Forum Replies Created

  • dominoes7

    December 23, 2009 at 6:24 pm in reply to: Filling out forms & retain sovereignty

    It has been a while since I have been on this forum.

    I would like to report a couple victories.

    1. I have applied for life insurance without a SSN. It was a challenge, but it is now done.

    2. I am getting auto insurance without a SSN.

    My strategy is to remove all ties to this SSN before I let the IRS know that I “no longer exist.”

    I am being very cautious. Even with the law on my side, I am battling what people “think” the law says.

    Thanks for your help on this site and forum. I appreciate the educational information.


  • dominoes7

    October 27, 2009 at 11:35 pm in reply to: Birth Certificate
    mcoffeetea wrote on Oct 25 2009, 06:57 PM:

    Another one that will over ride the other <_<


    I'm sure that you have a document on the evils and the legal implications of getting a birth certificate.

    I don't have children yet, but I need to know whether it would be wise for someone to get a birth certificate for their child. If it is not wise, what would the alternative be? Thanks for your input.


  • dominoes7

    July 31, 2009 at 11:19 pm in reply to: Filling out forms & retain sovereignty

    I am following up to give some information on the results of the application and the above recommendations.

    The insurance company didn't like the reservation of rights by all the signatures.

    The insurance company didn't like the disclosure that the signature is not valid without the legal packets.

    Upon talking to them, they conceded the distinction between a constitutional citizen and a statutory citizen. They also allowed the use of 'de jure' after the state (i.e. California).

    There have been some small victories here. They are good without the use of a SSN. Unfortuneately, some of the other ID used have a SSN…that must be fixed soon.

    It is frustrating that one would have to fight so hard for their rights and through others' ignorance.

    I am wondering how someone can sign a document like this and reserve their rights without writing a note about reserving their rights. The legal department is looking into this, but I would like comments from this forum.

    I welcome all comments as educational only. I understand that the information is not for me. Thanks for your time.


  • dominoes7

    July 10, 2009 at 10:55 pm in reply to: My passport app was not accepted
    ixyx wrote on May 23 2007, 10:33 AM:
    Having no birth certificate was a huge issue. Having no other “breeder documents” or “early public records” just made it worse. I was finally able to acquire a church record which satisfied the issuing agent.

    I am wondering if using a birth certificate to get a passport is a problem. For example, if the passport office has a person's birth certificate information, will they also then have access to the SSN (indirectly), which will again link that person into a government franchise. This may also be true if the birth certificate and SSN were issued at the same time.

    Am I missing something here? Please let me know where my thinking is wrong…if it is…



  • dominoes7

    July 8, 2009 at 9:22 pm in reply to: Affidavits & non-taxpayers
    Admin wrote on Jul 7 2009, 02:07 PM:
    Yes. Updating the passport is among the first steps, not the last. Maybe they got the order messed up in the Path to Freedom. I don't control what the author did nor did I write it. This is not legal advice, but we would do ONLY in our own circumstances. What you do is entirely your choice and exclusive responsibility as a co-equal “sovereign”.

    It was nice to see that the content got adjusted in the Path to Freedom, and included a disclosure. Thanks for making that adjustment. I appreciate your educational information. Thank you so much in pursuing the truth.


  • dominoes7

    July 7, 2009 at 9:06 pm in reply to: Affidavits & non-taxpayers
    Admin wrote on Jul 7 2009, 01:38 PM:
    The above observations are the reason why the first steps in becoming sovereign in section 2 of the Path to Freedom document is to obtain a “national” passport not connected to franchises as a PRIVATE person instead of a public officer called a “taxpayer”: So you have ID to complete the rest of the process that doesn't link you to franchises.

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I see that step 16 is updating a passport. However, in step 11, when sending in the SSN resignation, this requires a “certificate of service” that includes a notary jurat. Are you suggesting that updating the passport should be one of the first steps before letting government franchises know of one's intentions (like in step 11).

    Forgive my confusion. I'm just trying to answer some minor questions before moving forward.



  • dominoes7

    June 23, 2009 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Filling out forms & retain sovereignty

    Thanks for your response. It was very informative.


  • dominoes7

    June 10, 2009 at 1:30 am in reply to: Confusion from a new member

    Should a liberty & freedom loving individual, according to your opinion, get a state issued birth certificate for his/her child? Or, should they draft their own “Certificate of live birth” and have it notorized or signed by at least 2 witnesses?

    Thanks for your time,


  • dominoes7

    June 9, 2009 at 7:32 pm in reply to: Confusion from a new member
    Admin wrote on Jun 5 2009, 02:40 PM:
    The above answers DO NOT pertain to you, but to the subject inquired about generally. In the future, please rephrase and de-personalize your questions to keep us out of harms way by following Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, Section 12.3 mentioned above.

    Thanks for your reply. I understand that this reply is not for me. I will adjust my questions in the future. Thank you for the links for personal research.


  • dominoes7

    June 5, 2009 at 9:25 pm in reply to: Confusion from a new member
    Admin wrote on Nov 10 2008, 04:43 PM:

    Thanks for your feedback. Our view of UCC redemption is summed up in the following article:

    Policy Document: UCC Redemption, Form #08.002

    Anything in conflict with the above should be removed from our website and is fiction that is not to be trusted. If you can find anything that is in conflict with the above, please point it out so we can remove it.

    The only document we can find on the site from William Avery is:

    Dispatch of Merchants…OfMerchants.htm

    Is there some aspect of that article that conflicts with other information on this website? The article is about banking, not redemption as far as we can tell.

    You should not assume that we agree with EVERYTHING an author has written or anything else he/she has written that is not posted on our website. What is dissonant about that particular article?

    So, I have a few questions in reply.

    1. Should I redeem (or place a lien on) my strawman?

    2. Should I give my children a birth certificate or SSN (I assume certianly not an SSN)?

    3. There was some document that I read that we should not give up our strawman because we need it to function in commerce, but we must give it up to be free. Can you clarify that position for me? And, help me understand how to establish a strawman for my future children without entangling them with the government. I apologize that my quote may be off.

    Thanks for your time and help,


  • dominoes7

    June 5, 2009 at 8:28 pm in reply to: Sovereign marriage
    Sovereigneer wrote on Oct 15 2006, 02:36 PM:
    I would like to know if there is any way to properly correct an existing marriage that was done under state license without going through a divorce and remarriage under the Sovereign Chrisgtian Marriage Book contract procedures?

    Is there a way to rescind the original marriage license application/license and redo the marriage correctly without the state being a party to the new marriage?

    Didn't see anything on existing marriages that I recall in the documentation. If I missed it, please let me know and where to find it.

    I am having the same issue. I thought there should be a way to revoke the signatures just like you would for the SSA. After some searching, I found an affidavit that would do just that. I have included it below. I encourage all the administrators and anyone else who would like to comment to critique this document. I am always looking for ways to close loopholes and correct errors. Let me know what you think.


    Agreement to revoke Marriage License/Certificate

    Certified mail____________________

    Return receipt requested


    I, [husband], and I, [wife], do hereby jointly and severally agree and affirm to revoke our signatures and annul our State of Oregon marriage license/certificate issued on the xth day of month 20xx, by the county court of [your] County in the State of Oregon. At the time, such demand for our signatures was done under threat, duress and coercion by the controlling administrative agency.

    We have personal knowledge of these facts and are making this affidavit for the purpose of revoking our signatures in accordance with the Common law right to contract.

    Because it is our deeply held religious conviction that marriage is a covenant agreement between us and our Creator (Genesis 2:21-25; Ephesians 5:23-33,) our marriage cannot be granted permission to exist by the State of Oregon; neither can the State of Oregon have any legal jurisdiction over our home, so long as we live by the Creators word, as proscribed in the Holy Scriptures, and do no actual harm to life, liberty, or property.

    It is our sincerely held religious conviction that the Creator has given custody of children to parents (Psalm 127:3) and that it is the parents sole right and responsibility under His law to train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:1-4)

    The Holy Spirit has brought us to understand through our research that:

    1. Our marriage license/certificate was issued under Article III by an insurance policy with

    “Maritime Admiralty” implication, which suborns the marriage into the Laws of Nations pursuant to the Limited Liability Act of 1851 and;

    2. Without consent, the marriage license/certificate defrauded, extorted and cheated us of our God given, constitutionally guaranteed rights and enumerated in the Bill of Rights, under Article 1, Section 10, to whit;

    “No State …. shall pass any law impairing the obligation of Contracts clause in the constitution for the United States, the Declaration of Independence and the immunities and protections therein by that definite design to accomplish ends wholly beyond the sphere worked out by the constitution for the United States as a stealthy encroachment on an easy way for breaking down the limitations and guarantees of protection against aggression, usurpation,…”

    3. Our State of Oregon marriage license/certificate is an insurance policy and certificate of authority, and does so through Maritime Admiralty Jurisdiction of an under Amendments eleven through twenty-six; as per limited liability and jurisdiction of titles U.S.C. 2, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, and 50 pursuant to Title 26 of the Internal Revenue Code, Laws of Nations and /or the Limited Liability Act of 1851, whereas;

    4. This notice of revocation is also based upon our rights with respect to constructive fraud and misrepresentation as established in, but not limited to, the cases of Tyler v. Secretary of State, 184 A2d 101 (1962) and also Elpaso Natural Gas Co. v. Kysar Insurance Co. 605 Pacific 2d 240 (1979), which stated: “Constructive fraud as well as actual fraud may be the basis of cancellation of an instrument”.

    Because of the preceding, it is our fear that a State marriage license/certificate gives the State and its agents a quasi-legal jurisdiction over our home and children which would violate not only our Biblical religious convictions and beliefs but also our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

    Therefore, let it be known that I, [husband], and I, [wife], having been deceived and misled by these devices and cloaks of governments, do hereby Revoke and Cancel the Limited Liability Admiralty Jurisdiction with a Certificate of Authority known as Case Number_________ (local file number of license for the county of [your county]) of the past, this day and for all time.

    In doing so, we:

    1. Abolish any pretended claim that the State may have any legal jurisdiction over us, our home, and our children.

    2. Declare that we, and our children, are not rightfully, proper, or legal subjects of legislation, legislative laws, judicial or any government action by:

    a. Voluntarily dissolving the State of Oregon marriage license/certificate and returning said State license/certificate.

    b. Maintaining our Creator-sanctioned marriage by covenant.

    c. Relieving the State of Oregon and the federal government of any and all jurisdiction or responsibility for the care, welfare, education, and training of any and all our children.

    We covenant under the Creator to be and act responsible for our lives and all those born to this union.

    Pursuant to Title 28 USC §1746(1) and executed “without the United States,” under penalty of perjury under the laws of the united states of America that the foregoing declaration is true and correct, to the best of our beliefs and informed knowledge, so help us God. And further deponent saith not. We now hereby affirm our signatures and citizenship with explicit RESERVATION OF ALL OUR UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, WITHOUT PREJUDICE to any of those rights.

    _______________________ __________________________

    [husband] [wife]

    Sovereign state Citizen/Principle, Sovereign state Citizen/Priniciple,

    by Special Appearance, proceeding Sui Juris by Special Appearance, proceeding Sui Juris


    STATE:______________________________________ )

    ) SS.

    COUNTY:_____________________________________ )

    On _______________________________________before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared the above individual whose name is subscribed hereto, and personally known to me to be the individual whose name is subscribed to this declaration, and that by signature on this affidavit executed the instrument.

    WITNESS my hand and official seal. ______________________________

    Notary public in and for said County and State

    My commision expires: ____________________________________

    Notary Seal

  • dominoes7

    April 2, 2009 at 8:45 pm in reply to: Modifying pdf files
    Admin wrote on Mar 12 2008, 09:50 PM:

    The techniques for modifying PDF files are described in section 1 of the following link:

    In particular, you will need a PDF editor. Several options are listed there. The best is Nitro PDF, which we use. Could you please indicate why the modified forms are inadequate for your needs and what specifically needs to be fixed? Perhaps it is a change that might benefit everyone.


    I'm new to this site. If this is answered somewhere else, please forgive the question.

    I get a little nervous filing “their forms” with my modifications. I'm sure this is fine since there are so many forms that many of us are using that have the modifications. What have people noticed the response from IRS/Banks/etc. to modified forms? And, can I back up my modifications with legal arguments? I hope that I'm being clear. I welcome your responses.
