Since the "only thing that men learn from history,...etc." one should not be surprised to find a thing repeating itself over and over again completely undetected by the news media and "informed sources."
During the past few years, the press has been "having themselves a ball" pretending to be for everything they have been against for years, and pretending to be against everything they have been promoting for forty years. For years (since FDR) the news media has been dedicated to promoting Communists (M. L. King Jr., Walter Reuther, Gus Hall, the Hollywood crowd, etc.), communist causes (the NCCC and attacks on Senator McCarthy), covering up for Communists (Bernadette Devlin, Patty Hearst, the Black Panthers, et al), and using Communist methods (gun control, progressive taxes, family pools, ecology, etc.). Now suddenly the press has decided that "Communism" is PASSE. This is done on the grounds that eastern Europe has revolted against Russia
The press (Life, Time, Gannett, CBS, NBC, Hearst, Luce, ABC) is evidently PSYCHOTIC. The Chronicle of the Twentieth Century, which has over two thousand pages, documents the entire news media debacle from its first efforts to get America drunk again (it accomplished this) to its last efforts to disarm the populace in America so criminals could have access to their money, property, and persons.
Did it ever occur to you
that the reason why there was a massacre in Beijing
was because none of the "people" had weapons?
Communism is coming in as THE form of government.
The American people have been kidded (FDR) into thinking that "democracy" is the antithesis of Communism. To do this the news media had to sell them on two things:
1) Democracy is synonymous with capitalism--which
it is not.
2) A Communist country is run by military dictators
(Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Sandinista,
Mao Tze, et al)--which it is NOT.
What the communists on the "nightly TV newscast, the NEA, the NAACP, and the ACLU are not telling you is that real Communism--the Marxist-Trotskyite kind--has never been tried out one time on the face of this earth.
The closest thing to it was the Welfare Socialistic State of FDR or perhaps the "birth-to-death welfare" Socialism of Sweden, but FDR's was almost a one-man rule (like Hitler or Mussolini), and Sweden's is controlled by an OLIGARCHY of bureaucrats. Real Communism, until NOW, has never been tried out very long anywhere on this earth. What the Comintern and KGB in Russia called "Communism" was a dictatorship under Lenin, a military dictatorship under Stalin, and is now an oligarchy of 125 men guiding the Central Party. "Communism," as defined by Karl Marx and Trotsky, never showed up in Russia ONE TIME since 1921.
Animals in a jungle will go by ONE LAW and one law only; the law of the Alexandrian Cult among Fundamentalists: "What I prefer is the final authority." Animals are amoral in their life styles. Marx was an animal, like Darwin, according to everything that he professed. You are an animal, according to both of these religious "confessions." The law of the jungle has nothing to do with Capitalism, democracies, republics, church states, or Communism; it is much more crude and much simpler and far more basic. It is simply, "ME FIRST AND YOU NEXT."
That is how ALL Capitalistic and ALL Communist, and ALL Catholic countries operate where the leaders are convinced that Darwin was telling the truth. Evolution has been THE issue since 1880 because it deals with final authority. Dog eat dog; king of the beasts, who gets to run who. Today, the closest thing to mob rule by the proletariat is America, but even here the old bugaboo of "survival of the fittest" will overcome the "proletariat." Karl Marx's thesis was an impossible one due to human nature. The proletariat will never run any country. They never have, whether the country was Capitalistic, Communistic, or Roman Catholic. In America, the legislatures (state and national) and the federal judges (district and supreme) are controlled by the NEWS MEDIA, which increases its percent of being homosexual. The great "reforms" coming up in America are all Communist-slanted and Communist oriented while the news media is bragging about the "demise" of Communism.
1. Above all, a real Communist is a humanistic MATERIALIST who worships man "in the mass" as a God. (Masons, Aquarians, NEA, New Age, etc., etc.)
2. He is an absolute religious fanatic on the dogma of spontaneous generation by CHANCE. (AAAS, National Geographic, Time, Life, Newsweek, CBS, NBC, and ABC.) All Communists are evolutionists, even if every evolutionist is not a Communist.
3. He is a revolutionary who believes in DEMONSTRATING by protests and strikes against "social" injustice, and especially the "oppression of minorities and the "down trodden (Third World) masses." The news media is the A-1 example of this conviction of Communism. Trade unions and the NAACP practice this religion.
4. He is a "wealth SHARER whose main vocabulary word is `share,' meaning `give me what I want that I don't have.'" That is Karl Marx's original position. He was neither a farmer or a "worker." He was a student-journalist. All Communist uprisings in Cuba, Italy, Spain, the Philippines, Korea, the United States, Germany, Japan, and China begin with STUDENTS: students exposed to a news media of some sort. Lenin and Marx were both student-journalists.
5. He is a "one worlder," who envisions a world where everybody "shares" everything and no one fights over land because the land belongs to EVERYONE (Agrarian reform, NRS, TWO, etc.).
It will simply be Russian Communism on a global scale. No longer will you be able to blame Russia. You will then be dealing with the Roman Catholic "Man of Sin" in control of the United Nations. The class-leveling will be absolutely complete with no man able even to "BUY OR SELL" unless he is a Catholic Communist. Calling the modern movement "democracy" is just too funny for words. Democracy IS the dictatorship of the "proletariat." It is genuine Communism as defined by the founder of the religion. AMERICA WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. She is no longer a Republic: she is the best example of real Marxist Communism on the face of this earth today and is not only exulting in her success in getting prayer and the Bible out of the school system, but is planning to shut the doors of every Bible believing church in America by litigation and law suits over taxes, social security, asbestos, child abuse, brainwashing. "cultic" beliefs, and refusal to hire lesbians, homosexuals, and blacks. This is a "DEMOCRACY." And that is where Poland, Romania, Hungary, China, etc., are headed. China will be the hardest to convert. Shem is not as pliable as Japheth.