Forum Replies Created
The Dave Champion website cited in lead post above,
is no promoting cooking and foods, and has nothing to do with income taxes so far as I can tell.
As a long time student of Sun Tzu for the past 30 years, I think Sun Tzu would agree with Admin that an adversary’s strength often contains their weakness. However, I would submit that such is not the case in every situation.
Sometimes, a strength really is a strong point and should not be attacked. There is a reason why US NAVY SEALs are very rarely subject to offensive attacks. Why? Because they prepare and train to make themselves invulnerable to attack. Sun Tzu taught that one should never attack the opponent’s best troops.
Sun Tzu advocated winning without fighting, that is the acme of skill. To get an opposing party to decide in one’s favor, without going to court, or to otherwise persuade them to bend their will in favor of oneself or their clients, and alter the course of the government’s or the IRS’ future actions.
That said, as a warrior, I prefer to adhere to Sun Tzu and instead of applying my strengths against their strengths, which is one way of having a war of attrition; it is preferable to use my strengths against the adversary’s weaknesses.
Awesome. I did not know or else I forgot about the Due Proces of Law treatise.
I am puzzled by your remarks about not being a subscriber/Member of SEDM. I was one of the first members.
As far as I know, I am still a member/subscriber of SEDM even though I have not logged in a long time.
When I was living in a law library, and helping to build the SEDM library, I was provided with, if memory serves me right, an SEDM membership, which I assume is still active. That is my recollection.
Thank you. Great to be back.
And thank you too, for the awesome reply above. I can readily see that I have a bit of reading and additional studying to do.
There is going to be a transition period, and lots of bumps in the road, as well meaning patriots, who arguably have not grasped the NRA position, try and explain that they are non-person, non-resident, non individual non-taxpayers.
There are places on FG and SEDM, where the term “nonresident alien” still appears. But I will stop calling myself a non-resident alien and I have edited my FG Forum signature accordingly.
The point that I was trying to make, and perhaps I was unclear, was that when implementing regulations are required, and there are none, the person being prosecuted should frame their defense arguments in terms of due process of law violations.
Thanks to me, you, and a small army of cohorts at FG and SEDM researchers, over the past 18 years, we have produced a mountain of useful, practical, guidance for folks if they find themselves dragged into federal court.
When a non-person/defendant is denied their due process of law rights, including the right to equal protection under the law, this voids the court’s jurisdiction. I further believe that the due process of law defense needs further refinement on FG so as to reduce or eliminate the incentive of the patriot to insert less authoritative legal reasoning, into a FG or SEDM treatise that will be used as their main defense.
When a judge refuses to admit the Statutes at Large, Treasury regulations, positive laws, etc., into evidence, it amounts to a denial of one’s due process of law rights, and also a denial of equal protection under the law, and thus should serve as the basis for an eventual appeal.
I genuinely think that the fundamental key to defeating the IRS in court, is to raise the due process of law violations early and often, during trial with accompanying objections on the record, as the IRS and DOJ Tax Division attorneys routinely violate the due process of law rights of defendants, before, during, and post-trial.
The corrupted Tax Division attorneys need to be called out on it.
The THM members, especially those who are in court, should, IMHO, reorient their strategies and tactics to incorporate Due Process of Law issues as the central thrust of their defense. And post conviction the due process of law issue can be raised on appeal.
I want to suggest that we put our heads together, and try and write a comprehensive treatise that examines the Due Process of Law issue.
Thanks for an outstanding reply and for educating me and also setting the record straight about my incorrect and outdated usage of the term “non-resident alien”.
Is there any update on Phil Hart?
MemberMarch 27, 2018 at 11:40 am in reply to: Facebook scraped call, text message data for years from Android phones;3/24/18lol
People rush online, to catch the wave, and voluntarily input all kinds of personal info on FB, seek out “friends”, and then, amazingly, act surprised that FB stored the personal info and, uhhhh, I am sure, tried to monetize all that info, mined it like a gold mine.
In the era of asymmetric cyber warfare, where knowing where one’s defensive weak points and strategic flank are located, is key, it only stands to reason that others would try to weaponize FB and other digital platforms as well, to undermine a society or country.
The USA has been targeting other countries elections for many, many decades in the developing countries, but also in many allied developed countries as well, including the EU.
I have never logged on to FB and I never had a desire to either.
Hmmm, yo, Jethro, you still around?
There is a very good reason that no one answered your lead (or is it, leading,) questions posed above.
There is top notch, right-on-the-mark, free information on FG and SEDM available to Members, that educates the reader on how to correct information reports. Check it out.
But separately, if your lead post is to be believed, I am curious how you reacted to someone who supposedly was issuing you a 1099 with your name and someone else’s social security number?….BTW, the social security number belongs to the USG and is USG property, in case you did not know.
If you are around, and, I presume, you are not an IRS plant here to troll FG forums, I and others would like you to share how you conducted yourself in the above matter.
How did you resolve it? If in fact there was anything to actually resolve. Thanks
A nonperson, non-individual, nonresident alien, non-taxpayer who LOVES the prefix “non”………..
MemberMarch 26, 2018 at 8:23 pm in reply to: A Critique of Pure Reason: The Matrix and USA ConstitutionThe faux author and this faux MATRIX document could not withstand the scrutiny of a decent linguistic analyses, that would reveal that no credible judge would use certain words or phrases, let alone advance such preposterous notions as “the constitution is worthless”
He claims he was a judge on some unidentified court (federal— we don’t know?? state court – we don’t know that either?? — local municipal court– we don’t know that??), so, presumably he has a 4 year college degree, and another 3 years of law school. Possibly he might have even clerked for a year or two out of law school.
And then he claims he served 12 years on a bench somewhere. And, according to the faux author, he absorbed lots of law principals. (LOL)
Page one, INTRODUCTION, the 2nd paragraph contains the phrase “…principals (sic) of law I absorbed as a judge”
And that right there tells the reader just about how much credibility one should place in this faux MATRIX document.
MemberJanuary 29, 2018 at 4:51 pm in reply to: 9-11 WTC Biggest Gold Heist in History: $300 Billion in BarsMany years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, I saw a video online, that was shot on 9/11 in Manhattan,, in which the NY citizens were interviewed about what they witnessed near the WTC towers,in the days before and on 9/11.
And many witnesses said they saw a caravan of armored trucks pulling into and out of the WTC underground garage, where the Federal Reserve stored gold bullion. The Fed stores gold for other nations’ central banks.
And then, of course, there was the issue of German’s Bundesbank, its central bank, asking the US Federal Reserve to permit German auditors access to German gold stored by the U.S. Fed, and the Fed only allowed Germany’s reps to access an anteroom, they were not permitted to see their own gold.
A few years later, MSM, specifically MSNBC reported that some of Germany’s gold was returned to Germany by the Fed in NYC.
MemberNovember 4, 2017 at 1:28 pm in reply to: A Critique of Pure Reason: The Matrix and USA ConstitutionThe unidentified author of the faux matrix document, works hard to try and convince the reader, that it is supposedly useless to rely on the USA constitution to protect ones rights. . . . . why. . . . . well, there are lots of reasons. . . . and the so-called self anointed “judge” (of traffic court???) gripes about how American lawyers are part of a communist guild. . . .and this is elevated to the point that this so called ‘judge’, completely ignores the thousands of US Supreme Court decisions where citizens rights were protected or restored.
Thus, American history is replete with established stare decisis, in which local, state, federal, and even US Supreme Court rulings identified and discussed at length, the sacred nature of one’s constitutional rights, and ruled AGAINST governments, for violating one’s constitutional rights. Even Presidential Proclamations extol and declare the controlling nature of the USA Constitution.
So, say what you will, one has to ask oneself, why would a retired judge, who will not identify himself, go on record and publicly declare that the USA CONSTITUTION is null and void, worthless, meaningless, etc etc etc, in the face of thousands of court cases where judges have declared acts made by governments, to be unconstitutional?
Do not these rulings serve the interest of justice, that the unidentified judge purports to be so darn devoted to, and which he made such great fanfare of, in his opening remarks on page 1 at https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Freedom/ThreatsToLiberty/UnitedStatesMatrix.pdf
Am I the only, lone FG Member here, who sees this incredibly blatant internal contradiction?
On page 5, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th paragraphs, are indeed quite telling. Here, the unidentified ‘judge’ demeans the constitution and insists it is a feeble, weak document, never voted on by the colonialists, and inapplicable in American society because it was hatched in relative secrecy.
In other words, this so-called ‘judge’, who, we know must have taken several oaths to uphold the USA Constitution, now wants ALL OF US to follow him blindly, and to also agree that the Constitution is worthless and NO ONE should put any methodological weight upon the federal constitution.
And yet, within the same paragraphs, the ‘judge’ tries to make the feeble argument, that somehow, the entire American society and court system, is forever controlled by and governed by, some Treaty from the year 1213?
Say what?
To sum up, he wants us to believe that it is useless to rely on the USA Constitution — even though there is proof that many times, the federal and state governments DO OBEY the constitution……But at the same time, he also wants us to believe that our resistance to government is futile because of some obscure Treaty from 800+ years ago.
The result of this fake document, is that some Patriots go to federal court demanding to be paid billions and billions of dollars in damages. In some cases, Patriots have even demanded TRILLIONS of $$$$$ in damages.
I am not kidding!!
How can any Patriot be taken seriously, and expect to earn respect, when they are demanding to be paid TRILLIONS of $$$$$ for personal damages??
So what happens is, the corrupted federal prosecutors later on down the road, links well researched patriot cases, to the Patriot outlier cases with insane demand for TRILLIONS in money damages…..painting the entire group of cases as bizarre and “frivolous squared”.
And when this bad, corrupted, deceitful case law is stacked one on top of the other, Patriots are blocked from getting remedy and justice and dishonest federal judges dismiss the initial cases, to, in many cases, afford the government lawyers an opportunity to buy more time before a retaliatory counter suit is filed by the IRS against the Patriot.
a simple man who sees the world from a different perspective than most others
The power and jurisdiction of the federal government is already limited and restricted.
The problem is too few people can figure it out, or prefer not to apply the Organic law as written.
And the bigger problem is that the feds have done a masterful job of controlling and dumbing down law school profs and law students.
I have had lots of conversations with young lawyers, and old lawyers, and they all seem to recall that “jurisdiction can be challenged at any time” — which I suspect was an answer on a law school exam — but yet, Dr. Rivera excepted, I have yet to meet a lawyer who could explain to me HOW they would challenge jurisdiction.
We live in a society where the lawyers and most of the people, do not know the law. And we all suffer the collective consequences of societal ignorance because it establishes customs and precedents.
Georgia should be applauded for at least recognizing that the Federal Government is OUT OF CONTROL.
But I am left wondering why all the theater.
We already have Organic Laws.
Does Georgia really need to SHOW their steely resolve against the BIG BAD FEDERAL government, by creating MORE paperwork??
I am confused.
I seem to recall that a few years ago, Michigan was the 34th or 35th state to pass a bill calling for a constitutional convention.
But the article in the lead post seems to imply that Georgia is the first state to vote for a constitutional convention???
The THM and Liberty patriots are not sufficiently well represented in state legislatures, thus, I am forced to conclude that if a constitutional convention were held, the demonic USG and its agents, would infiltrate and hijack the convention, and we would end up with LESS liberty and FREEDOM than at current.
It is important to note that if a convention were held, the outcome and any resulting changes to our Organic Laws, are NOT subject to debate at US Supreme Court. Stated another way, the Supreme Court will not be able to intervene legally nor can they over ride the will of the convention
So if the convention is held, and a more damnable and restrictive constitution is proposed for state ratification, all we can do at that point is lobby for its defeat.
Messing with the USA Constitution, via a convention, when there are so many powerful players in government and corporate positions, who would prefer that the USA Const., disappear, is fraught with extreme risk.
This dude Faris, who I think I met at a WTP conference in DC, when I sat in the audience next to the late Irwin Schiff, and Bob Schulz introduced Irwin as the Dean of the Tax Honesty Movement, has made no mention of establishing Article III judicial courts. And that omission is troubling, to say the least.
The very first part of the audio says that the discussion deals with mortgage fraud, strangely,about a minute or two later, it says that the tape deals with Organic Law of USA .
MemberAugust 10, 2015 at 5:41 pm in reply to: Pa. attorney general charged with perjury, obstructing justice;8/6/2015For those interested in what Penna.. Attorney General Kane allegedly did to warrant her being accused of committing a felony and a bunch of misdemeanors, this web site
has documents related to the Attorney General’s alleged crimes and her repeated violations of her oath of office to protect and defend the USA and Pennsylvania constitutions.
It is a nice summary and an interesting read for those that may be interested.
MemberAugust 10, 2015 at 8:47 am in reply to: Pa. attorney general charged with perjury, obstructing justice;8/6/2015When the Pennsylvania Legislature comes back from their months long summer recess, I am reasonably certain that the AG Kathleen Kane will face impeachment proceedings, assuming she does not resign before then
The naivete displayed by AG Kane is astounding and unmatched!!