JUSTICE - The constant
and perpetual disposition to render every man his due. Justinian, Inst. b. 1,
tit. 1; Co. 2d Inst. 56. [Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1856)] "Justice is the end of government. It is the
end of civil society. It ever has been, and ever will be pursued, until it be
obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit." "The best antidote for crime is justice. The
irony we often fail to appreciate is that the more justice
people enjoy, the fewer crimes they commit. Crime is the natural offspring of an
unjust society." "That no free Government, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved
to any people but by a firm adherence to justice..."
"To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice." |
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Last revision: March 31, 2009 07:35 AM |
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