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  • Author #2

    March 2, 2004 at 1:13 pm in reply to: What's next?

    I would agree for the most part with Sonik. I would add to his comments the famous quote from Samuel Adams:

    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

    Samuel Adams, Father of the American Revolution

    If comfort and convenience are more important to you than justice or truth, then go lick the hands that feed you, which are those of your master, the corrupt politicians who want to make you into a slave.

    The article that Sonik mentioned is at the address below:

    Yellow Lights, Red Lights-How to Avoid an IRS Audit, Forbes Magazine, March 27, 1995

  • Author #2

    February 28, 2004 at 2:46 am in reply to: Decoder v 1.59 bugs

    I spoke with Larry on the telephone today and resolved all of his concerns. The problems he pointed out have been fixed and the fix appears in the Master File Decoder starting with version 1.67.

    I also gave Larry a free upgrade of the product that addresses his concerns.

    Thanks Larry!

  • Author #2

    February 19, 2004 at 6:06 am in reply to: …under penalty of perjury… NOT!

    One option is to redefine the entire statement or any subset of the words in the statement. They technically can't penalize a natural person for anything, but even when they THINK they can penalize for modifying the jurat statement, they can only do so if you physically modify the words. The penalty statute doesn't say anything about redefining the words. That's what I did and it works. See Great IRS Hoax (latest edition), sections 4.10 and 5.4.5.

    My example return shows how to do it in the Income Tax Freedom forms and Instructions, Form 7.1.

    I'll tell you right now: DO NOT ever think you are going to get justice out of an attorney. If he helps you do what you want to do, he will get his license to practice law pulled as punishment by the tyrant judges and then literally starve to death because he can't feed his face. That is why the system has gotten so bad to begin with.


  • Author #2

    February 17, 2004 at 5:16 pm in reply to: Eddie Kahn

    The following email was sent out to Guiding Light of God Ministries (GLGM), formerly American Rights Litigators, to its clients:

    From: “News from Guiding Light of God Ministries”


    Subject: For Your Information from GLGM – PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL!!!!

    Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:10:34 -0500

    Dear Patrons,

    The Federal Court in Ocala, Florida issued a Preliminary Injunction against Eddie Kahn and Guiding Light of God Ministries (GLGM) on January 29, 2004 to prevent us from helping people who are being harassed by the IRS. We have been contesting that Order.

    On top of that, on Friday (February 13, 2004), approximately twenty armed federal personnel raided GLGM, taking all our files and numerous other things. (They were here from approximately 7:45am to 9 pm).? The IRS has also Issued Notices of Levy on GLGM bank accounts, tying up our funds.

    Because of these attacks, GLGM will not be able to assist patrons at this time. However, there are some Research Clubs and Study Clubs that you might want to look into for assistance. The members of these clubs typically share information with each other and a lot of their research, including court documents and letters they have sent to the IRS regarding specific letters sent from the IRS, are put in the club Library for all the members to access if they desire.? Just remember, all judges will tell you: ?Ignorance of the law is no excuse?.? Joining a club makes it easy to become familiar with the laws of the land.? As a club member, you have the First Amendment Right of Association and the Right of Freedom of Speech. It is probably one of the few bastions of Liberty that we have left in this country. It is an option for you.

    One such club we are familiar with is the Liberty Tree Study Club.? We know the founders. They are dedicated to learning and sharing knowledge of the law.? The club has a temporary toll-free number that will be available by Monday (2/23/04) and it is (866) 416-0480.? The mailing address is 1745 Markham Woods Road, Longwood, Florida, 32779.? We have been told their current membership fee is $125 for six months or $200 for a year. You can contact them for details.

    Finally, we would ask for your prayers during this trying time.? We are to be in Federal Court on February 24, 2004 to answer charges why we shouldn?t be held in Contempt of Court for failing to obey a Preliminary Injunction to stop helping people.? I can tell you we don?t do it for money.? This is a ministry for me and always has been.? God has put it on my heart to assist people who want to verify that a bill is correct or that they have some legal obligation to file a particular form.? That, in GLGM?s view, is a legitimate request. What do you think?? The IRS has yet to verify one bill or any legal obligation to file a particular form for thousands of requests we know of personally.? This should not happen in America.

    Thank you,

    Guiding Light of God Ministries

  • Author #2

    February 11, 2004 at 8:44 pm in reply to: Irwin Schiff pleads insanity

    Just talked with Schiff directly in his office today. Here is his summary of why he did what he did:

    1. The government filed a motion for summary judgment, so that the judge could rule without a jury, in violation of his request for a jury and in violation of the requirement for a jury under 28 U.S.C. 2402.

    2. There is $2.5M in damages involved in his civil trial.

    3. Without a jury trial, the judge will undoubtedly rule against him absent a jury.

    4. The government recently filed about a foot thick of documents against him, which was so voluminous that he didn't have the time to respond to all of it, and when he tried, it interfered with his business so significantly that had to hire a lawyer to handle his case.

    5. He said the lawyer was not able to argue the merits of his case or challenge jurisdiction without getting his license pulled, so that the only option left was to declare that he is not insane, but delusional. He says that by doing this, there is significant judicial precendent behind the idea that only a jury can decide if a person is delusional, so this was his ticket to get a the jury trial he wanted and to get the other issues he wanted to discuss in front of the court.

    He said that when people in the freedom community tell their relatives and/or friends they don't believe they have to pay income tax, the response is usually “You're crazy and the government is going to throw you in jail.” He is simply making it official that people think that people like him are not crazy, but delusional. He has a psychiatrist to back him up on this. A person who is delusional is simply someone who continues to believe something and refuses to listen to alternative opinions, which he says describes him.

    He doesn't think this is going to affect his credibility with his followers, and that it is the only option available to him given his circumstances.

    I asked him why he hired a lawyer and he said he was forced into it by the government's underhanded tactics to deal with this as a summary judgment. He says every time he has sued the government, they have dealt with it using a summary judgment and prevented it from getting in front of a jury in order to protect their turf, even though this violates the law. A summary judgment is simply a condition in which there are no disputes over facts and all the issues are only legal matters which the judge can decide. He said there were plenty of disputes over fact and that the IRS was misrepresenting the case to the judge by saying that the two of them agreed on all the facts. They government lawyers were LYING, consequently, and the judge was listening to them. That, he said, is why this country is in a (censored) hole: judicial corruption and violation of due process.

  • Author #2

    February 10, 2004 at 11:42 pm in reply to: Irwin Schiff pleads insanity


    I called Schiff's office about this and his assistant confirmed it, but couldn't share any details beyond that because of pending litigation. I wasn't able to talk directly with Schiff.

  • Author #2

    February 3, 2004 at 8:39 pm in reply to: Urgent Help Needed – Please read



    Correction. The response letters are no longer included in the Great IRS Hoax book. They are now in Chapter 3 of the Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, along with the Instructions, which are in Chapter 2 of that book.

  • Author #2

    January 31, 2004 at 9:47 pm in reply to: Help On Citizenship Form

    Try upgrading your version of the free Acrobate Reader. You must have version 5.0 or later. Otherwise, I can't help you.

  • Author #2

    January 28, 2004 at 8:26 pm in reply to: IMF Decoder

    We don't give legal advice so we can't tell you what YOU should do. However, in general, it is a good idea to decode one's IRS records because that is the only way one can ever find out what the IRS THINKS they know about a person. The IMF is the basis upon which all IRS notices are sent out,and if they are wrong, people become targets for illegal or incorrect collections actions, improper notices, etc.

  • Author #2

    January 27, 2004 at 11:14 am in reply to: Eddie Kahn attacked by DOJ/IRS


    It's big of you to ask such a question. I ask the same question myself of all the so-called “experts” I come in contact with. The prevailing answer as to why the IRS is able to successfully go after people like Eddie is as follows, some of which is also covered in section 2.4.10 of the Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, which is entitled “Avoiding discreding the tax honest movement and keeping out of trouble”. These comments are also based on reading the pleadings for the many people who have come and gone that are documented at:

    Perscution of Tax Honesty Promoters

    1. The organization got too big to properly control so it got out of control. Usually, the founder is so swampted with business and has so little time to organize his processes, forms, and tools that as the organization and business grows, he is unable to recruit, train, or maintain enough qualified people. This is the same problem the IRS has with its own staff big time right now: quality is suffering. Consequently, the staff begins making a lot of mistakes, customers begin to complain to the government, and eventually, they are shut down ostensibly because they have been hurting people and aren't delivering what they promised.

    2. The organization makes any kind of promises about the specific results that its services can deliver. We know that the IRS is a criminal organization and it's pure stupidity to promise any kind of result with a bunch of criminals running our tax system, because the results will always be unpredictable. People are unpredictable and therefore so are results. In keeping with this theme, it's important to have a thorough disclaimer statement on everything the organization produces, and few of the people who have been shut down had such a disclaimer. The Family Guardian disclaimer, I think, is totally bullet proof and keeps us completely out of trouble. That is the first thing the jury will see when they go after us, and it will blow up in the government's face if they try to go after Family Guardian!:

    3. The organization uses 2848 Power of Attorney Forms to represent it's clients in front of the IRS. This enables the IRS to find out who all of the clients are of the organization and contact them individually and in some cases bribe them with special favors to say bad things about the organization. We suspect this is the tactic used most prevalently against Eddie Kahn, because he is a pretty ethical guy.

    4. The organization is selling STUPID things, such as UCC redemption, Bills of Exchange, Expatriation, etc. By “Stupid”, I mean things that they:

    4.1 Don't understand completely.

    4.2 Can't convincingly and authoritatively explain to a jury as far as why they work.

    4.3 Are illegal or unethical.

    4.4 Conflict with what the Supreme Court says on the subject. This is especially true of those who peddle expatriation, which as we describe in section 4.11.9 of the Great IRS Hoax, isn't necessary in order to become a “nontaxpayer” or a “nonresident alien”.

    I make a habit of not offering anything that I don't have overwhelming proof of and can completely, believably, and convincingly explain to the average “joe six pack”. If it sounds too good to be true, like UCC redemption, then it probably is. Perception is everything in this game. If it looks like snake oil to the un-initiated, then they will slam you in front of the jury.

    5. The organization got involved in asset protection and didn't know what it was doing. By asset protection, I mean Corporation soles, trusts, etc.

    6. The organization caters to “taxpayers” and/or defines what “taxpayers” are. This is a big no-no. People who are “taxpayers” should not be filing zero returns or incorrect returns and they ought to pay the tax they are liable for. The only people who should be helped are people who have independently concluded that they are “nontaxpayers”. Nobody can make that determination except the person himself, because our system of taxation is based on “voluntary self-assessment”. The minute you get into making that determination for others, is the minute you are rendering legal advice and become a target.

    7. The organization got into the very bad habit of rendering legal advice and/or making promises about the advice they give. That's a big no-no. If you stick to educating people about the law and insist on them making their own decisions, if you provide the copious educational materials to base those decisions on, and if they take all the responsibility for their own decisions, then the government can't accuse you of “interfering with the proper administration of the tax laws”.

    8. The organization didn't structure themselves propertly to stay out of the crosshairs. Their website was inside the country, or they weren't using a trust or corporation sole to structure themselves.

    9. The organization is not constantly watching and learning from the mistakes of others. I watch the failings of others all the time and constantly change my course based on the mistakes of others. I don't think Eddie was doing that. He had some really crazy ideas about expatriation, redemption, and all that stuff. I called him up to try to educate him on where he was going wrong with “expatriation” and he didn't want to listen and said “We'll just agree to disagree on this one.” Oh well. He should have seen the writing on the wall with Redemption when they threw Roger Elvick into jail a few months ago. Yet, he kept using it.

    “A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can see from a mountaintop.”

    10. The leader of the organization became brash, arrogant, or quit listening to either his people or the customers they were trying to help. As soon as you shut off your feedback loop and quit listening, all (censored) breaks loose and you lose control of your organization, your product, and your credibility. Success is 90% listening and 10% talking and doing.

    11. The manager of the organization doesn't learn to delegate or doesn't have people who are smart enough to delegate to. This is a recipe for burnout and chronic mistakes that will eventually make one person into a “guru” so that the organization can't scale and grow and collapses in on itself. During the startup of any organization, operating in what I call “hero mode” is necessary, but at some point you have to document your processes, hire, train, and retain qualified people or you can never delegate. This approach has worked for the IRS, with their Internal Revenue Manual and their training programs, and we ought to use it also. Fight fire with fire.

    12. The organization charged too much for its services and this invited ire from dissatisfied customers. Or it offered investments that were gouging people or statistically would go sour. That is what happened with the Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP)

    13. The organization and its people are doing what they do for the WRONG reasons. If they are only doing what they do for money and making LOTS of it, then they are in the business for the wrong reasons. They ought to have the goal of truth and justice and that of genuinely helping people and ministering to them. Money should be a secondary concern. Greedy people will get slammed by courts and juries because they deserve it.

    I don't claim to know everything, Toto75, but a wise man learns more from the mistakes of others than he learns from his own, and this is what I have learned so far.

    Who out there ISN'T making the above types of mistakes:

    1. Family Guardian (

    2. Save a Patriot (

    3. IMF Decoder (

    4. Las Vegas Tax Services (

    5. Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (

    Of the above, the one that has been around the longest, and the one I emulate is Save-A-Patriot. They have been at it quite some time and the IRS has gone after them twice so far and looked real STUPID for doing so. They have sharp people on their staff, a good organizational model, and experienced management. The only thing they are doing wrong is using the form 2848 to represent people, but somehow because they are so careful, even that hasn't been a problem.

    God bless,


    Family Guardian Fellowship

  • Author #2

    January 25, 2004 at 9:21 pm in reply to: Born in the USA….not!


    I can't provide legal advice about your specific situation. However, those who are naturalized become “nationals” according to 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(23) because they have “nationality” conferred upon them. Read the Great IRS Hoax sections 4.11 through 4.11.12 and it will become very clear to you.

  • Author #2

    January 25, 2004 at 8:29 pm in reply to: Please update


    Both links have been updated. Thanks.

  • Author #2

    January 20, 2004 at 6:38 am in reply to: The Great IRS Hoax


    You need to ask for the volume discount. By default, they will charge you 16 cents per double-sided sheet. When you ask for the volume discount, the price goes down to 10 cents per double-sided page. I just bought TWO copies of the Hoax version 3.45 (1650 pages each) and the total cost was $177.

  • Author #2

    January 19, 2004 at 11:44 pm in reply to: Misunderstandings in the Hoax


    Thanks for pointing that out. You're missing some points that I just added to the latest Great IRS Hoax book. See Great IRS Hoax, version 3.45, sections 4.3.6 and 4.3.7. All law is religious in nature. When we don't have religions outside of government or when government intervenes into churches by controlling their political activity using income tax policy, then government itself becomes a “religion”, and its “Bible” becomes the statutes and the regulations that implement them. In that mode, it is also an “anti-religion” because it is in competition with churches for the allegiance of the people. See Great IRS Hoax section 4.3.10.

    The moral laws in the bible DO apply to the laws that government makes insofar as they are enforced against Christians, because government may not conflict with God's expectations for us as Christians. When they do, the bible says we must disobey the government (Acts 5:27-29). You're right that citizens do not enforce God's laws on others, but at the same time, government isn't empowered under God's law or any other law to do anything but protect us from evil. Most of the things it does today are totally unauthorized by God's law and in competition with and oppression of the charitable role of families and churches. Government has no business being in the social welfare business, because it competes with families and churches in so doing.

    Christians have no business doing anything but expecting Government to protect us from harming each other and nothing more. You are correct that separation of church and state must be maintained, and that is done by keeping government out of churches and keep it from establishing or regulating churches, but it is not done by keeping Christians from being active and involved with their government. That is not the legislative intent of the First Amendment, by any means.

    The bible verses in the Hoax book may appear as a distraction, maybe even as an annoyance, especially to people who are not Christians. It would appear that includes you. Christians, however, cannot live their spiritual life in isolation. Sections 4.3.6 and 4.3.7 of the Great IRS Hoax wonderfully explain why that is in detail.

    You are also correct that Supreme Court decisions and Bible verses do not apply to citizens, because as the sovereigns sitting on a jury or in a ballot box, they can choose to disregard these. However, the government must abide by the Supreme Court, so it is the benchmark for what is expected of government and whether government has been following its charter to obey the constitution.

    Likewise, all citizens have a higher moral duty to serve whatever God they believe in, and to reconcile their understanding of God's laws with the actions of governments and defendants. They must obey God, while government must obey the Constitution. Without these benchmarks, we end up with diverse weights and measures

    Proverbs 20:10

    Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.

    moral relativism, disunity (Balkanization and polarization, like what happened in Czechoslovakia), and civil strife. A common belief system unifies

    and promotes peace and ought to be encouraged. That is the origin of the phrase on our money: “E Pluribus Unum”: From many, one.

    You've given me a new and good angle to add to Chapter 4 of the Hoax book. It will appear in version 3.46. I liked your explanation.

    God bless,

    Author #2 😀

  • Author #2

    January 17, 2004 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Access "can't lock file"

    I don't have any “distributors” and the program is NOT offered on disk and never has been by me. Older versions of the program were allowed to be given away but not sold on disk, but I no longer support those versions. Only version 1.58 and later that is offered on is supported. Please tell me who this “distributor” is, please. Send a private message to me with the information using this forum.

    In the meantime, the reason the “can't lock” error occurs is probably because you copied the MF Decoder files off the CD, and the copies on your local hard drive are read only. You need to open the Windows Explorer, right click on the MF Decoder files listed below, and select “Properties”. Then go to the “General Tab” and set the attributes by unchecking the “Read Only” box for the file. Files you need to do this for include:



    Alternatively, you can set the permissions so they include the ability to write also. This is a function of the operating system you are using and varies by computer. The MF Decoder cannot run properly unless it can write to all of the two above files.

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