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  • brazosdedios

    March 15, 2010 at 11:48 pm in reply to: W-9 form – no signature
    'neo' wrote on '13:

    'brazosdedios' wrote on '11:

    In fact, is there even anything being certified without a signature? Would it be necessary to change the certifications from the standard IRS form W-9?


    A W-9 is for a “United States person,” which is defined in 26 USC 7701(a)(30) as a “citizen” or “resident” of the “United States.” The “United States” as defined in 26 USC 7701(a)(9) does NOT include the 50 Union states. Are you domiciled or “resident” in the District of Columbia or any of the Federal “States” so defined in 4 USC 110(d)? If not, then the W-9 is a moot point. Perhaps a modified W-8BEN would be more appropriate for you.

    mm, maybe so but I was using the modified W-9 that states “I am NOT a US person.”

  • brazosdedios

    March 11, 2010 at 10:20 pm in reply to: W-9 form – no signature

    In fact, is there even anything being certified without a signature? Would it be necessary to change the certifications from the standard IRS form W-9?

  • brazosdedios

    March 11, 2010 at 6:50 pm in reply to: Software Engineering, II

    I hope you are finding success ehudmil. I work as a computer hardware/software, network installation and support contractor. I am working to raise the level of my business professionalism and expertise but sometimes get caught up with just getting by and getting bogged down with all the legalities.

    I provide computer services in the Dallas TX area, if anyone is interested.

  • brazosdedios

    March 11, 2010 at 6:38 pm in reply to: Finding a job with freedom minded people?

    Yep, good stuff indeed. I need to make and serve myself some humble pie sometimes!

    'Admin' wrote on '20:

    Abu al.timmy

    Is that all you can do? Criticize those who are trying to help you? No wonder you are having so much trouble in your family with divorce, in the courts with losing, and in your job (losing it) being “sovereign”: Your attitude. When you quit demanding your “rights” and for people to serve you, quit criticizing others, focus on more positive things and ideas instead of people, and just show a little respect and civility, then you will finally begin reaping what you seek. You can only deserve respect if you are willing to give it.

    Your attitude determines your altitude, and you're in the gutter because of that attitude. Nobody likes a whiner and whiners always end up abandoned and shunned. Your attitude is attracting evil into your life, and will probably attract undue government attention as well at some point, because corruption in government is the origin of most of the evils in society today. The government fraud feeds on rewarding and encouraging evil in the populace and they seem gravitate towards prideful and sinful people who are easier to exploit. The Bible says that pride comes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall. The only thing the government wants to do is destroy and enslave you rather than protect you. Hence, the weapon of choice is to pick on prideful people who won't listen.


    Nice call. 🙄

  • brazosdedios

    January 12, 2006 at 12:22 am in reply to: Mixed Results on Using Modified DS-11

    Well, I finally received my passport! I used the old application, without the modified oath as Morpheus quoted, with “not valid without attachment” in the signature block and my statement on the attachment as above. I wrote “not valid without attachment” in the signature block, before I went to the PO to submit it, along the line, not above it, so that it would be right underneath my signature but the clerk had me sign on the line below since I had already written in the main signature space. So, I guess it might have been better to have waited to write the note when I signed it. :huh: I could have done that anyway but didn't think of it! 🙁

    So, now I need to request a copy of my app and see what they send me!


  • brazosdedios

    November 16, 2005 at 5:33 am in reply to: Mixed Results on Using Modified DS-11

    I was reading the page about making statement of facts on affidavits so here is how I customized it and plan to use:

    United States Department of State

    Houston Passport Agency

    1919 Smith Street ? STE 1400

    Houston, TX 77002-8049

    Re: Passport Application

    Dear Passport Agency:

    The question in block 17 of the passport application is unclear because there is no US passport of which I am aware nor have I ever applied for one. You are in possession of my previous United States of America passport which was incorrectly processed with a Social Security number. You are hereby instructed to remove that Social Security number from all records which you have for me.

    The perjury statement in block 23 of the passport application is ambiguous in regards to my citizenship status. To clarify, I, Stephen Reed Johnson, am a Citizen of the United States of America under the Constitution which is equivalent to a ?non-citizen national? under 8 USC ?1452, as I was born in South Carolina, one of the states of the Union. I have no information to indicate that I am a ?U.S. citizen? under 8 USC ?1401 and 28 USC ?3002 (15) and hereby refute any presumption to this conclusion.

    Similarly, the term ?U.S. citizen? as used in block 21 regarding my parents is defined to mean ?non-citizen national? under 8 USC ?1452, as they were both born in Mississippi, one of the states of the Union. I have no information to indicate that either of them are a ?U.S. citizen? under 8 USC ?1401 and 28 USC ?3002 (15) and hereby refute any presumption to this conclusion.

    DECLARATION: Pursuant to 28 USC ?1746(1), I declare under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the United States of America that the statements made on the passport application and within this statement are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed on 15 November 2005.

    I now affix my own signature to all of the above affirmations WITH EXPLICIT RESERVATION OF ALL MY RIGHTS AND WITHOUT PREJUDICE UCC 1-308

    ? (Natural Born Citizen of the several union states)

  • brazosdedios

    October 31, 2005 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Schiff convicted on all counts!
    brazosdedios wrote on Oct 31 2005, 10:27 AM:
    On page 1-79, first it says that Peter's yes answer meant, “Yes, He does not pay the tax” because it was a negative question. Then later on the same page, it says that his yes answer meant, “Yes, He does pay the tax” and so God provided the money so that Peter would not be a liar. Which ever meaning his response had, Jesus said to give them the money, so as not “to offend them”, not so that Peter would not be a liar. Only Jesus' atonement removes our sin. God doesn't do something after the fact, so that what we did won't be considered sin! On page 1-80, lines 1-2 it says that God paid an indirect tax rather than a direct tax. Which I guess it could be considered an indirect tax, but regardless, as you said in the letter quoted in the IRS Hoax, God, not a fish, paid it.

    Anyway, IRS Hoax, page 1-81, lines 11-13 and again later on page 1-86 says what I was saying in the first place, give the Fed back all their fake money and we need to operate a monetary system with just weights and measures.


    So, the new version will be saying that a fish paid the tax and not God?

    Does it matter if we give the fake money back to the Fed or to the IRS and let those partners in crime determine how to deal with it?


  • brazosdedios

    October 31, 2005 at 3:27 pm in reply to: Schiff convicted on all counts!

    On page 1-79, first it says that Peter's yes answer meant, “Yes, He does not pay the tax” because it was a negative question. Then later on the same page, it says that his yes answer meant, “Yes, He does pay the tax” and so God provided the money so that Peter would not be a liar. Which ever meaning his response had, Jesus said to give them the money, so as not “to offend them”, not so that Peter would not be a liar. Only Jesus' atonement removes our sin. God doesn't do something after the fact, so that what we did won't be considered sin! On page 1-80, lines 1-2 it says that God paid an indirect tax rather than a direct tax. Which I guess it could be considered an indirect tax, but regardless, as you said in the letter quoted in the IRS Hoax, God, not a fish, paid it.

    Anyway, IRS Hoax, page 1-81, lines 11-13 and again later on page 1-86 says what I was saying in the first place, give the Fed back all their fake money and we need to operate a monetary system with just weights and measures.

    How's that for homework?


  • brazosdedios

    October 31, 2005 at 3:12 am in reply to: Schiff convicted on all counts!

    The paper:

    references Matt 17:24-26 to say that Jesus was a non-taxpayer. But verse 27 goes on the say that rather than offend them, He paid the tribute (tax) to support a corrupt system, which He didn't even feel required to pay. God miraculously provided the money for Jesus and Peter to pay the tribute.


  • brazosdedios

    October 30, 2005 at 1:09 pm in reply to: Questions for lawyers?

    mmm, no, this seems to be for IRS agents…?


  • brazosdedios

    October 30, 2005 at 2:16 am in reply to: Schiff convicted on all counts!

    Thanks. Lot's of info for me to look at there and consider.

    Caeser is not necessarily “legitimate” governing authority, though. In Jesus' day Caeser claimed to be God, so he definitely was not legitimate authority.

    But in rendering to Caeser their fiat money, specifically I would say that it is the Federal Reserve in cohoots with the IRS and the US national goverment, all operating outside the US Constitution.


  • brazosdedios

    October 30, 2005 at 1:13 am in reply to: My passport app was not accepted

    My passport app was still not accepted though I used the official form and just modified for USA or United States of America, instead of US or United States. The reply states “You must not alter the oath on the application.”

    I am thinking to do it like recommended for the voter reg., put a note with my signature that not valid w/o attached affidavit and then attach an affidavit clarifying US citizenship.

    Thoughts, suggestions?

    As for not submitting my previous passport which had my SSN tied to it, using my name and birth and parents' info, I'm sure they can find my previous application very easily and then I would think that would raise a LOT of red flags for them that I lied on the app.


  • brazosdedios

    October 30, 2005 at 1:03 am in reply to: "Citizen" in the Constitution
    rattler14 wrote on Oct 19 2005, 10:35 AM:
    brazosdedios wrote on Oct 19 2005, 05:39 AM:
    OK, great, that makes it easier! Still trying to wrap my mind around all these concepts 😉


    EITHER WAY. I would never claim to be a “citizen of the United States” as defined by anything 🙂 “Citizen of the United States of America” is far better IMHO?



    I would definitely agree the “citizen of the United States of America” is better than the ambigious without attending definitions “citizen of the United States”


  • brazosdedios

    October 30, 2005 at 12:55 am in reply to: Schiff convicted on all counts!

    Indeed where does a righteous man say enough is enough and really make a stand for righteousness?!

    But what of our response? Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight” John 18:36

    And “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's” Matt 22:21 If the wicked want their fake fiat money then give it to them. We must be about our Father's business establishing His kingdom, which is not political but rules righteously from the heart of each individual and is released outward affecting all the external systems of family, finances, relationships, even civil government. Even as Daniel served in the midst of Babylon but yet by the righteousness of His heart at the same time he was was destroying the very foundations of wickedness upon which Babylon was built.

    So, I don't know, why fight over the false money based upon unjust and deceitful measures anyway? God will judge that system of greed and deceit. How do we setup alternate systems based upon Truth and integrity? Our Father knows our needs but we must seek first His kingdom and His righteousness being established in the hearts of men and then and only then will there be increasing integrity in our external systems.

    This probably goes against much of the thought in these forums but honestly, what do you think?


  • brazosdedios

    October 19, 2005 at 1:39 pm in reply to: "Citizen" in the Constitution

    OK, great, that makes it easier! Still trying to wrap my mind around all these concepts 😉

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