I used to live in perpetual fear of losing things I had, or never having the things I hoped to acquire in my life.


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What if I lose my hair?

What if I never get the big house I want?

What if I become overweight,
out of shape, or unattractive?


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What if I lose my job?

What if I am disabled and
cannot play ball with my child?

What if I get old and frail and
have nothing to offer those around me?


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But life has lessons for those who listen, and now I know:

If I lose my hair, I will be the best darn bald guy I can be, and I will be grateful that my head can still stimulate ideas, if not follicles.


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A house does not make a person happy. The unhappy heart will not find contentment in a bigger house, while the heart that is merry will make any home a happy one.

If I spend more time developing my emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions, rather than over-focusing on my physical self, I will be more beautiful with each passing day.


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If I cannot work for wages, I will work for the Lord -- and His benefits package is unmatched.

If I am physically unable to teach my child to throw a curve ball, I will have more time to teach him to handle the curves thrown by life, and this shall serve him better.


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And if aging robs me of my strength, mental alertness, and physical stamina, I will offer those around me the strength of my convictions, the wisdom of experience seasoned with adversity, and the spiritual stamina of a soul that has been carefully shaped by the hard edges of a long life.


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No matter what losses or broken dreams may lie in my destiny, whatever burdens shall be my fate, I will meet each challenge with dignity and resolve. For God has given me many gifts and talents, and for each one that I may lose, I will find ten more that I never would have cultivated were the course of my life to always run smoothly.


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And so, when I can no longer dance, I will sing joyfully; when I haven't the strength to sing, I will whistle with contentment; when my breath is shallow and weak, I will listen intently and shout love with my heart; and when the bright light approaches, I will pray silently until I cannot pray; alas, it will then be time for me to go to the Lord.

And what then should I fear?

~By David L. Weatherford~
Visit David's website for more of his writings at: