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  • ehudmii

    December 2, 2006 at 6:36 pm in reply to: TAKE THIS TEST!

    I took this test about twenty years ago. If I were a lot younger, I'd say I was nursing on momma's milk when I took it, too, – but nursing or not, younger or not, – the answer is still the same.

    Sex between men is a capital crime in the opinion of the One that created man, – and that opinion is good enough for me.

  • ehudmii

    December 2, 2006 at 6:19 pm in reply to: The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher

    I received “the enlightenment” from Mr. Gatto several years ago. DEFINITELY an eye-opener!

    Mr. Gatto's information and perspective are like gold for poor men. GET SOME!

  • ehudmii

    November 6, 2006 at 12:53 am in reply to: Lou Dobbs on IRS

    Would my responses “hit closer to home” if I were to emphasize the voluntary nature of the use of the fiat currencies?

    I use fiat currencies, and one may reasonably argue that by using the currency, I am volunteering for an association with the issuing authorities,…

    Is this idea closer to what you are try to say?

  • ehudmii

    November 6, 2006 at 12:44 am in reply to: Domicile, Consent, Foreign Immunities and such…
    Author #2 wrote on Nov 2 2006, 03:59 PM:
    However, who are the “Cylons”?  Is that like the “Klingons”…HEEE..HEEEEE…HEEEE!  😆  😆

    Oh, and by the way.  How the heck do you get into Croatia without a passport?


    The “Cylons” are the “bad guys” in the Battlestar Galactica story. The older TV series was less sophisticated than the recent production, but was still a representation of human history, – and future.

    I say that the STORY presented in the Battlestar Galactica series represents humanity's future, – because the story includes so many elements of Israel's expulsion from the land of Israel, – for idolatry, among other things, – and represents also the return of the tribes to Israel from where they were scattered, – from where they have forgotten “who they are”. Refer to the prophecies of Hosea.

    In the book of Job, one may read a description of one method that the Creator uses to communicate with men,… in their dreams. And what is fantasy, – if not dreams?

    Jewish folk, – like Christians, – seek to fulfill within their choices the characterization that is described as “a light unto the world”. The methods and objectives may vary between the Christians and Jews in regard to how this goal is accomplished,… but both groups identify themselves by this characterization, and many seek to fulfill it.

    LOTS of movie and media folk are Jewish. Not necessarily righteous folk,… but some are. And the Scriptures are chock full of ideas that may be accurately described in fantasies. As J.R.R. Tolkein ably demonstrates in his story, “The Lord of the Rings”, and fitting with his statements to C.S. Lewis,… “myth” can be full-of-truth, – even if the myth itself is merely fantasy.

    Truth is.

    Fantasy CAN BE truth, and those who know The Truth can often see the truth, even if the story is merely a dream.

    The battered ships of the Galactica fleet resembles pretty well the horses and camels that people will need to use to get across the “wet desert”. Rememer that song by the group “America”? The one about the horse with no name?

    And this is the answer to your question regarding how to get to Croatia without permission to travel. Use a camel. A camel has to carry its own water, – even if it has wings instead of legs.

    I like the “camels” that have double-humps, because they are reported to be more stable on the pitching sands of the desert. LOL – I hope y'all can figure out the metaphor,…

    To the Jewish folk that escaped from Europe,… the Cylons would have been called “Nazis”. The comparison of robots and Germans can't be all THAT far from truth,… lol, – after all, “robot” means “work”!

    And if this isn't quite enough comparison to real-life, drawn from movies and TV, – just replay the fight between Obi Wan Kenobi and soon-to-be Darth Vader. LISTEN to what Obi Wan says in his frustration, to the one that followed him, – to the one that was stronger than him, – and the actor even uses a BRITISH ACCENT, – LOL !! Is there any better comparison, or description, of the United States? “You were THE BEST…” Obi Wan says,….

    LOL, – replay that part of the film, and think about how it applies to your own frustration with America's repentance from truth and righteousness… to The Dark Side…. personally, I think the author of the Star Wars story has REALLY GOT A CLUE!

  • ehudmii

    November 2, 2006 at 10:05 pm in reply to: Domicile, Consent, Foreign Immunities and such…
    Sovereigneer wrote on Oct 29 2006, 11:55 AM:
    I do not wish to expatriate, but would like to be known as a “stateless person” with my domicile in the Kingdom of Heaven, which, as I understand, is the only true and correct status for a Christian.  The question I can't seem to get my mind around is how does one then assert correctly and affirmatively that, as such, we are not subject to the laws (do not give CONSENT to be subject to…), codes, regulations, and political customs of the state where we are physically living, but that we live and abide by the higher laws of our God as found within the Authorized King James Version of the bible?


    I believe that you are confused regarding your objectives. I am. Confused, I mean.

    My mother and step-father did not trust the courts to issue justice regarding family matters, and simply volunteered to be criminals for the mere possession of us kids. Life is tough.

    Of course, to be a criminal-on-the-run was likely a lot easier in “those ancient days”. In your case, I would suggest that you do not honor such persons as who do not deserve honor. Are the circumstances by which you are brought before the court honorable circumstances? Is the staff of the court, and the judge, worthy of honor – even if they may be confused regarding the nature of our relationship with the Creator?

    If you imagine these people to be worthy of honor, consider the circumstances of Elija, as described in 1 Kings, chapter 1. Finally, after some “difficulty”,… Elija was instructed to go with the agent of the king. Wait for someone honorable, and ask for the others to be burned by fire from heaven.

    If you are already convinced that the persons to whom you will make your case are not persons worthy of honor,… perhaps you should reconsider your choice to eschew departure from that place. You can become “a stateless person” in Croatia by arriving there without a passport. Although the federal Constitution of Croatia is conspicuously missing “2nd Amendment” text, the majority of that document reads like it was drafted by a student of American history.

    The year 2000 version refers to “stateless persons”, and perhaps you will find the context useful to you. DON'T be confused and imagine that Croatia is a free country! I imagine, however, that you will find life there to be quite pleasant, if you do not irritate your neighbors much. European folk are so “old school” that tyranny is commonplace, and nothing remarkable. It's so mundane that most folks don't even feel it.

    Because Americans HAVE to be oppressed (by “the powers that be”), – because America was ACTUALLY a free country, – you are likely to feel the pain a lot more, if you choose to remain among neighbors that are not worthy of your honor.

    You can fight the courts, or you can wait for the Cylons.

    I recommend that you reach escape velocity before anyone announces the arrival of the Cylons. By then, according to the story, – it's probably too late.

  • ehudmii

    November 2, 2006 at 9:39 pm in reply to: Lou Dobbs on IRS
    Sonik Speed wrote on Oct 21 2006, 09:53 PM:
    I would also add that Money is Money. Gold is gold. Silver is silver. What really matters is – is the conclusion, that is, the food that is placed on the table feeding an average family of 4.

    The real question is this: Do people have a home and can they buy food and eat the food the Almighty Creator has given them.

    In studying TRUE Judaism, TRUE Christianity and TRUE Islam, to my knowledge, God has permited and encouraged commerce, but has forbidden usury. Commerce is fine, but usury is a serious sin with the aforementioned faiths.

    In sum, it really does not matter if you have a gold system or not.


    I believe that the federal legislation that makes the private stamping of coined-money a punishable offense has been drafted because of the truth within your assertions here.

    Something will be used by tailors to trade for cloth,… because tailors are not digging holes into the ground. Miners do this, not tailors. Tailors do what tailors do,… and therefore cannot be tailors if they digging holes. The tailor has a family to feed (or likely so), and the method by which he trades sewing for food is not (likely) so important to him as the actual delivery of the food.

    However, in the context of fiat currency,… the use of SOMEBODY ELSE'S MONEY for the purpose of your own trading,… presumes an obligation to the owner of the money. The immorality of the fiat currency is not within the context of usury,… but rather within the context of murder.

    Usury is sin, certainly. Threatening a man with violence and death because he trades his time for stamped-coin is oppression. Killing a man because he resists oppression,… is murder.

    SONIK SPEED RESPONDS: Nor does not it claim to be not mandatory. What's your point? I still cannot see how the above citation supports your conclusion. Besides, as Author #2 correctly pointed out, that law refers to counterfeiting and not the premise to which you are trying to prove.

    The law that I referenced covers much more than mere act of counterfeiting federal currency. The law purports to declare that the private issue of stamped-coin is a punishable offense.

    As IF the issue of stamped-coin were somehow a counterfeit of someone else's currency!

    Not many years back, I received a privately stamped coin from a resident of a particular village, in celebration of the founding of that village. The coin IS money, fundamentally and actually, without any lawful declaration to make it so. The coin IS money, by definition, because the coin is property. Just like printed paper is money, as a paper-commodity, so also the coin is money, merely because it exists.

    If the stamped-coin were issued as “X grams of Y”, – when, in fact, the coin measured only “X-v gram of Y”,… this is fraud. A legitimate crime, because fraud is actual sin.

    But because the maker of the coin did not perpetrate a fraud in the issuance of the coin, he committed no sin, and therefore no crime. Any law that makes punishable the making and giving away of one's own property (with the one exception of “the sacred oil” of the Levites, perhaps), – any law that purports to make free action by free people to be a crime,… is a law that ordains murder-under-the-color-of-law.

    THIS is more important than the feeding of the tailor's family.

    If this hypothetical tailor disagrees,… this tailor cares nothing for his own family, – and likely cares only for his own reputation as a provider to the family. When the law of the nation ordains murder,… the future generations of this hypothetical tailor will suffer the consequences of his present-day neglect, – so the tailor's claim to care for his family is vain and futile.

  • ehudmii

    November 2, 2006 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Lou Dobbs on IRS
    Author #2 wrote on Oct 29 2006, 07:01 AM:
    2. On the subject of printing a substitute for the government's fiat currency, the statute you cite refers to counterfeited coin. You can print your own as long as it doesn't claim to be minted by the government. Norfed does. See:


    The point is well made, and in the context offered by Author,… the point is well worth acting upon. May I ask for more opinion regarding “alternative currencies”? I have long thought E-Gold was on the right track, but then I read a newspaper column regarding how that company was raided by the Feds, and lost all their computer equipment….

    If my wish is to pay for postage and delivery of goods with out using FRNs, to whom should I go for this service?

    Now! – to address the point –

    Paper as “money” is not the point of the federal legislation. Mineral commodities as “money” is the point of the legislation,… because paper enjoys too little intrinsic value to be commodity money in it's own right.

    With the rising prices of fossil fuels, homemade biodiesel may become a commodity currency. In fact, the natural foods that are the materials for biodiesel can also become commodity money,… for one fundamental component to the definition of what is “money” is,… property ownership.

    The phrase “my money” expresses the sentiment perfectly. When “money” is a commodity, the phrase is completely appropriate, and when folks trade on the basis of commodity money, the trade is always “my money” for “your money”.

    Printed paper is a convenient REPRESENTATION of actual money, because paper may be used as “certificates of value”, – while the actual valuable goods lies within the warehouse at the harbor,…

    The federal legislation, and all legislation that makes punishable the trading of one's own property for the property of another,… is designed to make “fiat money” useful. FRNs are the property of the printing agency,… and I am sure that I am “preaching to the choir” by these remarks,… but I think this addresses your comment.

    Sure, – printing “money” is not the subject of the legislation,… because the paper has no value.

  • ehudmii

    October 29, 2006 at 3:45 am in reply to: Lou Dobbs on IRS
    True – Congress also has authority to delegate duties to corporations within its jurisdictional limitations or in reliance to the “general welfare” and “commerce” clauses within its jurisdictional boundaries. This reasoning is precisely why using Federal Reserve Notes are voluntary. Nobody says you have to use them. It all comes down to your association with Congress.

    Counter-point, as found in the U.S. Code:


    U.S. Code Collection

    TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 25 > ? 486

    ? 486. Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal

    Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes, or attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other metal, or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money, whether in the resemblance of coins of the United States or of foreign countries, or of original design, shall be fined under this title [1] or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

    The quote from the U.S. Code argues well that the use of Federal Reserve Notes is not voluntary.? The specific legal text does not HAVE to declare the use of the FRNs as mandatory,… when the use of commodity currency has been declared to be illegal.? Moreover, the form of the commodity currency will not secure anyone from prosecution.? Using bags of silver and gold powder as money is just as much forbidden as using metal coins.

    Please do not ask me to provide legal text to support this assertion,… for the truth of the matter is just as easily known as one may know that the sun rises in the east.? I do not require a law to define what “east” is, and the architecture of the existing law is more than sufficient to reveal a goal and a purpose,… a goal and purpose that will be subverted if living people exchanged commodity money in any form.

    The above statement is pure political speech. I respect it, but I am not persuaded by your reasoning from a legal perspective.

    I appreciate your dedication, study, and contributions to the discussions. I also appreciate much that I perceive in your attitude. I cannot strongly disagree regarding the characterization of my statements as “political speech”,… but I will disagree – just enough, I hope – to offer to everyone a fresh perspective regarding these issues.

    I characterize my statements as “moral speech”. Speech that has political implications, of course,… for the law that declares punishment for the use of metal coins is a MORAL issue far more than it is a legal one. Law that is self-consistent may be nevertheless completely illegitimate, – on moral grounds.

    Consider, if you will, – one possible response of “the powers that be” to the challenge presented by the “Show me the law!!” statements offered by some folks in the tax-honesty/freedom movement: a new law!

    No one may reasonably argue that the people who derive their sustinance from the current “system” will EVER disconnect themselves from “the feeding tube”. Moreover, the facts of life demonstrate that no one is permitted to refuse to “withhold life” from the persons connected to the tubes. The most reasonable course, in response to the challenge “Show me the law!”,… is simply to make the law. This response is demonstrably easy,… and the existence of the Patriot Act as law is proof of this assertion. Immoral law is far easier, and much preferred, than is the effort to live WITHOUT the huge wealth the current system offers to those who live by it.

    What law declares as a crime the creation of law in secret?

    Who is responsible to enforce the law that requires all new law to be offered to the public in a timely manner?

    The very persons that are responsible to enforce the law that requires the timely publication of new law,… are the persons that benefit the least from the enforcement of it. Better to trap “the traitors” that refuse to “pay their fair share”,… by creating new tax law in the same manner that the Patriot Act was passed. The victims of “abuse under the law” may complain and cry,… and who cares?

    I do. You do,… but those who live by the violent collection of revenue certainly do not care for the life, comfort and dignity of their neighbors. The people in every nation that exists have had ample opportunity to choose a better way to live,… and they do not so choose.

    I would say that it's the definition of “cold love”.

    “Hot love” does not allow a man to remain idle while his neighbor suffers immoral abuse.

    “Hot love” is not a legal perspective,… but rather a moral one.

    The Basic Laws of Israel were modified in 1995, in one particularly interesting point. The original law text allowed for NO ONE to deprive a citizen of property without that citizen at first having been convicted of a crime. The change in 1995,… declared that only THE GOVERNMENT was permitted to deprive a citizen of property (without criminal considerations), and the only requirement to make the action legally acceptable before the courts, according to the law,… was a new law making the action legal.


    Immorality, – the theft of property under the color of law, – is EASY.

    Defending one's family and loved ones and neighbors from such persons as will codify immorality into the law of the nation,… THIS is not easy.

    This is not about politics, but rather is about how we as men and women are to live before our Creator.

  • ehudmii

    October 26, 2006 at 7:23 pm in reply to: Lou Dobbs on IRS
    Bing wrote on Oct 2 2006, 09:47 AM:
    Icheck, sir, only the U.S. Congress has the constitutional authority to coin money.  Thus,  and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which essentially amounted to a delegation by Congress of one of its Constitutional powers, is void ab initio.

    All that said, I know you are only joking and speaking hypothetically, when you stated, and I quote,  “. . .I could use my own equipment and print money and charge the government nothing at all.. just supply me with the ink and paper.” The Family Guardian Fellowship does not endorse or advocate unlawful activity of any kind, and counterfeiting US currency is unlawful, as I am sure you already are aware.



    This short quote is chock full of assertions,… I hope I can address each one well, without obfuscating the point I hope to make!

    1. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is void, indeed, for the reason indicated.

    2. Counterfeiting US currency is unlawful, indeed.

    3. Only the U.S. Congress has the constitutional authority to coin money. Indeed, so!

    I recognize the legitimacy of each of these assertions, and yet I will hope to declare a contrary enlightenment that argues against points 2 and 3.

    What “enlightenment” is this? Simply,… I, me, myself and I, – do not require constitutional authority in order to coin money. Moreover, any law that declares such as this to be a crime is inherently illegitimate,… for NO ONE has the authority to declare as a crime any activity that is not sin.

    Anyone that attempts to do so,… demonstrates a wish to threaten my life, and the lives my my dependents. The one that declares to be “a crime” any activity that is not sin,… presumes himself to have higher authority than the Creator has. The one that “invents crime” by creating civil law,… proves himself to be an enemy against those people who will be on the receiving end of the punishments for breaking the law!

    Be certain that I am NOT suggesting the counterfeit of someone ELSE's money.

    I assert that I commit no crime by stamping coins.

    I commit no crime by trading stamped coins for goods and services, – so long as I commit no fraud in the process.

    Stamping coins, and trading coins,… is not sin.

    Fraud is sin.

    Theft is sin.

    These are legitimate crimes, and no civil authority requires any additional law in order to perform the task delegated to him by the Creator, – to punish what is actually sin.

    So! I declare that,… YES! only the U.S. Congress is authorized to coin money.

    I, however, – require no authorization.

    I hope what I am saying is understood, – and that everyone that reads this, – ESPECIALLY that refuse that passes for human life at the Quatlosers site – whom my soul hates, –

    let the reader understand that anyone that would seek to hurt me or my loved ones for the act of stamping metal, and/or trading metal,… is an enemy to me. To the degree that my Creator increases my capacity to deal with you as an enemy,… I shall.

    What! what! oh! Darn,… aw shucks,… what's this written about making peace with one's enemies? Acck! Well,… darn. I guess I must add that I do not advocate violence, nor illegal activity of any kind.

    But I cetainly DO advocate the defense of one's family, neighbors, countrymen and friends,…. and if THIS has become illegal,… well, I guess that's just too bad.

    “I intend to misbehave”.

    Malcom Reynolds, Captain of the “Firefly”

  • ehudmii

    October 26, 2006 at 6:53 pm in reply to: Lou Dobbs on IRS
    Sonik Speed wrote on Oct 21 2006, 09:53 PM:
    I would also add that Money is Money. Gold is gold. Silver is silver. What really matters is – is the conclusion, that is, the food that is placed on the table feeding an average family of 4.

    The real question is this: Do people have a home and can they buy food and eat the food the Almighty Creator has given them.

    In studying TRUE Judaism, TRUE Christianity and TRUE Islam, to my knowledge, God has permited and encouraged commerce, but has forbidden usury. Commerce is fine, but usury is a serious sin with the aforementioned faiths.

    In sum, it really does not matter if you have a gold system or not.


    What is “money”,… in the option of the Almighty Creator?

    I find to be a significant clue, regarding the Creator's opinion regarding what is “money”, are the instructions regarding the tithes and the census of all of Israel.

    Regarding the tithes, – when the place to deliver the tithes is too far for the animals to be comfortably driven, or for the apples to be carried, etc. etc. – the tithes are to be TRADED, or EXCHANGED for “money”. Value for value,… in a sense, and NOT a “certificate of value”,…

    Moreover, regarding the census, everyone that wanted to be included in the census, was to drop half-a-shekel's worth of silver down as evidence of his intent to be included in the census. Nothing is recorded regarding the physical form this weight of silver,… so reasonably no one is authorized to MANDATE any particular phyiscal form. The form could be silver powder, silver coin, or silver wire. The weight of silver is declared,… and THIS,… this concept that a specific weight of a commodity,… this is what I suggest as our Creator's opinion regarding what is “money”.

    Regarding the respect the collectors of the census may have for the Creator, I am sensitive to the complaint regarding silver coin, – especially when the coin is stamped with an idolatrous image. However, I would not agree with any declaration that silver coin of the correct weight is to be rejected, – merely because the coin has stamped upon its face the image of demon, or arrogant person that imagines himself (or herself) to be “God”.

    I would suggest to the census collectors that the use of an anvil, and the application of a hammer upon the face of the coin, – would be sufficient to drive out the demon, – so to speak,… lol.

  • ehudmii

    October 18, 2006 at 12:02 am in reply to: WTP Lawsuit

    Although I would certainly prefer to see tyrants publicly eliminated from life, neither I nor we often get what we wish for. I must find my satisfaction, – and happiness, – in other things.

    So,…. even though I would PREFER to see tyrants – or,… excuse me, – NOT see tyrants, because such people are afraid to become tyrants, – I am at least happy to see that SOME PEOPLE are fighting the right fight.

    It's not violent, so maybe the effort cannot be called fighting, but even if it's only just words,… I am happy to read them.

    Sure,… I want more than mere words,… but to know the words, to read the words, and to know that righteous men DO EXIST,… this is a great comfort to me.

    Maybe Mr. Schultz wasn't excellent at fund-raising,… but maybe y'all can do better. Raise funds! Gather capital! And make the effort to secure that wealth from the thieves that will violently take it from you.

    Sadly, – SUFFICIENT wealth to win the fight may require more years than anyone of us may be willing to wait, – but while the wealth is gathered,… we do not have to give the impression that we are a violent folk.

    When the vampires have starved, and have become weak,… the wealth necessary for the making of hammers and wooden spikes will be likely sufficient. We may have to grieve over the loss of our friends during the years that the vampires are stronger than we are,… but we KNOW that we can win,… because the vampires cannot afford to kill off their food supply.

    When the cows are “in the barn”, and the vampires STILL aren't gettin' enough,… they are going to be mighty perplexed,… and I will make so bold as to say they will be God-damned confused,… because that manner of God-given confusion is EXACTLY what they deserve! – for as long as the vampires are still living, that is.

    Gee I wish we weren't living in darkness. Let the Son shine!

    Let the Son shine, – and burn the murderers into ash!

    THAT is what I call salvation!

    While it's still dark though, – outside, – I am happy to know that folks like y'all are getting “light” on the inside. Get more! and please continue to give me joy.

  • ehudmii

    October 17, 2006 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Authorized KJV v. NKJV Issues

    I cannot speak for the Famguardian site or SEDM, nor for anyone but myself, my King, and my dependents,… however! your choice of quote, regarding the word of the king as having power,… is reason to ask if you have studied the theme of “kingship” within the Scriptures and within history.

    Has the theme of “kingship” been for you a theme of specific study between yourself and the Holy Spirit?

  • ehudmii

    September 14, 2006 at 11:13 pm in reply to: Banking Alternatives?

    For my PC, I have created an encrypted virtual drive on removable media, and have installed there both my private email and ALSO the third-party email program as well. This process requires a little more complexity than the mere use of an encrypted virtual harddrive, – but the advantages are significant. Namely,…

    1. Because the email program is installed onto the encrypted drive, the program will not be accessable, – will not even run, – until drive is decrypted and mounted. In fact, the desktop shortcut cannot even reference the program until the encrypted drive is mounted.

    2. The address book remains in an encrypted form until the virtual drive is decrypted and mounted. The snooper cannot know who I believe to be important, from among all the various folks that send email to me.

    3. Because binary imagine of the email program is not available for reverse-engineering, the format of the email files and address-book files cannot be easily discovered.

    Note! This is a double-drive process,… first the removable media must be mounted,… and THEN the encrypted virtual drive must be mounted. The only file on the removable disk is the encrypted virtual drive… unless one wishes to provide a few “sacrificial goats” to lead snoopers into the waste places of the desert of futility…

    To install the email program onto the removable media itself will not offer the significant advantages of protecting the privacy of your friends and contacts.

    Whenever the security requirement merits the extra effort, one may install ANOTHER encryption program that will run only when the encrypted drive is mounted, and the second encryption program will record all of its public and private keys files on the encrypted virtual drive. Thus, – if the key files of the first encryption program are compromised, – because they are stored on the same drive as the operating-system, – the attacker will have to repeat his efforts AGAIN once he has access to the key files of the second encryption program. Make it too hard for the snooper and no matter how much he is paid to injure his countryman, – he won't be able to impress his supervisor,…

    This plan has merit, of course, only for those that protect their computing systems from keyloggers, and the coersion of the courts. If you cannot know when your system has been invaded,… you will not know when you have given away your passwords.

  • ehudmii

    September 14, 2006 at 10:22 pm in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job

    Regarding “…international standards of accountability.”


    The international community has developed a compelling body of international obligations…

    Humm,…. hummm,…. OBLIGATIONS,… humm,…?

    Meaning,… do what you are ordered to do or suffer great pain,…


    Oh! How about this gem,…

    We also will work to ensure that each country is both willing and able…

    ENSURE??? Just how does an international groups of nations ENSURE that another nation complies with it's obligations?

    And the people that write this BS are supposed to be the people that lead in the direction of liberty? I don't think so,…

  • ehudmii

    September 14, 2006 at 9:50 pm in reply to: Tom Clayton convicted of failure to file
    When a corrupt federal government imprisons American Citizens unjustly under color of law, this is a clear indication that the US Government is the enemy of the People.

    The principle stated here is as clear and excellent as any quotable-quote that one may copy from any public figure, past or present.

    Bing! – the tone of the bell has perfect pitch,…

    Hey, y'all! Hear the bell!

    Bing! The man speaks of liberty!

    Bing! Hey! Hey! Wake up, y'all!

    Moreover, the evidence that proves the validity of the principle is also the evidence that demonstrates that no one should hold faith in the possibility that solutions-at-law will prevail,… against criminals that make law (and judge people) contrary to the authority that establishes their office in government.

    The proven character of modern jurisprudence – in any nation you care to name – is not a historical anomaly. The absence of tyranny is the historical anomaly,… and the absence of tyranny is known only to such persons as will refuse it's existence.

    Anyone care to offer a historical precedent that demonstrates the possibility that tyrants will retire from civil government, – when ordered to do so by the judges of the nation?

    It's late, and perhaps I am a little slow within the neural wetware,… but I am not getting any hits on the database within my memory…

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