Forum Replies Created

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  • Author #2

    June 13, 2004 at 6:07 pm in reply to: ICE website

    To all,

    Below is the email sent out by Harold Thomas, announcing the demise of the ICE website and the associated Yahoo group. Very discouraging.

    Author #2


    From: ice

    To: “Ice-Bucket”

    Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 9:10 PM

    Subject: ICE and IceBucket to be terminated …


    This shall be the final post from IceBucket. I would like to express my deep appreciation and respect for the many fine people who have truly been responsible for any value that the ICE/IceBucket work may have had. I was the one who learned and gained the most from the sincere, hard work of literally thousands of people who over several years have struggled to inform and assist one another in this forum.

    There is little point in my offering specific details that have led to this decision. Others will do that quite nicely for you and in suitably vicious tones, I have no doubt. While recognizing all too well my personal flaws and shortcomings, I have tried to be a voice for reason and cooperation; but I see that there is now room only for madness and vengeance and self-destruction.

    Suffice to say that I am beginning to understand why “normal” people have no interest in the message of the Freedom Movement. I guess I've been in denial all these years about the ramifications of what has troubled me for so long. How could it be that over several decades not one public figure of any note whatsoever has ever even stepped forward to say that the concerns and questions of the Tax Movement deserve addressing? Well, I'm afraid it is not just because they are all cowards. With apologies to the many special people whom I have come to know personally as caring, honest, brave and sensible people, I am now forced to admit to myself that every aspect of whatever you want to call this “movement” is infested with and, in fact, largely led by deeply angry, bitter, hate-filled, desperate and self-serving people who, being unable to really do any damage to the true enemy, must find an outlet for their rage and regularly devour each other like so many deranged cannibals. No matter how much evidence there is in support of a set of allegations, it is a healthy, normal human instinct to avoid like the plague people who are obviously filled with rage and continuously in the habit of devouring each other. This is why “the movement” continues to validate time and again the Media's not so inaccurate portrayal of it as “scattered fringe groups of unbalanced and dangerous crackpots.”

    Want to hide the truth? Give it to a group of sincere, principled, naive people. Persecute them over and over in ways related to this truth until you drive large numbers of them crazy. Terrorize and enrage them. Allow and even encourage them to disseminate their message to the general public. The truth will be safe in their hands. No one in their right mind will pay a bit of attention to it.

    There is no doubt in my mind who or what the enemy is. It is dishonesty; it is the suppression of free will, the lust for power and control; it is the two-headed monster of socialism/fascism and the perversion of the ideals upon which the American experiment in Liberty and Responsibility was begun. My personal path is quite clear and irreversible. I will join what I hope is an unseen mass of people who just refuse to cooperate with evil in the best ways available to them; who in their private lives strive to humbly inform all who will listen about what is really being done by gov't with the fruits of their labors; who live their principles quietly and take what consequences come their way in the hope and faith that their Creator will one day grant them an eternal reward of the character and growth gained from their efforts.

    Effectively Sunday, June 20, 2004, at or about 12:01 a.m., the ICE site will be taken down and the IceBucket YahooGroup will cease operation. Anyone wishing to download material from the Web site or the IceBucket archives should do so in the next week.

    Again, an affectionate farewell to those good, brave souls who truly deserve the credit for whatever ICE may have contributed over the last however many years it has been. I salute you.




    ICE – Investigating Curious Evidence

    Web site:



    IceBucket Information Updates List Subscription:





  • Author #2

    June 9, 2004 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Lynne Meredith Convicted

    Lynne Meredith convicted, jailed

    by melbedewy1226@[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mike) May 4, 2004 at 12:11 PM

    L.A. Times-5/4/04

    Local Anti-Tax Protester Convicted

    LOS ANGELES ? An anti-tax protester who promoted bogus tax

    shelters and encouraged people to file phony returns was convicted

    Monday along with several members of her group on federal charges,

    including conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service and

    failing to file income tax returns.

    Lynne Meredith, 54, leader of the anti-tax group “We The People,” was

    convicted of conspiracy, four counts of mail fraud, two counts of

    using a false Social Security number, making a false statement in a

    passport application and five counts of failing to file a tax return,

    the U.S. attorney's office said in a statement.

    Prosecutors alleged that Meredith earned more than $8.5 million from

    1991 until 2002 and did not file a federal income tax return during

    those years.

    Meredith, of Sunset Beach, wrote two books – “Vultures In Eagles

    Clothing” and “How to Cook a Vulture” – and gave seminars to hundreds

    of people on how to “legally stop paying taxes.”

    During the 13-week trial before U.S. District Judge Dean D. Pregerson,

    prosecutors presented evidence showing that Meredith held seminars at

    which she sold her books and bogus “pure trusts” to people who

    believed they could shield income and assets from taxation.

    Meredith caused thousands of taxpayers to file fraudulent income tax

    returns, with some seeking refunds for as much as $32,822.

    The other six defendants did not file or pay any income taxes they

    earned in the scheme, prosecutors said.

    The jury also convicted: Gayle Bybee, 56, of Sunset Beach, for

    conspiracy and three counts of failing to file a tax return; Gregory

    Paul Karl, 54, of Solana Beach, for conspiracy and four counts of mail

    fraud; Teresa Manharth Giordano, 41, of Murrieta, for conspiracy, four

    counts of mail fraud and two counts of failing to file a tax return;

    Willie Watts, 45, of Murrieta, for conspiracy, three counts of mail

    fraud and three counts of failing to file a tax return; Betty

    Erickson, 59, of Windsor, for three counts of failing to file a tax

    return and Nora Moore, 55, of Huntington Beach, for three counts of

    failing to file a tax return.

    Meredith and Bybee were taken into federal custody after the jury

    returned the guilty verdicts, the statement said.

    The defendants are scheduled to be sentenced July 23 by Pregerson.

    Federal investigators were tipped to Meredith's actions in the

    mid-1990s when an unidentified taxpayer used her methods to file a tax

    return and was penalized by the IRS.

    The case is part of the government's strategy to target anti-tax

    promoters to stem the flow of misinformation

  • Author #2

    June 3, 2004 at 2:00 pm in reply to: Scrambled SSN Indicator


    The SCS field values have been updated since the 1998 IRS 6209 Manual was released. The latest 2003 IRS 6209 Manual says in section 13.14(11), p. 13-27 that the value “4” means the following:

    Mixed entity cases and suppress CP 54 notice

    This fix will appear in MF Decoder version 1.72. I'm researching other new codes in the IRS Document 6209 Manual, 2003 at this time.

    God bless,

  • Author #2

    June 3, 2004 at 5:28 am in reply to: False information in "The Great IRS Hoax"

    Guy Helvering,

    The Great IRS Hoax has been revised to address ALL your objections expressed so far, starting with version 3.66. The current version is 3.67. Any other problems? We aim to please, as long as its consistent with what the law says. We are trying very hard to produce the most accurate, least misleading, and best tax honesty publication on the Internet, and thanks to you, we are one step further in that direction.

    God bless,

  • Author #2

    May 26, 2004 at 2:15 am in reply to: False information in "The Great IRS Hoax"

    Guy Helvering,

    Thanks for the feedback and please keep it coming.

    The section you point out may have been misleading, upon second thought, but it was not incorrect because it was a quote from someone else who was clearly identified. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt in that case and remove that cite to avoid any doubt. The fix will appear in version 3.65 of the Great IRS Hoax, which is the next version.

    HOWEVER, I don't think its reasonable to say that just because one cite may be perhaps misleading but not wrong, then the whole book must be wrong. That is really stretching it. The list of facts listed there are clearly identified as having originated with the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship and not with us. It was a quote and we chose not to sensor, because then we couldn't claim it was unadulterated. We do not take this approach towards anything else in the book.

    The one point in that fact is very minor in the grand scheme of the entire book. If it were major, it would have appeared in Chapter 5, which it did not. It would appear that you are interested only in dishonoring the book rather than improving it. You can convince us otherwise if you continue to help us improve it by pointing out other areas that may be incorrect or dubious.

    God bless,

  • Author #2

    May 24, 2004 at 11:32 pm in reply to: False information in "The Great IRS Hoax"

    We verify everything before we put it in and make it very clear at the beginning of the book that we do that. We ask that you bring to our attention whatever you find to be in error and provide the evidence to back up why you think it is in error. Why aren't you doing that?

    Your statement presumes that verification was NOT done, but you didn't provide evidence to back up your presumption. You are the moving party and you have the burden of proof to demonstrate that which WASN”T verified or is demonstrably wrong. Without evidence to back up your statements, there is nothing to respond to that is rational or debatable, and your statements become nothing but unsubstantiated and/or presumptuous slander.

  • Author #2

    May 24, 2004 at 5:18 am in reply to: False information in "The Great IRS Hoax"

    Mr. Helvering,

    The reason you couldn't find a place to post it is because we don't have a “slander” forum. Your post belongs under “Errata reports” under the Family Guardian forums.

    That's a “loaded question” if I ever saw one. Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Name calling is not allowed in this forum. Unless you are willing to:

    • 1. Identify the specific cites from the GIH book that you think are wrong, including the version number, page number, and line number from the book;
    • 2. Accompany your errata report with the evidence that proves why it is wrong;
    • 3. Depersonalize your comments so they are objective.
    • 4. Identify the erroneous source from which it came so the source can be discredited as well…

    …then your post will be deleted in very short order. This is civilized forum for people who respect and honor their fellow man. I will give you two days to provide a list of errata backing up your slanderous accusations and post it under the “Errata report” forum, or your post will be deleted. There is absolutely no room on this forum for personal attacks or bigotry or unsubstantiated name-calling of the kind that you display. We are always open to constructive criticism, but yours is nothing but destructive slander.

    “He has a right to criticize who has a heart to help.” Abraham Lincoln

    Your comments are rather presumptuous, and the Bible says that presumptuous people are to be banished from society. See Numbers 15:30. In your case, such continued presumption will cause you to be banished from this forum.

  • Author #2

    May 21, 2004 at 2:54 pm in reply to: Render unto Caesar…


    Thank you for that insight. We agree 100%.

    The subject you discuss is much more fully explained in Great IRS Hoax sections 1.10.1 and 4.3.1.

    Author #2

  • Author #2

    May 8, 2004 at 6:16 am in reply to: Lynne Meredith Convicted

    Anti-tax group sold bogus trusts, jury finds


    Los Angeles Times

    LOS ANGELES – An author of books on how to avoid paying income taxes and four associates were convicted by a federal jury Monday of conspiring to obstruct the Internal Revenue Service through the promotion and sale of bogus trusts that prosecutors said netted the defendants more than $8.5 million.

    Lynne Meredith, 54, who ran an organization called We the People, and her chief assistant, Gayle Bybee, 56, both of Sunset Beach, were taken away in handcuffs after the verdict was returned. Prosecutors contended they were serious flight risks.

    Meredith, a flamboyant figure who owns a 1972 Corvette convertible bearing the license plate TAX REBL, launched We the People in 1991 after becoming convinced, she said, that Congress did not have the power to levy taxes on private citizens.

    From 1991 to 2002, Meredith traveled the country giving seminars and self-published three books, including one titled “Vultures in Eagles' Clothing,” which advised readers on how to avoid paying taxes by placing their assets in something she called “pure trusts.”

    Meredith and her associates sold “pure trusts” for as much as $1,000 each, prosecutors said, falsely telling purchasers that each one was customized by a team of lawyers, CPAs and paralegals.

    Prosecutors charged that Meredith and her associates knew the trusts were useless, but peddled them to line their pockets.

    Meredith and her staff also directed thousands of customers to file incorrect tax returns claiming no reportable income. Many who did so were subject to penalties, liens and wage garnishments by the IRS. They also advised clients to file for refunds on previous tax payments.

    When those being dunned by the IRS returned to We the People for advice, they were sold letters at $50 or more to send back to the tax collector. The letters were supposed to get them off the hook but did not work, the prosecution charged.

    Meredith's lawyer, Joe Izen Jr., argued that his client was being unfairly prosecuted for her “good faith” beliefs.

  • Author #2

    May 4, 2004 at 3:19 pm in reply to: Due Process Meeting Worksheet

    The answer is in the Income Tax Freedom Forms and Instructions area on the Family Guardian Website at:

    Look under “INSTRUCTIONS”, and step 4.17 on the left side.

    It's used at an IRS audit to give to the agent so he can fill in the implementing regulations that authorize him to enforce income taxes. It shows why implementing regulations are required and all the areas they are required in to “enforce” the income tax. It shows how there are not implementing regualtions, which means that the IRS has no enforcement powers and is strictly an administrative agency.

    Also read the Great IRS Hoax chapter 5 for further details, sections 5.4.4 through 5.4.7 and 3.13 through 3.14.5.

    Please make sure you read the Great IRS Hoax chapters 3 through 5 because it anticipates and answers just about every question you could ever have. Please resist the temptation to get questions answered until you have read these chapters and practiced your “due dilligence”. Only the educated are free, and it's not my job to babysit or entertain people who don't want to be educated or do their homework.

  • Author #2

    May 2, 2004 at 12:25 am in reply to: Simkanin Sentenced

    Friday, April 30, 2004

    Posted 7:54 PM by Bill Stegmeier Comment (0)

    Speaking of Roasting

    So Dick got seven years. As bad as it is, it's still better than what the sentence Mr. Judge Mc-Not-So-Bright will most likely get. (Not my call, of course)

    He's looking at a possible maximum of …lets see here…oh, it looks like… ETERNITY in (censored).

    Unlike McBryde, Dick should be eligible for parole in less than two years. There is no parole option for McAsshole (sp?). The best we can hope for concerning our fellow citizen McBryde, is that he makes a whopping $ .23 an hour down in (censored) like the poor slocks he puts away make. (Rose, I'm going by the latest prison pay scale I have. Has there been a cost of incarceration raise as of late?)

    Maybe McBryde will get a job down there with some responsibility behind it so he can make upwards of $ 1.15 per hour! You know, like making sure the thermostat is never turned down below 560 degrees. Heh, heh.

    Bill Stegmeier is not the only one capable of throwing a roast, Mr. McJerkBryde. Your future host with the most, aka Satan, is pretty good with the heat also, so I hear. (I actually pity the fool McBryde. He knows not that his master intends to turn on him. A couple other clueless minions about to be surprised in their afterlife are David K.”I Don't Get It” Johnston and of course, Phil the Government Ghost, to mention but two out of many)

    Yes, I'll be a Roast'in fool at Freedom Roast 2004, but I will never outmatch the “Roast'in Down Under Team” of McBryde and The Ghost! Pretty hard to out do the “roasting” they'll be doing. Way to go champs.

  • Author #2

    April 27, 2004 at 10:53 pm in reply to: Help with IRS CP503 Response Letter


    You can view the CP-503 in the IRS Forms and Publications at:

    Click on the letter number “CP-503” to see a sample.

  • Author #2

    April 22, 2004 at 1:38 pm in reply to: Huh? No TXMOD?


    They are blowing smoke, as they frequently do. TXMODA is a command that is used in their system to provide a different view of the IMF data that they gave to you in another form. They are confusing and misleading you to prevent you from identifying the perpetrators who defrauded you. They are trying to raise the bar to make more work for you in getting the information you need to expose their fraud.

    There are three choices for people in your circumstance:

    1. Reword and resend your FOIA request to the original office. Indicate that they are violating the law, and tell them you are going to sue them if they don't comply with the Privacy Act.

    2. A discovery lawsuit to compel performance in federal district court. See:

    Disclosure Litigation Reference Book

    3. Send your request to a different disclosure office.


  • Author #2

    March 25, 2004 at 11:59 pm in reply to: Great information source


    Thanks! Comments like that are the reason I do what I do, and I'm glad the info here could be of use to freedom-minded people like you!

    God bless,

  • Author #2

    March 24, 2004 at 6:50 am in reply to: Deut.1:13; Deut.16:18


    Good thing you brought up this subject. Judges are supposed to be paid from taxes on “nonresidents” of the state so they don't ever develop a conflict of interest. This is true at both the state and federal level.

    Federal level:

    All taxes are on “foreign commerce” under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3. These taxes are paid by foreigners wishing to sell into our markets. Their choice to import into our markets is voluntary and if they don't want to sell, they don't have to pay the tax. Therefore, the tax is voluntary.

    State level:

    State income taxes are upon “nonresidents” of the state and there is no liability statute. Sales taxes are voluntary usually and there is no liability statute. Therefore, at the state level, most taxes are also “voluntary”.

    In a free country, taxes MUST be voluntary and consentual. Sovereign people can't be compelled to do anything. The worst the state can do among a free people is deprive them of a privilege they acquired or procured by surrendering some aspect of their property rights or natural rights. For instance, if they don't want to pay the tax, then they shouldn't get government services. That's capitalism in action and it works just as well in government as it works in the private sector. A free people must always consent to their taxation, or they are a conquered and subjugated people, and when the government tries to enforce taxes upon people or force them to pay for government services they don't want or need, they become the conquerors and are at war with the people. See section 5.4.2 of the Great IRS Hoax book, entitled “No Taxation Without Consent”.

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