Forum Replies Created
A case being dismissed before discovery is complete is a due process violation. For authorities on due process, see item 3.4.15:
Due Process Under the Federal Constitution, Itm 3.4.15
Another useful resource is:
Federal Jurisdiction, Form #05.018
Findlaw is not a good source to do the caselaw research on this. It only goes back to 1900 for the supreme court and the last few years for state and lower courts. You should get a REAL research account on one of the following:
If you aren't willing to pay your dues and get such an account, please don't pester us to do research for you that you can and should be doing for yourself. If you don't want to pull your own weight, then learn to be good at bending over.
Let us know WHERE you find your answer in that book, because it is probably there somewhere, but we aren't going to do your work for you. We need workers and helpers, not leeches in these forums. This is collective effort, not a socialist welfare system.
If you were really sincere and constructive in your comments about improving this website, you would indicate EXACTLY where the best place would be to put the “START HERE” info in. Without such feedback, we added it to:
1. At the beginning of sections 8 and 9.1 of:
Taxation Page
2. A new section 1.2 of:
Federal and State Withholding Options for Private Employers Book
3. Section 6.1 of:
Sovereignty and Freedom Topic
4. The beginning of section 9 of:
Activism Page
If there is some other place where it would help also, please suggest it.
In the meantime, why don't you devote your life to helping others as you suggest that we should, by frequenting these forums in the Members Helping Members section. Otherwise, ommissions from your own example will cause your words to fall on deaf ears. “Lead, a follow, or get the (censored) out of the way but don't just sit there and whine about how things don't meet your expectation. Talk is cheap.”
Thanks for your CONSTRUCTIVE, SPECIFIC feedback.
1. You are jumping the gun. Please stick to the curricular documented in:
Path to Freedom, Form #09.015
2. Read chapter 3 of the Great IRS Hoax as all members are required to do and you will understand the basics of law.
Great IRS Hoax, Chapter 3
If you don't have time to read the chapter, then start with the following first.
Citizenship and Sovereignty Course, Item 2.3
3. If you continue on this path of dependency, I predict that if or when you are confronted with a legal conflict, you will be victimized by a lawyer and have your liberty held hostage as a penalty for legal ignorance.
All your questions have been anticipated and dealt with in advance if you will just stick to the Path to Freedom document/curricula. Please reserve your questions until AFTER you have read at least chapters 3-6 of the Hoax book and followed the Path to Freedom document. Otherwise, you are wasting the time of a lot of people. Turn off the TV and invest in the only thing they can't take away, which is education or learn to be a good little slave. At least become familiar enough with the materials here to be able to locate the answer for your own questions, or you will be victimized and enslaved endlessly by whims of others and you will never achieve sovereignty. If you want to be free, you will have to earn it. Freedom is not a spectator sport.
Why do you call yourself lambskin? Is that like a “foreskin”? Heeee…heee:
Are you a wolf in sheep's clothing who works for the government?
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. Below are some responses:
1. Family Guardian is mainly a research site, not a remedy site.
2. SEDM is primarily a remedy site and not a research site.
3. Together, they complete and complement each other and this is deliberate.
4. SEDM is a membership only site, and it must be this way because if it weren't, the tools they have would be abused to injure the government and discredit the freedom community. The Membership Agreement forbids this.
5. FG is not a membership site because it doesn't offer remedies, but only research tools and information.
6. If you want remedies, go to the SEDM Liberty University, which has EXACTLY what you are asking for. Perhaps you didn't notice:
Situational References, Item 6.1
The above list describes what to do and where to go based on specific situations.
Item 2.1 in the Liberty University tells the reader where to start, and it is in BIG RED LETTERS just as you suggested. START HERE. It contains a checklist to achieve sovereignty and basic guidance for most situations. It also has links to the admin remedies for specific situations. Stick to the Liberty University and use FG as a reference tool. That is how the two sites work together. You aren't finding remedies because you are looking on the wrong website.
SEDM has links on the opening page at the top and on the Sermons page to the FG Topic resources so they can be used as a reference tool. Think of FG as the “U.S. Code” of the freedom community, where items are arranged in “Titles” (e.g. “Topics”) by subject to make it easy to quickly find information. Think of SEDM as the federal regulations: What to do for given situations. In that sense, the two sites collectively are emulating the organization of the government. The Legislative branch (FG) writes the U.S. Code and the Executive Branch executes and enforces and applies it (SEDM). You the reader are the Judicial Branch, because you must judge what applies to your situation and enforce it against your oppressors.
You might want to read the following document in the Liberty University, because it directly addresses your concerns:
Path to Freedom, Item 2.1
We aren't responsible for SEDM, but together, we complement each other and there is purposefully no overlap so that people will always go to SEDM for remedies and FG for research. FG is a political, activism, and research site. SEDM is a remedy and religious site. We don't intend for this ever to change.
Your suggestions for remedies should be directed at SEDM. Your remarks for political activism should be directed to the members of this forum. FG will never compete with SEDM for remedies and can't compete, because they are much better at it than us.
Your suggestions for offering SOLUTIONS are incompatible with the Prohibited Activities on our About Us page. You are suggesting that FG should give legal advice to specific persons under specific described situations. That is a violation of our:
Prohibited Activities, Section 12, Item 6
That will only invite members of the legal monopoly to pursue us for unlicensed practice of law. Members can offer such help, but we can't. That is why the Members Helping Members section of these forums allows people like you to help others. No one is stopping you, and we haven't seen you here following your own advice by offering solutions to others, so what's the problem? We can't do it because it violates our Prohibited Activites, but you can. It is this very requirement that helps explain why this site is the only site out of the 300+ targets of DOJ tax injunctions since 2001 that survived the process completely unscathed. If we had followed your advice, it probably wouldn't have survived. Are you from the government and trying to put a chink in our armor so the adversary can come in like a Trojan horse and shut us down?
You are also suggesting that you can help starving people by giving them food. That is a BAD idea! Instead, teach them to GROW food, which means in this case teach them how to read, study, and apply the law to their own circumstances. Otherwise, a few gurus will pop up and BIG BROTHER (the government) will be replaced with LITTLER BROTHER. Kinda STUPID, don't you think?
If ignorance, laziness, dependency, and apathy are the sins that got us into this mess and concentrated all power into the hands of a few in the government, how is having a few gurus doing all the work that everyone else is TOO LAZY or TOO IGNORANT or TOO FEARFUL to do going to solve anything?
We'll just end up emulating the mess our government is in. You don't seem to understand the concept of sovereignty, which is complete, total, exclusive, and perpetual SELF GOVERNMENT, which means not allowing anyone to make decisions for you or do ANYTHING for you.
Those who want freedom must earn it. Most of the people who come here want a quick fix and a promise of something that will work that we are prohibited from giving them. If they had the right motives, they would come here BEFORE they had problems and earn their freedom by unselfishly helping others so they would be ready and prepared when their number came up. Very few people come to these forums with such noble motives, and Bing is one of them who we admire because he is doing this.
The main reason they should come here is to learn the law, obey it, and enforce it upon their public servants. If they consistently did that, all the other problems would go away. Instead, they often come here to avoid immediate pain, but not to seek or promote truth, education, or public virtue. They are often so short-sighted, impatient, and selfish that they can't see beyond their immediate problem to the longer term good of all. Those are not the type of people we want to attract here because they will never earn or deserve sovereignty, and they are undoubtedly going to eventually discredit us by using our materials ignorantly and in violation of their purpose or proper intended use. For instance, they will ACT like a “taxpayer” and claim to be a “nontaxpayer”. If they quack like a duck, any judge is going to call them DUCK and the only reason they think otherwise is because of the very same wicked presumption and ignorance that is at the heart of all the evil in the courts. Or they are going to use the materials for economic reasons, which is prohibited by the Prohibited Activites and would only make us into a magnet for tax injunctions and government censorship.
If you have a better idea, please suggest it, but also consider that the two sites can't and won't compete with each other, but complement each other, and this applies to every subject area, not just litigation.
Fixed. Thanks.
1. I would strongly advise reading and following the article below:
About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence, Form #07.017
2. I would also suggest attaching the following form:
Tax Form Attachment, Form #04.013
AdministratorApril 16, 2008 at 2:18 pm in reply to: This private system is IS subject to monitoringhelper,
The statement you point out is NOT false in OUR case, which is the only entity we claim to speak for or are authorized to speak for. We don't share our user or reader information with ANYONE, and so WE don't monitor it. If or how OTHERS monitor this website is THEIR problem. As always:
Caveat emptor
Thanks, Riverway. For those who want to read more quotes like this right here on Family Guardian, see:
The answer is obvious. Write them a letter to the SS commissioner herself and demand that they either provide the refund, or explain why the legal authorities provided in the document are insufficient to justify the refund.
Am I missing something? The letter couldn't be more than a page. Remember, we don't deal with commerce on this site. Our focus is on disconnecting from franchises and restoring sovereignty, not on getting refunds for people. You're going to have to handle that part yourself.
There is nothing to do. The SSA is asked to remain silent on everything they agree with. They typically don't send anything back because:
1. They don't want to surrender their “plausible deniability” and become liable criminally as revealed in the document.
2. The Resignation document says not to contact the submitter to try to change his mind, but to follow their own instructions and terminate the application irrevocably.
Nice job.
AdministratorMarch 17, 2008 at 3:02 am in reply to: Special Closed Session of House of Reps.From: Freedom Pool [mailto:freedompool@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 2:34 PM
Subject: 6th closed door session of Congress in 176 years
Last week's session (Th 3/13/08) was only the 6th time in the last 176 years that Congress has closed its doors to the public.
Word has begun leaking that not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they also discussed:
the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008;
the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009;
the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse;
advance round-ups of “insurgent U.S. citizens” likely to move against the government;
the detention of those rounded-up at “REX 84” camps constructed throughout the USA (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84);
the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses;
the location of “safe facilities” for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest;
the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool);
the issuance of a new currency – THE AMERO – for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.
Members of Congress were forbidden to reveal what was discussed.
See House Holds Closed Session to Discuss Surveillance Bill: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/03/14/h…o_n_91490.html;
House Approves New Eavesdropping Rules: http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_wi…llance,00.html;
International Experts Foresee Collapse of U.S. Economy: http://www.intelligencer.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=918803
See: Beginning of Martial Law: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=begEaAe4XYE
Preparation of martial law in the USA has begun.
Is our country turning into Fascism? What are WE going to do about it? Can anything below be denied?
1) The president asserts the right to ignore part or all of laws passed by the national legislature.
2) Massive warrantless searches.
3) The president and other officials regularly lie to you.
4) Fraudulent election counts.
5) Government monitoring of letters, emails, phone calls and checking accounts.
6) Secret courts.
7) A government subservient to the interests of the country's largest corporations.
8) Use of torture on prisoners.
9) Courts that support presidential use of unconstitutional powers.
10) Massive spying on citizens, especially those involved in political dissent.
11) A government that uses words like democracy, freedom and peace while engaging in acts dramatically at odds with such words.
12) Government agencies or officials declaring themselves exempt from portions of the law or constitution.
13) Creation of watch lists, no-fly lists and similar exclusionary documents.
14) National ID cards.
15) Growing number of citizens incarcerated for a growing number of offenses.
16) Massive use of cameras to spy on citizens.
17) A media supportive of, or obsequious towards, the government in covering its police state activities.
18) Security bubble around government leaders' public appearances including pre selected audiences and limit on proximity of protests.
19) Disarming of citizenry.
20) Dissent characterized as disloyal by government and its supporting media.
21) Increasing government control over private behavior.
22) Lack of legal recourse to stop illegal government actions.
23) Prison without trial and arrests without charges.
24) It is difficult to borrow books from libraries pertaining to controversial subjects such as fascism.
25) Transfer of powers from legislatures to executive.
26) Assassinations of popular public figures.
27) Expansion of prisons and laws that lead people to prisons.
28) President claims right to make war whenever he wants.
29) Words misused to mean their opposite: i.e. peace for war, democracy for fascism.
30) The president sets himself up as the sole moral authority for the entire country, using his personal beliefs as the basis on which to declare what is 'good' and what is 'evil.'
31) Federal takeover of functions formerly considered essential state or local responsibilities such as state militias and public education.
32) Creation of a mercenary military force used for foreign and domestic purposes.
The concentration camps have already been built HERE IN America.
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders http://www.mindfully.org:80/Reform/2004/FE…Camps3sep04.htm
Un hidden Agendas: Off To Camp FEMA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTvPljNxYTI&NR=1
Detention Center, concentration camp? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqi123hBw2A&NR=1
Concentration Camps being built for U.S citizens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJBxdRIQx7Y&NR=1
Concentration Camp In Texas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxYxTly-yo8&NR=1
FEMA Camp with Better Quality Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0pfGOH4uxA&NR=1
FEMA Camp Footage (Concentrations Camps in USA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P-hvPJPTi4&NR=1
Beech Grove Indiana FEMA Camp – April 5 2006 http://www.youtube.com:80/watch?v=v9Ut-t7k_zY&NR=1
FEMA camp Chicago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0da_83BzqM&NR=1
AdministratorMarch 17, 2008 at 1:39 am in reply to: repub of united states vs Unites States of AmerFranklin,
Thanks for the feedback. In response to your suggestion, there is a new forum under the “Issue Debates” category entitled “Corporatization and Privatization” of the government. You are right that this topic should be separate and our forums are now improved thanks to your welcome feedback.
Please see the “Welcome” topic within this new forum, which explains its purpose and gives some references in which to focus the debate and discussion.
Below is the direct link to the new forum:
AdministratorMarch 13, 2008 at 9:51 pm in reply to: Regarding the possibility of hidden contractsFranklin,
Very well put, and precisely the position we argue from in every freedom issue here. Your position of challenging presumptions is thoroughly documented below:
Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal Jurisdiction, Form #05.017
Challenging presumptions and pointing out that they violate due process of law was what one of our members did when the DOJ attempted to get an injunction against this and other websites “presumed” to be owned and controlled by the member. All the court could basically do was punt, throw up their hands, and slap the member on the wrist without actually ordering him to do anything other than stop making nonfactual statements that are not admissible as evidence and not actionable. It was hilarious to watch, and proof positive that the techniques you suggest are the only ones that truly work.
For details on how the government's presumptions were challenged, read: