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  • fg_admin

    April 22, 2015 at 2:09 am in reply to: Citizen Status latest and registered to Vote.

    EDITORIAL: Here is the content of the Certificate of Political Status





    STATE OF ALASKA      ) ss.

                                                       The United States of America )


    Date: April  20th, 2015  Personal description of the Holder of this Certificate of Political Status, Citizen Status and Allegiance:


    True name Ralph Kermit Winterrowd 2nd;

    Date of Natural Birth – March 5th, 1942;

    Location of Natural Birth – Chanute, Kansas;

    Complexion – white;

    Race – Caucasian; 

    Color of eyes – hazel;

    Color of hair – gray (red when born);

    Height – 6 ft. 1.5 in.; 

    Weight – 213 lbs.;

    Visible distinctive marks – none; 

    Marital status – divorced; 

    Nationality and Political Status – Kansan, a native of the several States; 

    Citizen status: white citizen; and, American citizen; and, citizen of the United States of America; and, Natural Born Native and citizen of the foreign state of Kansas domiciled in the territorial boundaries of Alaska, currently a citizen of Alaska and a qualified elector of Alaska.  I under oath certify that the facts herein are true and correct under the penalties of perjury and that the photograph affixed hereto is a likeness of me. 


    I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, State or sovereignty, of which I have been a subject or citizen, including any allegiance to or to be clothed with the fictional status of a “citizen of the United States” as a misnomer declared in 14 Stat. 27 codified in 42 U.S.C. §§§ 1981, 1982 and 1988 by Congress with said “citizen of the United States” memorialized in the Fourteenth Amendment having no direct access to the Bill of Rights Amendments One through Eight of the Constitution of the United States; and, with the Bill of Rights one though eight being “incorporated” at the discretion of the Courts of the United States into the fictional “citizen of the United States.”  Take Notice of the Fact that a “citizen of the United States” domiciled within the District of Columbia is NOT subject to the Fourteenth Amendment, but is a “qualified elector” as evidenced in DC ST § 1-1001.02(2)(B ) clothed by and with the direct protections of the Bill of Rights Amendments one though eight. 


    And further, I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity and any such use of the status of a “citizen of the United States” under the Plenary Power of Congress using “Acts of Congress” and/or “Laws of Congress” as follows: by and though using adhesion contracts, and/or by and though using the “public rights” doctrine of accepting some benefit(s); and/or, by and though using “implied-in-law contracts; and/or, by and through any means that I have accepted some benefit, i.e., “That the United States, when it creates rights [benefits] against itself, is under no obligation to provide a remedy in the courts” (United States v. Babcock, 250 U.S. 328, 331 (1919) being any Court of the United States arising under Article III of the Constitution of the United States exercising the judicial Power of the United States in all Cases in Law and Equity with the only exceptions clothed under the law of necessity; and/or, that any State when it creates rights [benefits] against itself, is under no obligation to provide a remedy in a constitutional courts of one of the several States, with the only exceptions clothed under the law of necessity. 


    And further, I renounce, rescind my signature and abjure to all of the following: all adhesion contracts and documents known or unknown; and, all implied-in-law contracts and documents known or unknown, all “public rights” doctrine contracts and documents known or unknown; and, all other contracts, agreements and documents that would in any way attach or subject me by any means known or unknown with the only exception being under the Law of Necessity.


    And further Congress may vest the Courts of the District of Columbia with administrative or legislative functions, which are not properly judicial, but it may not do so with any Federal Court established arising under Article III of the Constitution of the United States either directly or by appeal including any District Court of the United States, any United States District Court, any Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of the United States.  Postum Cereal Co, Inc. v. California Fig Nut Co., 272 U.S. 693, 700-701 (1927).


    And further, The plenary Power of Congress in the “District of Columbia” is evidenced by “Acts of Congress,” “Laws of Congress” or “laws of the United States of America” including by not limited to the “Internal Revenue” Taxation of the National Government that is lawfully and legally confined within the District of Columbia under the Plenary Power of Congress.


    And further, I further renounce, rescind my signature and abjure to a venue and jurisdiction not clothed within a constitutional court of one of the several States exercising the judicial Power of one of the several States with me unknowing waiving my unalienable rights secured in a particular constitution of whatever one of the several States I am domiciled with the only exception being under the Law of Necessity. 


    And further, I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity of the following: all regulations promulgated or enforced by all agencies of the “headless fourth branch of government” and “administrative state; and, all federal agencies especially those knowingly or unknowingly that are “independent agencies” or “independent establishments,” and, all state agencies by and though all forms of grants, cooperative agreements, memorandums of understanding, agreements and documents known or unknown to me including but not limited the State Plans that are inextricably intertwined with federal agencies and federal regulations that are not “substantive regulations,” i.e., “legislative rules” as held in Chrysler v. Brown, 441 U.S. 281 (1979); and, only under the laws of necessity would I be subject to any such regulation(s) unless they are identified having the “force and effect of law” as a “substantive regulation,” i.e., a “legislative rule” in strict compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 codified in 5 U.S.C. chapters 5-9; and, specifically identified in the “proposed rule” published in the Federal Register that said regulation(s) is in compliance with 5 U.S.C. § 553(b ); and, specifically identified in the “final rule” published in the Federal Register stating compliance with 5 U.S.C. 553(b )(c)(d) and in compliance with 1 CFR § 21.40, 1 CFR § 21.41 and 1 CFR 21.43. 


    And further, that I have not knowingly or intentionally waived or surrendered any of my unalienable rights and birthright to any of the above, which is secured in this constitutional Republic founding documents including the Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of one of the several States of this Union of States that I am currently domiciled; and, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and Laws of the United States as amended by the qualified Electors of the several States against all enemies, either foreign or domestic; and, that I will support and defend the constitution the one of the several State as amended by the qualified Electors of the citizens of that particular one of the several States that I am currently domiciled against all enemies foreign and domestic; and, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the particular one of the several States that I am domiciled; and, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, so help me God.



                                      (Complete and true signature of holder)

    Sworn and subscribed before me on April 20th, 2015, being a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska.  My Commission expires on                                            .


                                Signature of Notary Public





  • We disagree with the above post as follows:


    Your logic is flawed.  A franchise is essentially a business bargain to trade rights for privileges.  It is unconstitutional to alienate an unalienable right.  Therefore franchises are impossible, EXCEPT among governments and people who have not constitutional or natural rights, which is ONLY on federal territory where the constitution doesn’t apply. That point is exhaustively proven in:


    Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030



  • fg_admin

    April 19, 2015 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Revocation of Election: Key to Exit U.S. Tax Club

    EDITORIAL: Here is another video from the same guys


    Jurisdiction & The Federal Income Tax


  • fg_admin

    March 25, 2015 at 2:28 am in reply to: Pete Hendrickson Newsletters/Updates

    A petition has been begun on Doreen Hendrickson’s behalf…

    You can sign it at


    P. S. Please forward this email widely!!

  • fg_admin

    March 2, 2015 at 4:37 pm in reply to: TEDxSwarthmore – Barry Schwartz – Why Justice Isn't Enough

    Rethinking the Impact of Traditional Justice: Natalie DeFreitas at TEDxVancouver

  • fg_admin

    March 2, 2015 at 4:32 pm in reply to: TEDxSwarthmore – Barry Schwartz – Why Justice Isn't Enough

    The above speaker says:

    1. Justice means Equity.
    2. Equity means:
    2.1 People deserve what they get. . and
    2.2 People get what they deserve.

    He calls this a “meritocracy”.

    3. What other values can be propose if real justice is impossible?



    Gemalto confirms NSA and GCHQ hack but says no massive theft of SIM keys

    25.02.2015 11:37

    Gemalto has confirmed the NSA and GCHQ did indeed hack its networks, but said there had been no massive theft of SIM encryption keys, only a breach of its office network.

    Gemalto produces 2bn SIM cards a year and the theft of encryption keys would have given the US and UK spy agencies respectively an unparalleled capability to access virtually any phone on the planet.

    Last week, in the latest round of revelations from former CIA contractor Edward Snowden, it was claimed GCHQ and the NSA collaborated to stalk Gemalto engineers, hack into encoding machines in mobile retail stores and crack Gemalto’s servers.

    However, Gemalto today said that while the NSA and GCHQ did indeed attempt to hack the company, the hacking was restricted to an office network.

    “The investigation into the intrusion methods described in the document and the sophisticated attacks that Gemalto detected in 2010 and 2011 give us reasonable grounds to believe that an operation by NSA and GCHQ probably happened.

    “The attacks against Gemalto only breached its office networks and could not have resulted in a massive theft of SIM encryption keys.

    “The operation aimed to intercept the encryption keys as they were exchanged between mobile operators and their suppliers globally. By 2010, Gemalto had already widely deployed a secure transfer system with its customers and only rare exceptions to this scheme could have led to theft.

    “In the case of an eventual key theft, the intelligence services would only be able to spy on communications on second-generation 2G mobile networks. 3G and 4G networks are not vulnerable to this type of attack.

    “None of our other products were impacted by this attack.

    “The best counter-measures to these type of attacks are the systematic encryption of data when stored and in transit, the use of the latest SIM cards and customised algorithms for each operator,” Gemalto said.

    Gemalto said that in 2010 and 2011, it detected two particular intrusions that could have related to the NSA/GCHQ operation.

    “In June 2010, we noticed suspicious activity in one of our French sites where a third party was trying to spy on the office network. By office network we mean the one used by employees to communicate with each other and the outside world. Action was immediately taken to counter the threat.

    “In July 2010, a second incident was identified by our security team. This involved fake emails sent to one of our mobile operator customers spoofing legitimate Gemalto email addresses. The fake emails contained an attachment that could download malicious code. We immediately informed the customer and also notified the relevant authorities both of the incident itself and the type of malware used.

    “During the same period, we also detected several attempts to access the PCs of Gemalto employees who had regular contact with customers.

    “At the time we were unable to identify the perpetrators but we now think that they could be related to the NSA and GCHQ operation.”

    Oranges and onions

    Gemalto said the intrusions only affected the outer part of its networks, which are in contact with the outside world.

    “The SIM encryption keys and other customer data in general, are not stored on these networks. It is important to understand that our network architecture is designed like a cross between an onion and an orange; it has multiple layers and segments which help to cluster and isolate data.

    “No breaches were found in the infrastructure running our SIM activity or in other parts of the secure network which manage our other products, such as banking cards, ID cards or electronic passports. Each of these networks is isolated from one another and they are not connected to external networks.”

    Gemalto said it is extremely difficult to attack a large number of SIM cards on an individual basis and that’s why the intelligence agencies chose to attack the data as it was transmitted between suppliers and mobile operators.

    The nature of Gemalto’s security mitigated the risk of the data being intercepted during transmission.

    It found the attacks were targeted at mobile operators in Afghanistan, Yemen, India, Serbia, Iran, Iceland, Somalia, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

    In relation to documents leaked by Snowden, Gemalto insisted it never sold SIM cards to four of the 12 operators listed in the documents, including a Somali carrier that had 300,000 SIM keys stolen.

    It also said 3G or 4G SIMs could not be affected by such an attack described in the leaked documents.

    But it said security is a cat-and-mouse game, where innovation requires companies to be one step ahead of hackers all the time.

    “Digital security is not static. Today’s state-of-the-art technologies lose their effectiveness over time as new research and increasing processing power make innovative attacks possible. All reputable security products must be redesigned and upgraded on a regular basis. SIM cards are no different and they have evolved over time. In particular, the technology was massively redeveloped for 3G and 4G networks.

    “Security is even higher for mobile operators who work with Gemalto to embed custom algorithms in their SIM cards. The variety and fragmentation of algorithmic technologies used by our customers increases the complexity and cost to deploy massive global surveillance systems.

    “This is one of the reasons why we are opposed to alternative technologies which would limit operators’ ability to customise their security mechanisms. Such technology would make it much simpler to organise mass surveillance should the technology unfortunately be compromised or fail,” Gemalto said.

  • fg_admin

    February 25, 2015 at 6:42 pm in reply to: Love and its relationship to hate

    EDITORIAL: Commentary on the following:

    What does the Bible Say about Hate?

    Sent to us by a reader.


    Yes, I read your article. Good work! Nice thorough presentation! If I have a criticism of the document, it is that it doesn’t equip Christians to hate evil men; that is, in an effort to be fair and balanced it doesn’t have the punch needed to overcome Christian addiction to “love as the answer to all things.” Please consider the following:

    To make it better and more relevant, consider addressing your last statement in a more focused way: “The other day I saw a bumper sticker that said “Hate is not a family value?” If God commands us to hate evil, is this bumper sticker accurate in the case of Christians?”

    It seems to me no one has really answered the question effectively.

    In light of our culture’s out of balance addiction to “love,” we need to provide convincing arguments that . . .

    A. It is impossible to separate evil from the man; God punishes evil men, not their evil. We separate evil from the man and teach an unbiblical view that we are to love the sinner and to hate the evil as if this is possible or even necessary to do. The phrase is cutesy but skewed. The death penalty, properly applied, cleanses society of evil because it addresses the source of evil-the wicked man. Kill the man and sin through him ceases.

    B. God hated at least one man (Esau). We are called to hate evil men. David prayed, “Destroy them that hate me!” (Ps. 18:40). David, the spirit-inspired author of Psalm 139:21 said, “Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee?” as if he expected God’s approval of this attitude; that is, it appears to me that Christianity is out of balance and that an aspect of holiness is to hate wicked men (career criminals) . . . politicians . . . and rulers who live in willful defiance of God’s law-order.

    Where love is not linked to law, love is like a river without banks destroying everything in its path. To modern Christians “love” is the new savior of society. Love becomes the answer to every problem: theft, perversion, criminality, heresy, unity, and every social ill. Love is the cure-all . . . and especially in the modern day church. Even secular books and songs abound advocating “Love is the answer” to all of man’s problems.

    Love is not the answer. It is part of the answer. Justice is not the answer, but it is part of the answer. The answer is in the godly exercise of justice and love-justice for the criminal and love for the weak. Love for the sinner; but hatred toward the wicked.

    Storm Brooks

  • fg_admin

    February 25, 2015 at 5:22 am in reply to: Don't Eat Sugar Free Gummy Bears
  • fg_admin

    February 25, 2015 at 2:54 am in reply to: F&#K EVIL!!!!


  • fg_admin

    February 22, 2015 at 2:33 pm in reply to: New IRS W-8BEN forms

    Its part of the below article, but you must be a compliant member to access or use it:
    About IRS Form W-8BEN, Form #04.202

    Basic membership and access to the form is free, but you must be compliant with the membership agreement to “use”. For information on Compliant Member Only forms, see:

  • fg_admin

    February 21, 2015 at 2:59 am in reply to: DHS Violent Extremism Page
  • fg_admin

    February 21, 2015 at 2:41 am in reply to: DHS Violent Extremism Page

    Here is their definition of trafficking, which fits perfectly with what the IRS does:


    •the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery.


    Note that FRAUDULENTLY defining one’s PRIVATE earnings as STATUTORY “wages” earned by a PUBLIC OFFICER/TAXPAYER subject to a public officer kickback fee (falsely called a “tax”) constitutes “obtaining of a person for labor or services”, because “wages” are a representation of one’s labor and a result of one’s labor.

    Here are the “symptoms” they describe from human trafficking. Does the IRS make you feel this way?”


    Disorientation, confusion, phobias, or panic attacks caused by daily mental abuse, torture, and culture shock


    Here is their “victim identification pamphlet” for non-governmental organizations

    The above pamphlet says the following about the signs of human trafficking, which apply to what the government does to us:


    Traffickers [IRS/government] often operate by:

    • Using violence or threatening the person or the person’s family members; [YES.  Commercial violence and SLANDER in the media]

    • Harming or depriving the person of basic necessities, such as food, water, or sleep; [YES.  After they STEAL your money so you can’t afford basic necessities]

    • Making false promises of love or companionship;

    • Making false promises of a good job and home;
    • Preventing the victim from attending religious services; [YES.  Can’t attend a 501c3 church and there aren’t any that aren’t]

    • Restricting contact with friends or family; [IRS approaches friends and family members to slander you behind your back]

    • Limiting freedom of movement; [YES.  Can’t travel in an automobile without being a government employee by using a SLAVE SURVEILLANCE NUMBER]

    • Controlling the person’s identification documents; [YES. You can’t get government ID without a SLAVE SURVEILLANCE number that makes you into an uncompensated government employee]

    • Threatening deportation or law enforcement action; and/or
    • Garnishing the person’s salary to pay off alleged debts. [IRS garnishments]

    Signs of Human Trafficking

    By identifying victims and reporting tips, you are doing your part to help law enforcement rescue victims, and you might save a life. You can connect victims to services such as medical and mental health care, shelter, job training, and legal assistance that restore their freedom and dignity. Your safety as well as the victim’s safety is paramount. Do not at any time attempt to confront a suspected trafficker directly or alert a victim to your suspicions. The presence or absence of any of the indicators is not necessarily proof of human trafficking. It is up to law enforcement to investigate suspected cases of human trafficking.
    • Does the person appear disconnected from family, friends, community organizations, or houses of worship? [YES.  501c3 status alienates true Christians from corporate churches]

    • Has the child stopped attending school?

    • Has the person had a sudden or dramatic change in behavior?

    • Is the juvenile engaged in commercial sex acts?

    • Is the person disoriented or confused, or showing signs of mental or physical abuse?

    • Does the person have bruises in various stages of healing?
    • Is the person fearful, timid, or submissive? [YES.  People commit suicide over IRS issues because they fear for their future]

    • Does the person show signs of having been denied food, water, sleep, or medical care? [YES.  After they STEAL all your money, you can’t afford food]

    • Is the person often in the company of someone that he or she defers to? Or someone who seems to be in control of the situation, e.g., where they go or who they talk to? [YES, a corrupted censored legal profession controlled by a judicial oligarchy]

    • Does the person appear to be coached on what to say? [YES, using FRAUDULENT IRS publications]

    • Is the person living in unsuitable conditions? [YES.  Velcome to gulag Amerika, Comrade]

    • Does the person lack personal possessions and appear not to have a stable living situation? [YES.  IRS claims to own EVERYTHING and takes EVERYTHING away if you don’t bribe them with “protection money” to leave you alone]

    • Does the person have freedom of movement? Can the person freely leave where they live? Are there unreasonable security measures? [NO.  Because they won’t let you travel without being PRIVILEGED and licensed or having government ID that requires you to become a public officer with an employment ID number called a Slave Surveillance Number to get the ID]


  • fg_admin

    February 21, 2015 at 2:36 am in reply to: DHS Violent Extremism Page

    DHS Terrorist Designations and State Sponsors of Terrorism

    Terrorism Designations Press Releases


    Human Trafficking (IRS uses human trafficking for sex slave purposes.  Commerce with the government is the sex/intercourse as shown in the definition of “commerce” in Black’s Law Dictionary)


    Blue Campaign Resource Catalog (to stop human trafficking)

  • fg_admin

    February 21, 2015 at 2:28 am in reply to: DHS Violent Extremism Page

    CNN just came out with a report on extremism:


    DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat

    By Evan Perez and Wes Bruer, CNN

    Washington (CNN)—They’re carrying out sporadic terror attacks on police, have threatened attacks on government buildings and reject government authority.

    A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.

    DHS Secretary: ISIS reaching into U.S. to recruit

    Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.​

    The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010.

    ISIS burned up to 40 people alive in Iraq, official says

    The government says these are extremists who believe that they can ignore laws and that their individual rights are under attack in routine daily instances such as a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order.

    They’ve lashed out against authority in incidents such as one in 2012, in which a father and son were accused of engaging in a shootout with police in Louisiana, in a confrontation that began with an officer pulling them over for a traffic violation. Two officers were killed and several others wounded in the confrontation. The men were sovereign citizen extremists who claimed police had no authority over them.

    Among the findings from the Homeland Security intelligence assessment: “(Sovereign citizen) violence during 2015 will occur most frequently during routine law enforcement encounters at a suspect’s home, during enforcement stops and at government offices.”

    DHS has documented examples of violence by sovereign citizen extremists since 2010. They range from incidents that occurred in the home and at traffic stops to attacks on government buildings.

    The report adds that “law enforcement officers will remain the primary target of (sovereign citizen) violence over the next year due to their role in physically enforcing laws and regulations.”

    The White House has fended off criticism in recent days for its reluctance to say the words “Islamist extremism,” even as the conference this week almost entirely focused on helping imams and community groups to counteract the lure of groups like ISIS.

    Absent from the White House conference is any focus on the domestic terror threat posed by sovereign citizens, militias and other anti-government terrorists that have carried out multiple attacks in recent years.

    An administration official says the White House is focused on the threat from all terrorists, including from sovereign citizen and other domestic groups.

    “I don’t think it’s fair to say the (White House) conference didn’t address this at all,” the official said, adding that President Barack Obama addressed the need to combat “violent ideologies” of all types.

    An official at the Justice Department, which is leading the administration’s counter-radicalization effort, says many of the tactics aimed at thwarting radical Islamic recruitment of young people can also be used to fight anti-government extremist groups.

    While groups like ISIS and al Qaeda garner the most attention, for many local cops, the danger is closer to home.

    A survey last year of state and local law enforcement officers listed sovereign citizen terrorists, ahead of foreign Islamists, and domestic militia groups as the top domestic terror threat.

    The survey was part of a study produced by the University of Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.

    In 2013, a man who held anti-government views carried out a shooting attack on three Transportation Security Administration employees at Los Angeles International Airport, killing one TSA officer. Last year, a couple killed two police officers and a bystander at a Las Vegas Walmart store.

    Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that by some estimates, there are as many as 300,000 people involved in some way with sovereign citizen extremism. Perhaps 100,000 people form a core of the movement, he said.

    The federal government’s focus on the domestic groups waxes and wanes, Potok said, in part because the threat from foreign groups like al Qaeda and its affiliates.

    Potok says sovereign citizen groups have attracted support because of poor economic conditions. Some groups travel the country pitching their ideology as a way to help homeowners escape foreclosure or get out of debt, by simply ignoring the courts and bankruptcy law.

    The Homeland Security report’s focus on right-wing terrorists is a subject that garnered political controversy for the Obama administration in the past. In 2009, a Homeland Security report on possible recruitment of military veterans by right-wing militia groups prompted an outcry from veterans groups.

    The report was produced by staff members during the Bush administration but wasn’t published until then Homeland Security Janet Napolitano had taken office. Napolitano criticized her own agency for the report.

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