Sex Statistics |
SOURCE: NCPCF seeks to be a source for the most current statistics on pornography and surrounding issues. If you do not see a statistic you are looking for, please call NCPCF at (513)521-6227 or email Child Exploitation Online"In fiscal year 1998, the FBI opened up roughly 700 cases dealing with online pedophilia, most of them for posting child pornography, and about a quarter dealing with online predators trying to get children under 18 to meet with them. By 2000 that figure had quadrupled to 2,856 cases." Source: "The Web's Dark Secret" Newsweek. 3/19/01 Child Sexual AbuseAn estimated 325,000 U.S. children age 17 or younger are prostitutes, performers in pornographic videos or have otherwise fallen victim to “commercial sexual exploitation,” University of Pennsylvania researchers will report today. Their 3-year, $400,000 study is based on research in 17 cities. The work includes interviews with 200 child victims, most already in the legal system, and more than 800 state, federal and local officials. Experts on juvenile law say it is that deepest investigation yet into the extent of the problem. There are 72 million children age 17 or younger in the USA… Source: Memmott, Mark. “Sex Trade may lure 325,000 U.S. Kids; Report: Abused children, runaways typical victims.” USA TODAY. 9/10/01 Cybersex/Online Advances and KidsBased on interviews with a nationally representative sample of 1,501 youth ages 10 to 17 who use the Internet regularly, approximately one in five received a sexual solicitation or approach over the Internet in the last year. One in thirty-three received an aggressive sexual solicitation- a solicitor who asked to meet them somewhere; called them on the telephone; sent them regular mail, money or gifts. One in four had an unwanted exposure to pictures of naked people or people having sex in the last year. Source: "Report Statistical Highlights." from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Crimes Against Children Research Center and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 6/00 Internet FilteringInternet filtering software generally fails to block one out of every five sites deemed objectionable, Consumer Reports magazine concludes. The magazine said filters haven’t improved since it last tested them four years ago. Source: Jesdanun, Anick. “Internet Filters.” Associated Press. 2/14/01 Internet PornographyThere were 27.5 million U.S. visitors to adult-oriented pornographic Web sites in January 2002, says Christine Chan of Nielsen//NetRatings, the Internet audience measurement service. About 72% of visitors were men, 28% women, Chan says. American consumers spent an estimated $220 million at such fee-based “adult” sites in 2001, according to Jupiter Media Metrix, a New York Internet research firm. That was up from $148 million in 1999. Jupiter is projecting $320 million by 2005. Source: Elias, Marilyn. “Cybersex follows Mars, Venus patterns.” USA Today. 2/26/02 A comprehensive two-year study by Alexa Research, a leading web intelligence and traffic measurement service, has revealed..."sex" was the most popular term for which people searched. Of all the terms searched for online, 0.3289% - or roughly 1 of every 300 terms, were "sex." According to their online searching habits, people want "sex" more than they want "games," "music," "travel," "jokes," "cars," "jobs," "weather" and "health" combined. "Porn" (along with "porno" and "pornography") was the 4th most popular search term. "Nude" (and "nudes"), "xxx," "Playboy" and "erotic stories" (and "erotica") were also among the top 20. The most popular celebrities searched for were Britney Spears, Pamela Anderson, Backstreet Boys, Jennifer Lopez and Eminem. Pokemon was the most popular specific toy or game searched. Playboy was the most popular media property. Source: "Alexa Research Finds 'Sex' Popular on the Web..." Business Wire. 02/14/2001 "The Industry Standard reports that 70% of porn traffic occurs between 9 and 5, and people in the Eastern time zone account for the largest number of porn-site hits-30.3%." Source: Retzlaff, Eric. "Pornography's Grip Tightens by Way of Internet." National Catholic Register. 6/13-6/19/00 "A nationwide survey of 1,031 adults conducted by Zogby International and Focus on the Family March 8-10, 2000, found that 20 percent of the respondents - which represents as many as 40 million adults - admitted visiting a sexually-oriented web site. Thirty-seven percent of males between the ages of 18-24 admitted they had visited sex sites. Almost 18 percent of those who identified themselves as Christians and 18 percent of married men also admitted viewing these sites. According to the Nielsen Net ratings, 17.5 million surfers visited porn sites from their homes in January; a 40 percent increase compared with Sepyember of 1999." Source: "Zogby/Focus Survey Reveals Shocking Internet Sex Statistics." Legal Facts: Family Research Council. Vol. 2. No. 20. 3/30/00 Internet Pornography and KidsAccording to NetValue, children spent 64.9 percent more time on pornography sites than they did on game sites in September 2000. Over one quarter (27.5%) of children age 17 and under visited an adult web site, which represents 3 million unique underage visitors. Of these minors, 21.2 percent were 14 or younger and 40.2 percent were female. Source: "The NetValue Report on Minors Online..." Business Wire. (taken from study by NetValue, Internet activity measurement service) December 19,2000. "Nearly a third (31%) of kids age 10-17 from households with computers (24% of all kids 10-17) say they have seen a pornographic web site. Source: "Survey Shows Widespread Enthusiasm for High Technology." NPR Online (taken from a new poll by National Public Radio, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government) 1999 The Pornography IndustryAnnual rentals and sales of adult videos and DVDs top $4 billion, and the industry churns out 11,000 titles each year – more than 20 times as many as Hollywood, according to Adult Video News, an adult industry trade magazine. Source: Frammolino, Ralph and P.J. Huffstutter. “The Actress, the Producer and Their Porn Revolution.” Los Angeles Times Magazine. 1/6/02 Sex on Television"By the time adolescents graduate from high school, they will have spent 15,000 hours watching television, compared with 12,000 hours spent in the classroom... American media are thought to be the most sexually suggestive in the Western hemisphere. The average American adolescent will view nearly 14,000 sexual references per year, yet only 165 of these references deal with birth control, self-control, abstinence, or the risk of pregnancy or STDs. In a recent content analysis, 56% of all programs on American television were found to contain sexual content. The so-called "family hour" of prime-time television (8:00 to 9:00 pm) contains on average more than 8 sexual incidents, which is more than 4 times what it contained in 1976. Nearly one third of family hour shows contain sexual references..." Source: Source: "Sexuality, Contraception, and the Media." American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Public Education. 1/2001 "Tuesday, the Kaiser Family Foundation's biennial "Sex on TV" report revealed that TV's sexual content has grown from about half (56 percent) of all shows in the 1997-98 TV season to two-thirds (68 percent) last season. Three of four (75 percent) prime-time network shows included sexual content in 1999-2000, up from two-thirds (67 percent) in 1997-98. Source: Kiesewetter, John and Richelle Thompson. "TV's sex content climb, study says." Cincinnati Enquirer online. 2/07/01 Sexual Addiction and (, the number one Internet news site, has
announced the results of its 2000 Online Cybersex Survey. Source: “ Cybersex Survey Suggests Hundreds of ...” Business Wire. 7/19/01 "The National Council on Sexual Addiction Compulsivity estimated that 6%-8% of Americans are sex addicts, which is 16 million-21.5 million people." Source: Cooper, Alvin, Dana E. Putnam, Lynn A. Planchon, and Sylvain C. Boies. "Online Sexual Compulsivity: Getting Tangled in the Net." Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 6:79-104. (Taken from Amparano, J. "Sex addicts get help." The Arizona Republic, p. A1. 1999 Sexual Addiction and the Internet"A recent study by researchers at Stanford and Duquesne universities claims at least 200,000 Americans are hopelessly addicted to E-porn." Source: Koerner, Brendan I. "A lust for profits." U.S. News online. 3/27/00 Sexually Oriented Businesses"Today there are more than 2,400 clubs, according to a popular strip-club webzine. Annual revenues at some clubs are as high as $8 million, and they employ as many as 200 dancers." Source: Dushman, Candi. "'Stop pretending.'" World Magazine. 8/5/00 Teens and Sex"According to the most recent data, 61% of all high school seniors have had sexual intercourse, about half are currently sexually active, and 21% have had 4 or more partners Although other developed countries have similar rates of early sexual intercourse, the United States has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the world. In addition to pregnancy, early sexual intercourse carries the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Adolescents have the highest STD rates. Approximately one fourth of sexually active adolescents become infected with an STD each year, accounting for 3 million cases, and people under the age of 25 account for two thirds of all STDs in the United States." Source: "Sexuality, Contraception, and the Media." American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Public Education. 1/2001 |