...one nation...under God...
Blessed is the nation whose God
is the LORD...
Blessed is the man that walketh
not in the counsel of the ungodly
Psalm 1:1a
Unfortunately again, even though some make that christian claim, the law of the Lord is no longer respected by our leaders today. In fact, Gods words are being outlawed in all 50 states in some form or another. And then besides the obvious, there is the subtle teaching of the ungodly that seems to be believed by Americans today.
This site will contain bits and pieces of true
American history. You can see for yourself how God had His hand over
this land for many many years.
Father of Our Country - George Washington
Americans Who Risked Everything
Complete Star Spangled Banner
View of the Civil War
New Order
of Barbarians
More titles will be added often
- keep checking back - we were taught WRONG!