IRS CLAIM 8:  "A total of 92% of all individuals the IRS recommends for prosecution are convicted.   Of
     those convicted, 71% are sentenced to serve time in prison for their tax related crimes."
REBUTTAL 8:  These statistics are inconsistent with the IRS' own figures.  Can you trust them, or are they
     blowing smoke to scare you?  Look for yourself by going to the following website:

IRS CLAIM 9:  "In addition to criminal prosecution, IRS seeks to collect delinquent taxes, civil
      penalties, and interest.  These penalties can easily triple the amount due the government, compared to
      the tax bill if it had been properly paid in the first place. "
REBUTTAL 9:  Now isn't that interesting? The IRS speaketh with forked tongue!   On pages 3 and 4 of the
     pamplet, the IRS said that "There is no Constitutional Right to refuse to file an income tax return
     because of the Fifth  Amendment.  The courts have uniformly held that disclosure of the type of routine
     financial information  required on a tax return does not violate either one's Fifth or Fourth
    Amendment rights
."  Then on this page, they speak out of the other side of their mouth and say they will
     seek criminal prosecution, and yet they want  to compel you to act as in effect a witness against
     yourself with your own income tax returns by forcing you (under threat of a $500 fine if you don't
     imposed in IRC 3078) to  sign your income tax return under penalty of perjury.  Do you hear them saying
     here that they agree  NOT to use  your tax return as or fifth Amendment  rights?  Why no, of course not,
     because they  are  HYPOCRITES that put their own pocket book ahead of  your constitutionally and
     legally protected rights!  That's why they wrote their own series hearsay publications (which are not
     binding and are not law) to confuse the public so they don't have to read the REAL law.  They are more
     interested in perpetuating Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) and perpetuating people's ignorance to
     keep the cost to a  minimum of "voluntary compliance", which  in most cases, as we have explained, is
     just the process of parting ignorant fools from their money  ( a fool and his money are soon parted, as
     they say).

    Interestingly enough, do you hear the IRS talking here about how they don't live up to their own
    standard for tripling penalties in reverse?   If you overpay taxes and they hold onto your money for
    several years by delaying giving you a refund back to which you were rightfully entitled, do you hear
    them saying that they will abide by the same penalty standard against themselves for keeping you from
    YOUR money?  Why of course not, because absolute power corrupts absolutely and they want to think
    of themselves as above the law and above fair or equal treatment.


.End of IRS pamphlet