State of Hawaii
Department of Commerce and Consumers Affairs
Business Registration Division
1010 Richards Street

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 40, Honolulu, HI 96810



(Section: 419-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes).


The undersigned, desiring to form a nonprofit corporation sole for ecclesiastical purposes under the laws of the State of Hawaii as follows:



Corporate Name

The name of the corporation: Trinity Fellowship International


Officer and Jurisdiction

The name and address of the officer/elder forming the corporation sole is Norman Kenneth Smith

Presiding Elder, 76-770 Hualalai Road, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Norman Kenneth Smith is the Presiding Elder and the Presiding Elder is authorized by the Canons of the Church to take all actions necessary to form the corporation and to be its incumbent. The political boundaries of the State of Hawaii shall constitute the district subject to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Presiding Elder and also form the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of this corporation.



The address of the corporation is 76-770 Hualalai Road, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 69740



The period of the corporation shall be perpetual.



This corporation shall have no voting membership but shall be structured in authority according to Biblical precedents as found in the New Testament and the Canons of the Church.



The purpose of the corporation shall not be for profit but for the dissemination of the teachings of Jesus Christ in accordance with the Holy Bible and the Canons of the Church.



Any vacancy occurring in the office of the Presiding Elder shall be filled in accordance with the apostolic teaching of the New Testament and the Canons of the Church. It is provided that the Counsel of Elders, in the permanent absence or incapacity of the Presiding Elder, shall have the power to unanimously designate a successor to fill the vacant position of the Presiding Elder.



Subject to these articles of incorporation, Canons of the Church, The New Testament and the corporate powers granted by the State of Hawaii.



These articles may be amended by the Presiding Elder providing there is consensual and unanimous approval of the Counsel of Elders. Any such amendment must be consistent with New Testament apostolic doctrine and the Canons of the Church. Amended articles may be more or less restrictive than these articles. Amendments may make any changes consistent with the purposes of a tax-exempt nonprofit religious corporation.


Non-Profit Nature

This corporation is religious and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Corporations Sole for Ecclesiastical Purposes statute for religious purposes. No part of the net earnings of this corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its officers, or other private persons except that this corporation may pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and may make payments and distributions in furtherance of its purposes. This corporation shall not carry on any activities that are not permitted to be carried on by corporations exempt from Federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States internal revenue law). Nor shall it engage in propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activity.

No person, firm, or corporation shall ever receive any dividends or profits from the undertaking of this corporation. If the corporations shall cease to exist or shall be dissolved, all property and assets of the corporation of any kind, after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts, shall be distributed only to one or more other organizations with religious purposes similar, or related to, those of the corporation. Any such other organization may not be for profit or for the private inurement of any person. In no event shall a distribution be made to an organization unless it qualifies as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue law).

Article XI

Liability of the Corporation

The debts and liabilities of the corporation shall be chargeable solely against the property of the corporation. The officers/elders of the corporation/church shall not incur any liability for the debts and liabilities of the corporation for personal gain.

I certify that I have read the above Articles of Incorporation and that they are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Witness my hand this 26th day of January, 1999.

Norman Kenneth Smith


Statement of Incumbency

Trinity Fellowship International
State of Hawaii

In accordance with Section 419-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the following statement of incumbent is submitted:

In accordance with the New Testament and Canons of Trinity Fellowship International, I, Norman Kenneth Smith, am the duly appointed Presiding Elder of the Corporation for the State of Hawaii. In accordance with the New Testament and the Canons of the Church, The Presiding Elder is the incumbent of the Corporation Sole for Ecclesiastical Purposes, in the State of Hawaii, known as Trinity Fellowship International. Attached is a document attesting to the appointment to office.

Presiding Elder, name and address:

Norman Kenneth Smith
76-770 Hualalai Road
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740

I certify that I have read the above statements and that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto subscribed my hand this 26th day of January, 1999.

Norman Kenneth Smith





That the council of elders of Trinity Fellowship International, in the State of Hawaii, in accordance with the New Testament and the Canons of Trinity Fellowship International did appoint Norman Kenneth Smith as Presiding Elder at the regular meeting held on January 25th, 1999.

It is further certified that at the time of appointment and at this time the Council of Elders had one Elder, Norman Kenneth Smith, and that this is in accord with the New Testament and the Canons of Trinity Fellowship International. The canons of the church/corporation and the New Testament provide for the basis for the selection of future Elders for the Council as may be required.

I certify that I have read the above statements and that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby set my hand this 26th day of January, 1999

Norman Kenneth Smith

Trinity Fellowship International
State of Hawaii



Article I

The purpose of Trinity Fellowship International is to lovingly share the life giving message of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. And to encourage that message to come alive in the hearts of those who are drawn towards the Kingdom of God. Offerings received shall be invested in the lives of people who are called to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Article II

The government of the Trinity Fellowship International shall be vested in the Presiding Elder and the Council of Elders. The Fellowship shall acknowledge and sustain the privileges and obligations of the communion of all Christian Churches by seeking and extending that fellowship, sympathy, advice and cooperation which the law of love and unity in Christ Jesus requires. The positive balance of Love, Holiness and Power as vested in the Evangelical, Liturgical and Charismatic expressions of the Christian Faith shall be encouraged by the faithful.


The Council of Elders shall be those who have one or more of the offices listed in Eph. 4:11-16 and shall be responsible for the spiritual health and balance of the ministry.


The Ministry Council shall be those who are given stewardship over the temporalities of the Ministry but are subject to the specific direction of the Presiding Elder and the Council of Elders.


All nominated elders and ministers shall be thoroughly investigated in the light of 1 Tim.3: 1-13 and Titus 1:6. Confirmation of all elders and ministers must be confirmed by the unanimous consensual approval of the Council of Elders.



Article III

Members of Trinity Fellowship International shall be limited to the Council of Elders, Ministry Council and those called to discipleship within the fellowship. Any person acknowledging Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and who agrees with the Statement of Doctrine and the Covenant of1 Fellowship of Trinity Fellowship International, shall have the right hand of fellowship and be most welcome to all general fellowship meetings.



Article IV

The Presiding Elder shall be the moderator and the final authority concerning all decisions of the Council of Elders. Primary consideration shall be given to unity in Christ Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all matters. Actions of the ministry shall be secondary to peace and unity in the Holy Spirit. All members of the Council of Elders shall have a responsibility to present their point of view concerning an issue and clearly and as honestly as possible in the Spirit. Consensual unity of the Council of Elders shall be the primary guiding factor for the Presiding Elder to take action on any specific issue relating to Trinity Fellowship International.

All Elders are subject to the Biblical conditions as to removal from the Council of Elders.

The Council of Elders shall be composed of the following Offices:

Elder Offices, Five-Fold Ministries:

Eph. 4:11-16


Sent-one, master-builder, gifted in the starting of churches. Visionary. CEO, Seeks to maintain unity in the bond of peace. (Primary Missionary) Not building on the ministry of others nor the divisions of the other religious church systems. Pioneer. Builder of many ministries. A minister to Elders, Ministers and Disciples.


Quality control, building inspector, speaks God's message without fear. Watches for serious doctrinal aberration and departures from scripture. Watches for wolves in the Church of God.


Love of souls, Shares the vision of life and death. Sales, Mightily gifted in the winning of souls. "Billy Graham"


Shepherd, binds the wounded, counselor and close friend, Manufacturing. Brings the flock into maturity and reproduction. A builder of baskets to hold fruit. Fashions parts into products.


Loves to share the Word of God, Loves doctrine and study. Supplies the parts. Likes to2 dig into the why of things. Enjoys the study of the Greek and Hebrew basis for doctrine.

An elder may have different callings at different times according to the needs of the Holy Spirit. Also an elder may function in more than one position as often a pastor is also a teacher. Jesus was effective in all five of these ministries. However, I have yet to see an elder who is able to function well in all of the ministries without being burned out in the process.



Article V

The Ministry Council shall provide support to the Council of Elders for the supervision of the temporalities of the Fellowship. The Ministry Council shall have the primary concern of making sure that the directives of the Council of Elders are supported, initiated and performed as to the intent of the Council of Elders.

The Ministry Council shall include those called with the following ministries in the Holy Spirit:


Body Life Ministries: Romans, 12:6-8


Gifting to supervise the temporalities of the Church for the Elders, (Elders in training), (slaves of the church).


Gifted in having an overflow to help with the needs of others. The action of lifting or supporting others. Often called the Ministry of Helps.


Gifted in helping people see of the need to repent and be forgiven and restored into God's comfort through anointed words from the Holy Spirit. Basically, to lift out or up.


Gifted in banking the Lord's physical surpluses for the future work of the ministry.

The ability of providing the finances to help the needs of our Lord's Kingdom on Earth.

Those who have the ability to secure physical resources for the support of the Gospel.


Anointed to help manage the physical affairs of a local or larger fellowship. An office manager, equipped to facilitate the paper chase and tax responsibilities. Gifted in organizational skills.


Extension of God's love and mercy in times of deep needs. Also to help converts learn to receive grace and forgive themselves. The gift of seeing folks as God sees them and to be able to extend His absolution. Also gifted to speak the truth in love.



Article VI

Those committed to following the Lord Jesus into the deeper things of the Sprit of God.

Discipleship: One submitted to the process of learning how to help another become a

Disciple of Jesus Christ. Ideally, a one on one process of mentoring and accountability.

A disciple is one who is learning how to walk in the Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Gal. 5: 22, 1 Cor. 12: 6-11

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts."

1. Wisdom

God's direct wisdom to the heart of a believer as to how to meet a specific need. Sometimes how to use knowledge that may have been received by someone else.

2. Word of knowledge

God's revelation of personal inside information about a matter always will requires God's wisdom.

3. Faith

Supernatural gift of power to meet a specific need or emergency.

4. Healing

Supernatural gift of mercy in a healing from God.

5. Miracles

Supernatural gift of altering physical circumstances for the kingdom.

6. Prophecy

The ability to let God speak His message a special message through you for a specific need.

7. Discerning of spirits

Ability to tell the Holy Spirit from demon counterfeits and false spirits in a given situation.

8. Tongues

Ability to share God's thoughts in an unlearned language in personal prayer and sometimes song or for evangelism or for the building of the Church. (I have counted seven types of "Tongues" in scripture.)

9. Interpretation of tongues

Ability to understand and share a message for God in the interpretation of tongues for building the Church.

Please remember these are gifts and not ministries. The believer is to build their faith that any or all of these gifts may flow through them at any time by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. These gifts are given through the disciple at the point of faith and need and then the gift is given as the need and is gone till the next gift is needed and given. In this way the Holy Spirit encourages supernatural faith and opens the door into possible future ministry. Tongues, though the least of the gifts, will help immeasurable in learning how to allow the other gifts of the Spirit to flow properly under the direction of the Holy Spirit.




  • Having received Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior and having publically confessed my faith in His Kingdom I feel led of the Holy Spirit to fellowship with Trinity Fellowship International for my spiritual growth and for the work of the ministry of reconciliation in the Church of Jesus Christ.
  • It is my intent to walk lovingly (Jn.15:18,6), and humbly with all my brethren (I Pet.5:6), and to pray (James 5:16) and to separate myself from the negativity of the world's system of values (Titus 2:12, 1 Jn.1:9) by faith as God is me strength.
  • It is my vision at this time to help support the ministry of Trinity Fellowship as God prospers under the New Testament teachings of (2 Cor.16:2) as a "cheerful giver". For the relief of the needy (Mark 14:7, Prov.19:17) and for the publishing of the Gospel (Matt.28:19-20) and for the support of Ministers and Elders as called for by the Holy Spirit.
  • It is my feeling that the Lord is calling me to make my callings available in some ministry of Trinity Fellowship International and I respectfully request that the Elders pray to seek a witness from the Holy Spirit as to confirm my calling in the Body of Christ. And further to help me in the maturing process of my personal growth in the Holy Spirit
  • It is understood that I will be loving encouraged to grow spiritually in a balance of love, holiness and power. And further that Bible study, payer, outreach and fellowship will be a major part of my learning experience as the result of my involvement with Trinity Fellowship International.
  • It is fully understood that it will not be necessary for faith or practice to believe any doctrine that cannot be found to be clearly supported by the teachings of the Holy Bible and especially those teachings as found in the New Testament.
  • Vision and loving influence is the basic forces in God behind all creation. Manipulation, fear, threat, bribe, praise and pride and etc. are non-productive and are not to be used in any form or manner in any relationship with the ministry outreach of Trinity Fellowship International. Those who are called to minister in Trinity must leave the need for approval at the feet of Jesus for judgement in the resurrection.
  • The vision of Trinity Fellowship International is to become a kind, gentle and loving help for salvaging wounded Christians that are still seeking true spiritual light in our very dark world. Those disciples called of God to do mighty works in Christ but have somehow lost their way.


Basic Statement of Doctrine

Trinity Fellowship International:

  • The Holy Bible is the authoritative Word of God and is only source of pure truth and doctrine for faith and practice for Spiritual Life and Christian Discipleship.
  • God is manifested in Trinity a form: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit similar to water as liquid, solid and vapor. The essence of God's nature, Love, Holiness and Power is seen in the divisions of the Evangelical, Liturgical and Charismatic expressions of faith.
  • The Word of God became flesh in Jesus. The Creator God became incarnate was born of a virgin, under God's judgement died for our sins, was raised from the dead by the power of God for our justification and shall come again as Jesus the Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Creator God in now Jesus the Christ and His reign shall be forever.
  • The ultimate victory of Christ Jesus will be seen in the final victory over death at the end of this age. At that time the disciples of Christ Jesus will be taken out of the world into the eternal presence of God. Then the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be set up for a thousand year and the earth shall be at peace.
  • The only means of redemption from the penalty of sin is the Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and our willingness to accept this provision and yield to Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  • The redemptive work of Jesus Christ also provides for the healing of the human spirit, soul and body in answer to believing prayer.
  • Disciples may also be filled with the Holy Spirt and learn to enjoy the fruit, gifts and ministries given of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can give the power to live a holy life and to minister in the Kingdom to those who truly make Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.
  • Events are closing for the final judgement in the history of mankind. Those who have yielded to Jesus as Lord will become brethren in the eternal family of God. Those who reject the Lordship and forgiveness offered through Jesus Christ and have lived egocentric lives will be separated from God's presence, creation and light and exiled into isolation and outer darkness for eternity. To reject the Creator is to also reject His creation. God will not force any one to come under the authority of the Kingdom of Jesus the Christ. Free will is most precious in God's creation and God has made all souls eternal. The choice in time is to learn to live with Him in light or to reject His right to be God and King in our lives and to be removed from His presence.


Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Galatians, 5: 22-26

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."

Any effective ministry can run only by love, unity, prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.