Forum Replies Created
So,…. a “juristic person” is an effigy, a?
A representation of a person,… a representation created by legal statement?
Not nececessarily a representation of any particular person, but rather a fictional replacement for what is human… and “created by law”…
We know that “law” speaks, for the common expression regarding law is to discover “what the law says…”
We know that “law” rules, for “the rule of law” is declared far and wide as a higher moral standard than the rule of violence,…
And we know from court statements and attitudes that to break the law is to “do injury” to the law, as if “law” could somehow experience personal injury,…
And now we know that “law” creates people,… even if only just “juristic people”,… and the law then delivers authority to these artificial people,… to exercise dominion over REAL people,…
Good grief! Doesn't anyone know how to recognize an IDOL?
Fortunately,… and to my own very great thrill, – many folk within this forum DO recognize an idol for what it is, and despise it for what it is, and spit upon the idea that an idol has authority and sovreignty.
All that remains is for righteous folk to LIVE, and for the idols to be burned.
Lambskin suggests that victory against criminals in government is possible through legal action,… as if criminals in government respect courts and law. Maybe he's right, but I believe the evidence that one may observe in the U.S. courts is that he is not.
MAYBE,… just maybe,… the well practiced and well informed pro se litigant may win his case,… but I would suggest that the battle is better won by voting. Get rid of the judges that consume the lives of their countrymen! If you live in a state where judges are appointed rather than elected,… impeachment processes are still available to you!
Vote! And if your vote is proven futile,… vote again!
When your vote is heavy enough, no one will argue that your vote is futile.
Of course, if you are going to “vote heavy”, – take lots of friends.
Vampires do not hunt for cattle, – not so long as they have ranchers working for them. When the ranchers are so afraid that they refuse to work,… THEN the vampires will get hungry enough to get out of their “comfort zones” and seek their food with their own hands. Maybe then you can know if vampires die in the sunlight or not.
Seems to me that the folk in the U.S. are certainly in “a state of emergency”, and that y'all are MOST certainly in great peril,…
If Americans are not in great peril,… why was the Patriot Act necessary?
Well, – so long as wicked men and women remain in public offices, the righteous will see difficulty.
Impeachment of criminals in government costs less than civil war. But if your countrymen will not join you in the impeachment of criminals,… it's highly unlikely they will join you in revolution.
Still, you express accurately, I think, that criminals in government will not be obedient to legitimate law,… they will merely change the law to suit their own ambitions,… and therefore arguments at law will likely not produce effective reversal of the current trends.
Lip service.
Nothing in this executive order has the capacity to prevent theft-under-color-of-law. The government staff that arrange for and order the confiscation of private property can more than adequate “categories” to identify as proper justification, – and where lies the chain of accountability?
Within the Justice Dept.,… that is a beneficiary of the theft-under-color-of-law.
More than lip service, – the executive order will be cited to strengthen the “moral high ground” of the thieves.
The secrecy that the author of the “White Knights” article describes as the reason no one case find the Farmer's Union court case,… is the reason that I cannot believe the article to be truthful.
Sure, the article MIGHT be truthful,… but how can anyone outside of the “secrecy club” possibly know?
The clues that have been provided to me within this forum regarding the demolition of the Towers has lead me to identify two methods of analysis that are based on information that cannot be faked. See,… unlike our fellows of greater experience with demolitions, – most of us must examine the evidence as ignorant, but reasonable, persons.
I know how video and photo evidence can be faked. Drop a lot of cash into the effort, and you can have a whole and complete feature film about “real-life heroes” that never actually existed.
But physics cannot be faked. The time required for the towers to fall is so close to minimum time for a complete freefall,… the materials between the top of the tower and the ground HAD to be moving just as fast as the top of the tower,… or the top of the tower would have hit something on the way down and would have given evidence of the collision, i.e., – more time, or falling to the side, or or or,…
Moreover, the TONS of steel that had to be “softened” in order for the towers to begin falling,… could not have been heated, – not even under ideal conditions like a blast-furnace, I suspect, within the time between the collisions and the event of falling. The fuel, the “open air” conditions of heating, and the time between collisions and falling just cannot produce an equation that applies to the tons of material in question.
These two issues of physics cannot be faked. For us ignorant but reasonable folk, the physical evidence is convincing: the towers were deliberately demolished by people that had time and opportunity to perform the task. How much would you like to bet that the explosion at the Towers a couple of years ago was actually “a stupid mistake” by the crews installing the materials for the 9/11 event?
In any case, the person that offers us the “White Knights” article cannot substantiate his information, his claims, or his evidence. Given what can be mixed into sweet treats, I do not wish to take candy from a stranger,…
Oh! I should add that the value of the use of “hiding in plain sight” is much enhanced with the use of “sacrificial obviousness”, i.e., the large easily found safe. Make the fishers return three or four times before they get what they want, each time taking away only what is obvious…
Someone that lives in a place is that is so accessible, like an apartment, may wish to consider “hiding in plain sight”. This method does not hinder a determined “fisher” that has all the time he needs, but will cause the fishers to work harder, and might dissuade common theft altogether.
What I refer to are those methods that are simple, as disguises. I have, – yes, indeed, – hidden papers within stuffed teddy bears, oh my! Get a laughing-teddy and tape something solid to the laugh-box,…
An aquarium,… sand, water, and a little chest of gold where the bubbles come out,…
The one that has plenty of time that may go diving for what he knows, but the common thief is not likely to carry off 300lbs of sand and water.
Having offered this idea, though, it is only fair to mention the surprise of the fire department that had to break through a wall at a local pizzeria to put out the fire there,… only to have discovered a fortune in coin and bullion,…! As you can well imagine, discovery is evidence sufficient for criminal accusations,… since the use of the law and courts is the means by which a family's wealth is confiscated. Actual criminal activity is not necessary,…
So, be creative! Use natural features. Fundamental things.
But don't hold much confidence in these things, even if they might help a little bit.
The folks that produced the “Loose Change” DVD have posed a delightful logic problem, which may be presented to folks for discussion. The physics of falling bodies,… LOL.
Simply put, for those that have not yet got the materials themselves: a rock will only fall so fast. From 110 stories up, a rock will need 10 seconds or so to fall to the ground. But ONLY if nothing slows it down. If that rock hits anything on the way down, it will slow down.
But if everything between the rock and the ground is already falling just as fast,… the top rock will be just the last rock to hit,… within 10 seconds from when it started falling.
Can't argue with the simplicity of physics. Thanks for the clues, forum-buddies.
Murder. Murder, most foul. There's (censored) to pay, and the price is rising,…
- Quote:…if you accept it as reliable, that God has always allowed tyrants to oppress his people. It perfects their faith in him, not on their own selves.
I would offer to one and all a different viewpoint regarding what “God” has allowed. First of all, permit me to clearly identify the use of “God” to refer to the Creator of everything, and to absolutely refuse to acknowledge “Caesar” as “God”.
Neither law nor violence do I respect as “God”.
Having said this, I will suggest that “God” allows tyrants to oppress his people when his people act bovine in the face of tyranny. Mooo, chew, chew, chew,… in spite of the greater mass the bovine has in it's body relative to the farmer, the bovine is the animal that is bled to feed the farmer. Mooo,… the cow might complain when it's veins are cut, but has lost the mind and will to tell the farmer to get lost.
The citizenry do not have to be “violent” in the manner of wolves and other predators,… but to be “violent” in the manner of bulls in the defense of the herd against those that would consume their very lives,… this is to be commended, and the demonstration of This Will proves a nation to be a nation of great people,… rather than a nation of “great-tasting” people. Ummm,… grilled tax-payer! yummy!
The rise of tyrants to offices of civil authority is at the same time,… both evidence and opportunity. Evidence of mentalheaded bovinity by the majority and opportunity to prove nobility of heart and action by those who refuse to allow themselves or their children to be food.
Where there is no one to fight,… there is no fighting.
When the tyrant is lifted up, those who will oppose him know their opportunity has arisen.
Get some!
I hold the opinion that my Creator is happier when I act to defense those He cares for.
Well said, Mr. Bing. Well said, indeed.
I am happy to offer praise for a good statement, and the one identified for us by Sonic warrants praise, indeed! So also Sonic himself deserves praise, – for although getting a compliment from Sonic may be a challenge, this is evidence that he is willing to give credit “where credit is due”!
I doubt that this example is the only example that one may point to regarding Sonic's generousity,… I simply want to “go on record” for my own recognition of his generousity. Generousity offers hope, – and given the difficulties that lie ahead of us in this age, – hope is an valuable commodity, indeed.
- Quote:That's the whole idea: To offer “integrity and fairness to all”
Although I will declare that the sentiment is an honorable one, I would not suggest that integrity and fairness are issues for any discussion regarding taxation,… for the personal character of the persons that collect revenue by force of violence is irrelevant, in my opinion.
Why should I object if a convicted murderer is hired by a government as a tax-collector?
Why should I rejoice if an honorable soldier is hired by a government as a tax-collector?
Why should I care if the tax-collector burns little babies with cigarette butts?
Why should I care if the tax-collector protects little babies and helps old ladies to cross the street at dangerous intersections?
Both good and bad men are authorized by civil authority to end my wife's life,… just for “the crime” of WORKING without permission,… as if working was somehow an evil thing to do.
The violence an immoral person will perform on a little baby is no more evil than the violence performed against a person that refuses to pay an illegitimate tax. The honor of the “good man” that agrees to receive wages for the job of hurting his countrymen, – for any behavior that is not identified by The Creator (or, if you wish, “The Uncaused Cause”) as wickedness, – is not any legitimate honor at all.
One man might groom himself well, and take great pleasure in “a job well done”, – even when that job results in tremendous loss of property, life and diginity to persons that should instead be honored, wealthy and living. An unwashed stinker that cannot “hold a regular job” but defends his abused neighbor from tyrrany is far more honorable than the well-groomed servant of high moral character,… that serves to satisfy the desire of thieves and murderers.
Lest I be misunderstood by the truly honorable readers in this forum, I wish to be specific regarding “the abused neighbor”. As much as I may be excited to be a hero,… I know well that MOST of my neighbors are WILLINGLY abused, – and I will not defend these neighbors from the abuse they approve of!
Not even if such a neighbor should weep and complain will I act to defend such a neighbor! – for if my neighbor approves of the collection of revenue by force of violence, – even though he complains! – he approves of violence against me, my family, and the people that I care for. The complaining neighbor has a legitimate complaint!! Illegitimate taxation IS abuse!! But I will no more listen to the complaint of the neighbor that approves of the use of violence for the collection of revenue than I will listen to the complaint of the bovine that is herded into the truck that stops at the slaughterhouse.
The neighbors that REFUSE to approve are the neighbors that demonstrate an attitude that increases honor. Even if that neighbor has not the capacity to remove the abuse from the society, – the attitude will produce action, at whatever scale of effort that neighbor's capacity permits. This neighbor I will defend.
Integrity and fairness to all? Integrity has been long, long lost. The evidence is overwhelming. The courts, the laws,… the laws that contradict other laws but are enforced arbitrarily, according to the whims of greedy persons,… I say that only a fool trusts a law-breaker to obey the law, – especially when the law-breaker occupies an office of civil authority that permits him to create the law! I definately do not want any “person of integrity” accepting orders from someone else that cares nothing for my life, – no matter how honorable or “fair” the one giving orders appears to be! Let the men of integrity prove themselves by saying “No”, and standing by their word.
The “grassroots” of a nation might look up to the flower of the grass, and declare its beauty and fruitfulness,… but when the flower draws upon the roots to strengthen and empower poison,… let the roots become aware! The flower has not the capacity to starve the roots; it is the roots that have the power to wither the flower.
Do the roots desire to produce poison, or not?
The “integrity” of the violent collectors of revenue is a sugar-coating on a poison pill, and “fairness to all” means no one is permitted to spit it out.
((Lest an angry frown give you reason for distress, Mr. Speed, – I will quickly add that I certainly DO approve of your desire for honesty and integrity in public affairs, and your posting regarding the IRS job is not what spurs my posting. You demonstrate a lack of kindness and generousity within your words. Zeal for honesty is blessed, – but zeal without kindness burns and produces pain. Consider this, if you please.))
What I have done to prove myself is very much the same as what you have done to prove yourself: I have offered words. Words to read, words to think about.
You do this also, and truely, I agree with you more often than disagree.
A man's kindness, however, is more important than the accuracy of his words. Not even Stalin was COMPLETELY wrong on every issue and every opinion,… but I would not respect Stalin even if I discovered that I agreed with him on one or two points.
The fact is, – given the nature of our interaction within this forum, – we have only words, and words are poor proof. Words are valuable,… and yet are still poor proof.
That yourself and Mr. L.Skin may be cooperating together as a “good cop, bad cop” play for the trust of forum members may indeed be laughable, – and I encourage you to enjoy good humor! Never-the-less, the evidence of the facts that we are ABLE to know within this forum cannot prove that you and he are actual opponents.
He, too, could be faking his opposition, – and given your previous criticism of Mr. L.Skin, I would guess that you may easily imagine him to be a liar, and not merely self-deceived.
What is the color of your power?
You describe my question as “arrogant”. What a curious thing to imagine,…
Naive is far more likely,… if I am permitted to offer a guess regarding my own motivations and character,… so why the frown smiley? If I am indeed naive, and question your motives because I am naive,… how does this differ from the naive questions of children? Are you provoked to frowns by the naive questions of children?
Honestly, – what do you want for me, Mr. Constable?
- bruce wrote on Apr 15 2006, 04:04 PM:…and possibly to use against the Beast that seeks to enslave us.[post=”2608″][/post]
Seems to me that you have the right concept,… more power to ya, bruce.
(Well, – unless you are a government infiltrator, that is. lol)