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  • ehudmii

    December 31, 2005 at 4:21 am in reply to: Lies, Fantasies, and Vampires

    The days in which we live are not so different from the days of The Inquisition, when Spain was “the dominant nation on earth”. Today, as then, one may face civil punishment, – including torture, – simply for discussing certain ideas.

    I remember certain curious “ridiculous questions” from my religious studies. Questions that were “researched” by persons of days past,… questions like,… “How many angels are able to dance on the head of a pin?”

    As a religious question, this is a stupid question.

    As a deliberate misdirection of the attention of murderous neighbors,… the question takes on grand profoundity.

    Fantasy vampires are represented as consuming literal blood.

    Seems to me, real vampires consume blood only figuratively.

    “Real vampires” may be merely “virtual vampires”, but the life they consume is very, very real. Consuming human life a little at a time is certainly as immoral as eating pigs,… one leg at a time. No?

  • ehudmii

    December 24, 2005 at 6:07 am in reply to: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act

    From Bing:

    A sovereign state CAN NOT simply “ask” the federal government to simply “assume jurisdiction.” Constitutional Law does not work like that. Unfortunately, the very corrupted federal and state governments DO operate like that.

    Without any wish to contradict your good advice, I will hold NO confidence nor presumption that the law-breakers that now sit “in high places” will honor Constitutional Law,… for these people have well proven that they administer corrupted federal and state governments. In our lifetime, we have seen the transition from merely “corrupted” to “very corrupted”.

    I intend to act like someone educated by history, as best as I am able.

  • ehudmii

    December 24, 2005 at 5:44 am in reply to: Lies, Fantasies, and Vampires

    I do not know of ANYONE that has written anything like what I

    am writing to you today. Of course,… I haven't read any of

    Rushdoony's books (; that writer's reputation gives me reason to believe that he might have written something like this, – but I do not know yet!

    If anyone reading this posting may offer references to any other persons material that touches upon the same theme,… and the same metaphor,… please let me know.

  • ehudmii

    December 24, 2005 at 5:41 am in reply to: Lies, Fantasies, and Vampires

    Having come to understand this riddle regarding vampires, – I have

    discovered a whole new way to love my neighbor as myself. Certainly

    the vampires disgree, – but I believe that helping my neighbor to starve

    vampires is “love in action”. Presuming that my neighbor is not

    someone that holds loyalty to vampires, that is,… some people

    apparantly believe that vampires SHOULD be fed, – even if the

    vampires have to take life by force. Talk about loyalty!

    Good grief! These kind of neighbors actually speak of the beauty and

    power of their vampires with high esteem!! Apparantly, without ever

    asking what our Father's opinion might be, regarding “the shedding of

    innocent blood”! It seems to me even,… that these neighbors do not

    believe that their COUNTRY can be strong unless the vampires are

    strong. As if vampires were the only people that could possibly run a

    country! In fact, it seems to me that such neighbors as these do not

    believe they will even have a country if the vampires are NOT in

    charge, and strong enough to guarantee to themselves all the food

    they require.

    Do you think,.. that the instruction in Torah to choose judges implies

    that the judges HAVE to be vampires? Nothing is actually written

    regarding how the selected judges are to eat or feed their children, but

    one must presume that if the voting community decides the judges are

    to be vampires, then the community will get what the community has

    chosen. Shoot, – even if the community simply ALLOWS the judges to

    be vampires, then the community will have vampires for judges! I

    mean, after all, – hunting for one's own food IS a lot more difficult than

    just walking out to the barn to get it,… and, of course, judges usually

    have a lot to do, and little time for hunting. Who would even want to be

    a judge, if a judge did not have the power to guarantee his own food-

    source, but instead had to wait for gifts?

    The Christians that tell me how much “Jesus Christ” loves me, and

    then tell me that I have to give up my life to vampires,… prove in their

    words and deeds what manner of love they have learned from their

    master and teacher. Personally,… I have never read any instruction by the Messiah to His students that they, – or anyone, – should be feeding vampires.

    Oh sure,… Peter SAID that Y'shua fed the vampires of that day,… but then Y'shua told Peter to go fishing! I do not read any account that describes Y'shua as ACTUALLY giving up His “life” one drop at a time. Like so many of us in this forum,… He had to have it beaten out of Him. Beaten until He gave it all, and all at once, – and for which reason none of us should HAVE to! I do believe that what He gave is sufficient,… even if the vampires do not so believe.

    Such Christians are so enamored with the beauty

    and power of vampires that they believe I should be happy to give my

    children's life to the maintenance of the vampires! This is how they

    expect me to love my children! Good grief! In fact, even the best of

    the Christians that I know despise me, when I express opinions that

    offer proof that I do not esteem vampires as they do. I am considered

    to be,… disloyal. Disloyal and anarchist!… just because I do not believe vampires

    should be fed. Hey! Gifts are not collected violently! Gifts are fine,… but the collection of blood by force is just evil.

    Sadly,… I find no comfort within the Jewish or Muslim communities,

    either. Like the Christians that I know, the Jewish and Muslim folk (as

    a whole) also believe that the vampires within the community must

    exist, and must be fed, and fed as well as necessary to guarantee the

    strength of whole community, and that community's unique identity in

    this world. Even if I am only moderately educated regarding Jewish and Muslim beliefs,… I believe that one only has to look at the law in Israel (the only Jewish civil government) and the law of the Muslim nations to understand that these groups of people approve of the feeding of vampires just as much as the Christian nations approve.

    Truly, truly,… a sad state of affairs.

    But hey! I have a new goal in life! A new emphasis on doing something good for the community,… and starving vampires might actually make them weak enough to be defeated. Starve, you ugly goddamned vampires!! Starve!

    Of course, I am too polite to say such a thing to the NICE vampires that live in my community,… some vampires would prefer to be humans that live from the the food they produce for themselves, and I certainly encourage such neighbors to help to make the world a better place for everyone.

    Part III, and final segment follows.

  • ehudmii

    November 20, 2005 at 7:51 am in reply to: Drivers Licensing

    Bravo for you, Mr. Paul!!

    My friend in Texas went to court on this issue some time ago. The Texas law clearly required a license of commercial operators, and required nothing from anyone else. The specifics of the law did not, – as you might imagine, – dissuade the judicial body, – not where money was involved.

  • ehudmii

    September 13, 2005 at 2:21 am in reply to: Dept. of Justice will NOT pursue..



    I hope the misspelling does not invalidate the point I was offering.

  • ehudmii

    September 13, 2005 at 2:20 am in reply to: Dept. of Justice will NOT pursue..

    I haven't read Henderson's book, and I do not intend to do so.

    1. To imagine that persons in government with a long history of criminal offenses (perpetrated under the color of law) will actually obey the law respectfully,… is insane.

    2. Henderson's claim does not address what I believe to be the real problem,… YOU MUST FIRST PAY. Gratitude for getting the money BACK is nothing more than thanking the kind Nazi doctor for returning your balls. The scars still show…

    If you do not at first pay, you are subject to death-threats and arrest by the violent among the government staff. THIS is what I believe to be the serious problem.

    Only those who do not pay,… successfully starve the beast.

  • ehudmii

    August 27, 2005 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Alternative Currencies

    According to my friend that has been in Shanghai for the past eight months,… global-money is pouring into China like the rain of Noah's Flood. So one has reason to ask a few questions,… is the money pouring into China in spite of that government's distain for God-given human rights,… or BECAUSE OF that government's policy of enthusiastic abuse?


  • ehudmii

    August 14, 2005 at 10:08 pm in reply to: DOJ files fraudulent lawsuit against Member

    From Bing:

    Here is hoping that one or more DOJ Tax Division attorneys will see the injustice of persecuting our members, and they will adhere to their lawful duty and solemn oath to protect and defend the USA Constitution.

    I most whole-heartedly agree with the sentiment expressed,… but given the long track record of abuse, I will expect nothing any different in the days that we live. The courts in the U.S. demonstrate that nothing prevents the agents of tyrants from convicting a man of crimes, ENTIRELY on the basis of false accusations. No real evidence is necessary, for those persons that abuse the innocent under the color of law… are well paid (with taxes) to perform this abuse, and they do so with the complete loyal support of the public-at-large.

    The wicked persons have no fear.

    Too bad.

    Life is so much nicer when those who wish to abuse the innocent are afraid.

  • ehudmii

    April 10, 2005 at 2:13 am in reply to: IRS Meeting on 3/7

    Your employer might not do what is right, but you can consider this: every hour of your life that you trade for money that you can then convert into real property that can offer aide to YOUR “band of brothers”,… is worth a lot.

    The Founding Fathers sacrified their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor,… because they HAD all of the above to offer to the cause. The theft that is now worked against all of us will not be easy to overcome,… but the balloon will not stay inflated forever, and when over-reaching central government loses it's strength,… local authority becomes relatively stronger, and more easily influenced, especially if your votes are heavier than paper.

    Just don't forget that local tyrants will probably vote, too. LOL

  • ehudmii

    March 7, 2005 at 2:23 am in reply to: Guns back in fashion?

    Pistol classes? Rock on, dude! But know it takes plenty of practice (i.e. money!) to become competent with a pistol. Permit me to suggest a semi-auto rifle. In fact, if you get a bullpup stock for your rifle, it's almost a pistol anyway! LOL

    I expect that soon I will talk to the former Russian policeman that I know here, and maybe he can hook me up with a few really cool factory-fresh AK-47's and Drugunov's…. at least the dollar is still strong in the former Soviet Union!

    But, you should not wait on me. Get a nice Ruger Mini-30, and I will envy you!

  • ehudmii

    February 28, 2005 at 9:36 pm in reply to: Question from one of my readers

    I am encouraged to read your posting. I have been hoping for a few million more in these last thirty years,….

    So, your household has available the means to encrypt private communications? If you are serious about the instructions offered in Revelations, – we have got something to work towards together.

    Let me know here if you are able to eemail.

  • ehudmii

    February 13, 2005 at 2:29 am in reply to: "Voluntary" National ID Bill

    Seems to me that y'all should discuss with trustworthy persons what alternatives are possible for living without state-mandated identity documents. Perhaps thereby you will be able to organize or participate in the election of local authorities that will defend you, – who are persons that will not sell their countrymen for federal funds.

  • ehudmii

    February 7, 2005 at 4:12 am in reply to: President's Advisory Panel on Tax Reform

    Thanks for the notice. I will pay attention.

  • ehudmii

    February 1, 2005 at 3:17 am in reply to: Congress Proposes Tax on Net/data connections

    Sadly, it's “par for the course”. If the original tax was acceptable, any tax is.

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