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  • ehudmii

    January 30, 2005 at 2:44 am in reply to: Welcome to Nazi Amerika-Heil Bush!

    JWR, look for my E.Burke reply on another thread.

    You are taking action, and I wish for you to find success, rather than frustration.

    And I, for my part, am convinced that success cannot be found when the goal is futile. I will have to search the Great IRS Hoax book again, to discover where this quote is included therein, but for the moment, simply allow me to share it for the benefit of those who desire clarity.

    Proverbs 29:19

    A slave will not be instructed by words {alone;} For though he understands, there will be no response.

    I hope the application is clear.

  • ehudmii

    January 30, 2005 at 2:10 am in reply to: Gene Chapman vows to take his own life…

    Mr. Chapman is only just one man.

    If one man cannot be defended from this manner of injustice,…

    if no group exists that has the capacity to “Just say no”,…

    why should anyone imagine that relief may be found in legal action?

    He is just one man.

    And cannot be defended.

    This is a clue, I think.

    Anyone care to offer a better perspective?

  • ehudmii

    January 30, 2005 at 2:01 am in reply to: Gene Chapman vows to take his own life…

    I really like the quote from Edmund Burke. And for the specific application to the circumstances we see today, I wish to add the following:

    The man that does nothing when observing tyranny against his countryman,… is not a good man.

    The Christians within the forum should give careful consideration to the following thought: the instruction by Christ to “turn the other cheek”,… to “carry the load an extra mile”,… these instructions are at the same time divine,… and first person.


    If such and such happens to you,… do this,…

    The instruction is not appropriate for consideration in the second or third person.

    Of course no believer should act in the second person, – as the oppressor of his countryman.

    However, neither should any believer approve of the oppression of his countryman through his own inaction. To “turn the other cheek” when oppressed and undefended is appropriate, but most certainly one should not offer encouragement in the Spirit to the one victimized by oppression. The encouragement is to be offered to the oppressor.

    Personally, I would suggest the same manner of encouragement as that offered to King George by the folk of 1776. But this encouragement can only come from those that are not already between the teeth of the monster…

  • ehudmii

    January 30, 2005 at 1:11 am in reply to: FDA Approves VeriChip

    Your description of the finding of the lost infant is quite realistic, – and I would change only one thing: the infant would not be found alone.

    The bodies of real patriots would be found there, and displayed for public approval.

  • ehudmii

    January 30, 2005 at 12:59 am in reply to: Schiff looses again

    I find that to be correct in thought and law is absolutely necessary,… and absolutely worthless in the context of the current difficulties. In the many months that I have followed the efforts of Mr. Schultz, and have read the comments posted here, I have consistently observed an attitude that declares that the folk that know the truth are expecting “the other side” to change their behavior when confronted with the truth.

    This expectation can only result in disappointment. Bloody disappointment. The track record of history demonstrates that such persons as those that draft and approve of legislation like this we see in these days,… such persons KNOW THE TRUTH. They know the law!

    And the content of the law is irrelevant. Obedience to the law is irrelevant, – on the part of those who hold civil authority, anyway.

    Such persons as those that use the rule of law to enforce tyranny, embed tyranny within the law. The law itself becomes the basis, the means and the justification for tyranny.

    And tyrrany was acceptable to the generations that have preceeded you. You, we, and I – for my part, – are so far behind on “the power curve” that nothing less than “effective voting” will even make a dent in the legal armor invented by the tyrants of these days. The beast that consumes the lives of men has grown strong, and will by no means tolerate starvation.

  • ehudmii

    January 30, 2005 at 12:43 am in reply to: Welcome to Nazi Amerika-Heil Bush!

    Unfortunately, it's even too late to ask the rhetorical question, “When are you Americans going to learn?”

    Do you imagine that the Nazi government of Germany is gone?

    I cannot read all of German law, but what law I do know, and have known to examine, based on what I read here, – demonstrates that most of the law produced by the Nazis has been LEGITIMIZED. That law is now NORMAL. Nazi law has become “The Law”, and no one ever talks about where it came from. What a great boon to the “democratic” West German government,… that the former East German secret police, the Stazi, – automatically became a part of the NORMAL German secret police.


    You folk that have demonstrated yourselves to be “not U.S. citizens” fit squarely into the definition of domestic terrorist, since you have succeeded in proving that you are not “U.S. citizens”! I well imagine that you will not find victory when you trust law-breakers in government to obey the law. After all, those persons that will hurt you will label you as they please, for no one exists to restrain them.

    And worse yet, the majority of the “righteous folk” (i.e., Christians, etc. that are truly “good folk”) in the U.S. enjoy what is happening. The parallels with National Socialism are indeed quite frightening. In the sad/angry imaginations of my fantasies, I think that if I had had the means, I would have already dealt with the problem that looms to consume you. Alas, my Father in heaven has not provided the means. Perhaps I am not qualified,… or perhaps His Will is something other than what I hope for.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer,… I highly recommend to his example. But your opportunities to be effective with those tools that offer real hope for the restraint of the wicked,… will soon be lost to you, just as the opportunity for the German folk to be effective was lost to them,… and nothing less than the destruction of the country by the Allies introduced any changes.

  • ehudmii

    August 18, 2004 at 4:52 pm in reply to: Waste of Time

    I do not find the lawsuit to be a waste of time for the apparent mistakes,… even with the mistakes, for the people that perform the function of government are morally required to pursue, find, advance – justice – and that which is “law” must hold less “supremacy” than justice.

    If the lawsuit is defeated,… this is simply “par for the course”.

    The collection of revenue by force of arms is the definition of injustice.

    Any population that permits to civil administrators a “greater privilege” than any held by the common non-government-citizen is a population that has granted tyranny, and the collection of revenue by the threat of violence is as natural as the production of feces.

    The “granting of privilege” need only take the form of: nothing. Anyone that does nothing in the defense of his neighbor when the collectors of revenue have arrived,… that is a person that has granted to civil administrators the privilege of armed theft.

    Without an exceedingly great unity among the voting populace, and far greater zeal to vote-in-action as a part of that unity, the persons that are now active in government offices – at every level – these persons simply will have no reason to fear accountability by the public. Such persons have already demonstrated by their arguments that their activity is,… in their opinion, as supported by the courts that participate in the revenue collection activity,… perfectly lawful.

    Without regard for the obvious illegality of much of the law itself.

    To much “rule of law”,… results in the rule of violence. It's all just a matter of who is on the receiving-end: the non-government citizens or the government-affiliated citizens.

    In such circumstances that the non-government citizens are on the receiving-end of violence for the purpose of the collection of revenue, I seriously doubt that any appeal at law will be effective, except, perhaps, at the lowest, or most local, levels. Some individual persons might receive justice at law, but the population at large will only know the slavery they have asked for,… by neglecting the defense of their own loved ones, neighbors and friends.

    Too bad, so sad. Have fun!

  • ehudmii

    July 11, 2004 at 4:37 pm in reply to: New Research on "Includes"

    Aye,…indeed, the deception is revealing.

    As for me, I no longer expect the law to hold any meaning to the persons that administrate the government,…except as the law permits the use of force to maintain the transfer of wealth to those not holding the authority to use force.

    Every hour of life a man or woman trades for money that is then taken by force is another hour of life for the idol that consumes human life. It's a matter of worship, I think – and the specifics of the law are irrelevant except so far as the law perpetuates the flow of blood,…

    Still,…the details within the law are the evidence of the tyranny, and are also the method by which one may know that the idol is only just man-made, and is not a living thing at all.

    Anyone remember the episode from the original Star Trek series,…?

  • ehudmii

    July 11, 2004 at 4:20 pm in reply to: 1 USC 1

    That this definition, among so many necessary, should receive attention ahead of the others,…it is hilarious for just how sad it is,…

  • ehudmii

    June 16, 2004 at 1:48 am in reply to: HOT NEW EVIDENCE!!!

    Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary, 1984


    1. An inclination or tendency to do kind or charitable acts;

    2. A kindly act;


    Are you ready for this?

    3. A compulsory tax or payment exacted by some English monarchs without parliamentary consent.

    A TAX!! like,…”Pay up and I will kindly let you keep your head!”

    Talk about voluntary,…

  • ehudmii

    June 16, 2004 at 1:40 am in reply to: ICE website

    Wow that's a lot of stuff to download! Too bad it's not offered as a compressed zip file, or on CD!

    I haven't even gotten it all, yet!

  • ehudmii

    June 6, 2004 at 8:01 pm in reply to: Leader of Tax Honest Movement Sued

    Thank you for the link. I do visit the WTP site, but just not as often as I visit this forum.

    And I have contributed to the Defense Fund.

    Mr.Schultz raises some issues in his letter to Mr. Becraft that I consider to be very legitiment, valid, and more important than the alleged breach of contract:

    what is the moral character of the persons involved?

    This moral character is best demonstrated in the personal obedience to the Messiah's instructions. And, as regards suits-at-law,…no student of the Messiah should EVER bring suit against another believer,…when the suit will be judged outside of the community of faith. To forcibly bring another believer before a judge that carries Caesar's authority,…is like forcing a friend's adopted son to stand judgement before slaves that hate that friend.

    The circumstances of life in the united States demonstrates quite clearly to me that most Christians in the U.S. prefer Caesar's justice over God's justice,…and this brings an inescapable curse against the nation.

    1?Corinthians 6:1-8

    Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints?

    As has been suggested by the Holy Spirit, through the apostle Paul,…is it not better to endure the offense, when the offending party is both a co-worker in the faith and acting to promote the welfare of the whole community, both church and nation?

    Examine the charges against Mr. Schultz carefully, and you will observe for yourself that the “breach of contract” is a matter of interpretation, and is not so clearly a breaking of a promise, as Mr. Becraft asserts. Any of the knowledge that has been published by Mr. Schultz, that was known to him before Mr. Becraft offered his research, may be freely published by Mr. Schultz, without consideration of the agreement. Just how much of this “new research” is new to us, but not to others, including Mr. Schultz, who have been active in the research effort longer than we?

    In the very worst case, Mr. Schultz has “let the cat out of the bag”, as regards the defeat of the thieves within government. If this is the case, The Enemy's servants in law and government have opportunity to prepare for the legal attack on their abuse of authority. Do they have anything more than that? Names of people? Bank account numbers? I suspect not. The Enemy's servants – in the worst case – have been given a clue.

    Well. The idea that victory against thieves entrenched in positions of civil authority may be accomplished through the courts is a pretty idea. Pretty stupid, actually, in my opinion, since the courts have demonstrated often and clearly that justice is outside of their concern. God has been booted from the judiciary for quite a long time – IF – and a big 'if' it is,…IF God is the one that was “Abraham's Friend” and not Caesar. The judiciary can talk all day about how great God is,…and tell the truth! What is not said, is that Caesar is God there,…and not the Messiah's Father.

    Anyway, like Mr. Schultz, I have to suspect Mr. Becraft's motives and character.

  • ehudmii

    June 5, 2004 at 3:57 pm in reply to: False information in "The Great IRS Hoax"

    See! See! Here is righteousness! and justice, too. Blessings to you, Author #2, – for your boldness AND your restraint. What,…this is, like,…fruit of the Holy Spirit, no? Of course it is,…and even though it's only just writing, and not a personal acquaintance,…this manner of action is what I expect from my Father's friends. Let us press onward to acquire His Heart's desire in all things, but especially in those things that strengthen the community of faith.

  • ehudmii

    June 5, 2004 at 3:39 pm in reply to: Leader of Tax Honest Movement Sued

    This is indeed unfortunate. Let us hope that all parties will demonstrate proper priorities in their conduct,…i.e., Christ first.

  • ehudmii

    April 16, 2004 at 3:17 am in reply to: WHAT THE (censored) IS HE TALKING ABOUT?

    Surely England and France could have been included in that list of “advanced nations” that had adopted socialism. I do not have specific evidence to support this speculation, but neither do I imagine such evidence as difficult to find.

    If England and France can be included on that list of “advanced nations”, I do not think your premise is invalidated. Quite the contrary, within England and France one may find the same manner of murder-by-public-policy as one finds in Russia, Germany, Italy and the other “nasty nations” vilified by propagandists.

    The English demonstrate a certain subtely, however, in the murder and theft performed by the agents of that government. Wickedness in high places,…is just so much more,…charming,…

    Your analysis of FDR's policies, and the law produced therefrom, should be – in my estimation – adequate evidence to assert that he is an excellent example of a “domestic enemy of the Constitution”.

    I just wonder when the policy of oath-taking was established for U.S. military recruits. One may have great cause to be disappointed that the soldiers of that day did not fulfill the oath the soldiers swear in these days.

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