This fascinating presentation by the Library of Congress exhibits a large number of documents related to Jefferson's writing of the Declaration, including a transcript of his original rough draft.
Lists a large selection of the writings by and about Jefferson available on the internet.
Jefferson separated the ethical teachings of Jesus from the religious dogma and other supernatural elements that are part of the Gospel accounts. This site presents Jefferson's selection and arrangement of the texts in a "corrected" King James Version.
Contains Jefferson's addresses, the Autobiography, and a large selection of the letters.
A complete copy of Jefferson's Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom with a comparison to the Act as passed by the Virginia legislature.
Contains the complete text, divided into sections for easier access. The Autobiography includes Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence with the changes which Congress made noted thereon.
This includes the oft-quoted letter of Jefferson in which he used the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state."
This is the document Jefferson wrote in 1774 as an appeal to George III to redress the wrongs being done to the colonies.
The complete Thomas Jefferson Papers consists of approximately 27,000 documents, and include correspondence, commonplace books, financial account books, and manuscript volumes. The online presentation of the Thomas Jefferson Papers comprises approximately 83,000 images.
This contains hundreds of letters to and from Jefferson, some manuscript images, bibliographies, and other resources related to Jefferson's writings.
This is the Memorial Edition of Jefferson's writings in 19 volumes, edited by Albert Ellery Bergh. It is made available by The Constitution Society.
Contains the Autobiography, Notes on the State of Virginia, Annual Messages, Inaugural Addresses, Indian Addresses, and a selection from the Miscellaneous Papers and Letters.
Thomas Jefferson's account of the circumstances leading to the Declaration of Independence. Also features over thirty historical documents, sixty-seven biographical sketches, and some twenty-five essays about the causes and circumstances of the American Revolution.
Presents a large collection of primary source material (original newspapers, maps and writings) from 18th Century America that form an historical record of the Colonial period through the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson.
Discussions of ethics and morals throughout history, with special emphasis on the ethical teachings found in the Jefferson Bible.
Actually a major division of Archiving Early America, this is a journal of fact and opinion focusing on the people, issues and events of Colonial America, the Revolutionary War and the beginning years of the new Republic.
This lengthy encyclopedia biography covers Jefferson's entire life and public career. Includes bibliographical references.
This site contains several essays and important documents related to the fundamentals of liberty, including selected quotes from Algernon Sidney's "Discourses Concerning Government" and Washington's Farewell Address. Emphasizes the religious assumptions that support liberty.
Clay Jenkinson presents in-costume, first-person portrayals of Jefferson, and was a contributor to the Ken Burns special that appeared on PBS. This interesting site contains a large number of materials related to his presentation, as well as links to other resources on Jefferson.
Rayner's lively and interesting full-length biography, published in 1834, emphasizes the role of republican principles in Jefferson's life and thought. It contains many excerpts from Jefferson's writings as well as anecdotes taken from the writings of those who knew Jefferson. It presents a dramatic and passionate portrayal of Jefferson's life, with special emphasis on his contributions to the creation of the American republic. The book is completely revised and corrected, and is divided into 39 chapters.
For the broadest possible approach to studies of Thomas Jefferson and his times, this link connects to a list of top grade resources in a wide variety of subject areas. The list is located on the front page of this site.
This site has hundreds of questions related to Thomas Jefferson, and to possible quotations by Jefferson, asked by visitors to this website.
Has articles on everyday life at Monticello and the many and varied activities of Thomas Jefferson.
Has discussions and materials related to the Ken Burns special on public TV.
Presents a brief sketch of Jefferson's presidency.
Contains 60+ essays with commentary on today's social and political issues based on the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson. New and revised essays are posted occasionally.
The ACLU is an advocate for individual rights -- litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public interest organization devoted exclusively to protecting the basic civil liberties of all Americans, and extending them to groups that have traditionally been denied them.
Since 1947, Americans United has worked actively on many fronts to protect the constitutional principle of church-state separation, a vital cornerstone of religious liberty.
This is a national non-profit lobbying group dedicated to the reform of forfeiture laws to protect property rights and restore due process in the forfeiture process.
This organization is devoted solely to the defense of free expression in all its forms. A good source for up-to-date information on court cases and violations of free expression.
The Second Amendment Foundation is dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. They carry on many educational and legal action programs designed to better inform the public about the gun control debate.
A critical dialog that examines Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom, and emphasizes a Jeffersonian perspective.
Contains a growing list of short essays on topics related to contemporary issues, but from the perspective of the Founders' vision. "A Call To Citizenship, and a return to the ideals of the American Revolution."
This is an excellent source for libertarian and classical liberal materials available on the World Wide Web. One unique feature allows you to search a subject through a list of different sites. "A starting point for liberty on the Internet."
These selections from the essays of Thomas Babington Macaulay demonstrate that many of his views were similar and complementary to Jefferson's.
This monthly magazine "examines politics, culture and ideas as they affect individual liberty," and includes feature articles, columns, book reviews and editorials. Many of the items are available online.
This huge site (over 600 files) covers a lot of topics, but has extensive materials on liberty, the Bill of Rights, and other topics related to human freedom.
This organization conducts writing contests that utilize the works of
Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln.
Anyone in the world may enter these free contests, which are conducted throughout
the year. Substantial prizes are offered. Check the website for the next contest.
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