Forum Replies Created
AdministratorDecember 12, 2014 at 1:15 am in reply to: FREE Paul Mitchell, legal activist needs Habeaus Corpus assistance; author of SupremeLaw.orgHere is a history of his “diesel therapy”.
AdministratorDecember 12, 2014 at 12:51 am in reply to: FREE Paul Mitchell, legal activist needs Habeaus Corpus assistance; author of SupremeLaw.orgHere is the indictment:
Paul was acting as trustee for someone, and in that capacity, was accused of criminally obstructing justice by advising someone as trustee to withhold evidence. Of course:
1. Withholding such evidence is permissible under the Fifth Amendment and cannot be a crime.
2. Its only a crime if it happened on federal territory. Older versions of the criminal rules prove this.
Paul has been so malicious towards us and most others that we would be fools to help him. He is kind of reaping what he has sown all these years by suing everyone in site including us and thereby alienating everyone who could have helped him. See:
Whos Who in the Freedom Community, Section 29
AdministratorDecember 11, 2014 at 7:21 pm in reply to: George Carlin – I'm divorced from it now….EDITORIAL: Sally Wade did the video below. She was his significant other or “spouse without papers”. She wrote a book about her 10 year marriage to carlin after he died in 2008.
George Carlin’s Private Letters
AdministratorDecember 4, 2014 at 1:26 am in reply to: Video of police brutality can only do so much: NYPD chokehold cop not indicted;12/3/2014Gen. Stubblebine on 9/11 -“OH MY GOD!!!!”
AdministratorNovember 5, 2014 at 11:43 am in reply to: Apple’s Tim Cook Proclaims He’s Gay And Proud Of ItSOURCE: http://channeleye.co.uk/russians-destroy-shrine-to-steve-jobs/
Russians destroy shrine to Steve Jobs
News | tags: apple, cook, jobs, putin, Russia, techeye
November 4, 2014by Nick Farrell.The Fruity Cargo Cult Apple’s attempts to spread the worship of its founder Steve Jobs has fallen foul of Russia’s backward homophobia.
This week Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed the badly kept secret that he was gay, and while that was well received in most of the world it has created a backlash in Russia.
The two-metre-high monument, in the shape of an iPhone, was erected outside a St Petersburg college in January 2013 by the West European Financial Union companies called ZEFS.
But Russia has strict laws against “gay propaganda” and ZEFS said that the memorial had been removed from the courtyard of the Techno Park in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo.
“In Russia, gay propaganda and other sexual perversions among minors are prohibited by law,” ZEFS said, noting the memorial had been “in an area of direct access for young students and scholars.”
“After Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly called for sodomy, the monument was taken down to abide to the Russian federal law protecting children from information promoting denial of traditional family values.”
The move is clearly an attempt to butter up Tsar Vladimir Putin who considers homosexuality a moral issue. Putin insists that there is no discrimination against gay people in Russia and the law was needed only to protect young people. It has also encouraged those of a less intelligent disposition to beat up and lynch young gay people.
But Steve Jobs, who died in 2011, was not gay and it is not clear what Maxim Dolgopolov, the head of ZEFS who ordered the removal of the monument
“Sin should not become the norm. There is nothing to do in Russia for whose who intend to violate our laws,” he said.
Dolgopolov’s implication is that Apple is a gay cult lead by its founder and ruled by its immoral boss and is working to subvert the children of Russia with its homosexual ways. The whole concept is silly, and if Apple were big in Russia it could have seriously damaged its business reputation.
– See more at: http://channeleye.co.uk/russians-destroy-shrine-to-steve-jobs/#sthash.B88KkSl8.dpuf
AdministratorOctober 31, 2014 at 3:48 pm in reply to: Apple’s Tim Cook Proclaims He’s Gay And Proud Of ItHere is one comment posted below the above article that we agree with:
If the leftist propaganda is to be believed, then gays “are born that way” and homosexuality is not a behavior (BS, I know). Therefore, saying someone is proud to be gay is as nonsensical as saying “I’m proud to be white” or at best “I’m proud to have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism”. You should be proud of something you have done, not something you allegedly are (as opposed to do), i.e.: accidents of birth.
So please get your BS straight before you sell it to us.
And no, him coming out isn’t even close to brave. We live in a country where someone saying marriage should be between a man and a woman will be witch-hunted by these supposedly tolerant people (who are tolerant of everything except people who think different. oh the irony), have his livelihood and career destroyed and fired from his job, even though he invented one of the fundamental pillars of the web. Yet, when this culture-rotting prick comes out he’s applauded as if that is some accomplishment, or as if sexual “orientation” or him being gay is.
Inventing JavaScript isn’t an accomplishment or praiseworthy, but “being” gay is.
So let’s praise him for something he does instead of is: promoting a bullying and fascist lobby that chills scientific and technological progress and a behavior and lifestyle that accounts for 78% of AIDS cases (even though it’s members are only 1% of the population) and has zero or near-zero birth rates.
God knows how many employees he “let go” because they weren’t towing the line of being perpetually in awe about gay colleagues and superiors.
Read more: http://hothardware.com/News/Apples-Tim-Cook-Proclaims-Hes-Gay-And-Proud-Of-It/#ixzz3HjouT3RE
Below is the approach to “hate speech” applying to materials and services available through this site:
Family Guardian Disclaimer, Section 10
Wikipedia definition of “hate speech”
Legal definition of “hate speech”
Hate speech is a communication that carries no meaning other than the expression of hatred for some group, especially in circumstances in which the communication is likely to provoke violence. It is an incitement to hatred primarily against a group of persons defined in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the like. Hate speech can be any form of expression regarded as offensive to racial, ethnic and religious groups and other discrete minorities or to women.
AdministratorOctober 20, 2014 at 12:02 pm in reply to: Government to Ordained Ministers: Celebrate Same-Sex Wedding or Go to JailEDITORIAL: We didn’t write this or the above post. It was sent by an anonymous third party.
_______________________In reference to the news of Marry the Same Sexes or Go to Jail article.
x-wedding-go-jail/Write the Mayor who is considering adopting policies to jail Christian Ministers who will not marry “Same-Sex” Couples. Easy. Simple: Click and write.
mayor@cdaid.org; dgookin@cdaid.org; aevans@cdaid.org; kmiller@cdaid.org;
sadams@cdaid.org; wmcevers@cdaid.org;Here is mine
x-wedding-go-jail/Dear Honorable Mayor:
The recent trend to re-define “marriage” and the adoption of policies to punish Christian Ministers for their Biblical stand that marriage is between one man and one woman is not only malicious persecution, a denial of two-thousand years of history and their progress, but a declaration of war on God’s law-order.
I strongly urge you to reject the filthy, unnatural, perverted Sodomite Movement and their efforts to force their religious values down the throats of all Americans. Same-Sex Weddings do not need to be “Celebrated” but “Condemned” with all the force and power of government!
The adoption of this perversion is not only a fruit of the poisonous tree, but a perversion that destroys society and endangers the souls of men.
Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
With All Due Respect,
Dr. Storm Brooks
AdministratorOctober 16, 2014 at 3:33 am in reply to: Claudia Hirmer formerly of PQI SentencedSOURCE: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/lawmen/ASOhHLkd5VM
Original MessageSubject:
PQI caseDate:
Fri, 29 Aug 2014 09:37:20 -0500From:
LarryThe PQI trial started in March, 2010 and lasted almost all month. At that time, “The Republic”, “Dr. Sam Kennedy,” and Tim Turner were claiming that by the end of that month, there would be a military coupe in this country, and all tax prosecutions would be shut down. The pro se defendants believed this and acted accordingly at trial. They gave no opening statements, examined no govt witnesses via cross-exam, made no Rule 29 motion at the conclusion of govt’s proof, put on no evidence in defense, did not submit any requested jury instructions, and gave no closing arguments. They just sat thru the trial like lumps of dirt. I presume they expected soldiers to burst thru the doors on March 30, 2010 and shut down the case. Didn’t happen.
Jeff Dickstein represented the Hirmers in that case and sent me virtually all of the pleadings filed in it as he received them. He was immensely enraged at the pro ses and the flaky advice they were getting from the gurus like “Dr. Eike.” That case is the primary reason that Jeff quit practicing law: the kooks committed suicide.
I attach some of the judgments of convictions or shorter memos of the same. Generally, the sentences ranged from 5 to 12 years.
The govt is the beneficiary of the crackpot ideas and will always promote them. It helps in making the movement appear as composed of nuts and flakes.
Noam Chomsky (2013) “What is Anarchism?”
AdministratorSeptember 24, 2014 at 12:51 am in reply to: AT&T and Verizon defend data caps on home Internet servicefg_admin
AdministratorSeptember 16, 2014 at 2:58 am in reply to: ESPN COMMENTATOR: WE NEED TO REPROGRAM HOW WE RAISE MENDear Feminists:
I know you think men have too much testosterone, and that the world would be better off if every man thought like a woman.
All I’ve heard for the past week is that we have a cultural problem in that we aren’t training men to be feminine enough. No offence, but are you psycho-nutso?
Think of those little, energetic, can’t-sit-still boys that must be doing, doing, doing!
Those little, overactive nuisances grow up and will build everything that you enjoy today!
. It is men that built roads and bridges you drive on every day.
. It is men that built the school your children attend every day.
. It is men that built cars, airplanes, buses, and motorcycles.
. It is men that built the great skyscrapers of the world.
. It is men that built the home you live in.
. It is men that built theaters, football and baseball stadiums.
. It is men that built the chairs you sit in, the table you eat on, the bed you sleep on.
. It is men that built your phones, T.Vs, radios, and cell phones.
If you stop and think about, it is those over active boys that will continue to built everything we enjoy . . . and most did it to provide for a woman that loved them.
Please don’t wreck NFL football by feminizing the sport. Let the men play the game, coach the game, referee the game, and announce the game. Your high pitched voice on the microphone telling American that men are the problem is a nuisance and an irritant. It makes me want to take the microphone and stuff it down your throat . . . but, that is not what gentlemen do.
Storm Brooks, a 100% red-blooded American Male