Author #2
Forum Replies Created
Notorious Tax Protestor Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison
11/22/2005 5:50:00 PM
To: National and State Desks Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, 202-514-2007 or 202-514-1888 (TDD),
Web: http://www.USDOJ.gov
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 /U.S. Newswire/ — Notorious tax protestor Larken Rose of Hollywood, Pa., was sentenced in federal district court to 15 months imprisonment for failing to file tax returns for the years 1998 – 2002, the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced today. In compliance with Judge Michael M. Baylson's admonition following Rose's conviction in August, Rose submitted delinquent tax returns for the years 1997 – 2004 and paid a substantial deposit to the IRS toward his outstanding tax liability. The court sentenced Rose to one year of supervised release following his prison term and ordered Rose to pay a fine of $10,000 and all taxes, interest, and penalties he owes to the IRS.
That URL has been updated. Please indicate the page you got it off of. It has been updated to:
That link is old because you aren't pulling it off FG, but some other site. The memo it refers to has also been updated.
Thanks, but the page you linked to is NOT on family guardian. How is that relevant to FG?
You didn't listen to what I said above. I said you need to make a form to attach to it that defines the terms used on the form and indicate above the signature block “not valid without attachment”. It is a VERY bad idea to use words to describe yourself that are not defined anywhere, because you simply encourage false presumption that will prejudice your rights. I also asked you to make your own stab at making the definition attachment for the DS011 and send me your attempt if or when you do.
In consideration of your feedback, the article “Applying for a Passport as a 'national'” has been updated. I updated the modified DS-11 form and the standard DS-11 form to use the latest ones off the Dept. of State website, and also clarified your situation in the instructions.
I don't wish to talk about my situation at this time and I certainly don't do it publicly, as on this website.
May I suggest that another alternative is the Jesus Alternative: Agree with your adversary quickly, but get your way anyway.
As long as it LOOKS like the regular form they use, if you put a note above the signature saying “not valid without attached page”, and then attach page that defines the “U.S. citizen” term on the form in a way that accomplishes your goal but doesn't change the form, you will more likely get positive results. The problem is not Fourteenth Amendment citizenship. Being a “citizen of the United States” under the Constitution is the equivalent of a “national” under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(21) but not a “citizen” under 8 USC 1401. As long as you clarify on the attached page exactly what you mean on the checkbox about “U.S. citizen” and define it this way, they will have no choice but to approve your application and yet give you the result you want. The Supreme Court said a passport is proof of allegiance, not citizenship, and the only type of citizenship that carries with it “allegiance” is that of a “national”. Being a “citizen” simply adds to the “national” status a domicile within the jurisdiction of the federal government, which is NOT what you want. Stay away from using the “citizen” word on government forms, and replace it with “national”. See the pamphlet “Why you are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen”.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll make an attachment form that does this, but don't hold your breath. If you come up with one before I do, please send it to us.
Good luck,
Please send me a private message with your contact info so I can help you.
Author #2
QUOTE(Ray62 @ Nov 1 2005, 10:26 AM)The environment:Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 with all the latest updates.
Office 2000 Service Pack 3 with the latest updates.
Pentium 4 running at 2Ghz
The issue:
After adding myself as a User on the Users form.
I go to the FOIA Generator form.
Put in the date the FOIA request (I01), the service center and click on the certified copies. When I click print, I get “MSACCESS.EXE has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An errorlog is being create.”
I then switched to a machine that never had Office and loaded Office from scratch and then the updates to the OS and then Office and then got the same error with the MFDecoder when I attempted to print.
I noticed a post for an updated Secured.mdw file which I tried as well and I still get the same error.
Let me know if I am missing something or doing something incorrectly.
You are correct, it doesn't matter who paid the tax if we deprive the thief that is our government the means by which they accomplish the theft, which is the paper money based NOT on “in God we Trust”, but on “in the Federal Reserve and the IRS we trust”. This is what should REALLY be printed on the fake money.
Below is the new version of the section from the Hoax that has been rewritten to address the objections you raised at the beginning of this topic:
Quote:Note the capitalization of the term Citizen all the way through the Constitution and the first thirteen Amendments. Thereafter (from the Fourteenth Amendment on), it is shown in lower case only. Why? Some people explain this by saying that the former is a sovereign Citizen of the several States (?We the People…?) with Unalienable Rights granted to us by our Creator and protected by the Constitution, while the latter is a Federal citizen of the United States with legislative Immunities and Privileges only (No Rights).? We do not agree with this assessment, however, because the term ?United States? is not redefined in the Fourteenth or subsequent amendments to mean something different.The above will appear in Great IRS Hoax version 4.11 to be released in the future.
Author #2
That section contradicts itself,and the contradictions will be remedied in Great IRS Hoax version 4.11. The new version will say that a fish, and not God, paid the tax.
Thanks for doing your homework.
Jesus didn't pay the tax. A fish did. God is a nontaxpayer. This is discussed in Great IRS Hoax sections 1.10 through 1.10.3. I'm not going to rehash old material. Please do your homework.
Author #2
Very well said. We may even reuse some of what you said in the Hoax book. You may also wish to view the very informative link below, which is consistent with what you said about Jesus above:
You are correct that the servant should render to Caeser that which is Caesar's. However, the Supreme Court says YOU, not your public servants, are “Caesar”. See:
The only “Caesar” for Christians is God, and not any man. The paper money isn't Caesar's either, because Caesar never authorized paper money in the Constitution. See the above presentation.
Author #2
Bravo!!!! I love it. Your sentiments are the very reason for the existence of this website. I decided to take a stand by educating my peers, which hopefully will produce the political fruit needed to put government back inside the box.
Thanks for your commitment to Christian Liberty, friend!
Author #2
Thanks for pointing out that contradiction. There are still a few problems left in the Hoax that we need to correct, and this is one of them. Whether capital or lower case, the term “citizen” in the Constitution still means a person born in a state of the Union. This will be fixed in the next version.
Author #2
Author #2
MemberOctober 17, 2005 at 6:30 pm in reply to: Cashing in on the IRS' trade or Business scamBing,
You are 100% correct. I will emphasize that reg you cite in the Federal and State Withholding book so that it is clear in people's minds.
The other implication of 26 CFR ?31.3401(a) (11)-1 which you mentioned is that if you are paid in gold coins or egold, then you don't have to do withholding. This provides one option for those who don't want to use our fraudulent money system or participate in the municipal donation program for the District of Columbia.