Forum Replies Created
AdministratorOctober 29, 2023 at 12:29 pm in reply to: Cancelling Existing Voter Registration – CaliforniaSEDM provides a form that does this:
Voter Registration Attachment, Form #06.003
https://sedm.org/Forms/06-AvoidingFranch/VoterRegAttachment.pdfWhy not start with that?
AdministratorOctober 18, 2023 at 9:58 pm in reply to: I Tried to Open a Lemonade Stand;2/24/2012See:
1. Hot Issues: Creating and Running a Business, Trust, or Estate**
https://sedm.org/creating-and-running-a-business/2. Creating and Running a Business, Trust or Estate, Form #09.079**
https://sedm.org/product/creating-and-running-a-business-form-09-079/All of the above information is privileged member subscription information. You must be logged in as a Basic Member* (free) and also join the Member Subscriptions program to view.
We will not repeat or reproduce that information here.
AdministratorMay 12, 2023 at 3:32 am in reply to: Invitation to fg_admin to join our criminal caseNolan,
We are not resourced or able to support litigation at this time. We also have zero desire to work on litigation with Anna Von Reitz. We don’t believe she is really a judge and we have no evidence whatsoever that she can even think or write in a legal capacity. With all of her newsletters and blog posts, we have seen no evidence whatsoever that she even knows how to litigate or write legal briefs. She never provides proof to back up anything she says, and if she did that in court, she would be defeated constantly. Courts may not operate in a political capacity that she continuously and exclusively operates in. She herself has repeatedly said to stay out of other people courts and your litigation disregards that admonition.
Your case also involves criminal issues, which are ENTIRELY unaffected by sovereignty and would not vindicate any aspect of sovereignty. Civil status and domicile have NO EFFECT whatsoever on a criminal proceeding such as the one you describe. We would be of little help in that litigation and our participation or that of any member would be of absolutely no benefit to this ministry or any member.
It also looks REALLY bad to abuse sovereignty principles or our materials to in effect pardon people so they don’t have to accept responsibility for crimes they committed or were convicted of. We never want our materials abused for that purpose on us to be connected in any way with any such effort to AVOID criminal responsibility or liability. If you are unfamiliar with the problems doing this, please read the following posts:
1. Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments About Sovereignty, Form #08.018, section 1.3
https://sedm.org/Forms/08-PolicyDocs/RebFalseArgSovereignty.pdfIn this section, we define “sovereign” as someone who IS subject to the criminal laws, regardless of their civil status.
2. SEDM Website, Education->Sovereignty->Rebutted False Arguments About Sovereignty In the News, Form #08.027 menu:
There are lots of examples in item 2 of people who tried to abuse sovereignty principles to escape criminal liability, and all of them were condemned in the above articles.
We are not suggesting that those who are wrongfully accused of a crime should not fight. But fighting in that case has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with sovereignty, civil law, or domicile. Its a simple matter of justice itself. Neither sovereignty principles nor the sovereignty of God should ever be abused to excuse people from responsibility for crimes or injuries they actually committed.
Therefore, you are on your own. Thank you for your participation in this site. Best if wishes in your litigation. Please DO NOT use any of our materials or services in connection with the effort you describe. That would be an abuse of them and bring major reproach upon us and our members.
FG Admin
The document you seek that is mentioned in the Antishyster article is posted at:
SEDM Member Subscription Library, Item 8.01
https://sedm.org/reference/mbr-sub-lib/You will need to become an SEDM Basic Member (free) and join their Member Subscription program to access the document.
Don’t ask us for it. As we said before, you need to join SEDM to find the information you seek about FOIA. We don’t answer for SEDM and questions about them or their content should NOT be posted in these forums..
Further information on FOIA/PA is available on their opening page:
Hot Topics: FOIA, Privacy Act, and Records Correction**
https://sedm.org/foia-and-records-correction/Like the other document you seek, the above page also requires Member Subscription membership to access.
And lastly, NO we aren’t in any kind of business. This website is NOT a business. It is a non-profit ministry. If it WAS a “business”, it would be a “non-prophet” business not entitled to act on God’s behalf as his fiduciary.
AdministratorDecember 8, 2022 at 8:45 am in reply to: Response to IRS Request for Tax Returns1. QUESTION: Is this IRS response letter successful? Per previous documentation I read on this site, a conditional acceptance has additional conditions. Can these conditions be added or is this letter sufficient?
ANSWER: Your question is framed as a request for legal advice. We don’t give that here. “successful” implies advice and makes us into an uncompensated insurance company for your choices and actions, which we are not allowed to do.2. QUESTION: Is the information in this document still correct regarding OMB?
ANSWER: Its your job to learn how to answer this question using the vast legal research sources on this site. The following tools are a good starting point. We aren’t your nanny or a free legal research service.
2.1 http://famguardian.org/TaxFreedom/LegalRef/LegalResrchSrc.htm
2.2 Legal Research and Writing Techniques Course, Form #12.013
https://sedm.org/LibertyU/LegalResearch.pdfWhen you find the answers using the above, please post them here for the benefit of other readers.
Thanks for your interest and participating. This is a TEAM effort, not more slavery to others like everything the government does.
The subject of being a state national by being born in a state and being eligible for a USA but not US passport, along with all the case law, is described in:
Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006
https://famguardian.org/Publications/WhyANational/WhyANational.pdfThe subject of Americans born abroad obtaining a passport as a STATUTORY “national” is dealt with at:
Passports for Americans Born Abroad, Form #06.043
https://sedm.org/product/passports-for-americans-born-abroad-form-06-043/Its a Member Subscriber form, so you will need to join SEDM (free) and then upgrade your membership to Member Subscriber. Nothing on this site about that.
It’s pointless to try to reinvent the above in these forums either.
Dear sir,
Thank you for your feedback.
1. Its generally not a good idea to criticize people unless you can at least offer them a way to correct or improve the thing you are criticizing. Otherwise it’s just whining, and whiners (people who criticize without offering to help) aren’t welcome on this site.
“They have a Right to censure, that have a Heart to help: The rest is Cruelty, not Justice.”
[William Penn, Some Fruits of Solitude, pt. 1, no. 46 (1693)]2. Could you therefore please provide an itemized list of suggested improvements to the formatting of our materials that would make them more appealing? We have been asking people about this for years and no one has been able to define exactly what is needed for improvement.
3. The so-called “average soul” is a slave to the government. Thinking in the same box as everyone else is a recipe for slavery. The average joe:
3.1 Doesn’t question anything and isn’t curious.
3.2 Doesn’t read their bible or try to apply it to their life.
3.3 Does what they are told and never thinks outside the box
3.4 Is a TV, sex, porn, and sin junky relative to days past.
3.5 Isn’t interested in the why but only the how.
3.6 Feels maliciously entitled to everything for free and would give up any and every right to have convenience.
3.7 Doesn’t like to read. You are an obvious exception.
3.8 Is illiterate compared to days past.
3.9 Isn’t interested in personal responsibility and does everything in their power to escape it.
3.10 Isn’t interested in learning anything about law and rather prefers to be a slave to a high priced corrupt attorney.
Hardly a recipe for freedom. Such people are their own worst enemy.
4. In our experience, people don’t start addressing the above deficiencies in their life until they are beat over the head by a major catastrophe, such as a financial hardship, litigation, a divorce, a run-in with the government, etc. A wise man is curious enough to learn from history and from other people’s mistakes before they even become personal problems by reading our materials. A fool can’t even learn from their OWN mistakes and deficiencies. It wasn’t until we personally got into one of these catastrophies that we finally realized what life was really about and started working on this site, for instance.
5. As far as repetitiveness, we do this because people don’t like to read and seldom read enough of anything to even notice repetitiveness. They usually only pick one thing to read, which means they lack context for the whole picture. So we add links to other documents on the rare occasion that they are curious and want to dig deeper.
6. The subject of freedom is most mundane for females, because they are often (but not always) more interested in security than freedom or autonomy. This is why the bible refers to them as “the weaker vessel” in 1 Peter 3:7.
7. As far as links in the documents that might distract you away from finishing or interfere with focus, we tell everyone to NOT follow the links until they finish reading the document at least once all the way through. Then after they finish, follow only those supporting links that you find interesting or worth more study.
We aren’t a repository for everyone else’s stuff on the internet. Contact her directly and when you obtain it, please share it with us so everyone else can learn about it.
SEDM has a similar process:
Notary Certificate of Dishonor Process, Form #07.006
https://sedm.org/product/notary-certification-of-dishonor-process-form-07-006/HOWEVER, the above is a Member Subscriber form you will need to upgrade your membership to access. Nothing directly on this site about that subject.
1. We don’t produce any FOIA documents dealing with IRS record discovery.
2. We only link to documents on the SEDM website.
3. If you have questions about this subject, you should direct them to SEDM.
4. This most likely relates to IMF decoding, in which case that is a Member Subscription subject matter within their forums.
Thanks for your interest in the ministry.
AdministratorApril 22, 2022 at 3:23 pm in reply to: Patriot Mythology-Part 1: State National1. That clarifies a lot. The Informer’s approach won’t solve the problem of commerce or travel for most people, so it will never get any traction.
2. Nevertheless, the article that started this still has huge holes surrounding the CIVIL status of citizen as well. Its voluntary and you don’t have to accept it. That’s the main implication of the First Amendment, in fact. If you don’t consent to the status, under the common law you are a national and not a CIVIL STATUTORY “subject”. You have this choice because all citizens are nationals and a citizen is someone who consents. An act of birth is not an act of consent, and birth or naturalization both produce national or nationality status, not STATUTORY CIVIL “citizen” status. All just CIVIL powers of government derived ONLY from consent.
3. The Whiting article doesn’t address this aspect, probably deliberately, because they don’t want to spill the beans on this. It uses the word “law”, but anything that produces a CIVIL obligation requires consent in some form or it simply doesn’t satisfy the legal definition of “law”. See:
4. An obligation and the corresponding right it gives rise to in law is “property”. Any attempt to take property CIVILLY without compensation is THEFT.
A failure to respect these principles literally means that we are ALL slaves and that human trafficking and slavery, which is an INTERNATIONAL crime, is OK.
So, the Informer is propagating “Patriot Mythology” on the subject of citizen status being mandatory or in the obligations attached to the CIVIL STATUTORY status of “citizen” being mandatory.
AdministratorApril 22, 2022 at 3:16 pm in reply to: Patriot Mythology-Part 1: State NationalTHEIR RESPONSE:
In re passports, that’s correct. The informer didn’t have a passport, likely for this reason. there are other possible options, like this: https://worldservice.org/docpass.html
A friend told me that people from countries that don’t issue passports use them and the are recognized by customs. I’m not much of a traveler so I haven’t bothered with it.
Your other option for international travel is to make arrangements directly with the foreign consulate as an alien. the US would have to let you in if you can show them a birth certificate
An alien owes no allegiance or obedience to our government, or to our constitution, laws, or proclamations. A citizen subject is bound to obey them all. In refusing such obedience, he is guilty of crime against his country, and finds in the law of nations no justification for disobedience. An alien, being under no such obligation. A justified in refusing such obedience. Over an alien enemy, our government unmake no constitution, law, or proclamation of obligatory force, because our laws bind only our own subjects and have no extra-territorial jurisdiction
Over citizens who are subjects of this government, even if they have so far repudiated their duties as to become enemies, our constitution, statutes, and proclamations are the supreme law of the land. The fact that their enforcement is resisted does not make them void. It is not in the power of armed subjects of the Union to repeal or nullify our constitution, laws, or other governmental acts.
SOURCE: The Legal Classics Library War Powers under The Constitution of the United
Stales 1864 tenth Ed Entered by Act of Congress In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts Special Edition 1997.
You can download a full copy of the book for free here:
AdministratorApril 22, 2022 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Patriot Mythology-Part 1: State NationalTHEIR RESPONSE:
In re passports, that’s correct. The informer didn’t have a passport, likely for this reason. there are other possible options, like this: https://worldservice.org/docpass.html
A friend told me that people from countries that don’t issue passports use them and the are recognized by customs. I’m not much of a traveler so I haven’t bothered with it.
Your other option for international travel is to make arrangements directly with the foreign consulate as an alien. the US would have to let you in if you can show them a birth certificate
AdministratorApril 22, 2022 at 12:21 am in reply to: Patriot Mythology-Part 1: State NationalTo summarize the argument about extraterritorial CIVIL (not criminal or common law) jurisdiction against nationals:
1. Civil statutory jurisdiction is based on domicile. Federal rule of civil procedure 17.
2. Domicile is voluntary. Therefore civil statutory jurisdiction is voluntary.
3. Your domicile doesn’t have to be where you live. District of Columbia v. Murphy.
4. A court faced with joining you to a civil class action while domiciled abroad has to dismiss you because you are stateless
5. Domicile is a civil statutory protection franchise, and you have a right not to receive a benefit or the civil statutory obligations that go with the benefit.
6. You can’t have a civil status to which civil statutory obligations attach extraterritorially without your consent. Otherwise its human trafficking and slavery.
7. If you damage someone extraterritorially, the common law is sufficient remedy. Statutory civil law is unnecessary.
8. Common law and criminal law can operate extraterritorially without your consent, REGARDLESS of whether you are a national or not.
9. All citizens are also nationals, according to the department of state. If you say you are not a national, the only other thing you can be is a STATUTORY CIVIL citizen subject extraterritorially to the statutory civil law.
10. All citizens are volunteers. You can’t be one WITHOUT consenting. Its a privilege that comes with obligations. So by claiming THAT status rather than national, you just screwed yourself because you only have two choices on a passport application.
11. You can’t get a passport as an alien. An alien is someone who is neither a citizen nor a national. You can’t be a citizen without also being a national. But you can be a national without being a citizen if you don’t consent to be a citizen. This is because citizen is a volunteer. IF the informer says he doesn’t want to be a national, then he can’t be a citizen EITHER and won’t be eligible for a passport. So the Informer’s position is completely untenable and impractical on the national issue.
AdministratorApril 21, 2022 at 2:08 pm in reply to: Patriot Mythology-Part 1: State NationalAnother article related to this subject and referenced by the author of the article mentioned in the lead post:
Jurisdiction Over a National, The Informer Archives
1. We don’t have a membership on this site, but our materials are still covered by the Disclaimer/License Agreement at:
https://famguardian.org/disclaimer.htm2. All the links provided were for content NOT on this site, so they can’t be used in connection with THIS site and the membership of the sedm.org site applies.
3. We generally do not recommend people using “tax information and services” available ONLY on this site unless they are following the approach on sedm.org, which means nonresident alien with no u.s. source earnings and a non-taxpayer.