Peter Schiff is predicting the greenback will be ‘down for the count’ as the global reserve currency — here’s where he sees a golden opportunity

Story by Moneywise, 5/4/24 SOURCE: Veteran Economist Peter Schiff has warned Americans to get ready for “a major dollar decline.” “I think gold is…

More Fed officials ready to say goodbye to low-rate world

Story by Michael S. Derby, Reuters, 5/1/24 SOURCE: (Reuters) – A growing number of Federal Reserve officials don’t see a return to the ultra-low…

IRS Leaks And ‘Critical Safeguard Weaknesses’ Leave Millions Of Americans’ Sensitive Data At Risk As Agency Fights for More Funding

Story by Caleb Naysmith, Benzinga, 4/17/24 SOURCE: Benjamin Franklin said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” The IRS processed 162 million federal individual…

‘Gun show loophole’ rule that will outlaw ‘virtually all private’ gun sales announced by Biden administration

Story by Matthew Medsger, Boston Herald, 4/11/24 SOURCE: It’s been a quarter of a century since the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado…

America will be left with ‘severe, irreversible scars’ if national debt goes unchecked. Now, a blockbuster report warns the bill is higher than believed, hitting $141tn by 2054

Story by Eleanor Pringle, Fortune, 4/1/24 SOURCE: National debt is fast becoming the thorn in the side of the American economy that nobody wants…

An age that rejects God ends up killing its old

Story by Tim Stanley, The Telegraph, 3/31/24 SOURCE: Thank you, Matthew Parris! Since Esther Rantzen bravely went public with her stage four cancer, I’ve been…