Damn the evidence, convict the white supremacist
“This is not a political trial,” Judge Bruce Schroeder noted laconically. It was the right thing to say, but he might as well have saved his breath for all that congressional Democrats and the grassroots Left paid attention. They care only about the result. They crave a guilty verdict so badly they can taste it.
Getting to “guilty” and locking 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse away for life would help their unstinting efforts to divide the country. It would keep the creaking dirigible of “white supremacy” aloft as an apparently genuine threat to the republic. So they haven’t let the grotesque weakness of the case against Rittenhouse deflect them for a second.
Prosecutor Thomas Binger had been trying to undermine a witness’s testimony by focusing jury attention on his political views, implying that conservatives cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Binger’s admonition was egregious, but he is hardly alone.
Rep. Cori Bush, a congressional Democrat, tweeted on Nov. 15, when the prosecution and defense were wrapping up the case, “When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide behind a wall near where Michael Brown Jr. was murdered and shoot at us. They never faced consequences. If Kyle Rittenhouse gets acquitted, it tells them that even 7 years later they still can get away with it.”
The honorable member for Missouri’s 1st District knows full well what happened in Ferguson: A thug who’d just robbed a store refused to obey an intervening police officer, charged him, fought to grab his service gun, and was shot dead in the struggle. Brown was not murdered.
A lying witness claimed Brown put up his hands to surrender and shouted, “Don’t shoot.” From this fabrication is derived the anti-police slogan, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” the foundation of the Black Lives Matter movement. Even former President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice said this narrative being peddled by Bush and others seven years later is a lot of horsefeathers.
Bush using falsehoods to press for a political conviction irrespective of the facts is disgraceful, but she is only one voice in the clamoring left-wing crowd. A week before the murder trial was over, before the defense had even started presenting its case, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, demanded, “Lock up Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key.” These are our representatives, folks.
Cynical exploitation of the Rittenhouse case is not confined to such lowlifes. It goes right to the top. President Joe Biden used images of Rittenhouse in September 2020 in a campaign video attacking former President Donald Trump and “white supremacists.” And his lofty press secretary, Jen Psaki, finds it tedious to be asked to explain this outrage.
Gross and shocking as the Left’s mendacity is, it cannot be said to be unexpected. It displays yet again something that has been clear for decades. For the umpteenth time, here are Democrats showing they care only about outcomes and don’t give a damn about the process.
That, of course, is their attitude toward the Supreme Court and constitutional cases that either further or hinder the left-wing agenda. They no longer bother with theoretical arguments about the propriety of a “living constitution” as opposed to “textualism” and “originalism.” They explicitly oppose any judicial nominee who seems likely to block left-liberal overreach. The idea that a court should administer the law rather than twist it to fit what Vice President Kamala Harris recently called “The Plan” is fuddy-duddy obscurantism to today’s Democrats. They want results and they want them now.
This is nothing less than a rejection of democracy. For democracy is not a result but a process. It is not a destination but the way we arrive there. Democracy can produce liberal or conservative policy. But liberal or conservative decisions imposed in defiance of the law, whether the criminal law (in the case of Rittenhouse) or constitutional law (as adjudicated by the Supreme Court), are no part of any properly functioning democracy.
This is one of the many ways you can tell that the Left and its party have detached themselves from democracy. They are interested only in results, no matter how they are come by. (You can say that, too, about Trump and those of his supporters who claim the 2020 election he lost was stolen from him.)
Righting the listing ship of state requires that we once again recognize that process, tedious though it may be to political hotheads, is more important than temporary victories and defeats on policy. The idea that results alone are important is the same as saying might makes right. It is the maxim of bullies and tyrants. It is not the political philosophy on which America long stood and should still stand.