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Why don't you contact this guy, who isn't us, and tell him not to point his domain at our servers so people like you don't continue to have these sort of problems.
Peter Schiff on Why the Meltdown Happened
350 Years of Economic Theory in 50 minutes
Sam Davis Audio on his recent arrest:
Look on right hand side.
Davis was arrested at his hotel while in Vegas. There was no warrant to arrest him, only an indictment. They also simultaneously went to his house in Idaho and raided his home while his wife was there. When the visited his house, they came at 8:30am during a snow storm. His wife heard a knock on the door. She said to come in. 25 people were there and they battering rammed his door down. The people who visited his house in Idaho were the WMD Coordinator and Joint Terrorism Task Force. That is what the FBI agent's calling card said who was in charge of the raid. When they entered, they threw two smoke bombs in his house and held his wife for 3/5 hours. They refused to produce a warrant but wouldn't provide it. Before they left, they provided the warrant. They took his wife's computer but didn't get anything important.
The indictment against Sam includes 25 counts of money laundering. The undercover FBI agents befriended Sam and others in the SPC group. They also set up a company and, according to Sam, wired money to Sam's company's account. Sam said he didn't know where the funds were coming from. Over the course of a week, Sam said he would then wire those funds to another company and he would take a fee. Everything else was done by the FBI undercover agents. The government says that they lost $1.29 million dollars, which is a bald faced lie according to Sam. Every dime less Sam's fees were returned. Sam said he never touched a check and never saw a check allegedly stolen from Wachovia bank. Sam indicated that he let his better judgment go by the wayside to rob the bank.
Friend who was also arrested is a retired agent of the FBI with 25 years service. Sam says he was arrested for tax crimes because he participated in the the makiing Of Aaron Russo's Freedom to Fascism movie. His friend went shooting with the undercover FBI agents. The agents came with AKA-47's to their shooting practice with a gun that didn't work. He told them how to fix it and offered to make the parts. Eventually, they arrested him for illegal manufacture of machine guns. When they arrested him at one of these shooting practices, 15 agents arrested him. Subsequently, they went to him home after the arrest with 45 agents, sealed off the street, and announced on bullhorns to scare the crap out of his neighbors. He was already in their custody at that point and this was totally unnecessary.
In January 2009 meeting of the Sovereign People's Court, Sam was playing the judge. Then they asked for volunteers. A fellow from Hawaii invoked Fed.R. Civ.Proc. 17(a), which requires a real party in interestto make an objection stating that you are not the real party in interest in order to dismiss a civil case. Says that is the critical aspect of “do you have a claim against me”.
Fed.R.Ev. 201 and 902 talk about self authenticating documents. There are 21 prescribed federal laws that allow you to ask the government questions before they can ask you. Servant has to answer before the Master, you, answers. This would be the Public Servant Questionnaire (Public Servant Questionnaire).
Sam says all crime is commercial. Everything they give you is an offer. The indictment is a True Bill, according to him, that is waiting to be negotiated.
The U.S. Attorney said Sam was a flight risk at the hearing. Sam was appointed a public pretender (“Defender”) and he told her (the public pretender) that she couldn't speak. At the detention hearing, she handled part of it. She said that Pre Trial Services recommended that he be released without any restrictions. Sam said that the only thing he has is his integrity. He said he doesn't have a passport and never applied for one. Judge said he believes Sam. Judge said it was a contract and ordered him released.
AdministratorMarch 24, 2009 at 2:12 am in reply to: Response to IRS Notice of Deficiency Ltr 3219If you are pursuing Joe Banister and We the People for a remedy, you are barking up the wrong tree. They simply DON'T GET IT. They are about 8 years behind the times as far as research that has been done on the subject of taxes and they are not going to be able to provide you any of the right answers. This is not intended as a personal attack against them, but simply a statement of fact. We like them as people.
If you are on this website, you are in the right place. Stay here and you will have everything you need. There is no more accurate or complete source of freedom information on the internet than what you stumbled upon here. We can't and won't hold your hand because we have far too many members and no way to recoup our cost, but if you stick to what is here, you will win eventually, as we have found from personal experience.
You status is determined by all the evidence that can be used to prove it. This includes:
1. What you put on your passport application. See:
Applying for a passport as a “national”
2. What you put on your driver's license application.
3. What your response to a jury summons is. See:
Jury Summons Response Attachment, Form #06.015
4. What you put on the SS-5 Social Security application.
5. What you put on financial account applications.
ALL of the above must consistently describe you as a “national” and not a “citizen” and if they do, no one can challenge that legally. If any of them describe you as a “U.S. citizen” or if they are not consistent with each other, then the evidence doesn't prove that you are one and therefore you may not be one. The truth cannot contradict itself or it isn't the truth. Anything that isn't the truth must be decided in a court of law, in which case by contradicting yourself or answering inconsistently on any one of the above, you give discretion to a court or the government to change your status because you obviously don't know what you are.
That is why one MUST go back and refile all the above in order to correct their status and why the following document requires that you must go back and fix all the above:
Path to Freedom, Form #09.015
If you don't follow the process in section 2 of the above to update ALL government records reflecting your status, you are welcoming others to make prejudicial presumptions about your status and challenge your statements in court and probably win. Otherwise, if one follows the above and destroys all evidence connecting them to the status, then their position is completely defensible with evidence and the government has to go away.
What one says OUTSIDE the court on government forms, and especially “benefit” forms, is far more important than what you tell the court, especilly in the context of the specific benefit in question. The walk AND the talk must be completely consistent or you are a LIAR.
It worked for me. I can't give you my name and don't ask. I wouldn't have suggested it if I hadn't tried it myself. How do you think I knew about this technique? No one taught me this, I figured it out. If you want to be free, YOU will have to start figuring things out for yourself.
Don't ask me for advice about your situation or work-arounds in the scenario suggested. All that does is:
1. Punish rather than reward and protect success.
2. Give you an excuse to blame someone else if it doesn't work or you don't do it right and thereby evade responsibility.
3. Reward and even encourage laziness and lack of commitment on your part.
YOU figure them out to demonstrate your commitment to being free and share them with us. If you aren't willing to earn your freedom and want someone to lead you by the nose, then you don't belong here and definitely are not sovereign and never will be sovereign. All you do by asking too many questions is just make it easier for the State Dept. to circumvent the holes in their procedure and close yet one more way to lawfully have one's true status recognized. They are probably reading these forums too.
One additional approach not suggested that also works is to use the minimalist approach suggested here and use NO attachments:
. . .and after you get the passport, send in all the attachments and extra explanatory materials to the Dept. of State as an amendment via certified mail with a certificate of service. That way you get what you want and you don't raise any red flags during the application process, but eventually get everything into the record ANYWAY, AFTER they give you the passport.
Thanks for sharing your observations. Our response is as follows:
1. The I.R.C. Subtitles A and C income taxes and employment taxes are MUNICIPAL taxes for the District of Columbia Corporation, not state income taxes. Evidence of that incorporation appears in SEDM Exhibits 08.007 through 08.009 (http://sedm.org/Exhibits/ExhibitIndex.htm). These so-called “taxes”, which are really just franchise fee collection schemes, have deceptively been made to APPEAR as “national” income taxes by virtue of abuse of “words of art”, but they in fact are municipal income taxes.
Quote:“Loughborough v. Blake, 5 Wheat. 317, 5 L. ed. 98, was an action of trespass or, as appears by the original record, replevin, brought in the circuit court for the District of Columbia to try the right of Congress to impose a direct tax for general purposes on that District. 3 Stat. at L. 216, chap. 60. It was insisted that Congress could act in a double capacity: in one as legislating [182 U.S. 244, 260] for the states; in the other as a local legislature for the District of Columbia. In the latter character, it was admitted that the power of levying direct taxes might be exercised, but for District purposes only, as a state legislature might tax for state purposes; but that it could not legislate for the District under art. 1, 8, giving to Congress the power 'to lay and collect taxes, imposts, and excises,' which 'shall be uniform throughout the United States,' inasmuch as the District was no part of the United States [described in the Constitution]. It was held that the grant of this power was a general one without limitation as to place, and consequently extended to all places over which the government extends; and that it extended to the District of Columbia as a constituent part of the United States. The fact that art. 1 , 2, declares that 'representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states . . . according to their respective numbers' furnished a standard by which taxes were apportioned, but not to exempt any part of the country from their operation. 'The words used do not mean that direct taxes shall be imposed on states only which are represented, or shall be apportioned to representatives; but that direct taxation, in its application to states, shall be apportioned to numbers.' That art. 1, 9, 4, declaring that direct taxes shall be laid in proportion to the census, was applicable to the District of Columbia, 'and will enable Congress to apportion on it its just and equal share of the burden, with the same accuracy as on the respective states. If the tax be laid in this proportion, it is within the very words of the restriction. It is a tax in proportion to the census or enumeration referred to.' It was further held that the words of the 9th section did not 'in terms require that the system of direct taxation, when resorted to, shall be extended to the territories, as the words of the 2d section require that it shall be extended to all the states. They therefore may, without violence, be understood to give a rule when the territories shall be taxed, without imposing the necessity of taxing them.'”[Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)]
2. All municipal taxes are based on municipal and not state or federal citizenship. By “citizenship”, we mean domicile and not nationality because that is how at least federal courts themselves use the word “citizenship”.
Quote:“Citizenship and domicile are substantially synonymous. Residency and inhabitance are too often confused with the terms and have not the same significance. Citizenship implies more than residence. It carries with it the idea of identification with the state and a participation in its functions. As a citizen, one sustains social, political, and moral obligation to the state and possesses social and political rights under the Constitution and laws thereof. Harding v. Standard Oil Co. et al. (C.C.) 182 F. 421; Baldwin v. Franks, 120 U.S. 678, 7 S.Ct. 763, 32 L.Ed. 766; Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393, 476, 15 L.Ed. 691.”[Baker v. Keck, 13 F.Supp. 486 (1936)]
3. Anyone domciiled outside of the statutory but not constitutional “United States”, which 26 USC 7701(a)(9) and (a)(10) defines as ONLY the municipal District of Columbia, is considered both “foreign” but not “alien” in respect to this municipal tax. Hence, state nationals, meaning people born in this country and domiciled in a “foreign state” of the Union, are all foreigners, transient foreigners, and “stateless persons” and statutory but not constitutional “aliens” regard to the D.C. municipal jurisdiction. They are not aliens because the author of the tax is the U.S. government and in relation to that government, those who are “citizens” under the Constitution cannot also be “aliens”. Yes, Congress legislatives for two distinct jurisdictions: The federal zone and the states of the Union collectively. However, in respect to BOTH jurisdictions, a constitutional “citizen” cannot be an “alien”, even in respect to a strictly municipal tax. They wouldn't be “citizens” either, because they do not have a domicile there. Domicile is what creates the “citizen” relationship under federal law. Notice the language below, which talks about “aliens” as “citizens”, and they describe such peoplas as neither native born nor naturalized:
Quote:“This right to protect persons having a domicile, though not native-born or naturalized citizens, rests on the firm foundation of justice, and the claim to be protected is earned by considerations which the protecting power is not at liberty to disregard. Such domiciled citizen pays the same price for his protection as native-born or naturalized citizens pay for theirs. He is under the bonds of allegiance to the country of his residence, and, if he breaks them, incurs the same penalties. He owes the same obedience to the civil laws. His property is, in the same way and to the same extent as theirs, liable to contribute to the support of the Government. In nearly all respects, his and their condition as to the duties and burdens of Government are undistinguishable.”[Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698 (1893)]
Instead, people domicled in a constitutional state of the Union are simply “nationals” in respect to that municipal D.C. jurisdiction. Since “nationals” are “nonresident aliens” but not “aliens” or “individuals” in respect to the national/federal/general government, then they are not subject to the municipal D.C. tax.
4. The above are corroborated by the fact that 26 USC 7601 allows the IRS to enforce ONLY within internal revenue districts and the ONLY remaining district is the District of Columbia pursuant to Treasury Order 150.02.
5. The IRS will never admit the above, even though it is completely consistent with everything we know and everything you read because:
5.1. They don't want to admit that they are limited to public offices in D.C. and those with a municipal domicile in D.C.
5.2. They would have to stop illegally enforcing within states of the Union as they are now.
5.3 They would have to admit that the term “United States” means what we have all been saying all along, which is the GOVERNMENT, and not any geographic place. Notice that Downes v. Bidwell associates the D.C. municipal tax with “the government” and not a geographic place:
Quote:It was held that the grant of this power was a general one without limitation as to place, and consequently extended to all places over which the government extends; and that it extended to the District of Columbia as a constituent part of the United States.With all the above in mind, we are left with a few facts useful in defending our nonresident alien position:
1. If the courts or the IRS ever did admit that the tax is a municipal tax as is admitted above by the Supreme Court, then they would have to admit that all those who are “citizens” of foreign states of the Union are in fact nonresident aliens.
2. Since the IRS won't admit that the tax is a municipal tax, then they also can't argue that you are an “alien” in respect to D.C., because you aren't if it is a national rather than municipal tax.
Another update on the raid of Sam Davis' home:http://archive.mail-list.com/paycheck-piracy/msg01913.html
This email comes from Sam Davis himself, one of the parties who was raided and arrested at his house in Idaho.
From: samuelav@hotmail.com
Subject: To the people of America
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:56:30 +0000
To the People on the Land in America
Last Thursday morning federal agents of the FBI, IRS, BATF and others unknown conducted a 2 state raid and arrest sweep in what was apparently the culmination of a 3+ year entrapment operation focused in Las Vegas, Nevada against Sam Davis, Shawn Rice, Jan Lindsey and Harold Call. Searches were conducted at the office of a lady in Las Vegas with approximately 25 members of these forces with automatic weapons and the media for approximately 5 hours. In Idaho, Mr. Davis' home was assaulted by another 25 agents in a swat team, again with automatic weapons, smoke bombs or something like smoke bombs, and NO WARRANT, for approximately 4 hours. These agents finally handed Mrs. Davis a search warrant as they were leaving having loaded up Mrs. Davis' computer and a few boxes of research documents at the home. This particular group of paramilitary forces was led by an FBI agent who, according to her title was “WMD COORDINATOR, JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE”. This group is aptly name as they were carrying out their mission.
Everyone needs to know that all of the people spoken of above are fine. With the exception of a couple of the individuals arrested in Nevada, everyone was treated very well after the initial assaults. I will not go into individual events or circumstances other than my wife and my own experiences. I am also writing to create a record of what really happened as opposed to the news reports and other “sensationalizing” of these events as we have all been characterized as “anti-government” and domestic terrorists. Freedom in America is fading fast ladies and gentlemen.
As I have contemplated these events and things that were said to my wife and myself by these agents, I am dumbfounded by the lengths to which the government will go to silence anyone who tries to tell the truth. As to the charges against me, I will just say this, I trust everyone, when someone comes into my circle of people, I take them at face value. When they express concern, support, tell me of problems, wants or needs, I do my very best to assist in any way that I can, always have, always will. It seems absolutely implausible to me that for all the “horrible things” that I have apparently done or said, the government had to work for 3 years, spend thousands of dollars and place at least 2 “undercover” in my path to do “business” and then entrap me. I made some mistakes and lapses in judgments, no question, but nothing will deter me from proclaiming entrapment and moving forward to expose the absolute corruption of the government, judicial system and the real enemy, the banking system.
Over the next few days, weeks, months and even years, each of us are going to have to decide what we are going to do as individuals in this country. More and more people are waking up, but will it be too late? As I was transported from the detention center to the courthouse last Friday morning, down a prominent street in Las Vegas, we came to a section of road that was lined with tents, cardboard boxes, etc., that FAMILIES were living in, on both sides of the road, down the intersecting side streets, all in sight of the billion dollar casinos. Why? Very simply, because they believe that they borrowed the bank's money. A very interesting statement/question was posed last night on a call that I was on, and I will repeat it here: if the bank owns the note/property that is foreclosed, why does the bank have to bid at the foreclosure sale? What a brilliant question and this is the absolute heart of the matter. The government/ banks do not want the truth of what they have done out in the open and that is what all of us are doing, exposing the
exact problem and offering solutions. The solution in my mind the last 10 years has been the phrase: “accepted for value.” What is it about those 3 little words that strikes terror in the heart of the system? That is the real question. In my entire public life, speaking engagements, etc., no one has ever heard me speak of overthrowing the government, taking up arms, not filing a tax return or any of the other “terrible” things that I am alleged to be involved with. What is it about acceptance and NO CONTROVERSY that brings the wrath of the system to bear? A retired federal judge, in early 2001, relayed a message to me and I quote: “get on the commercial superhighway and don't ever get off.” I have not ever gotten off that highway and with God's strength, will remain steadfast.
In closing, I want to make this appeal to all who read this: The lady in Las Vegas who was “raided” now has to move, she has been evicted for her beliefs and her embarrassing her landlord. She has to find a new place to run her little print shop. To get a new office is going to cost her about 5,000, just to get the office space, moving won't cost much because she has so many friends to assist her, what she needs is some financial help. We held meetings in her shop, and as many of you who have ever attended know, she never charged anyone to attend. For years she has asked a 20 per day donation, but if you did not have 20, and you wanted to attend, you attended, it was not about the money. (there is no money) She and her husband fed the group time after time in family type potlucks there at the office and she always went out of her way to make everyone comfortable and everything work so that your experience at our meetings was worth attending. Now, she needs all of our help so that she can stay in business. I am asking everyone to do one of two things, either assist her directly, or, go to my website and purchase a set of dvds, either Orlando or Las Vegas. I was going to sell them for 195 but I am going to have them available for 125. If everyone that reads this would buy a set of dvds and tell one or two more people to buy a set of dvds, and so on, we will not only be able to function and survive, but we will survive and thrive in moving the message forward. I am telling all of you reading this right now, the battle is here, no one who does what we do is immune and we have a choice to make, immediately. Either we believe and act, or we standby and watch as each of us around the country is “rounded up” for our beliefs and put away or worse. The choice is up to each of you. Now is the time to stand. May our Heavenly Father have mercy on our souls and our country, Amen.
AdministratorMarch 17, 2009 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Oscar Stilley and Lindsey Springer IndictedDOJ Article on Lindsey Springer Indictment:
Date: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:25 am ((PDT))
U.S. Department of Justice
United States Attorney
Northern District of Oklahoma
110 West 7th Street, Suite 300 (918) 382-2700
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-1013 Fax (918) 560-7940
March 10, 2009
Tulsa, Oklahoma Contact: Randal Edgmon
Two Men Charged in Tax Fraud Conspiracy
United States Attorney David E. O'Meilia and Michael P. Lahey, Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas Field Office of Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigations, announced the return of a Grand Jury indictment today against Lindsey Kent Springer, 43, of Kellyville, and Oscar Amos Stilley, 45, of Fort Smith, Arkansas.
The Indictment charges Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Tax Evasion and Failure to File Tax Returns. Springer used the name Bondage Breakers Ministry to solicit and receive money. Springer's stated purpose for Bondage Breakers Ministry was “to get rid of the Internal Revenue Service.” The Indictment alleges that Stilley, an attorney, assisted Springer's tax evasion through a variety of means. Stilley maintained an interest bearing account, called an Arkansas IOLTA Foundation Trust account, which lawyers use to deposit and hold client funds. The pair allegedly used the IOLTA account and various other devices such as cashier's checks, check cashing services, money orders, cash and other means to conceal Springer's actual income and avoid creating the usual records of financial institutions.
Springer allegedly told IRS employees that all funds he receives are gifts and donations to his ministry and that he does not have any income and he does not provide any services for payment. The indictment lists numerous transactions involving hundreds of thousands of dollars between Springer and Stilley that flowed through the IOLTA account, such as $166,000 paid out in August 2005 to purchase a motor home titled in the name of Springer and his wife, and a September 2005 payment of $25,813 to purchase a Lexus automobile titled in Springer's name. Furthermore, the Indictment states that neither Springer or Stilley have filed an income tax return since the late 1980's. Springer faces five counts alleging criminal violations of the federal tax laws for the years 2000, and 2002 through 2005.
If the defendants are found guilty of the offenses charged in Counts 1 through 4, they face a maximum prison sentence of up to five years per count and/or a $250,000 fine per count. Springer faces a total of 22 years in Federal prison if convicted of all counts; Stilley faces a total of 15 years in Federal prison if convicted of all counts.
The prosecution of the matter is being handled by the Department of Justice Tax Division Trial Attorney Charles O'Reilly and Northern District of Oklahoma Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth Snoke. The investigation was undertaken by the Tulsa Office of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division.
The return of an indictment against an individual is one method of informing him of alleged violations of criminal law which must be proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt to overcome the individual's presumption of innocence.
The term “United States” was conveniently REMOVED from the Seventh Edition on. That's the most important word in the dictionary! How the (censored) can you know if you are a citizen of this mysterious place or corporation if you don't even know which of the three United States they mean? The U.S. Supreme Court said there are THREE definitions in Hooven and Allison v. Evatt, and in that case, they said it was the LAST time they would point this out. Why? They are putting you on notice that they have a plan to destroy the separation of powers by hiding the truth. The systematic, willful, and treasonous destruction of that separation is exhaustively documented in.
Government Conspiracy to Destroy the Separation of Powers, Form #05.023
DIRECT LINK: http://sedm.org/Forms/MemLaw/SeparationOfPowers.pdf
The present batch of devil worshippers in our government who are running the municipal corporation in the District of Criminals ought to be hanged (by others, not us) for treason as required by 18 USC 2381, not sitting on a bench in a marble palace dictating public policy that destroys your rights. We don't advocate violence by any means, but if our justice system obeyed the law, all the hypocrites who run it would be the first ones behind bars. These are not our words, but those of Jesus towards the Pharisees, of which the modern legal profession is the equivalent.
The importance of the term “United States” in the context of citizenship is described in:
Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid, Section 6.1
It’s much more effective if you can think of an reason you need a passport right away, like an immediate trip. They can give you 8 hour service at the Dept. of State building nearest you if you have an emergency. Simply book a trip and then go down to the Dept of State passport office to get your passport the same day. Then they have to look you in the eye and make you wait all day and explain why there is a delay. This also gives you a chance to study the issues while you wait and demand an immediate meeting with the supervisor. You are much more likely to timely get a response this way.
You will need to book a flight and plan an itinerary and bring the itinerary and receipt with you to prove you are serious. Then after you get your passport, cancel the plane ticket. Works like a charm.
The presumptuous fools in the post office are just clerks. Clerks are jerks. Don’t expect them to be responsive or even civil. If they were intelligent, they wouldn’t be clerks, now would they?…they would be in more technical or challenging fields instead. They will continue to be idiots until you respectfully and politely but firmlly and confidently take the time to sit down with them and educate them using the material on this website. Sorry if you happen to be a clerk or secretary, but that’s the naked truth and you are here to receive the truth, aren’t you?
Come to the passport office with the following things and study them while you wait. Know them backwards and forwards in case you get into an argument with the supervisor there.
1. Your trip itinerary and receipt.
2. How to apply for a passport as a “national”
3. A DS-11 form prepared per the instructions in the previous step.
4. USA Passport Application Attachment, Form #06.007
5. A certified copy of your birth certificate
6. Why You are a “national” or a “state national” and not a U.S. Citizen”
You better do your homework before you show up. If you aren’t confident or are the least bit timid, these people will walk all over you and you’ll walk out on their dog leash. They do this all day and every day, and you have to know the laws that govern their job better than they do.
Please scan in and post their response with the personal information redacted so we can help improve our materials based upon it. You can post attachments to these forums. We prefer PDF format, if you have the scanner and software. Otherwise, just post jpg images and we will turn it into a PDF for you.
Come on, dude. You can do a LOT better than that. Get out of reactive mode and start really proactively and strategically THINKING. Learning chess might get you into that mode. You have to think seven moves ahead to win. Did you go to the public fool academy (public school) and spend your whole life taking orders from a government employee called a “teacher”? Start thinking outside the box or go back to your cage on the federal plantation. Yes massa
AdministratorMarch 13, 2009 at 3:56 am in reply to: New Method for Quitting Social SecurityJim Mattatal is not an attorney, but he makes his living administratively helping people who are “nontaxpayers'. He lives in Long Beach, California. He has a Masters Degree in Business, and he is very articulate. Some of our members are friends with him.
Incidentally, that video is item #6.4 in the Liberty University:
Well, if nothing else there are plenty of resources here that you can use to do your research. At least we can be helpful to you in some way. Please keep us posted on your progress, and feel free to post any documents you produce in these forums with your personal information redacted, of course.
We are stretched so thin here it's difficult to cover all the bases. It's nice to have others such as yourself who are committed, knowledgeable, and willing to carry some of the load. Keep up the good work.