Author #2
Forum Replies Created
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm also glad you emphasized the need to GET EDUCATED BEFORE you ever even dream of taking on the system. Education is truly the key, and there is more material here that is thoroughly researched than anywhere else. The hyperlinks on the Family Guardian alone will save you years of searching for stuff and accelerate your learning. At the same time, it takes courage to face the task of getting educated, because as you can see, there is so much we must know and learn in order to be truly free. I applaud the courage you have demonstrated to overcome the inertia and apathy and dig in to learn the truth. That is what got me started on this as well. Fortunately, I can type just a little faster than you, which explains why there is so much content on this site. Don't let the volume daunt you. You don't have to learn it all immediately. Just reading and rereading Chapters 3 through 5 of the Great IRS Hoax book is good enough for most people to reach the point where they know more about taxes and law and freedom than even most attorneys. Beyond that, turn off the boob tube and budget a little time each day to invest in your own education so that the picture becomes clearer and your confidence in mastering the subject matter increases continually. That confidence can come in handy at an IRS audit or during litigation.
God bless,
You must have access to research tools. Our favorites are:
1. In Our Own Words. This is a book full of excellent court and law cites on the subject of sovereignty and freedom. Available from:
Distress Publishing; c/o 1040 S. Mt Vernon Ave, G-118; Colton, California 92324; DistressPub@juno.com. The most valuable book we own!
2. United States Supreme Court Plus CD-ROM, which has ALL Supreme Court cites from the present back to about 1880 in searchable, electronic form. Findlaw only goes back to about 1900. Available from:
3. Get the Tax Research CD-ROM from CFS Income tax, which has on one CD the searchable versions of the IRC, Treasury Regulations, Internal Revenue Bulletins, Treasury Orders, etc. See:
4. For District and circuit court cites, get an online subscription to Versuslaw at http://versuslaw.com. The cost is $19.95/month. Their service also includes state courts and the U.S. Supreme Court. Cheap and convenient.
Search all the above for key words on the subject you are researching, and you will be surprised at what you find. These references are identified on the taxes page in the left area under the heading “TOOLS” at:
Thanks for your kind words!
🙂 🙂
In response to Allan's article above, I added a new section 4.11.12 to the Great IRS Hoax book entitled “Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens”. It summarizes all of the requirements imposed upon a citizen in a free republic, which directly addresses all of the issues raised by Allan. That section has also been reviewed by Allan and meets with his approval. You can read the new section 4.11.12 at:
Thanks for your suggestions, Allan!
The resulting marriage will not fit the legal definition of marriage in most states if the contract is used, because it does not grant the state any jurisdiction over either party by virtue of solemnization. Having it recorded is good, but if you do, the contract should be recorded along with the evidence of solemnization or else courts are likely to presume absent evidence to the contrary that your marriage fits that defined by the state. There is no down side to filing the contract, because it actually protects both of you from the state. In effect, you are using your constitutionally guaranteed right to contract in order to contract the state OUT of your life.
The purpose for the Intent to Marry is explained in the latest version of the Sovereign Christian Marriage book. Its purpose is to demonstrate a long-term, thoughtful, informed choice to marry in accordance with the penuptial agreement. It demonstrates that the decision is not done on a whim, but was done in a planned, systematic, rational fashion that is not a product of hormones or duress. This adds additional validity to the resulting contract.
The best way to find pastors who will cooperate is simply to ask your own pastor. If that fails, open the phone book, look under churches, and start calling the churches one by one, starting in the Z section and working back. The people at the end of the listings are usually a lot more compliant because they get fewer calls.
Author #2
Update on Sherry Peel Jackson's situation from Joe Banister, Former IRS Criminal Investigator.
Freedom Above Fortune News
Dear Friends:
It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my dear friend and colleague, Sherry Peel Jackson, and her family, were subjected to an armed search warrant execution of their home by agents of IRS Criminal Investigation on Tuesday, July 27th, 2004 .
Sherry sent out the following announcement as Tuesday came to a close:
Hi all. Thank you for your support. Fifteen to 20 IRS-CID agents came about 7:45am and left at 5pm. They took all 800 of my DVD's, all videos and mini CD's. They took the copy of my pocket commission and all that I use to speak. I will reconstruct this information as soon as possible.
I will still be speaking in San Francisco August 1st, Clive Iowa on August 7th and Atlanta August 14th.
People are asking how they can help. First the Christians can pray for my family, as I have lost all my DVD's, probably forever. Since I have become a full time missionary, These DVD's and a few other items that were taken, were helping to support us.
Second, Buy at least 300 Mini CD's and pass them out to your local policemen. There were two policemen escorting the IRS-CID agents into my home. I wonder why they were even needed (Just kidding, I know why they came).
There were supporters recording from outside my home, and people with signs.
Thank you all. Now, lets get the focus off me and back to our mission. Get those Mini CD's out there!
I will give more details later. Now I am tired and I am going to bed. SPJ
As more details become available, I will forward them to you all. As per Sherrys request, please pray for her and her family.
If the IRS Criminal Division still operates as it did when I was there, which Im sure it must, they have likely confiscated nearly everything that Sherry and her husband would use to know what their bills are, everything they would use to pay bills such as checkbooks, cash around the house, to do lists, telephone lists, email addresses, computers, the kinds of things most Americans would have in their home to get through the average day, week, or month. It is truly a hellish experience for the people subjected to such tactics.
If you can spare a small donation to help Sherry and her family in their time of need it would be much appreciated. Sherry did not have to speak up about IRS wrongdoing. She could have simply kept quiet and let the abuse continue. But she cared enough to speak up for those who have in the past and those who will in the future suffer the economic, mental, and physical brutality of IRS enforcement measures and her husband Colin, already sacrificing much as a dedicated firefighter, has stood by her. It must be incredibly difficult for Sherry to explain to her young daughter and son why the IRS acts in this manner. I could provide many more details of sacrifices that Sherry has made to so that Americans would learn the truth about the IRS but Ill leave that for another time.
Donations can be sent to Sherry Peel Jackson, P.O. Box 460, Redan, Georgia 30074, xirsagent@hotmail.com
Given that even banking may be difficult in the future, small cash donations or money orders would be easier to deal with but checks will be gladly accepted. Certainly, the privacy of the donor would be better preserved with cash or money orders.
Sherry, (Former IRS Revenue Officer) John Turner, and myself have often remarked to each other how disappointing it has been that more current and former agents have not spoken up (we each know quite a few who know the truth and have not yet joined us). Please help keep Sherry as strong, motivated, and courageous as she has been in the past by sending her a note of support and/or a prayer or small donation.
Kind Regards,
Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, C.P.A.
Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent http://www.freedomabovefortune.com
-For those who have received this message as a forward from someone else, you can sign up to receive these messages directly by visiting http://www.freedomabovefortune.com and clicking on “Mailing List”.
-For those who are unfamiliar with what has transpired to date in this case, please visit http://www.freedomabovefortune.com and click on “IRS LOCKOUT UPDATE”
or visit http://www.joebanister.blogspot.com . You can also find archives of informative radio shows at http://www.hearliberty.com .
-My sincere thanks to those who have prayed for the success of our efforts and contributed to my defense fund. Your continued financial support is enabling me to illustrate, in detail and in a very public manner, that the IRS does not prevail against citizens because the agency adheres to the rule of law, but that the IRS prevails against citizens because the agency ignores the law, twists the meaning of the law, and overwhelms the citizen with economic and legal burdens. In a school yard, such tactics are called “BULLYING”. In a government setting, such tactics are called TYRANNY.
This effort is the equivalent of ganging up on the bully and sending him to reform school where he belongs.
Here is a post by Fiddo, who wanted me to add it to the forum because it was down when he wanted to post it:
I searched and found this material but the way it is worded it “does not say” the “United States” means DC.
Here's the copy plus link:
(76) “State” means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
Found at:
I also found this:
h) [Location of United States.]
The United States is located in the District of Columbia
At link:
Fiddo 😉
Thanks! Nice job! I was already aware of this, but having the evidence would help. Please forward to me a copy of the PDF scanned version of the cover page of the book along with the section that confirms what you are saying. This is hot stuff!
God bless,
Author #2
Author #2
MemberJuly 14, 2004 at 1:16 am in reply to: MF Decoder Free Bugfix for Existing Users 01-27-04Andyd,
Please inform us of the page and line number and link that is bad, and we will fix it if we can verify it. You also might want to download the very latest edition of each file first before doing this, because we fixed several of the older problems.
Thanks for the enlightening discourse, but you missed the MAJOR emphasis of Chapter 4 of the Great IRS Hoax book, in which we clearly establish that state “nationals” indeed are nonresident aliens, which means they ARE the proper subject of 26 USC 1441 if and only if they are employed by the federal government and elect to deduct and withhold Subtitle A income taxes. 26 CFR 1.861-8(f)(1)(iv) proves that the only natural person who earns taxable income is a nonresident alien with income “effectively connected with a trade or business”, which means, according to 26 USC 7701(a)(26) that they hold public office. Go back and reread Great IRS Hoax section 4.11 et seq again.
Author #2
MemberJuly 1, 2004 at 3:19 am in reply to: MF Decoder Free Bugfix for Existing Users 01-27-04Andyd,
We are unaware of any bugs in the program at this time, and as you can see by the small size of this forum, there aren't very many questions or problems with it.
The SEDM site answers your other question about keeping updated in the Frequently Asked Questions at:
under Question #6.
Quatloos Spy,
All the citations necessary to support everything on this website are contained in the IRS Deposition Questions at:
If any rational individual representing the government's interest such as you had rebutted that evidence three years ago, this website probably would no longer exist and we would have gotten on with life to do more productive and less confrontational things since then.
Rebut the evidence from the government's own mouth contained in the questions instead of trying to browbeat people and throw your weight and legal education around.
Incidentally, your previous post has been edited to remove derogatory content so that it is impersonal and factual in nature ONLY. We don't allow name-calling on this website of the kind you display, even though it is a lifestyle on the Quatloos propaganda site. This is a CIVILIZED website and slanderers are NOT welcome. If you continue with such bombast instead of sticking to the facts and law ONLY, then you will be banned permanently from this site.
God bless
Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Phone: 303-329-0481
E-mail: rick@stanley2002.org
Stanley Scoop 06/24/2004/ ** Special Edition **
** Visit the website: http://www.stanley2002.org **
** Like the Scoop? Forward it to everyone you know! **
MEDIA RELEASE: Rick Stanley Convicted of “Exercising Constitutional Rights”
Rick Stanley was convicted of two charges of “Influencing a Public Official” on Thursday, June 24, 2004. Mr.
Stanley wished to thank all those who came out to support him throughout the week of the trial. The GATHERING dinner and subsequent demonstrations in front of the court, the court watchers inside the court room, were all geared to send a message to government, that there is a few Americans who KNOW the fraud, deceit and lies of the government, that has overthrown America and is turning our beloved country into the Police State of America.
It is now known that the birthright and heritage, protected and guaranteed by the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, is over. In America now, the court process cannot be used to file a “Petition for Redress of Grievance”, without being concerned that the language used, will not be protected speech. The government contention, that words like arrest, militia, and treason, are in fact threats, defy and boggle the mind. Words on a page no longer mean what they say, but in the minds of the government, will be “construed” and “interpreted” to show that they will make those in government, “feel” threatened. The government uses the judicial system to destroy American lives each and every day. I have tried to stand up to this “treason” by those in government for their “aiding and abetting those who have an agenda to destroy the Constitution”, the rights that are protected and guaranteed therein, and for those who don't even realize there is problem in the government, because the propaganda supplied by the controllers of this country, is so very strong indeed.
Soon, this Patriot to the Constitution of America and the State of Colorado, will be locked away in a state prison somewhere. I will have been silenced by those in government, who are destroying the Constitutions. They will have won another round.
The case will be appealed to judge after judge, who are part of the judicial conspiracy to destroy the founding documents with deceit, subterfuge and lies. Once again, this Patriot has been given another “guilty” for exercising Constitutional rights, because the judge's instructions to the jury, shield them from the truth.
That folks, is the crux of the problem. Judges have made rules and regulations to destroy the “Constitutional Judicial System” from the inside. Common law is now a distant memory. Equity law has replaced another Constitutional guarantee known as a “Common Law Constitutional Court”. If you have no Constitutional rights in the courtroom, you have no Constitutional rights on the streets of America. What does that mean to Americans? Your lives are an illusion of freedom and liberty and you are living in slavery.
God bless America.
Rick Stanley, Constitutional Activist, former U.S. Senate candidate, Enemy of the State, and self avowed extremist on the order of our forefathers of America, gave the following media release for your use:
Live Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
The Stanley Scoop
Reply to: rick@stanley2002.org
Here is more details on this story from one of our readers:
They have just arrested Larken Rose on, of all things, kiddie porn charges.
Supposedly, buried deep in one of the computers that they raided from his home over a year ago are nude pictures of under aged girls. I wonder how those pictures got there??? As a former ghetto kid, I know that prisoners that go to jail for “messing with children” are often killed by other prisoners. So this is what we have come to… Please pray for Larken and his family, and buy $1,200 more Mini CD's for $420. At the least, contact everyone on your e-mail list and tell them to look at the movie at http://www.861.info this weekend.
TAX protester faces kiddie-porn charges
Philadelphia Daily News (subscription) – Philadelphia,PA, USA IRS agents seized 10 computers from the Hollywood home of Larken Rose more than a year ago, but have yet to charge the tax protester with any tax crimes. …