Part 6
As this is the last article in this series, it is only fitting that we come back full circle to the central issue regarding obedience to the command in Romans 13:1-7. If American Christians are to be subject to the civil government (specifically the United States federal government), which one should they be subject to? Is it the duly "established" government under the authority of "We the People" and the Constitution For The United States Of America or the present evolved government in its private character controlled by and serving international organizations such as the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund?
The last five articles have evidenced that the present government is NOT the "established" government. Furthermore, its de facto objective is to render our People and nation into a diabolical, Babylonian New World Order. Now for those who understand this, there are only two choices before us regarding obedience to Romans 13:1-7. Either we continue to "go along to get along" in this Babylonian "system," or we obey the original "established" law as Citizens of this nation. God will surely call each one of us to account (especially the shepherds Ezekiel 34:1-10) for our decisions.
Many who do recognize this real and dangerous problem, however, and refuse to just ignore it are usually at a loss as to just what can be done to remedy the problem. Although our present dilemma is rather complex and no one or two remedies are sufficient to address all the issues, there are a few very basic, common sense things we can do right now.
Right up front, let it be proclaimed that although our nation began and was, for the first 150 years, a decidedly Christian nation reverencing the Laws of God recorded in Holy Scripture, we have now abandoned them.
Deuteronomy 28 is clear that God would punish His people is they disobeyed His Laws and we, as a nation, are being punished. Shepherds, we need to get back to God's Laws and preach it from the pulpit!!
One such law that we need to return to is
"You shall have just balances, just weights ..."
Leviticus 19:35-36.
And again,
"You shall
have a full and just weight; you shall have a full and just measure; that your
days may be prolonged in the land ..." Deuteronomy 25:13-16.
As we have seen, the Babylonian system has a false and fraudulent economic system as one of its key foundations. Unless this is challenged and changed, we will be forced into a world of slavery and oppression that we cannot imagine and for which our children will curse us in our graves unless we at least attempt to correct our plight.
The good news is we do have at our command, the ability to actually replace the present monetary system of Federal Reserve Notes and the debt/credit system. In 1985, Congress enacted Public Law 99-185 (99 Stat. 1177) known as the Gold Bullion Act of 1985. This Act reestablished the minting of gold and silver coin as legal tender in America.
Congressman Philip Crane clearly stated in the Congressional Record the reasoning and purpose for this historic Act. Listen to what he says because he says it to us.
"The power to coin money is expressly
delegated to the Congress under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution ... but
Congress has been ignoring it for the past 70 years, ever since it delegated
power to the Federal Reserve System ... Over those 70 years, our Nation has
been plagued with the worst depression, recessions, bankruptcy, and interest
rates in our history.
"For decades now, but especially for the
past 10 years, we have had a medium of exchange, the Federal Reserve Note, which
is fluctuating in its value. As Roger Sherman, a delegate to the Constitutional
Convention wrote, 'If what is used as medium of exchange is fluctuating in its
value, it is no better than unjust weights and measures *** which are
condemned by the Laws of God and man.'
"With the issuance of
new gold coins by the Treasury, the Federal Reserve's monopoly on money will
be challenged.
"The 'American Gold Eagle Coin Act of
1985' [later known as The Gold Bullion Act of 1985]
represents a major step toward the eventual replacement of our present
irredeemable paper money system with a gold based system." Congressional
Record, January 3, 1985, "Extension of Remarks," pp.
"Who gave Jacob up for spoil, and
Israel to plunders? Was it not the Lord, against whom we have sinned, and in
whose ways, they were not willing to walk, and whose law they did not obey?"
Isaiah 42:24
Alright, I can hear most of you thinking, "Boy, that is really inspiring, but what can I do about it? After all, everybody deals in the debt/credit system. What makes you think that anyone will deal in gold and silver coin? It is a nice idea, but really unrealistic." Men and Brethren, does not the Word of God say, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13)? If you think it is impossible or impractical to begin to deal in gold and silver coin, then it will be. Perhaps, before we give up on the idea, we ought to take a little bit of counsel from Congressman Crane again when he stated:
"The question is not whether it is possible to reestablish the gold standard or whether it is too difficult to do so, but the practical question: Is it harder to return to a gold standard which worked for over 150 years in America, or is it harder to live with the conditions that have resulted from a reliance on fiat currency the highest interest rates, the worst inflation, alternating inflation and potential deflation, recessions, and so forth?" Congressional Record, January 30, 1985, "Extension of Remarks," p. 1323.
Do you realize that Congress has given "We the People" the necessary tools to be able to make a truly effective difference? Do you understand, that in the providence of God, Congress has given us back one of the most vital laws that lay on the foundation of our nation operating on one of the pillars of justice and righteousness? Do you grasp that if we make a concerted effort to begin to transform our communities back into a just weights and measures standard, we will not only obey God in this area of living, but also begin to secure righteousness and a future for the people?
Friends, listen. This present system is going to fail. It is designed to self-destruct. All houses built on sand will inevitably collapse. This monetary system is being propped up. The stock market is incredibly over-inflated. It is just a matter of time before the bubble bursts.
We can change things! Yes, we can!! It is up to us. We are the Sovereigns in this country. It is time to take responsibility and get back to the Law.
The first things to do is to think. Just take five minutes and think about who you might be able to deal with in gold and silver. There are many small businesses that might be quite open to the idea of doing business with you in gold or silver. I have purchased fruits and vegetables on a weekly basis from a small local business who deals in these commodities. After I approached the owner and showed him a Silver Eagle and explained the worth of it in terms of Federal Reserve Notes (1 Silver Eagle is worth about 7 FRNs), he was delighted to receive it for the goods he offered. I did the same things with a small, local meat market. The owners love it.
Are there other folks you know that have special skills or offer services that you need whom you could approach?
Perhaps you are wondering what benefit or attraction business owners would have in dealing in gold and silver. Good question. Apart from dealing in real money and just weights and measures, they would receive a tremendous tax break if they are taxpayers. Here is how it works. Taxpayers who pay federal income taxes have to pay a certain percentage on the "income" they receive based on the Federal Reserve Notes system. For example, if they made $700.00 (FRNs) in a week, they would have to pay income taxes on that amount. If, however, they receive "income" on that same amount in silver, for example, they would only have to pay tax on 100 Dollars. You see, the "par value" worth of 1 Silver Eagle Dollar is equal to $7 Federal Reserve Notes. A "taxpayer" is only taxed on the dollar amount. A Silver Eagle Dollar is only 1 Dollar even though it is worth about 7 Federal Reserve Notes. And, by the way, FRNs are not dollars.
If you are an "employer" you can pay your "employees" in gold and silver on a par value rate. This reduces their tax base a well. This system is already being done by an owner of a painting and construction business. Through a private contract with his workers, he pays each one weekly in gold and silver. Each week the workers come to the first window at his place of business to endorse an "Inter-Office Warrant" (a check) made payable to each worker in gold or silver. After each one endorses this warrant, he receive the equivalent amount in gold or silver coin. If he wishes to exchange the coin he receives for FRNs, he simply moves over to the next window to receive the exchange. (This exchange is offered as a courtesy to each worker.) Because he pays his workers in gold or silver, there are no taxes taken out and each worker is responsible to deal with the IRS for what he receives.
If you studied this issue of the use of gold and silver, you would discover that it completely removes you out of the "system." Though you may not understand it now, the "system" is based on the "emergency" bankruptcy of 1933. In order to deal with the "emergency," Roosevelt made this "New Deal" with the banksters of the Federal Reserve to issue "emergency" currency (FRNs) in order to get the economy going again. However, gold and silver is not and cannot be a part of this "emergency" system. This is confirmed in Title 12 USC 89 and explained in 54 American Jurisprudence 2d, Section 29 under "Money":
"The emergency and gold clause [12 USC 89] ... deprive gold of its status as a medium of payment, and contracts calling for payment in gold ... are unenforceable in that respect, and are dischargeable, dollar for dollar, in any legal tender of the United States ..."
The IRS collects "contributions" i.e. "income taxes" from "taxpayers" to offset the fraudulent interest on the national debt. However, it is based on "emergency" currency called Federal Reserve Notes. Again, gold and silver is not a part and cannot be a part of this "emergency."
You can obtain gold and silver coin from any coin dealer in town. Some coin dealers specialize in selling larger amounts of gold and silver. Of course, the more volume you purchase, the better exchange rate you get. The exchange rate is based on "the market value ... plus the cost of minting, marketing, and distributing such coins ..." (Gold Bullion Act of 1985, Section 2(b)(2)(A)). Contact as many coin dealers as possible in your area and tell them you are interested in purchasing Gold or Silver Eagles. Ask them for a breakdown of various quantities you would consider purchasing (20, 100, 500 Silver Eagles, for example). They usually are glad to give you that information.
You can buy gold and silver in bullion or what are called "rounds." You get a cheaper price for them if you buy this way. However, these are not Eagles and only Gold and Silver Eagles are considered "legal tender" since the minting of them was done by legislation (Public Law) of Congress.
Take the first step and make a purchase of gold or silver. Begin to use it instead of FRNs everywhere and with anybody you can. Do not be discouraged if you do not get the response you are hoping for at first. Make a commitment to keep trying until you are successful. Ask the Lord for insight and wisdom and to prepare the way before you.
"A prudent man sees evil and hides
the naive proceed and pay the penalty."