Forum Replies Created
Below is the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in the D.C. Gunban case:
District of Columbia v. Heller, Case No. 07-290
AdministratorJune 17, 2008 at 2:08 pm in reply to: SUPREME COURT: 7203 does not mean income taxGreat research. Thanks, reb!
Below is an exhaustive treatise that incorporates your post. See Section 13.2:
Legal Requirement to File Income Tax Returns, Form #05.009
Incidentally, the IRS is now also penalizing “taxpayers” to the tune of $5,000 who raise the money issue at any due process hearing or in the context of a tax return. See:
F rivolous Positions, Notice 2008-14, Item #13
They don't have a leg to stand on because there is no statute dealing with this matter and the judges can't MAKE law. They shouldn't be putting anything in their list of incorrect positions that there isn't a statute to back up, but they did it anyway unlawfully.
You are correct that the UCC section for reservation of rights used to be UCC 1-207 and is now UCC 1-308. Just change or line out the text. All the SEDM forms have the following language, but perhaps not all Family Guardian forusm have been updated yet.
“All rights reserved, UCC 1-308 and its predecessor, UCC 1-207.”
Please inform us of which forms need to be updated and we will fix them.
That term is unique to UCC Redemptionists. We strongly discourage people from becoming involved in UCC redemption for the reasons identified in the document below.
The document below has all the links at the end to every available reference on UCC redemption. Then locate the answer within the references cited yourself.
Policy Document: UCC Redemption, Form #08.002
When we have more people GIVING more to these forums then they take, people like you will be getting more of your questions directly answered. Until then, we must reap what we collectively sow.
Techniques for Building a Good Administrative Record, Form #09.008
Notary Certificate of Default Process, Form #09.014
Don't have anything beyond these.
The term “income” is defined in 26 USC 643(b ) to mean the earnings of a trust or estate. Men or women are not included within the definition. Only artifical entities:
Where have you been? This information has been posted on the passport page for at least two months:
There's even a copy of the new DS-11 form there along with all the other forms DOS has been trying to use to sabotage the approach and the suggested remedies for each form of sabotage.
The latest attempt to sabotage the truth and interfere with people's sovereignty is to reject the application until they fill out an IN-709-01 form. This form forces people to disclose all kinds of irrelevant personal information, including their domicile. Domicile is NOT a criteria for issuing a passport, but only the place of one's birth. They have turned the application process into an application to become a “taxpayer” and a data feed for the DHS national database to track us like animals and inventory. The form has no OMB control number and therefore is a “bootleg form” that need not be filled out. The USA Passport Application Attachment, we are told, has been rewritten to circumvent this form of sabotage and so far it is working. See:
Thanks for your comments anyway.
Once again, please reveal your intentions. We won't allow these forums to be abused to STEAL from others. If you are trying to cancel a mortgage, you are STEALING and we will have NO PART OF IT.
Quote:“But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”[1 Tim. 6:9-10, Bible, NKJV]
On the other hand, if you are a victim of foreclosure, that is a legitimate use of these forums.
If you won't reveal your intentions, we are going to delate this topic because silence constitutes agreement pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(d). We won't have any redemptionist commercial scams attempted in our name nor be associated with them.
If you want to know what this fellowship thinks of “redemption” and the legal and factual basis for their view, read:
Policy Document: UCC Redemption, Form #08.002
Please keep us posted as you develop resources useful to you so that we may share them with anyone. Thanks for the update.
We don't provide that kind of help. SEDM has a litigation tool that uses the above. This isn't ours so please don't ask questions about it here:
Petition to Dismiss Civil Tax Case, Litigation Tool #03.002
If you have further quesitons on the above item, please don't ask me. I'm not responsible for the above. Post your questions to SEDM
Unfortunately, it is hard enough for us to keep up with U.S. law, let alone all the law in every country in the western world. For countries other than the United States, all we can do is act as a broker for research that people such as yourself might uncover. As you discover it, we would appreciate you sharing it with us. However, we can’t do the legal research for you. We count on our members to do their own research, share it with us so we can review, revise, and repost it.
Thank you for your inquiry. Mr. Bing may have been impertinent, but he was indirectly pointing out that sovereignty is not a spectator sport. All the principles that we have uncovered for stealing the sovereignty of the people apply universally across all cultures and are easy to locate in the laws and statutes, but you must find them yourself on this website, we teach people how to think, not what to think. We teach people how to fish but we don’t give them fish. Here are the principles:
1. All “Residents” are aliens and you aren’t a “resident”. See:
2. You become a “subject citizen” by choosing a domicile within the territory of the sovereign. See:
3. No one can compel you to choose a domicile and therefore, no one can compel you to be subject to civil law of the government in your region.
4. Choice of domicile is hidden in the words “citizen”, resident”, and “inhabitant” so you can’t refer to yourself with these terms. See:
5. Franchises are how they cause you to give up your rights. See section 4:
6. Signing up for franchises also makes one a “resident” within a specific jurisdiction, therefore, we can’t sign up for franchise. See:
7. All law is law for government. Governments are created to protect private rights, and you don’t protect rights by regulating them. As a consequence, the only way you can become subject to civil government law is by becoming part of the government. That transformation usually happens by engaging in “benefits” and other government franchises. See:
The above principles may be unique to the united states of america, but the techniques across all civilized countries are uniform. The best way to learn a subject is by committing yourself to teaching and helping others. This forum is provided to give you practice doing that by helping others. Those who don’t want to help others and thereby govern themselves without the government deserve a big nanny government the coddles people womb to tomb and STEALS everything it wants from its lazy citizens.
If you want to learn the basic principles so you know what to look for in your own government codes and regulations, then go through the Liberty University at the link below. You will quickly learn how they STOLE your sovereignty after you learn the techniques. Then as you dig them up by reading the law yourself, please share your research with us. We won’t do the work for you, because you can’t deserve sovereignty unless you earn it. Otherwise, it’s just another socialist handout, and socialism is the thing we are trying to avoid on this website.
Good luck and please share your research. If you don’t want to do the work needed to earn sovereignty, learn to bend over. It may hurt to hear that, but its the truth and hiding from the truth is how things have gotten so bad so quickly.
If you are searching for someone to take responsibility for giving you freedom that you can’t or wan’t accept for yourself, you will spend a lifetime searching because no one looks out for number one but number one. Sovereignty starts with personal responsibility. Any effort to escape responsibility for self ultimately only grows the power and control of government and ensures that we lose more of our rights:
Quote:The more you want, the more the world can hurt you.[Confucius]
That's not our form and we can't answer questions about SEDM materials on this site. If you ahve questions, use their forums, not this one.
Furthermore, you as asking us to make legal determinations about whether the form is appropriate in your specific circumstance, which we can't and won't do because it is prohibited by Section 12 of our About Us page.
You're not a sovereign if you can't govern your own life.