. We have followed his https://quatloosia.blogspot.com/ and quatloos.com sites for years.
5. He hates famguardian and sedm but has not ever tried to rebut anything currently posted on our site. So he apparently agrees with what is here, even though Quatloos.com attacks just about every other freedom lover or tax honesty advocate out there.
6. He stopped mentioning our site after 2006, when the IRS tried to enjoin our activities and got nowhere. We suspect this is because linking to or mentioning us on his quatloos site would generate so many people irate at him and so many questions that he can’t answer or rebut, that he just ignores is instead.
Quatloos and Evans are not alone in this approach. It is REALLY hard to find anyone who attacks tax protesters that is even willing to mention either famguardian or sedm. This is true even on the HUGE international Wikipedia encyclopedia. This is quite surprising, given that we are the virtual hub with the largest audience in the freedom community. Apparently, we must have our ducks in a row. So you are definitely in a very mainstream and more importantly, SAFE place that draws no crossfire.
7. Most if not all of the flawed arguments he makes are rebutted in:
SEDM Liberty University, Section 8
There may be a few small issues he makes that haven’t been rebutted in the above, but most are.
8. His arguments are directly rebutted at:
9. Its pointless to rewrite the above resources and they are quite exhaustive about all the available flawed arguments. Just read the above for the rebuttal.
Welcome to the site.
1. Submit the CORRECT withholding form, which is the W-8BEN.
2. Deliver it with a Proof of Mailing and a cover letter indicating the previous W-9 is WITHDRAWN:
3. Read the following:
Federal and State Withholding Options for Private Employers, Form #09.001
https://sedm.org/Forms/09-Procs/FedStateWHOptions.pdfNon-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/NonresidentNonPersonPosition.pdf4. Take full, complete, and exclusive responsibility for applying the above in your own case, because we can’t give legal advice, and you shouldn’t interpret THIS as legal advice. This is what we would do personally if faced with the situation, not what you can or even should do. We are not a free liability insurance company to insulate people from complete, exclusive, and personal responsibility for themselves. Sovereignty BEGINS with personal responsibility. You can’t own yourself without agreeing to take complete, exclusive, and personal responsibility for yourself.
Good luck, and don’t ask questions about withholding here beyond the help above. You’re on your own and the above is MORE than sufficient. If you don’t like to read, learn to like bending over
If you need help beyond this, we recommend http://sedm.org
Neither this ministry nor any member are authorized to give legal advice. That is what you are asking for when you ask someone to promise that something “works”, whatever THAT means.
AND, it’s a biblical sin to become surety for others. Promising it will “work” is an example of doing exactly that, because it transfer responsibility for the result on the person saying it, rather than the person DOING it.
Dangerous Promises
“My son, if you become surety for your friend, If you have shaken hands in pledge for [or made a promise or guarantee to] a stranger, You are snared by the words of your mouth; You are taken by the words of your mouth. So do this, my son, and deliver yourself; For you have come into the hand of your friend: Go and humble yourself; Plead with your friend. Give no sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids. Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.”
[Prov. 6:1-5, Bible, NKJV]fg_admin
AdministratorJuly 13, 2021 at 4:31 am in reply to: Attorney Edgar Steele Hospitalized with AneurismSOURCE: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/07/03/the-strange-case-of-edgar-steele/
The Strange Case of Edgar Steele (warning potentially offensive material) – Veterans Today
By Dave Gahary
Edgar J. Steele, who was born July 5, 1945, passed away behind bars yesterday, September 4, 2014, at the age of 69.
Steele, an author and celebrated First Amendment attorney who gained national notoriety defending Richard G. Butler, the founder of the group Aryan Nations, died at United States Penitentiary, Victorville (USP Victorville), California, a high-security federal prison for male inmates. An inmate search on the prison’s website for Mr. Steele reveled the following:
EDGAR JAMES STEELE Register Number: 14226-023 Age: 69 Race: White Sex: Male Deceased: 09/04/2014
On the website “Free Edgar Steele,” a post on the home page reads:
Today, September 4, 2014, early afternoon, a California mortuary notified Mrs. Cyndi Steele that her husband Edgar was dead. Since that time, specific circumstances regarding Mr. Steele’s death are being confirmed. This web site and the Edgar Steele Defense Fund (ESDF) will release more information as it becomes available.
Mrs. Steele contacted the ESDF Board, saying she was utterly devastated by this information, and is furious that no Victorville representative contacted her in the last few days regarding his failing health and did not even call her regarding the death of her husband. It was cruel to allow the mortuary to make the call.
Get Edgar Steele’s magnum opus, DEFENSIVE RACISM: An Unapologetic Examination of Racial Differences, and find out why the government was out to get him.
Hardcover, 376 pages
Based on the best knowledge at hand, the following are the most likely causes of death: overmedication, persistently delayed, insufficient or improper medical treatment, medical neglect. The federal government and Victorville Penitentiary bear responsibility for the lives of the inmates who reside there and have refused to be accountable for the decline in Edgar Steele’s health.
Some hours before Mrs. Steele was contacted by the mortuary, ESDF President Robert Magnuson received an email corroborating Ms. Steele’s concern for her husband’s health and safety, validating the suspicion Mr. Steele’s health had been in a sharp decline for the past month. This fact was obscured, if not hidden by the federal government.
First, Mr. Steele was the victim of a false prosecution, then he was imprisoned in the most dangerous prison here in America. Then his wife was never allowed to visit him despite a court order allowing visitation. Then, his health was compromised because of neglect, and finally, the reports came in that he had been drugged out of his mind earlier this week, which was the final blow that killed him. Call it anything else you like, but it is murder.
The facts of this tragic situation will be disclosed as the information is gathered.
Steele, who was a target of the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, has proclaimed his innocence to this newspaper over several occasions through audio interviews conducting from prison. This reporter interviewed Mr. Steele in June, 2011, his first interview since his arrest, which can be heard below. Additional audio interviews will be made available through this website when they are processed.
AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporters are investigating the facts surrounding Mr. Steele’s death and will update this website as new information becomes available.
Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
*After reading this you can see why this is happening.
October 7, 2002
“Those who control the present control the past.
Those who control the past control the future.”
—-George Orwell, 1984 (published in 1949)Jews are the problem.
Jews have been the problem since before they saw to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, in fact.
Now they are bent upon World War III, just as they fomented so many of last century’s wars.
Books, indeed, libraries, have been written on this topic. I scarcely know where to begin.
If you don’t see jews as being at least part of the problem, then you are seriously misinformed and wandering in extreme self delusion. I won’t even try to deal with you in this essay below this level. Go do your elementary research, then come back, because we don’t even speak the same language as yet.
Admittedly, I have a somewhat different take on things, inasmuch as I have become such a target for them, daring as I have to stand up for free speech, against government tyranny and actually represent real, live racists in my legal practice.
I and my children have received death threats from jews. My professional reputation has been destroyed by jews. My law practice has been destroyed by jews (not difficult, since virtually every power point in the profession is occupied by them). All because I thought it was unfair to hammer the defenseless for being a little stupid. Of course, it turns out my clients weren’t stupid at all! Little did I know…
So, there’s the source of my bias for all to see. However, just because you’re paranoid, as they say, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. And they’re out to get us all, believe me. The more activist among us come in for special treatment. It’s not for nothing that I use that tag line from “The Matrix” to close my essays.
The Matrix is a must-see movie for its allegorical take on society today. Most people are just batteries (see the movie – I’m not going to explain it here), while some are actively fighting the “agents.” Without a Neo, we are hopelessly outgunned, but once the red pill is taken, there is no return.
Most jews play their roles, right along with the rest of us, in furtherance of the schemes of the NWO architects (they have so many names, but Olympians is the self-chosen one they seem to like best), but most jews are just batteries, too. Little apparatchik batteries. They are as deluded as the rest of us, busily scurrying to deliver us all to their masters.
They made me their enemy even before I knew they were my enemy, just as they have done for eons, in country after country.
Is every jew part of the problem? No. But there is such a concentration of them in the nub that it can be called nothing but a jewish problem.
The current major manifestation is the impending invasion of Iraq, soon to be followed by America’s war on the rest of Israel’s enemies. This isn’t particularly relevant, but click on the following link for a streaming-video cartoon that best expresses for me the reason we are bent on invading Iraq:
There is a reason that America has become the second most-hated country in the world (after Israel, of course). We have bound ourselves to Israel and given over our media and our government to zionists. Again, do your research and find out that all the media is now jewish controlled, as are most of the government power positions, virtually all of banking and education and a good percentage of corporations.
History has been rewritten. The truth about so many things is starting to emerge: Pearl Harbor, Lincoln, etc. My favorite is the Holocaust shakedown, which now is becoming too threadbare to be sustained. A friend of mine puts it best: In all of German-occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million jews before the war, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia. After the war, 3.8 million jewish “Holocaust Survivors” were receiving pensions from the German government. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.
The “mass graves” at Treblinka have been proven not to exist. There were no gas chambers and ovens at Dachau and Auschwitz. Even the jews have been forced to acknowledge these facts. Do your research and find this out for yourself.
The Diary of Anne Frank was partially written with a ball-point pen. Ball-point pens were not commercially available until after World War II.
These have been lies, people.
In Canada, Germany, Austria, England, Holland and many other Western European countries, I would go to jail for saying what I did in the four previous paragraphs. Ask those now languishing in those countries’ prisons for saying the same things. Guess who is trying to get the laws passed in America to jail us here, too, merely for saying the same thing?
During Clinton’s first presidential campaign, his campaign director, James Carville, devised a simple thing to keep Clinton focused on what Carville correctly perceived to be the very thing about which the American electorate was most concerned. He wrote, “It’s the economy, stupid!” on a piece of poster paper and taped it to the wall over Clinton’s desk. I propose to employ the same sort of thing, in order to keep us focused on what I perceive to be the real problem in the world today:
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
The present is being rewritten as we speak. Thus, it becomes possible for them to write the future, just as foretold by Orwell. Sad to say, the future does not bode well for the likes of thee and me.
I have been dragged, kicking and screaming, to the conclusion that we come to life with considerable baggage, hardwired into our soul/DNA/genes/whatever. I conclude that the jews cannot help it.
Their need to get on top of us, all the while whining about what victims they are, is a part of their basic structure. Most jews with any honesty will attribute it to their culture. True, so far as that goes, but it does not go nearly far enough.
Many on my list will never see this message. I find that my internet access is being cut off incrementally. Many ISPs are blocking my domain name, saying there is either something technically wrong with my domain hoster’s DNS addressing (there is nothing wrong with it) or in retaliation for spamming and virus propagation.
The recent bugbear virus has been sent to lots of people this past week, with my domain name embedded as the source. I’ve been getting tons of returns from people of whom I have never heard, and who have never heard of me. The virus gets directed to some poor sap’s computer, you see, which then dutifully spreads itself to everybody the poor sap knows, with the return address being “poorsap@conspiracypenpal.com.” Bounces and complaints come into my domain’s catch-all mailbox. My equipment is clean, of course. ISPs, thinking I am the source, put my domain name on black lists, so that, henceforth, none of their customers ever see anything from me.
If it were just me, I would chalk it up to paranoia. But, it isn’t. There are a number of the politically incorrect being targeted by the chosen who have been getting precisely the same treatment. So much so, that I suspect the bugbear virus is simply a cover for shutting us down.
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
This is far worse than the hack attacks so many of us suffered in July and August, routed through palnet.com on the West Bank by Israelis. That was coincident with the huge upsurge in in the WormKlez virus, you may recall.
Please pass this on to others. If you know you are on my list and not getting this firsthand, please raise a stink with your ISP about it. Without you even knowing it, lots of people like myself are being cut off from you. This is how censorship on the Internet is taking place these days.
That’s why I feel I need to get this particular message out of my craw…before I lose my forum altogether. And there is so much to say…as I said – books and libraries.
Lots of this stuff gets traced back to Israel directly or close by, such as to Palnet.com. I have done it, time and again, as well as to one jew or another in New York. Those who have not researched this are totally unaware of the massive bulletin board campaign being waged out of Israel, orchestrated by jews everywhere against those of us here in America trying to awaken our countrymen.
Yes, there is a conspiracy. Yes, it is being run by jews. Yes, it is being condoned by our government, which has become jewish.
It isn’t benign, either. Witness noted Harvard Law Professor (and jew) Alan Dershowitz’ serious suggestion about legalizing torture in America for dissidents. His preferred method: antiseptic needles inserted beneath one’s fingernails. By the way, just how does Harvard end up having half its student body being jewish, particularly when most of us can’t afford to send our kids to state colleges?
And who, exactly, do you suppose is behind the recent eradication of the Bill of Rights in America? And, with most of the legal profession’s power positions now in jewish hands, there is nobody to set things right.
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
California’s state government is sinking into a morass of red ink, clearly leading the nation into the depression. So, why do even the most ridiculous jewish interests still get all the state funding they want, led by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in LA, as evident from the most recently-approved state budget?
Just as they were in Russia, jews have become the American ruling class. Just as they did in Russia, they are bleeding America dry. What, you didn’t know communism was a jewish invention? Just what do you think Lenin, Marx and Trotsky were? Just who do you think funded the Russian “Revolution?” What do you think a kibbutz is? Just who you do think was responsible for killing over 20 million Russian Christians in the early 1900s?
The Russian mafia? No, the jewish mafia. And the mob in America is, and has been for the past hundred years, jewish.
Who do you think is behind the move to eradicate Christianity from America, starting with every public venue? Check out the names of the plaintiffs and attorneys and judges involved with those Pledge of Allegience, Ten Commandments, Christmas lights, cross cases…they rhyme.
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
JudeoChristian? What a sick joke. This was a Christian country when founded. It has become a zionist country. Judaism is anathema to Christianity. Read the Talmud before you reject this line of thinking. I have. You will be shocked, I promise you. Read the New Testament. Christ said it straight out. Things have not changed in two thousand years.
Who do you think has been behind the racial polarization in America during the last forty years? Do your research. Find out the names of the civil rights “leaders” and lawyers – you’ll be surprised, I guarantee you, to find that…they rhyme.
What, you didn’t know that all the jews in political power in the US today are also Israeli citizens? Just ask Ari Fleischer, Bush’s spokesman, or Paul Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, Adelman, Satloff, Kissinger, Luttwak, Feith, Zakheim, Abrams, Grossman, Haass, Zoelick, Schlesinger, Sembler, Chertoff, Bolton, Greenspan, Goldsmith, Golden, Gersten, Gildenhorn, Weinberger, Bodman, Cohen, Davis, Bloomfield, Lefkowitz, Frum, Melman, Blakeman…all jewish and all running things in Washington. Names from today’s newspapers.
Even Colin Powell has a jewish forebear; he grew up in a jewish neighborhood and speaks Yiddish (didn’t know that, did you?). His family was shabbas goy for the jews (did their forbidden work on the sabbath).
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
The price for the White House? Selling out to jewish interests. That’s why the so-called War on Terror. That’s how Bush came from nowhere and coasted to the Presidency. He, Clinton before him and most of the presidents of modern times are traitors, pure and simple. They sold their country, including you and me, for a turn at the trough. Yes, you heard me right: George Bush is a traitor.
Why in the world does America have to share Israel’s fate, simply because the jews want to eject the Palestinians from all of Palestine today? Why do American boys have to die to advance Israel’s interests, when Israel’s boys do everything they can to shirk the call of duty during war (did you know the malingering coward slapped by Patton was jewish?)?
Why does America lionize people like Clinton and Bush, both of whom dodged the draft? Shabbas goy…that’s all they are.
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
They are going to get a large number of Americans killed, and soon. They are going to impoverish almost all of us. The party is over.
Something is coming at us, and coming fast. The market is in freefall again. It is one month until general elections here in America. Several major banks are literally on the edge of failing. Deflation is actively taking hold, along with its cousin, Depression. Bush has been slamming through his domestic crackdown agenda, designed to cope with all of us when the wheels come off next year.
Monday night brings some sort of major presidential address about Iraq. Look for Bush to announce that he doesn’t need UN approval to wage war on Iraq. Of course, we’ve been bombing that country to shreds for weeks already (everybody in Europe knows this, but it has been suppressed in America).
War is the classic distraction from an economic meltdown.
Expect another 911 at any moment, to generate the necessary public support for the Bush/NWO agenda.
No, 911 wasn’t perpetrated by a bunch of ragheads at the controls of 757s – again, do your research and think for yourself. The 8 am work population for the WTC was about 40,000. Countless jewish companies moved out just in advance of 911 or had their entire staffs elsewhere that day. Jews, laughing gleefully, were witnessed photographing the entire disaster. Number of israeli jews who died along with all those innocent victims, foreign nationals and police/firefighter heroes: exactly one. Before 911, Israel was being badly skewered in America’s jewish-controlled media. That has all changed now, of course. Follow the money.
It’s the jews, stupid!!!
Wake yourself up fully, then awaken the others. That’s all we can do…for now.
New America. An idea whose time has come.
“I didn’t say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth.”
– Morpheusfg_admin
AdministratorMay 21, 2021 at 3:26 am in reply to: How can I have an unlicensed marriage that the state will recognize?COMMENTS FROM A READER:
BTW, your’s was a good well detailed response to him. I always thought this was hilarious in Blacks law: Marriage license – A license or permission granted by public authority to persons who intend to intermarry… By statute in most jurisdictions, it is made an essential prerequisite to lawful solemnization of the marriage.”
Black’s Law Dictionary (6th Ed):
Intermarry – See Miscegenation.
Black’s Law Dictionary (6th Ed):
Miscegenation – Mixture of races. Term formerly applied to marriage between persons of a different race. [Now called “intermarry”.] Statutes prohibiting marriage between persons of different races have been held to be invalid as contrary to equal protection clause of the Constitution.
AdministratorApril 21, 2021 at 11:00 am in reply to: Security Clearance – Top Secret through DoD1. The AmericanStatesAssembly.net website originates from Anna Von Reitz.
2. Our approach to Anna Von Reitz is found at:
Who’s Who in the Freedom Community, Section 59
https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/CaseStudies/WhosWho/WhosWho.htm#Von%20Reitz,%20Anna3. There is no need to expatriate to regain freedom, as we point out in:
Why You are a “National”, “State National”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006, Section 18.8
https://famguardian.org/Publications/WhyANational/WhyANational.pdf4. Security Clearances in relation to citizenship are discussed in the above document.
5. Yes, the instruction you reference, NAVINST 5510.30C is the successor to NAVINST 5510.30A.
6. It is our current understanding that when they reference “U.S. citizens” in the above instruction, it incorporates both STATUTORY citizens under 8 USC 1401 as well as Fourteenth Amendment CONSTITUTIONAL citizens, meaning state nationals. Thus, they equivocate in the instruction, confuse the audience, and undermine the separation of powers between the States and the national government in the process.
7. The foundation of being a “U.S. citizen” by the above instruction is NATIONALITY, which has at its heart ALLEGIANCE.
22 U.S. Code § 212 – Persons entitled to passport
No passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other persons than those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States.
8. To attempt to expatriate is to DENOUNCE allegiance, which would put in jeopardy a security clearance. BAD IDEA.
9. Our members are “state nationals” as explained in Form #05.006 above, and they RETAIN their allegiance and DO NOT expatriate.
10. We have several members who have maintained a security clearance while participating in our ministry and using our materials. We can’t and won’t put you in contact with them.
11. Those members who are in the DOD typically file tax returns as “nonresident aliens”, if they file, and use the W-8BEN for withholding. The process for doing that is found at:
11.1 How to File Returns, Form #09.074
https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm11.2 About IRS Form W-8BEN, Form #04.202
https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm11.3 Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020
https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm12. The reason you are confused about citizenship and frustrated is because you are relying on conjecture and opinion from Anna Von Reitz unsupported by facts and evidence. The above memorandum on citizenship (Form #05.006), like everything else on our site and SEDM, has nothing BUT facts and evidence to prove everything. Unless and until Anna Von Reitz quits engaging mainly in political propaganda and starts backing up EVERYTHING she says with facts and evidence like we do exclusively, we suggest that you not rely on anything she says. Anna’s approach is overly simplistic, which is why it has so much appeal. However, in truth, over-simplification harms readers and fosters their legal ignorance and thus hurts them. Such readers end up like a deer in the headlights if they ever end up in court. Learning the law on our site and preparing for battle in court is the only way to be fully prepared to confront the Pharisees who established this system and perpetuate it for their own gain:
Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?, Form #05.047
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/WhoWerePharisees.pdfThe Pharisees will continue to milk you like cows so long as you refuse to learn the law and how to defend your rights in court.
13. Most of the content on this site is free. Unlike Anna Von Reitz, who charges $25 to even study her materials on the https://states.americanstatenationals.org site. Its all about money for her, obviously.
Lastly, we don’t answer questions in these forums about how to implement or use SEDM content. You should go to their site for that.
AdministratorMarch 22, 2021 at 12:35 am in reply to: Trade or Business – New Research – VERY IMPORTANTHere is what one court said on this subject:
______________________For Petitioners benefit, the Court will clarify an apparent misunderstanding. Petitioners believe that the Court “ruled against them without considering the language of the Statutes at Large.” Pet. Mot. at 1. However, the Court did consider the Statutes at Large. The Court considered the most recent positive law enactment of a United States’ revenue law, specifically the Act of Congress entitled the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (including subsequent amendments). The Petitioners apparently misunderstand that there is a difference between the *3 individual positive law statute entitled the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Title 26 of the United States Code. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is a statute enacted into positive law by congress, while the United States Code, including Title 26, is a statutory compilation by subject of enacted statutes. 1 U.S.C.A. § 204(a); 1 U.S.C.A. § 204 note (the note first lists United States Code Titles enacted as positive law, without including Title 26; however, the note follows up with a special comment on Title 26 stating that the Internal Revenue Code has been separately enacted into positive law by Congress, and indicating that the sections of Title 26 of the United States Code “are identical to the sections of the Internal Revenue Code”). Because the Internal Revenue Code and Title 26 of the United States Code are identical, even though they are distinct, for all practical purposes, Title 26 is positive law.
The Statutes at Large are cited using the abbreviation “Stat.” which is preceded by the volume number and followed by the page number. Petitioners are encourage to look in a compilation of the Statutes at Large for the following citations: Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Pub.L. No. 591- 736, 68A Stat. 1 (1954) (that is volume 68A of the Statutes at Large starting on page 1); and the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Pub.L. No. 99-514, 100 Stat. 2085, 2095 (1986) (Page 2095 of Statutes at Large volume 100 shows that the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 has been reenacted into positive law as the Internal Revenue Code of 1986).
2 For each title enacted into positive law, the U.S.C.A. note includes a separate Statutes at Large (Stat.) citation for the session law showing the enactment of the title.At the end of each year, after the enactment of a statute into positive law, the text of the statute is published, in chronological order, in the Statutes at Large (Stat.), the official bound version of the laws passed during a session of Congress. William A. Hilyerd, Using the Law Library: A Guide for Educators Part III: Oh, Statute (or Regulation), Where Art Thou?, 34 J.L. Educ. 101, 105 (2005); Timothy E. Maguire, Researching and Writing About the Law, MPM MA-CLE § 2.1,§ 2.3.1(d) (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. 1997); 1 U.S.C. § 112. Eventually, federal laws are also published by subject matter in statutory compilations; the official statutory compilation for Congress is the United States Code (U.S.C.). Id. However, the *4 compilation of enacted statutes, is not always itself enacted into positive law. Wash.-Dulles Transp., Ltd. v. Metro. Wash. Airports Auth., 263 F.3d 371, 378 (4th Cir. 2001).
Statutes published in chronological order according to sessions of Congress or state legislatures are called “session laws,” because they are enactments made by the legislature while in session. The publication of the session laws of the United States Congress is the Statutes at Large.If the compilers of the United States Code, bringing underlying enactments of Congress together and organizing them by subject, misquote or make a mistake in the compilation, then the actual Act of Congress in the session laws (Statutes at Large) must prevail in a dispute. U.S. v. Welden, 377 U.S. 95, 98 n. 4 (1964) (“[i]f construction (of a section of the United States Code which has not been enacted into positive law) is necessary, recourse must be had to the original statutes themselves.”); American Bank and Trust Co. v. Dallas County, 463 U.S. 855, 864 n. 8 (1983) (“the Statutes at Large prevail over the Code whenever the two are inconsistent.”). When a title of the United States Code is enacted into positive law, it is no longer just an approved compilation of the law, but a full and distinct statutory enactment of Congress; therefore, it becomes legal evidence of the law. 1 U.S.C.§204(a).
[PDF O’Boyle v. U.S., Case No. 07-10006-MC-MOORE/GARBER, United States District Court for S.D. Florida (2007)]SOURCE: Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic: Positive Law
https://famguardian.org/TaxFreedom/CitesByTopic/PositiveLaw.htmTHEIR RESPONSE:
You reference Obama’s video and partner with Nikeinsight. I believe Nike goddess of victory isn’t something that relates to the God I serve only opposite, I believe you started this website just to make war on saints. Obama isn’t a Godly man! All politicians are satanists to me and always will be. To represent those in your website means this isn’t what it says it is! Friends of the world are enemies of God! No matter what good will always trump evil and nothing can touch the true saints of God! May God show you more truth. I pray for it everyday! It doesn’t matter what they do to us because victory belongs to God! I pray for y’all if it’s right what u are doing great but if not I pray God shows up for you to change your minds! Thank you! Plz delete my account!
1. First of all, you reference the wrong website. You wrote to Family Guardian but the video you reference it on SEDM. Which is it? Right now, the only deletion we can do is on famguardian.org, because that is what you contacted us through.
2. Second, as far as SEDM goes, we share your aversion to all politicians in their public capacity. That is not to say that in their private capacity they cannot have virtue. The Obama video you reference is not in a political context but in an entirely personal and moral context at a private funeral. We see nothing in the video that would indicate an immoral or unbiblical attitude at all. If there was, sedm probably would not have used it. You also didn’t indicate what was BIBLICALLY wrong with that video either.
3. Third, Christians are not the only audience we want to reach. We want to attract everyone to Christianity and its virtues, and certainly not to war with those who are already Christians. A large component of our audience are blacks who are very freedom minded and even liberals who come to us for troubles in their life. They need to be reached too. It is especially powerful to disarm your liberal opponents with words right out of their own mouth about how they SHOULD live but don’t live. That’s pretty disarming.
4. Fourth, we have no idea what your problem is with Nike Insights or really anything for that matter. You haven’t offered even one specific fact or reference from that website or even within the Obama video and specifically proven using the bible that it is unbiblical.
In short, you are operating entirely politically and emotionally rather than in an evidentiary or legal mode. That is dangerous to your own well being. God’s law is not emotional, it is factual and law. If emotions are the only way you know of to run your life, then you are a danger to your own family and your own well being, and to us and our members if you operate in only that mode. Our ministries are based only on facts and law and the law book is the bible.
Nike Insights is run by a PhD in theology who has been a pastor for decades. You haven’t proven they worship a false god with their own words from their site. Thats a belief and an emotion, not a fact.
5. Fifth, you have offered no evidence from any of the sites proving that we intend to damage Christians or Christianity. That’s the opposite of why our sites were created and its no better than the democrats who do everything emotionally and ignore all the facts. It’s also idolatry, because without operating only on evidence and law, you are operating in an emotional and political capacity according to your own selfish desires as the metric. That’s idolatry towards self and its a violation of the First Commandment.
If you don’t know how to operate in a factual and legal mode, you probably don’t deserve to be on our sites anyway because you will eventually give everyone you associate with a bad name simply because you FEEL bad and don’t know how to operate as a rational adult. You didn’t even get any of the sites right. Bull in a china shop.
So yes, we have deleted your name from Family Guardian. You’re headed for big trouble with your overly emotional and political approach devoid of all facts and law and we want no part of it. There is nothing to pray about. You are the one who needs prayer before you hurt your loved ones with your irrationality.
We are willing to discuss this on the phone, but you did not offer a number. But of course irrational people don’t want to listen to anyone or compromise or admit they might have an incomplete understanding. That’s why they are so dangerous to themselves and their loved ones.
We suppose Christ is also conducting a ware on Christians too, by your standards:
“Christ Brings Division
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[j] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”
[Matt. 10:34-39, Bible, NKJV]The most important aspect of Christianity is humility and gratitude. And we have seen none of that in your false accusations about us. Matt. 7:23.
Family Guardian
AdministratorDecember 28, 2020 at 11:01 am in reply to: CRS Report 97-589: Statutory InterpretationLibertus,
We have been looking for the answer to that question for years. We even bought now deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s book “Reading Law” searching for the answer. Still haven’t found that answer.
That is one of the most important questions there is in the area of law as far as we can tell. It is a testament to your discipline and insight that you understand and appreciate the importance of answering that question.
Let us know if you find out an answer. It’s very important to have one.
AdministratorOctober 20, 2020 at 5:38 pm in reply to: Clarification of statutory v. constitutional citizensREBUTTAL FROM THE MEMBER:
EDITORIAL: His comments to the above in brackets []
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My comments below in red . . .Perhaps a further refinement of the term “statutory citizen” is in order based on your comment.
1. “statutory citizen” is defined on this website to mean every reference to the word “citizen” in every act of congress OTHER than in Title 8.
[I would disagree with this comment. They do the exact same thing in Title 42–they get people to elect a national domicile. Proof of this is in the fact that SSA states that American Samoans are considered U.S. citizens (national domiciliaries) for the purposes of Title 42. But we know they are non-citizen nationals politically under Title 8. As you know, sweeping statements like “always,” “every,” and “never” are self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head when litigating.]
Title 8 acts as a substitute for the Constitution for the purposes of only citizenship within the territories. Fourteenth Amendment citizenship is NOWHERE described in Title 8.
[I don’t know this to be 100% true. I think it is, but again, “NOWHERE” is inviting disaster.]
2. Statutes in title 8 are not necessary to define or authorize citizenship for people in states of the Union:
[This is an incorrect statement. My boys live in states of the Union, yet their political citizenship will always be via 8 U.S.C. sec. 1401. A better way to say it would be: Title 8 imputes national citizenship to those who don’t have access to 14A. Even foreign nationals who are naturalized get their citizenship via 14A.]
“Finally, this Court is mindful of the years of past practice in which territorial citizenship has been treated as a statutory [PRIVILEGE!], and not a constitutional, right. In the unincorporated territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands, birthright citizenship was conferred upon their inhabitants by various statutes many years after the United States acquired them. See Amicus Br. at 10-11. If the Citizenship Clause guaranteed birthright citizenship in unincorporated territories, these statutes would have been unnecessary. While longstanding practice is not sufficient to demonstrate constitutionality, such a practice requires special scrutiny before being set aside. See, e.g., Jackman v. Rosenbaum Co., 260 U.S. 22, 31 (1922) (Holmes, J.) (“If a thing has been practiced for two hundred years by common consent, it will need a strong case for the Fourteenth Amendment to affect it[.]”); Walz v. Tax Comm’n, 397 U.S. 664, 678 (1970) (“It is obviously correct that no one acquires a vested or protected right in violation of the Constitution by long use . . . . Yet an unbroken practice . . . is not something to be lightly cast aside.”). And while Congress cannot take away the citizenship of individuals covered by the Citizenship Clause, it can bestow citizenship upon those not within the Constitution’s breadth. See U.S. Const, art. IV, § 3, cl. 2 (“Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory belonging to the United States[**].”); id. at art. I, § 8, cl. 4 (Congress may “establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization . . ..”). To date, Congress has not seen fit to bestow birthright citizenship upon American Samoa, and in accordance with the law, this Court must and will respect that choice.16″
[Tuaua v. U.S.A, 951 F.Supp.2d. 88 (2013)]Note the following in the above:
“If the Citizenship Clause guaranteed birthright citizenship in unincorporated territories, these statutes would have been unnecessary. ”3. All statuses in Title 8 are therefore political statuses
[This is an errant statement. Political status is nationality. Political citizenship is not equivalent to nationality–it’s component thereof. And the non-citizen national status is not nationality either, but a component thereof in place of political citizenship. Therefore, all statuses in Title 8 aren’t political statuses. The term “national” sec. 1101(a)(21) is the only definition of political status in Title 8.), but the political status imputed is not that mentioned in the Constitution (political status is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution. Political citizenship is not equivalent to nationality [political status]]
The constitution does not apply on federal territory with the exception of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17.
[This is an untrue statement. “[T]he Constitution is applicable to territories acquired by purchase or conquest only when and so far as Congress shall so direct” Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244, 279 (1901).]
4. All titles of the U.S. Code other than Title 8 and which are CIVIL in nature limit themselves to domiciled parties against whom statutory civil law may be enforced per Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 17(b). Thus, all such parties must be physically present and domiciled on federal territory to civilly enforce.
[This is a false statement. It works the same way as the tax code. A person could be domiciled in Texas, and if he affirms a civil status of “citizen of the United States,” he waives his foreign domicile under federal law and has just elected a domestic “United States” domicile so-defined. Being domiciled on federal territory is not the limitation. This all has to do with waiver of foreign domicile. It’s waiver of State sovereignty in favor of United States sovereignty through a misapplied understanding of what is meant by United States citizenship–that’s the culprit. But as the SCOTUS pointed out, re: subject to the jurisdiction thereof, “The evident meaning of these last words is, not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction” Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, 102 (1884) (emphasis mine). I think claiming political United States citizenship also imputes the waiver of domicile–because you are “completely subject.” Thus, to preserve status and not waive State rights, one must always aver status like Frank Brushaber: “A citizen of the State of New York and a resident of the borough of Brooklyn.” However, I would be more careful. I would say: “Citizen of the State of Texas with a domicile in the geographical boundaries of Bexar County.” This removes all confusion and waives no rights. It’s understood that I am not an alien and something more than a U.S. citizen and resident of Texas. That status under Title 26 is “nonresident alien.” And I believe that on the Form SS-5, it is either “Other” or no election at all–that is, no block 5 status election. This has yet to be determined as the SSA has gone dark on me.]
Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002
https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsedm.org%2FForms%2F05-MemLaw%2FDomicile.pdf&data=04%7C01%7C%7C786c2328ab6e47555dd408d87516237b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637388085226580645%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=ilEaOgMek4N82y2HE85eULrSaWcY7Je5QBfkuVoF5ys%3D&reserved=05. Perhaps the Disclaimer for this site needs to have “statutory citizenship” defined per the above.