District of Columbia

     In the  revision of  the Statutes  relating to the District,
the clause of the Act of 1871, declaring the District of Columbia
(Rev. Stat.  D.C. p.  2, Sec.  2) to  be  a  body  corporate  for
municipal purposes,  with power  to contract, etc.  was retained.
By the  Act of  June 20, 1874, for the government of the District
and for  other purposes.  (18 Stat.  116,  Chap.  337),  previous
statutes  providing  for  the  District  a  governor,  secretary,
legislative assembly,  board of  public works  and a  delegate to
Congress were  repealed, and  all the  power and  authority  then
vested in  the governor  and board  of public  works,  except  as
limited by  that Act,  were vested  in a  commission, composed of
three persons, to be appointed by the President, with the consent
of the  Senate.   But by the Act of June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. chap.
180), a  permanent  form  of  government  for  the  District  was
established.   It provided  that "the  District of Columbia shall
remain and  continue a  municipal  corporation,  as  provided  in
section two  of the  Revised Statutes relating to said District,"
and that the commissioners therein provided for should "be deemed
and taken as officers of such corporation.

    [The District of Columbia v. Henry E. Woodbury, 136 U.S. 472]

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