Forum Replies Created
AdministratorSeptember 15, 2014 at 7:28 pm in reply to: ESPN COMMENTATOR: WE NEED TO REPROGRAM HOW WE RAISE MENNFL Appoints Women to Solve Testosterone Problem
President Roger Goodell has announced that his male staff is so enept and so incompetent in dealing with social issues that he had to appoint four female consultants to shape NFL social policy.
New Rules:
1. No more male dominated coaching staffs.
2. Integrated male and female referee teams on the field.
3. Eliminate all male announcers for NBC, CBS, Fox, or the sports channel.
4. Hire women coaches to teach men how to be like women on the gridiron. Out with terms like “Man-up and get tough,” and in with “Woman-up and get sweet.”
5. Hire women to be in the dressing room to coach men how to think and talk in the dressing room.
6. Mandatory female players on each team.
7. Replace Roger Goodell because he is a man.
8. Mandatory estrogen injections for all professional football players.
9. Demand more male cheerleaders be hired to cheer the tryannys on the field.
If there is an altercation on the field, men must kiss and make up.
10. Mandatory five game suspension for hitting too hard or yelling.
11. Mandatory pedicures. Ban weight training.
12. Get rid of masculine names like “Raiders” or “Steelers” and replace them with names like the “Baltimore Babes,” “Dallas Cowgirls,” “Tennessee Tits” and the “Minnesota Vixens.”
13. All coaches must where dresses, eyeliner, and lipstick to model a more feminine approach to football.
Damn all that testosterone! Think how much better the NFL will be with more huggin’ and kissin’ and less hittin’ and fightin’ on and off the field.
Storm Brooks
AdministratorSeptember 14, 2014 at 2:31 am in reply to: US gov’t threatened Yahoo with $250K daily fine if it didn’t use PRISMA friend was an artist and took a lot of audit classes with the medical students. She told this story about her college days.
This doctor professor walks in the class and puts a small dixie cup on the table and says “Today in front of each of you is a small dixie cup. We are going to learn about urine testing and observational skills. Each of you leave the class and come in with YOUR OWN urine sample in the cup.”
When they were back he demonstrated by taking his finger and dipping it in his own cup and licking his finger: “Do as I just demonstrated.” After each student followed his instruction he told them all, “Hopefully you observed properly as observational skills are needed as a doctor. Notice that I dipped this finger….but I licked this one. Have a nice day!”
AdministratorSeptember 10, 2014 at 6:49 am in reply to: What "voluntary" means in the context of income taxNope.
1. Statutory “employees” are all public officer under 5 U.S.C. 2105(a) but not all WORKERS are statutory “employees” and therefore public officers.
2. The “public office” franchise is the subject of tax.
3. The earnings from all franchises are PRIVATE, and therefore not connected to the office.
“As a rule, franchises spring from contracts between the sovereign power and private citizens, made upon valuable considerations, for purposes of individual advantage as well as public benefit, and thus a franchise partakes of a double nature and character. So far as it affects or concerns the public, it is publici juris and is subject to governmental control. The legislature may prescribe the manner of granting it, to whom it may be granted, the conditions and terms upon which it may be held, and the duty of the grantee to the public in exercising it, and may also provide for its forfeiture upon the failure of the grantee to perform that duty. But when granted, it becomes the property of the grantee, and is a private right, subject only to the governmental control growing out of its other nature as publici juris. ”
[American Jurisprudence 2d, Franchises, §4: Generally (1999)4. By filling out a W-4 and paying income tax as a worker who is NOT a statutory “employee” AND public office, you are donating this PRIVATE property to PUBLIC property and public office.
The Big Question – Is there a God? BBC Documentary
http://youtu.be/_WOIqYryMaAWorld’s Most Famous Atheist Accepts Existence of God because of Science
AdministratorSeptember 6, 2014 at 1:56 pm in reply to: When NSA and FBI call for surveillance takeout, these companies deliver;9/6/2014SOURCE: http://www.plattwestby.com/the-quiet-title-lawsuit-fixing-title-defects-in-real-property.html
The Quiet Title Lawsuit; Fixing Title Defects in Real Property
Quiet Title in Arizona
Homeowners may experience problems with their property for a number of different reasons. Regardless of what the specific issue regarding the title defect is, there are two broad categories in which these title defect issues arise.
1.There is some error in the recording of a document and/or the failure to record a document that exits in the real property chain of title.
2.There is an actual dispute relative to one or more parties claiming the real property.
Regardless of what the cause is of the title defect the remedy is often the filing of a Quiet Title Lawsuit. Arizona law allows a property owner to file a lawsuit to clear the title to his or her property. ARS § 12-1101 allows anyone with a claim to real property to file a lawsuit in the Arizona Superior Court in order to determine who has an actual interest in the disputed real property. The Plaintiff, the person filing the lawsuit, will need to prove why he or she is entitled to clear title under A.R.S. § 12-1102. The Plaintiff’s complaint must be under oath, set forth the Plaintiff’s interest in the estate, describe the real property concerned and detail what claims the Defendant is making to the real property which are adverse to the Plaintiff’s interest.
A Quiet Title lawsuit can be useful to a property owner in a number of different situations. It can be used to remove defects to the title that show up by way of recorded instruments such as mechanics liens, judgments and lis pendens. In addition, Quiet Title actions can be used to remove unrecorded claims as well. These types of title problems include, but are not limited to, constructive trust claims and adverse possession claims.
While a quiet title lawsuit can be an invaluable tool in eliminating title defect issues on real property, it is not without risk to the Plaintiff. No one can guarantee that any lawsuit, no matter how meritorious, will be won. Even if a Defendant does not contest the lawsuit but, instead, appears and disclaims all right and title adverse to the Plaintiff, then pursuant to A.R.S § 12-1103 the Defendant shall recover his costs.
Fortunately, Arizona Law provides a procedure to minimize the risk of a Defendant recovering his/her costs. Plaintiff should comply with A.R.S. § 12-1103 (b ) which allows the sending of a letter twenty days prior to the initiation of the Quiet Title lawsuit. That letter should enclose a quitclaim deed to the real property and the sum of Five Dollars. The letter demands that the Defendant execute and return the Quit Claim Deed. If this twenty day letter is sent and the Defendant does not return the signed Quit Claim Deed, then the Plaintiff is protected from an award of costs in favor of the defendant and the Court may award the Plaintiff in addition to ordinary costs, some or all of the Plaintiff’s attorney’s fees should a lawsuit be needed to resolve the issues.
Should a Lis Pendens be Filed?
It is sometimes necessary for a party filing a Quiet Title action to also record a Lis Pendens (“a suit pending”) with the County Recorder’s office. The Plaintiff should record a Lis Pendens if the Defendant in the Quiet Title action has an interest which he or she could transfer to a third party purchaser. If such a transfer was made by the Defendant the third party purchaser might gain priority over the claims of Plaintiff. This can be prevented by the filing of a Lis Pendens which, in effect, freezes the title and puts all third parties on notice that the Plaintiff has disputed the claim to title. If a third party receives an interest in the real property after the Lis Pendens has been filed, that third party’s interest in the real property would be subject to the outcome of the Quiet Title lawsuit.
Combining Quiet Title Action With a Demand for Damages
Under common law, a land owner may sue another for “slander of title.” A slander of title lawsuit is difficult to prove since it requires proof of malice, a bad motive on the part of the Defendant, along with proof of special damages. However, under A.R.S. § 33-420 the owner of the property has been given a much more effective way to respond to individuals who wrongfully cloud title to real property.
A.R.S. § 33-420(a) provides as follows: “A person purporting to claim an interest in, or a lien or encumbrance against, real property, causes a document asserting such claim to be recorded in the office of the county recorder, knowing or having reason to know that the document is forged, groundless, contains a material misstatement or false claim or is otherwise invalid is liable to the owner or beneficial title holder of the real property for the sum of not less than five thousand dollars or for treble the actual damages caused by the recording whichever is greater, and reasonable attorney fees and costs of the action.” Many potential Defendants, knowing that this statute poses severe consequences for their conduct, have chosen to settle rather than risk a court entering judgment against them based upon A.R.S. § 33-420 (a).
In addition to the financial ramifications posed by A.R.S. § 33-420 (a), the Arizona legislature included another hammer which a Plaintiff may use against a Defendant in A.R.S. § 33-420(c). This statutory section states “a person who is named in a document which purports to create an interest in, or lien or encumbrance against, real property and who knows that the document is forged, groundless, contains immaterial misstatement, or false claim or is otherwise invalid shall be liable to the owner or title holder for the sum of not less than one thousand dollars or for treble actual damages, whichever is greater and reasonable attorneys fees and costs, as provided in this section, if he willfully refuses to release or correct such document of record within twenty days from the date of a written request from the owner or beneficial title holder of the real property.”
Based upon the potential sanctions imposed by A.R.S. § 33-420(c) it is good practice to combine the twenty day demand letter for quiet title with a demand under A.R.S. § 33-420(c).
For those individuals who are experiencing title disputes there are ways for the real property holder to resolve these matters. First the property owner may send a demand letter. Should that prove ineffective the property owner may file a Quiet Title lawsuit – possibly combined with other lawsuit claims.
A Non Litigation Means to Remove Invalid Liens Against Real Property
A Quiet Title lawsuit and/or a suit pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-420 can be a long, time consuming and expensive process. There is another, quicker, way to clear title in some cases. A.R.S. § 33-421- Recording of Liens, provides an alternate means for affected real property owners to have liens removed.
A.R.S. § 33-421(a) provides as follows: “A non consensual lien, other than a lien recorded by a governmental entity or political subdivision or agency, a validly licensed utility or water delivery company, a mechanics liens claimant or an entity created under covenants, conditions, restrictions or declarations effecting real property shall not be recorded unless the lien is accompanied by an order or judgment from the court of competent jurisdiction authorizing the filing of lien.”
This statute restricts the definition of non consensual liens to those liens which are not agreed to by a property owner and which are not otherwise recognized under Arizona law. Although this statute makes it clear that a non consensual lien cannot be filed without a court order many individuals still file non consensual liens that are not otherwise valid under Arizona law believing that they will obtain some advantage by doing so. Instead, they merely expose themselves to liability. A County Attorney or Attorney General for the State of Arizona is authorized to help in those cases where the lien in question is invalid on its face. A.R.S. § 33-421(b ) allows property owners to contact the County Attorney for the County in which the property is located or the Arizona Attorney General’s office and request the non judicial removal of these invalid liens.
A.R.S. § 33-421(b ) additionally provides: “If a non-consensual lien is accepted for recording as described in sub section A, the recording officer shall accept for recording a notice of invalid lien that is signed and submitted by the Attorney General or County Attorney. The Attorney General or County Attorney shall mail a copy of the notice of invalid lien to the person who is designated as creditor and to the person who recorded the non-consensual lien at the address of each as stated on the recorded document. The recorded lien is conclusively presumed to be invalid when the invalid lien is recorded.”
Speak With A Qualified Attorney
When faced with a wrongful lien or other title defect, contact Platt & Westby, P.C., or call 602-277-4441 for a free initial consultation with our real estate attorneys to determine how same might be removed as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
Sovereign Citizens – GBTV
AdministratorAugust 29, 2014 at 2:03 am in reply to: Bible Prophecy and the Coming Muslim anti-ChristEDITORIAL: Another warning like that above. This guy is a friend of the speaker Walid Shoebat in the lead post. He says he is not Christian but a classical Jew. He is wearing a skull cap in the video. Here is what one pastor says on the subject of this video:
One has to understand dispensationalism to understand these kinds of videos. Every time there is a burp in the Middle East, the dispensationalist salivates and breaks out into a dead sweat with visions of a literal Armageddon and the Parousia hovering over mankind. In Reformed circles there is not even a raised eyebrow among them even in the greatest of political conflicts surrounding Israel because they know that the political events in the Middle East having nothing to do with the coming of Christ. The two systems approach to eschatology are totally different; therefore, their response to Middle East conflict is totally different.
Nevertheless, I find these videos intriguing; that is, an opportunity to explore the mindset of prophesy buffs.
All governmental systems of man must collapse; that is, there is a logical Armageddon to all humanistic regimes.
Storm Brooks
Turkey’s Role in Prophesy, Revelation & Armageddon
Study: Greatest Terrorism Threat In America Not Al Qaeda, It’s Right-Wing Sovereign Citizens
Author: Jameson Parker August 3, 2014 1:44 am
Radical right-wing groups who refuse to recognize the authority of the federal government, like those who flocked to Bundy Ranch and now parade around the U.S.-Mexico border, represent the clearest threat to their communities, even more so than Islamic terrorists or white supremacist groups.
That’s the takeaway from a new landmark study by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Response to Terrorism (START). The group surveyed hundreds of law enforcement officials and over 170 agencies across the United States in an effort to understand how the people tasked with stopping terrorism view the threats on the ground.
What the team discovered was that the notion of Islamic extremists plotting to blow buildings was far less likely than homegrown so-called “Sovereign Citizens” who stockpile weapons and hold a seething resentment towards the federal government. Consequently, 86 percent of those interviewed agreed that this movement posed a “serious terrorist threat,” the highest of any group inquired about.
Compare that to just 8 years earlier in a similar questionnaire found that nearly every agency was still thinking about Islamic extremism.
What’s changed in the time between 2007 and now? The most obvious thing is the nation got its first African American president with the election of Barack Obama. Fueled by racism, conservative fear mongering and the threats of “socialism,” the sovereign citizen movement has seen its membership explode in the last few years. It’s no coincident that two of the biggest sovereign citizen groups The Three Percenters and The Oath keepers were both founded around the time Obama was first elected.
As the Anti-Defamation League explains:
Formed in March 2009 and led by Stewart Rhodes, a Nevada lawyer, the Oath Keepers encourage members of the military and law enforcement to pledge not to follow certain hypothetical “orders” from the federal government. These “orders,” including one “to put American citizens in detention camps,” and another “to disarm the American people,” echo longstanding conspiracy theories embraced by anti-government extremists, who claim that the U.S. government is creating a police state. The Oath Keepers try to appeal to military and law enforcement personnel by reminding them that they swore an oath to defend the Constitution “from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” and suggesting that now is the time to live up to that oath by resisting an allegedly tyrannical government.
The Three Percenters, formed in late 2008, are a loosely organized movement centered around an obscure, and not particularly accurate, Revolutionary War “statistic” that claimed that only 3% of the American population during the Revolutionary War participated as combatants in the war. The group asserts that they are a modern counterpart to that mythical 3% of American Revolutionary-era patriots and also represent the three percent of the population of American gun owners “who will not disarm.”
The idea that Obama (who many view as a black, Islamic foreigner) is coming to take their guns and their rights resonates with a certain type of paranoid person. Situations like Cliven Bundy’s cattle ranch standoff only reinforce their sense that it’s them against the government. It’s no surprise then that law enforcement officers are extremely worried about what kind of violent, drastic plans these people are cooking up to fight their perceived oppression.
This isn’t just an intellectual exercise, either. In June, a husband and wife killed three people in a shooting rampage based in part around the idea that they were kicking off an anti-government “revolution.”
Forbes gives a chilling account of their final moments:
On June 8, 2014, Jerad Dwain Miller, 31, and his wife Amanda Woodruff Miller, 22, entered a Las Vegas pizzeria and without any provocation or warning, shot and killed two police officers sitting in a booth eating lunch. The pair dragged the officers to the floor, took their weapons and ammunition, and draped a yellow flag over one of the bodies. They placed a swastika-stamped manifesto on top of the flag, and pinned a note on the other officer’s body that read, “This is the start of the revolution.”
The couple continued their spree in a nearby Wal-Mart. Jerad wore military-style clothing and body armor and he yelled to the Wal-Mart shoppers, “Tell the police the revolution has begun.” To emphasize his announcement, he fired a round into the ceiling, while Amanda shot and killed a brave bystander who tried to stop them. They engaged the police in a shootout for roughly fifteen minutes while hiding in a shopping aisle in the back of the store. Amanda aimed her weapon at her husband, but he had already been hit by a bullet from a police rifle, so she turned the gun on herself and pulled the trigger while the police watched the couple through a security camera.
Just weeks before, the two had been seen at Bundy’s ranch parading around the premises with weapons daring police officers to try to take them.
It’s examples like that which may explain why sovereign citizens are one of the few potential terror groups that didn’t see a decline in their perceived threat. As their numbers swell and their anger rises, the odds of a major act of terror occurring would seem to rise.
See also:
Sovereign Citizen Movement
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movementAstounding Revelation – God’s Judgment on America – Revealed!
_____________Astounding Revelation – God’s Judgment on America – Revealed!
By Pastor Carl Gallups
God brought His first terrible judgment on His newly formed nation of Israel – through the Assyrians – now known as modern day Arab people – now overwhelmingly Muslim. He brought His judgment on the Northern Kingdom of Israel with an incursion into the land. The Assyrians caused astounding devastation upon Israel but were not able to topple it. Not until Israel responded in pride and arrogance and refused to turn back to God with its heart. Some time later God allowed the Assyrians, Arab people, to overrun – devastate and carry off into captivity the people of Israel. The 10 Tribes of the North were gone and lost.
In Isaiah 9 we hear God’s strange words of judgment upon Israel… “The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. And all the people shall know, even Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria, that say in the pride and stoutness of heart, ‘The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.’” (Isaiah 9:8-10 KJV)
As the rest of this chapter is read, it becomes apparent that this is clearly a passage of JUDGMENT!
On September 11, 2001 – America suffered its worst incursion onto its mainland by an enemy. They were Arabs – Muslim terrorists. They did not succeed in toppling the nation…but they set it on its heels…what happened next and what is still happening – with most of America not even knowing or caring – is nothing short of astounding and ominous!
The 8 harbingers of judgment pronounced on Israel – are identically pronounced on the U.S.A. and have been acted out by our nation’s leaders…THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS:
1. The Fallen Bricks
There has been no event that has touched the United States and the world more indomitably than the attacks of September 11th, 2001. As the images of the smoke, dust and death gorged the airwaves, the descriptions of devastation penetrated every media source. Fire, smoke, dust, ashes. The bricks of Ground Zero in Manhattan were reduced to ash, with little more than dust and metal to recover.
2. We Will Build
In A Joint Response of the Nation on the Senate floor in Washington, D.C., representing the Congress and the nation and by authority as Majority Leader, Senator Tom Daschle addressed the world. Recorded in the Federal Register, are the words of Senator Daschle for the Joint Resolution of Condemnation for the attacks the morning of September 12th, 2001. Listen to some of his words:
“Mr. President…there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible, from Isaiah, that I think speaks to all of us at times such as this: ‘The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.’ That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover.”
3. Bigger and Better
And then there is the arrogance of defiance. On the day of the 911 tragedy, Rudy Guiliani, the Mayor of New York City, punctuated the resolve of the city. HE SAID – “We will rebuild: We’re going to come out of this stronger than before, politically stronger, economically stronger. The skyline will be made whole again.”
4. The Hewn Stone
“We will rebuild with HEWN Stone” in other words – not with brick but with Granite – quarried from the Earth.
The first stone to be used in the construction of the 1,176 ft. Freedom Tower was hewn from New York granite and lowered by crane in a ceremony on July 4, 2004. Governor George Pataki of New York presided:
“Today is indeed, a momentous day. Today we take 20 tons of Adirondack granite – the bedrock of our State – and place it as the foundation, the bedrock of a new symbol of American strength and confidence. Today, we lay the cornerstone for a new symbol of this city and this country and of our resolve in the face of terror. Today we build the Freedom Tower.”
5. And Then There is a Spirit of Defiance
Repeatedly Scripture records defiance as the highest insult against the Most High God. Senator John Kerry in his statement before the United States Senate on September 12, 2001 remarked:“…And I believe one of the first things we should commit to – with federal help that underscores our nation’s purpose – is to rebuild the towers of the World Trade Center and show the world we are not afraid – we are defiant.”
On the day the cornerstone was laid, then New York Governor, George Pataki again insisted:
“Today, we, the heirs of that revolutionary spirit of defiance, lay this cornerstone.”
6. The Sycamore, The Buttonwood
“The Sycamore is cut down….” The Bible records the sycamore tree as being a sign of judgment. It even says that in Egypt the sycamore tree was struck down as a sign of judgment. On September 11th, a freak event happened in the devastation: a steel beam from the North Tower was hurled from the sky. As the Tower fell, it [the beam] went through the air and struck down an object: it was a tree.
The next day [when] the people returned to Ground Zero, they found a tree lying on the ground, pierced by the beam from the fallen Tower. There, at Ground Zero was a sycamore tree – struck down.
And strangely, eerily, the people made a display of it, not realizing what it was a Biblical sign of judgment. A sculptor was commissioned to make a cast of it. He poured metal into the cast: he cast it into bronze, the Biblical metal of judgment…an image of the fallen sycamore to be displayed on Wall Street.7. The Cedar, The Arez
But there is another sign of God’s impending judgment…the cedar tree or the Arez tree. “the sycamores are fallen but we will put cedars in their place…”
Two years after September 11th, a strange site was seen on Ground Zero. A crane was lowering an object…the object was being lowered into a place where there had been a hole in the ground. The object was being laid into the place where the fallen sycamore tree had been struck down. It would have been natural to replace the sycamore tree with a sycamore tree, but the object lowered into the hole was an Arez tree, a conifer tree, the same as the cedar of Lebanon.
8. Three Years to the Day
After the events of September 11th, the Democratic candidate for Vice President was John Edwards. He was speaking in Washington D.C. at a gathering. It was September 11th, 2004 – the third anniversary of the devastation. And since it was a prayer breakfast he chose a Scripture which he linked to the events of September 11th. These are HIS words on September 11th, 2004. Listen:
“Today, on this day of remembrance and mourning, we have the Lord’s Word: ‘The bricks have fallen, but we will build – with dressed stones: The sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place….’ Each time that bell tolls it calls us to a greater purpose. To never forget: it calls us to always remember that when we walk together this day that the cedars will rise and the stones will go up.”
One Final Astounding Note
On April 30th, 1789 – on that day, the government of the United States of America – the House, the Senate and the President – all gathered in the nation’s first Capital together, it was the Inauguration of George Washington. It was the nation’s Dedication Day.
After the address, Washington, and all the other officials, the Senators, the House of Representatives, the Vice President, all left the place of Inauguration, traveled on foot to a small church, a chapel. They went inside for two hours and they prayed, they committed, they consecrated this nation into God’s hands. The entire government was kneeling before God.
Where was America’s ground of consecration? Where was America dedicated to God? The first Inauguration did not take place in Washington D.C. [Not] Washington at all – or Philadelphia. The first Capital of the United States was New York City…declared so on September 13, 1788 by the U.S. Constitutional Convention. In 1790 the Capitol was moved to Philadelphia. It was in New York City where America began as a nation. It was there where the nation was started – [it was there] that the warning of the judgment of God was given.
America, on the day of its birth as a nation, was dedicated to God at the corner of a plot of land now known by a more ominous name…“Ground Zero.” Ground Zero is the ‘mystery place’ of American history. It was right there at the corner of Ground Zero that our nation’s first government prayed and it was there where God spoke again…
What happens next and probably soon – will depend upon whether America is willing to repent and turn back to God.
Pastor Carl Gallups, a former Florida law enforcement officer for 10 years, is a graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. Since 1987 he has been the Senior Pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida. In addition to his pastoral duties he authors a weekly newspaper column entitled Ask the Preacher for the Santa Rosa Press Gazette, hosts three weekly talk radio programs on WEBY 1330 AM in North West Florida, and is currently co-authoring a book on the incompatibility of Freemasonry and Christianity which is due to be released around December of 2009. Pastor Gallups is also the producer of 17 DVD documentary films (Ichthus Films) that have been distributed by the thousands worldwide, which cover a variety of subjects including God and Country, Evolution-Creation, Prophecy, and Apologetics. For more information about Pastor Gallups visit http://www.hickoryhammockbaptist.org. For information about Ichthus Films visit http://www.hickoryhammockbaptist.org/dvdindex.html. To view the film from which the above narrative was taken visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW6roFN7NAE. There is also a YouTube link (http://www.youtube.com/ppsimmons) with over 90 other mini films which can be viewed.
SOURCE: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5835785_sycamore-tree-symbolize_.html
_____________A Sycamore Saves St. Paul’s Chapel
St. Paul’s Chapel, part of Trinity Church, stands across the street from where the World Trade Center Towers once stood. Built between 1764 and 1766, St. Paul’s is the oldest continuously used public building and oldest church in the region. When the World Trade Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, a 70-year-old sycamore tree fell, its branches that shielding the chapel from falling debris.
St. Paul’s Chapel served as a base for rescue and recovery operations after September 11th. Though the tree itself did not survive, the sycamore’s role as the chapel’s protector has been memorialized by Pennsylvania artist Steve Tobin. Tobin cast the tree’s remaining stump and root system in bronze to create a 20-foot-long, 12-foot high life-like sculpture. The piece was installed in the Trinity courtyard and dedicated on Sept. 11, 2005