Be not deceived: evil communications
corrupt good manners.
No one needs go into a "long thing" to show how TV has
secularized the Body of Christ in America in the last forty years; its
fruits are obvious in every congregation from liberal hellholes like the
"Glass Cathedral" in Los Angeles to Hardshell Primitive Baptist churches
in the mountains of Tennessee and Carolina. A brainwash job has been
performed that began with the motion picture industry after World War 1.
The marriage bed, fornication, adultery, drunkenness, murder, thievery,
arson, blackmailing, fraud, kidnapping, safecracking, torture, and brawls
were paraded before the nation in theatres; with Darwin's inevitable upward
surge of evolution (1930-1990), this emerged in the 1990s as torture, murder,
sex perversion, vampires, torture, bestiality, incest, monsters, pornography,
revolutions, adultery, wars, fornication, dirty jokes, cursing, assassinations,
burnings, explosions, etc., in the bedrooms and living rooms of Christian
Double Speak
A gas chamber is a "Shower Room" (Hitler, World War 11).
Two-thirds of Palestine is just the "West Bank" of a
A Catholic army of terrorists are "political activists.
A Moslem army of terrorists are "Palestinians."
A neutron bomb is now a radiation enhancement weapon.
An MX guided missile is a "Peacemaker."
Poisoning ten thousand acres of farmland was a "resources
control program" (Vietnam).
Germ warfare, by air bombs, is "airborne vector."
A mob of armed killers is a "target rich environments'
No troops ever meet on a "battlefield"; they are just
"in the field."
Taxes never increase: it is just a revenue enhancement."
There are no city dumps in America; one can find only
"sanitary landfills."
No one "dies," they just "expire."
No one is ever buried in a graveyard, it is a "Memorial
No one was ever in a morgue; they were in a "Funeral
Do you see the direction?
Nothing negative!
"All is well; there is no Hell" (in the NASV, NIV, Living Bible, etc.) Billy Graham's "Hell" (like the Hell of the Jehovah's Witnesses) has no shame, no pain, no smoke, no torment, no weeping, no wailing, no fire, no burning, no gnashing of teeth, and no "everlasting contempt" (Dan. 12).
The whole operation stinks of women trying to replace males in defining terms. When you are infected with a terminal disease (GRID), you were only "exposed" to it, and it wasn't GRID; it is called "AIDS" to lessen the blow. Women, or half-women, are at work. There are no "whores" or "harlots" or prostitutes: there are only "call girls" or"hustlers" or "swingers."
Some women had been objecting to "whore" and "harlot." Those are Biblical words (Rev. 2, 3, 17). Someone is worried about how something looks or sounds without regard for what it IS: Eve at work.
The "Bimbos" and "lushes" all died with TV; they are just "chronic alcoholics." With them, another vanishing breed vanished: the bums (hobos). They were replaced with "street people," while the dopeheads were replaced with "drug abusers."
These new terms are NOT male terms coming from mature men. They are the work of women teachers, women newspaper writers, women newscasters, and women's "libbers" who cannot face any truth that is plain, straight, honest FACT.
That is one reason why the Bible is banned from children in the schools; it deals with those kind of truths.
Weasel Words
Television is a coveting machine for one purpose only: to giet you to want things you do not have. This is accomplished by display and advertising. "Covetousness is idolatry" according to the Bible, so the Bible has to "go" for a real viewer. I can prove it to anyone who hasn't forgotten how to read third-grade English. All you need is a dictionary of third grade words to see that from morning to night, and all through the night, you are being bombarded with a veritable barrage of LIES that would justify anything Slick Willie said or did in the time that the news media kept him in office.
Note that a "weasel word" is a word that implies what it does not say it means. It is chosen to deliberately deceive the hearer (or reader) so he will assume something that the word does not actually say. For the Christian counterpart, see the writing of any modern apostate Fundamentalist (especially the Christian celebrities who promote twentieth-century (Laodicean) Bible transla tions; i.e., "THE" Greek text, the "original Greek text "Erasmus was a Catholic, "King James was a homosexual," the AV had "alternate readings in the margin , the "AV translators did not profess to be inspired," etc. This is the result of what you and your family have been exposed to via newspaper ads, radio ads, TV ads, and "doziers" advertising products for forty years. You have been exposed to it for nearly your entire lifetime at a rate and intensity at least twenty times the intensity that your grandmothers and grandfathers (1900-1933) endured.
"This hair spray will help keep you looking young." So will rest, exercise, diet, and a facelift. It said nothing about making you young or keeping you young. It just said you would look like it. In whose eyes? Yours? Your husband's? Your women friends? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The ad said nothing.
So you buy the junk because it "helps you feel young . . ." or it "helps you stop this or that . . ." or it "helps eliminate something," etc. It doesn't actually DO anything. A cleaner that "helps keep your home germ free" doesn't kill them, doesn't keep them out, and cannot even handle them if they are the wrong kind of germs.
Here's a good one! "If it's not Budweiser, it's
not beer!" You're a liar. And only a liar would believe you.
Everything is "improved" or "new and improved," which means ... ? Nothing. The bottle has a new lid on it. The package is a different kind of plastic. A spout has been added. The chemical ratios have been altered. A different smell has been added. So you pay more and the product you buy is no more effective doing what it was supposed to do than before it was "improved."
Sometimes, to prove that some piece of commercial junk
has "improved," the advertiser claims it is "finer" or "longer" or "better"
"tougher" or recommended by "most" doctors or contains twice as much of
something-or-other as another brand.
"Double-speak" and "weasel words," in the living room, dining room, bedroom, parlor, kitchen, and den: twenty four hours a day, through a dozen media outlets. "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should." Should any cigarette taste "good"? To whom? Does it taste good (since it "should")? To whom? "Limburger tastes good like a cheese should!"
"Now, at last the Bible in a language you can understand!" "Now, a scholarly work for serious students of the Word of God!" "True to the original Greek text!" That is a lie that is believed by almost all Chritians today.
Madison Avenue baloney. K-rations for spiritual suckers and babies. K-Mart "specials" for silly women and Biblical illiterates.
They were trained in their homes via newspapers, handbills, radio programs, and TV programs. You now have over 200,000,000 of them in the United States who have consumed this "diet" for at least thirty years.
Americans no longer can THINK.