Forum Replies Created
All errata for SEDM information must be posted on SEDM forums and not here. They are not part of us and don't read or respond to these forums.
You must become a member to post to their forums. Link to their forums:
They have an Errata section in their forums as well, it appears.
This dialogue reminds me of the following saying, which is a way of affirming that our government is corrupted because it seeks to protect itself from the very people it is supposed to be protecting but instead is abusing, plundering, and enslaving:
Quote:“In a free society, government protects citizens from threats against their persons and property. In a police state, government deploys its law enforcement assets to protect itself against the “threat” posed by its own subjects.”[W.N. Grigg]
AdministratorJune 16, 2009 at 3:49 pm in reply to: What do British laws have to do with you?Franklin,
Thanks for that update. That absolutely sux, and I predict eventually that we are going to see the same sort of mischief in this country directed at political unpopular targets such as this website.
On the subject of anonymity, the U.S. Supreme Court has previously held:
Quote:“Under our Constitution, anonymous pamphleteering is not a pernicious, fraudulent practice, but an honorable tradition of advocacy and of dissent. Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority”________________________________
“Anonymous pamphlets, leaflets, brochures and even books have played an important role in the progress of mankind.” Talley v. California, 362 U.S. 60, 64 (1960). Great works of literature have frequently been produced by authors writing under assumed names. 4 Despite readers' curiosity and the public's interest in identifying the creator of a work of art, an author generally is free to decide whether or not to disclose her true identity. The decision in favor of anonymity may be motivated by fear of economic or official retaliation, by concern about social ostracism, or merely by a desire to preserve as much of one's privacy as possible. Whatever the motivation may be, at least in the field of literary endeavor, the interest in having anonymous works enter the marketplace of ideas unquestionably outweighs any public interest in requiring disclosure as a condition of entry. 5 Accordingly, an author's decision to remain anonymous, like other decisions concerning omissions or additions to the content of a publication, is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment.
The freedom to publish anonymously extends beyond the literary realm. In Talley, the Court held that the First Amendment protects the distribution of unsigned handbills urging readers to boycott certain Los Angeles merchants who were allegedly engaging in discriminatory employment practices. 362 U.S. 60 . Writing for the Court, Justice Black noted that “[p]ersecuted groups and sects from time to time throughout history have been able to criticize oppressive practices and laws either anonymously or not at all.” Id., at 64. Justice Black recalled England's abusive press licensing laws and seditious libel prosecutions, and he reminded us that even the arguments favoring the ratification of the Constitution advanced in the Federalist Papers were published under fictitious names. Id., at 64-65. On occasion, quite apart from any threat of persecution, an advocate may believe her ideas will be more persuasive if her readers are unaware of her identity. Anonymity thereby provides a way for a writer who may be personally unpopular to ensure that readers will not prejudge her message simply because they do not like its proponent. Thus, even in the field of political rhetoric, where “the identity of the speaker is an important component of many attempts to persuade,” City of Ladue v. Gilleo, 512 U.S. ___, ___ (1994) (slip op., at 13), the most effective advocates have sometimes opted for anonymity. The specific holding in Talley related to advocacy of an economic boycott, but the Court's reasoning embraced a respected tradition of anonymity in the advocacy of political causes. 6 This tradition is perhaps best exemplified by the secret ballot, the hard-won right to vote one's conscience without fear of retaliation.”
“Anonymous pamphlets, leaflets, brochures and even books have played an important role in the progress of mankind.”
[Talley v. California, 362 U.S. 60 (1960)]
Letting the government just print money also doesn't solve the vast majority of the problems and frauds resulting from our present de facto monetary system described in:
The Money Scam, Form #05.041
FORMS PAGE: http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: http://sedm.org/Forms/MemLaw/MoneyScam.pdf
Allowing public dis-servants to simply print money is nothing short of legalized counterfeiting. The Federal Reserve (which is no more FEDERAL than Federal Express) is nothing short of a legalized counterfeiting franchise. If they are going to counterfeit, they have to let EVERYONE do it with impugnity or else they have made the government a pagan money god and violated the requirement for equal protection that is the foundation of the Constitution.
So far, the only thing they have used their unconstitutionally conveyed de facto counterfeiting license powers for is to buy up American companies, banks, and financial institutions with counterfeited bailout money. This so-called money was created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve buying government bonds because foreigners don't want to. This is a polite way of saying they are STEALING with counterfeited money, because they didn't have to produce anything to come up with the money. In short, they have used their counterfeiting powers as a license to STEAL. The end result, if left unchecked, will be that the government owns everything, including all human flesh, and that this country will be capitalist in name only, but socialist at its core. The nature of that socialist system foretold by the prophets is described below:
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016
FORMS PAGE: http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: http://sedm.org/Forms/MemLaw/SocialismCivilReligion.pdf
We wouldn't do a birth certificate for our child. We would instead do as you suggest. What you do is entirely your choice and responsibility.
If you want to be free, you are going to have to quit referring to yourself as an “individual”, which is a resident alien and public officer within the government. Likewise with the term “natural person”. “Sovereign Human being” is a better term. See:
AdministratorJune 9, 2009 at 8:53 pm in reply to: Passport Delayed and Application DismemberedRepublic,
Thanks for the update. In response to your and other recent passport issues with our members, we have updated the following article extensively, which you may want to reread:
How to apply for a Passport as a “national”
The following forms may prove useful in providing information useful in responding:
1. Passport Notice and Demand Letter, Form #06.017-directly addresses your circumstance.
FORMS PAGE: http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm (OFFSITE LINK)
DIRECT LINK: http://sedm.org/Forms/AvoidingFranch/PassportNotAndDmLtr.pdf (OFFSITE LINK)
2. Passport Amendment Request, Form #06.016
FORMS PAGE: http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm (OFFSITE LINK)
DIRECT LINK: http://sedm.org/Forms/AvoidingFranch/PassportAmendReq.pdf (OFFSITE LINK)
3. Passport Amendment Request, Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #4.36
In addition, the following form, we are told, has been updated significantly in the past week based on the revision date. Reviewing that may also help.
USA Passport Application Attachment, Form #06.007
FORMS PAGE: http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm (OFFSITE LINK)
DIRECT LINK: http://sedm.org/Forms/AvoidingFranch/USAPassPortAppAtt.pdf (OFFSITE LINK)
As they say in the legal field: “The best attorney is Attorney Delay.” When you can't approach an issue directly because it would hurt you, you make the cost to the opposing party so high that they will eventually give up and cave in to your demands.
Their behavior clearly reveals that the problem isn't incompetence or ignorance, its MALICE and willful violations of the law because they love YOUR money and stealing it by compelling you to participate in franchises more than they care about truth or justice. This is a conspiracy against rights, not “public service”, that they are performing on your behalf.
Don't give up. We are going to just keep turning up the heat until the people in the Dept. of State start reading and obeying the law and answering the music by issuing the CORRECT passport lawfully. OR Else, we will help them be promptly prosecuted for conspiracy against rights and kidnapping.
Good luck!
Thanks. That presentation by naomi wolf has been posted on FG for several months:
Sovereignty and Freedom, Section 10.8: Tyranny
See “The End of America”
1. You can't ask questions in the form you are asking. You aren't allowed to personalize your question and thereby ask for legal advice. Please follow:
Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, Section 12.3
2. The Policy Document: UCC Redemption, Form #08.002 mentioned above advocates liening the straw man. This is the only aspect of UCC Redemption that we agree with. If you implement any other aspect of redemption, then you aren't allowed to use our materials, meaning send them into any third party including a lawyer, court, or the government.
3. A form is available on SEDM for liening the straw man. See:
Liberty University, Section 4.014
4. We don't recommend to anyone enumerating their children or using them as tax deductions. That's EVIL. See:
Social Security: Mark of the Beast
5. The existence of the straw man and the proper approach to it is described in the folllowing. We dont' care to repeat ourselves.
Proof That There Is a “Straw Man”, Form #05.042
If you need more links on this subject, look in the “Welcome” at the beginning of this forum:
The above answers DO NOT pertain to you, but to the subject inquired about generally. In the future, please rephrase and de-personalize your questions to keep us out of harms way by following Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, Section 12.3 mentioned above.
AdministratorJune 3, 2009 at 11:03 pm in reply to: Notice to those whose Passport is suspended temporarilyBy the way, the same game they pull with passports above by calling them government property and the holder an officer and agent of the government or “public officer” can and should lawfully be pulled BACK on them. The following form turns information about you into your property and a franchise, and authorizes you to demand that all information about you, which is your property subject to the franchise agreement, must be IMMEDATELY removed, destroyed, and redacted from all government computers and records. See:
USA Passport Application Attachment, Form #06.007
Direct link: http://sedm.org/Forms/AvoidingFranch/USAPassPortAppAtt.pdf
Look in section 8 of the above for the franchise. They have to protect your EQUAL right to institute the same mechanisms against them that they pull on you, or they are depriving you of equal protection. If you want to know why the Constitution gives you a protected RIGHT to insist on such equal treatment, see:
Requirement for Equal Protection and Equal Treatment, Form #05.033
Fight fire with fire. Fight GOVERNMENT franchises with PRIVATE anti-franchises. The courts say we have a government of finite, delegated powers and that all their powers come from us, so WE must have ALL the same powers as them.
😆 😆
I disagree that domicile is irrelevant to the activity.
26 U.S.C. 864(c )(3) creates a presumption that everything originating from “sources within the United States” is “trade or business” earnings. Those domiciled within the “United States” therefore must be counted as “sources within the United States”. The only way to avoid this presumption is to not have a domicile within the statutory “U.S.” (District of Columbia).
Quote:26 USC 864(c )(3): Definitions and special rules(3) Other income from sources within United States
All income, gain, or loss from sources within the United States (other than income, gain, or loss to which paragraph (2) applies) shall be treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States.
You are mistaken on some points:
1. The fact that something is published in the Federal Register doesn’t mean it applies to EVERYONE.
1.1 The statutory and regulatory definitions may STILL limit it the audience for the statute to only government instrumentatlies, which is the case with every federal franchise including the income tax.
1.2 All governments are still limited by the Constitution from regulating private conduct, which means that the private public is NOT the proper subject of any federal statute. See:
Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037
2. Federal legislation cannot and does not apply within any state of the union. Federal judicial districts do not include territory under the exclusive jurisdiction of states of the Union. Therefore, all federal law can and does pertain ONLY to the following, consistent with Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2:
2.1 Government instrumentalities, officers, property, and franchises.
2.2 Federal territory, including federal areas within the states.
2.3 Domiciliaries of federal territory, wherever situated including in a state. Domiciliaries include statutory but not constitutional “U.S. citizens” and “permanent residents” and exclude those domiciled within the exclusive jurisdiction of a constitutional state of the Union. See:
Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent
Everything else is governed exclusively by the states.
By falsely declaring yourself to be a statutory “U.S. citizen” under 8 U.S.C. 1401, you become a franchisee and public officer within the government and the proper subject of all federal statutory law, including franchises. At that point, all the distinctions you make become IRRELEVANT because they don’t need regulations to control your behavior. See:
Why You Are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen
Anything connected with “privileges” is a franchise, including the “privileges and immunities of a [statutory] citizen of the United States” and does not need regulations to enforce.
AdministratorMay 28, 2009 at 12:29 am in reply to: Will our Senate Judiciary Committee ask Sonia Sotomayor the big question?John,
Excellent work and research. Thanks for that post. Couldn't agree more.
AdministratorMay 27, 2009 at 9:58 pm in reply to: Hooven & Allison v. Evatt (1945) overruled!The only way you can find out what effect the ruling has on the definitions is to read the case and apply what they said. Chances are, they didn't contradict their original definition of “United States” appearing in Hooven, and therefore, it doesn't affect anything.
You can view the case below:
Since Limbach v. Hooven & Allison Co., 466 U.S. 353 (1984) didn't correct or contradict their definition of “United States” in the original Hooven case, the original definition stands.
In the future, please at least read the caselaw for yourself and tell us what your conclusion is before you ask people in this forum like you did above. We aren't here as your free reference librarian, but as your coequal solving REAL problems together AFTER you have taken the time to exercise your “due dilligence”. Doing as much homework as you can on the subject you are inquiring about before you post here is one small but important way to keep this forum active, to keep the people here involved, and for those who frequent here to express their appreciation for all the free research that has already done here.
Nevertheless, thanks for the pointer to Limbach, which we weren't aware of before now.
Thanks for that astute observation.
To reinforce Bing's admonition, I would like to add the following general statements that pertain to all those who post to these forums:
1. These forums are for people to give at least as much as they take. We want to build a community of INTERdependent people, not one guru and several DEPENDENT leeches who can't govern their own lives and don't know how to research nor want to learn how to do their own research.
2. These forums ought to be a last resort to get answers, not a first resort method to avoid effort and promote laziness and dependency.
3. When you post a question, participants ought to feel an obligation to demonstrate all the due dilligence research they have done to find the answer to their problem BEFORE they posted. If they have done no specific research, they should at least be honorable enough to admit that they haven't researched the issue yet and are avoiding effort and personal responsibility by asking others to find the answer for them.
In response to the lead post, we have updated the Board Guidelines for these forums to request that people reveal what research they have done so far to take responsibility for themselves before they post a question.
Below is the language we just added to the above link:
Quote:These forums are not intended as a free legal reference desk that lazy people can use to avoid all responsibility for their own problems or research. We depend on our members to exercise “due dilligence” in solving their own legal problems and to only come to the forums to ask a question AFTER they have done as much homework and research as they can to address their question or problem FIRST and have exhausted all other options. If you post a question, please therefore take the time to explain what research you have done so far to answer your own question and what conclusions your research lead you to so far.Sovereignty and liberty BEGIN with taking complete and personal responsibility for yourself and helping others if you have any time left and resources left over. We as Americans have an evil government that promotes franchises and dependency because we are too lazy to govern and support ourselves.