The New
International Criminal Court
Courting Global Tyranny
by William F. Jasper
Everywhere throughout Rome these days the signs
of construction and restoration are unmistakable: ancient monuments, temples,
churches, and basilicas are shrouded in scaffolding and streets are blocked
off to traffic as workmen paint, chip, clean, and pave. The furious renovation
campaign is in preparation for the new millennium, which has been designated
Europa 2000 by the European Union and the Year of Jubilee by Pope John Paul
But the most significant construction in
the Eternal City this summer did not involve bricks and mortar, and was
largely invisible to the millions of tourists who came to bask in the
Mediterranean sun and the grandeur that is Rome. For five weeks during June
and July, hundreds of delegates from 160 nations met at the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) complex to construct what advocates
called "the last global institution to be created in this century":
the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Contrived Consensus

Rome's socialist environment offered sympathetic
venue for vast UN/ICC bureaucracy
Late on July 17th, the last
day of the conference, following grueling hours of high-pressure arm
twisting, a global "consensus" was declared by the ICC
Plenary Session, and the announcement was made that 120 nations had
voted in favor of approving the new "Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court."
Only the United States and six
other nations — Israel, China, Libya, Qatar, Iraq, and Yemen — voted
against the statute. Twenty-one nations abstained.
The new International Criminal
Court will come into existence in The Hague once 60 countries have ratified
the treaty. This is profoundly significant to all peoples who dwell on this
planet, and especially to Americans, since the ICC claims universal
jurisdiction to try individuals charged with genocide, war crimes, crimes
against humanity, and aggression, anywhere on earth — even if the supposed
defendants are citizens of a nation that has refused to ratify the treaty and
the alleged crime has taken place inside the boundaries of that nation. This
unprecedented claim of authority and the extension of treaty obligation to
nonparty states is a truly audacious usurpation — even for the United
Nations, which has grown increasingly brazen with each succeeding global
summit. If allowed to stand — and to thrive and grow, as its champions
intend — this Court will sound the death knell for national sovereignty, and
for the freedoms associated with limited, constitutional government.
Of course, the issue of the
Court’s credibility absent U.S. participation, and the practical matter of
enforcing ICC judgments against an unwilling U.S. (or against just about
anyone else, for that matter, without U.S. support), has not been lost on all.
"You cannot have a court of universal jurisdiction without the world’s
major military power on board," Netherlands delegate Gam Strijards was
quoted as saying by the New York Times. "I won’t say we gave
birth to a monster, but the baby has some defects." The myopic Dutchman
may see a defective baby, but any sober, rational evaluation of the ICC will
confirm that the creature born in Rome is indeed a monster. Which is hardly
surprising, inasmuch as it would be illogical to expect anything but a
monstrous product to be produced by the monstrous process that was the Rome
ICC conference.
Carefully Managed Forum
There is an old adage that those with
weak stomachs should not watch sausage or legislation being made. That advice
was especially true for the global confabulation which produced the ICC
Statute. The Rome gathering was the culmination of a multi-year program of
PrepComs (Preparatory Committee meetings) that had been carefully orchestrated
to arrive at the contrived global "consensus" that is now being
celebrated by the devotees of "world order." Far from the careful,
deliberative process concerning narrow, tightly defined issues that typify
most treaty negotiations between nations, the ICC summit was an exercise in
managed chaos aimed at establishing an international criminal code that will
be binding upon the entire planet. Yet all the redundant, pious platitudes
about reverence for "the rule of law" could not hide the fact that
this was truly a lawless conference in pursuit of lawless objectives.
Terra Viva,
the official NGO (non-governmental organization) newspaper, noted in its first
issue for the conference that "with more than 1,700 passages of the draft
statute in brackets — indicating disagreement among governments over wording
— almost every issue central to the ICC’s existence is still open for

Kirsh: Conference chairman kept pace chaotic.
"Even by past standards of
international treaties," the radical journal commented, "the
draft statute … is vague and runs to a hefty 166 pages in
English." What this meant for conference delegates was an
impossible task of trying to keep up with a dizzying deluge of endless
text revisions, high-powered lobbying by NGO militants, and devious
schedule manipulation by Conference Chairman Philippe Kirsch.
The conference organizers were
taking no chances and had so blatantly stacked the deck in favor of the ICC
that its creation was never seriously in doubt, despite the furious diplomatic
theatrics and the frequent handwringing over a multitude of obstacles that
supposedly threatened to scuttle the statute.
To begin with, by holding the conference
in Rome, the ICC advocates were guaranteed not only the advantage of all the
assistance which the left-wing Italian government would give, but the aid as
well of a huge cadre of Italian professors and activists who have been among
the most fervent apostles for establishing a global judiciary. Holding the
conference at the FAO further guaranteed that the huge UN bureaucracy would be
strategically positioned to assist in all phases of the event — far more
than if the summit had been held at a neutral venue.
To tilt the process even further, the
conference was loaded up with delegates from UN agencies such as the
International Law Commission, UNESCO, UNICEF, the UN Commission for Human
Rights, the UN Commission on Crime, the UN Office for Drug Control, and
intergovernmental organizations like the Council of Europe, the European
Community, the International Committee of the Red Cross, Interpol, the
Organization of African Unity, and the Organization of American States.
But by far the most dramatic development
in Rome was the emergence of the NGOs as rent-a-mob power brokers in the
increasingly sordid business reverently referred to at these gatherings as
"evolving norms of international law." Paul Taylor, diplomatic
editor for Reuters, sinned by understatement when he reported that "the
enormous influence of NGOs inside the conference was one of the key features
of the five-week Rome meeting." The incestuous relationship between the
UN/ICC officials and the NGO radicals — and the flagrant connivance by the
two forces to push the entire conference proceedings ever leftward — made a
complete mockery of their sanctimonious paeans to justice, fairness,
transparency, and the "rule of law."
Conference officials attempted to
establish a moral imperative at the outset which posited that the ICC was
essential not only to end the gravest of crimes but to restore the credibility
of the UN and global institutions. "If we succeed," World Federalist
William R. Pace told the ICC conference "it means the establishment of a
court which will prevent the slaughter, rape, and murder of millions of people
during the next century."
By keeping the conference rolling at a
relentless pace and swarming the conferees with non-stop lobbying by militant
NGO delegates, the organizers achieved a pressure cooker effect which wore
down any resistance to the pre-ordained outcome. The Rome process provides an
alarming look into the dreadful prospect of "the rule of law" under
an unrestrained UN regime.
Vague and Dangerous
John R. Bolton, senior vice president of
the American Enterprise Institute, in his July 23, 1998 testimony before the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, noted that even for genocide, the oldest
among the crimes specified in the Statute of Rome, "there is hardly
complete clarity in what it means." The ICC Statute contains the same
definitions for genocide that are found in the Genocide Convention. Mr. Bolton
observed: "When the Senate approved the Genocide Convention on February
19, 1986, it attached two reservations, five understandings, and one
declaration. One reservation, for example, requires the specific consent of
the United States before any dispute involving the U.S. can be submitted to
the International Court of Justice. One of the understandings limits the
definition of ‘mental harm’ in the Convention to ‘permanent impairment
of the mental faculties through drugs, torture, or similar techniques.’
Another understanding provides that the Convention should not be understood to
function automatically as an extradition treaty."
Even these legal protections are of
dubious value in an organization replete with thugs, tyrants, kleptocrats, and
mass murderers. In fact, by giving a sense of false security they served to
dignify and make palatable a toxic substance which would otherwise have been
rejected for the dangerous sham that it is. However, under the ICC regime even
these dubious protections are not available. Article 120 of the treaty states
emphatically, "No reservations may be made to this Statute." In
order to ratify the Statute, the Senate would have to repudiate the positions
it laboriously worked out to cover the obvious defects in the Genocide
Convention — and then trust that parties who mean us harm will not make use
of their ample opportunities to charge American citizens with
"War crimes" and "crimes
against humanity" are even more vaguely defined, and thus, fraught with
even more danger. Under crimes against humanity, for instance, we have the
crime of "persecution," which is defined as "the intentional
and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by
reason of the identity of the group or collectivity." Would an activist
ICC judge have difficulty discovering in that definition the authority to
strike down any laws — or even the policies of private religious bodies for
that matter — that "deprive" homosexuals of their
"fundamental rights"? Not likely. How about "other inhumane
acts," such as "causing great suffering or serious injury to body or
to mental or physical health"?
Similarly, under "war crimes,"
there are definitions sufficiently broad to drive a UN Panzer division
through. Consider the hooks that could be devised with these crimes:
• "Willfully causing great
suffering, or serious injury to body or health."
• "Killing or wounding
treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army."
• "Committing outrages upon
personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment."
• "Intentionally launching an
attack in the knowledge that such an attack will cause incidental loss of life
or injury to civilians or civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe
damage to the natural environment...."
Can we really consider allowing a panel
of UN judges to decide whether a U.S. military bombardment or other operation
constitutes a crime of causing "great suffering" or "serious
injury to health"? Can we truly contemplate allowing ICC
"jurists" to determine if a Marine sniper or an Army patrol carrying
out an ambush of an enemy force is guilty of "killing
treacherously"? Is there a possibility that "outrages upon personal
dignity" could be interpreted by an anti-American judiciary to our
detriment? What shall constitute "knowledge" that an attack will
cause "incidental loss of life or injury"? And what does
"civilian objects" mean? If your mortar round overshoots and blows
up a farmer’s haystack are you guilty of a war crime? Probably so, if
you’re an American.

Vague "war crimes" definition would keep
our soldiers in constant peril to prosecution
Still more disturbing is the
ICC’s claim to have jurisdiction over "internal
conflicts" under the "war crimes" rubric concerning
"armed conflicts that take place in the territory of a State
when there is protracted armed conflict between governmental
authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups."
Imagine how that might be applied to the ongoing gang warfare in
many of our cities, or a siege of rioting such as we experienced in
Los Angeles and other cities a few short years ago.
Are these paranoid
and frivolous objections, as the ICC’s fervent backers claim? How
can anyone think so?
We have numerous decisions by our own activist
federal judges, who claim to find a "constitutional" right to
abortion, for example, lurking in the "penumbras formed by emanations
from the Bill of Rights." Can anyone familiar with the record of the UN
think that judges from Russia, China, Cuba, Iran — or even some of our
supposed "allies" for that matter — would feel any more
constrained against playing God than our own robed subversives?
Hotbed of Hatred
As one who was in Rome "at the
creation," this reporter can attest firsthand to the fact that the
longstanding hatred toward the United States by the vast majority of the
pathetic regimes that comprise the UN menagerie is still alive and well. Day
after day during the ICC conference the U.S. was subjected to tirades and
condemnations — by official delegates as well as by NGOs — for past and
present sins. In fact, from the non-stop anti-U.S. invective one might imagine
that America is the principal, if not the sole, source of evil in the world.
The billions of dollars that we have ladled out over the past half century to
these countries and the UN itself have purchased us not an iota of good will.
There were calls for prosecuting
Presidents Bush and Clinton for war crimes. The NGO "Society for
Threatened Peoples" charged the U.S. with these past "war
crimes": "Dropped 15 million tonnes of bombs in the Vietnam War,
conducted air raids on Cambodia, supported Indonesia’s annexation of East
Timor, backed right-wing death squads in Guatemala in the early
Months before the Rome summit had even
begun, the UN Commission on Human Rights had targeted the U.S. with a purely
political attack alleging that this country unfairly applies the death
penalty. The Commission report charged that the U.S. was in violation of the
1966 UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and called on the U.S. to
suspend all further executions until U.S. state and federal laws were brought
into compliance with "international standards and law."
Of course, we don’t mean to imply that
all of the U.S. bashing was emanating from Third World countries, communist
satrapies, or UN agencies. Canada, Norway, Britain, Germany, Italy, and other
European "allies" vied for top anti-U.S. honors, too. On the final
day of the conference, when the very minimal objections of the U.S. to the ICC
were soundly defeated, the assembled delegations erupted in a tumultuous and
defiant display of anti-American jubilation — which was joined by much of
the press corps — including "American" reporters.
Naturally, the U.S. NGOs topped all
others in attacking their homeland. As Reuters reported, "the American
NGOs were the scourge of the United States" at the conference. On July
8th, a Terra Viva headline, "Police Brutality Deeply Rooted in
U.S.," announced the release of a Human Rights Watch report charging a
national "epidemic" of police brutality. The 440-page report,
entitled Shielded From Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the
United States, was time-released for maximum effect on the conference.
Human Rights Watch spokesman Richard Dicker seemed never to be satisfied if
not hurling vitriol at the U.S. But that has not hindered him or his group
from receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past year from the Ford
Open-Ended Aggression
It would be utterly foolish to imagine
that this army of international rabble rousers masquerading as "human
rights" champions will not seek to use the new ICC Statute principally as
a weapon against America. But if the three "core crimes" offer
opportunities for mischief because of fuzzy definition, what about the crime
of "aggression"? The ICC Statute doesn’t even offer a definition
of this nebulous crime, but simply says that the world should blindly approve
the Statute and trust in the benignant global servants to come up with a
universally acceptable definition. Here, exactly, is what the treaty says, in
Article 5, Section 2: "The Court shall exercise jurisdiction over the
crime of aggression once a provision is adopted in accordance with articles
121 and 123 defining the crime and setting out the conditions under which the
Court shall exercise jurisdiction with respect to this crime." Is that
audacious enough for you?
It was audacious enough to surprise even
many of the most rabid ICC advocates who, as a tactical maneuver, had written
off the inclusion of aggression among the core crimes as simply unrealistic.
Like many others, Hans Corell, UN Undersecretary-General for Legal Affairs,
had argued that attempting to include aggression might jeopardize the whole
package because the "crime of aggression is considerably more complex,
since it is difficult to have a clear definition of what aggression is."
When Professor Benjamin Ferencz insisted
that "aggression is a supreme international crime" and "supreme
crime needs a Supreme Court," even Terra Viva argued that perhaps
now was not the time to pursue that agenda. Noted the NGO journal: "Many
feel that aggression is a nebulous legal concept. For example, some point out
that the International Law Commission spent twenty years unsuccessfully trying
to define it. In addition, they say, aggression is performed by governments,
not individuals." Nevertheless, it is now part of the Statute. Obviously,
the forces of Dr. Ferencz and Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini (another
radical advocate of including aggression) prevailed.
But to pile audacity on top of audacity
and usurpation on top of usurpation, perhaps the crowning offense of the Rome
summiteers is the insistence by its authors that once the magical number of 60
ratifying countries is achieved, the ICC becomes universally binding on the
entire rest of the world. It is an astounding and unprecedented arrogation of
power. Never before has the claim been made that states which are not party to
a treaty are nonetheless bound by the same instrument. It is a violation of
the most fundamental principle of treaty law. As the Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties states, "A treaty does not create either obligations or
rights for a third State without its consent."
Complementary Courts
This, naturally, did not matter a fig to
the vainglorious globocrats on the Tiber as they set about crafting their own
concept of "world law." Besides, they warbled, concerns of a runaway
court are wildly chimerical. The principle of "complementarity"
would protect against any such tendencies, they claimed.
That was the tune sung by European
Commissioner Emma Bonino when she came to Washington in May to inoculate the
Senate against fears of a usurpatious ICC. The Court "will not …
undermine national sovereignty," she pledged, and "is not designed
to replace national courts but to complement them." Why, we have her word
for it.
Likewise, World Federalist Association
president John Anderson assured that there is nothing to worry about.
"The principle of complementarity underlying the treaty assures that the
court will hear a case only when no national court is available or willing to
hear it," he insisted. "This policy would limit prosecutions to
suspects whose national legal systems have broken down or are manifestly
unjust." Canadian Justice Louise Arbour, who serves as the chief
prosecutor of the Yugoslav Tribunal, is yet another distinguished
"expert" who offered assurances and admonished the wary that
"an institution should not be constructed on the assumption that it will
be run by incompetent people, acting in bad faith from improper
purposes." The message from all the votaries of global justice was the
same: trust us and our so-called "principle of complementarity."
However, James Madison’s principle of
"prudent jealousy" seems to be more apropos here. "The freemen
of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by
exercise, and entangled the question in precedents," Madison observed.
"They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the
consequences by denying the principle." Thomas Jefferson provided an
important corollary in the form of this dictum: "In questions of power
let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by
the chains of the constitution."
A search of the ICC Statute yields no
valid reason to prefer the advice of Bonino, Anderson, and Arbour over that of
Madison and Jefferson. Indeed, Article 17 of the treaty asserts that a state
is considered to have primary jurisdiction over a crime "unless the state
is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or
prosecution." And who will determine, under an ICC regime, when and
whether a state is "unwilling" or "unable" and just how
"genuine" its investigative or prosecutorial efforts are? The ICC
judges, naturally.
The Court also claims (in Article 70)
jurisdiction over "offences against its administration of justice,"
such as: "giving false testimony" or "impeding" or
"intimidating" an official of the Court. Again, the ICC itself will
determine what constitutes "impeding" or "intimidating."
In the event of conviction for these administrative crimes "the Court may
impose a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years, or a fine in
accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, or both."
And where, pray tell, will the victims
of ICC "justice" serve their sentences? Let’s consult the Statute.
Article 103 provides: "A sentence of imprisonment shall be served in a
state designated by the Court from a list of States which have indicated to
the Court their willingness to accept sentenced persons." A comforting
thought, no? Even more solace might be drawn from Article 104, which states:
"The Court may, at any time, decide to transfer a sentenced person to a
prison of another state." In speaking of "states," the Statute
is referring not to states of the U.S., of course, but to nations. Which means
that one might be sentenced to prison in Cuba, Laos, Cambodia, Zimbabwe,
Russia, Rwanda, etc., or even several of the above, in musical chair
succession, so that your family, friends, and legal counsel might have not
even the slightest idea of your location.
What’s more, the Court has been given
its own prosecutor with virtually unlimited proprio motu powers to
investigate criminal cases on his own initiation, or to undertake cases that
have been referred to his office by state parties, the Security Council, or
NGOs. These assertions of authority and jurisdiction by the ICC are obviously
in fundamental opposition to American law. Under our Constitution, only the
states and federal government have the authority to prosecute and try
individuals for crimes committed in the United States. Article III, Section 1
provides that the judicial power of the U.S. "shall be vested in one
Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as Congress may, from time to time,
ordain and establish." No judicial body or tribunal not established under
the authority of the Constitution may exercise jurisdiction over citizens of
the United States for real or pretended crimes committed in the United States.
Nor may U.S. officials turn over U.S. citizens to a foreign government to be
tried for alleged crimes in that country without a valid extradition treaty
with that country.
Right to Jury Trial
The ICC Statute is not an extradition
treaty and is so fundamentally irreconcilable to the U.S. Constitution and
Bill of Rights that American participation in this misbegotten institution is
legally and morally impossible. One of the most cherished rights of Americans
that is threatened by the ICC is the right to a jury trial by one’s peers.
In the list of grievances brought against King George by our Founders in the
Declaration of Independence we find:
• Combining with others to
"subject us to Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and
unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended
• "[D]epriving us, in many cases,
of the benefits of trial by jury."
• "[T]ransporting us beyond the
seas to be tried for pretended offenses."
It seems we have come full circle and
must fight that battle again. Our Constitution (Article III, Section 2)
provides that the "trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment,
shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the State where the said
crimes shall have been committed...." This right was deemed so important
that it was repeated again in the Sixth Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Justice Joseph Story, in his famous Commentaries
on the Constitution of the United States (1833), observed: "The
object of this clause is to secure the party accused from being dragged to a
trial in some distant state, away from his friends, and witnesses, and
neighborhood; and thus subjected to the verdict of mere strangers, who may
feel no common sympathy, or who may even cherish animosities, or prejudices
against him." Are we in less need of such protections today, especially
considering the claims of the ICC and its adherents?
The Sixth Amendment also guarantees
"a speedy and public trial." Under federal law, a speedy trial has
been defined to mean that a defendant has the right to be brought to trial
within 70 days. There is no such guarantee under the ICC statute. If we look
to the Yugoslav Tribunal as a model — as the ICC proponents so frequently
advise — we see the Tribunal Prosecutor arguing that five years is a
reasonable time for a defendant to wait in prison for a trial. Other ICC
advocates cite the European Court of Human Rights as a model for the ICC. This
international judicial body has ruled in various cases that pretrial detention
of three, four, or even seven years, is acceptable.
Judicial Tyranny
All this dashes to pieces deceitful
claims like John Anderson’s statement in his letter in USA Today on
July 20th averring that the "World Federalist Association supports a
strong international court because we want to see the world as a whole
approach the high standards of justice that operate in the United
States." Quite clearly the ICC Statute represents not an embrace by
"the world as a whole" of our "high standards of justice,"
but an attempt to impose on the world — and the U.S. — a global mechanism
for judicial tyranny. And the ICC architects have made it abundantly clear
that they have just begun. To the already conveniently elastic "core
crimes" they have already proposed adding drug trafficking, arms
trafficking, money laundering, terrorism, environmental and economic crimes,
crimes against labor unions, embargoes, child pornography, and a host of other
Dr. Charles Rice, professor of law at
Notre Dame University, has termed the ICC "a monster," both in
concept and reality, noting that it effectively "repudiates the
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence and
cancels the 4th of July." "In our system," Professor Rice
explains, "law is supposed to be a rule of reason which, in a sense,
controls the state and compels the state to operate under the law." But
the superjurisdictional ICC, he points out, has no legitimate basis for its
claimed authority, no protections against abuses, no accountability, and
virtually no limits to its jurisdiction. "What are the limits on the ICC?"
he asks, and then answers, "There are none. It’s insane!"
Insane, yes. And if the ICC architects
have their way, the entire planet will soon become a global insane asylum —
with the inmates in charge.
As Terra Viva plainly stated,
"The issue now at stake is global governance." Precisely.
"Global governance" is a hallowed term which poured forth in
superabundance in the speeches, conversations and scribblings of the Rome
conferees. Like "the rule of law," it is globospeak code for
"world government," a term that the one-world cognoscenti have
learned to avoid "because it frightens people." We have this
directly on the authority of former Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA), a former
national president of the United World Federalists and a member of both the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). As a
state legislator back in 1949, Cranston authored a resolution memorializing
Congress to call a national convention to amend the U.S. Constitution to
"expedite and insure the participation of the United States in a world
federal government." But in a 1976 interview with the Institute for World
Order, Cranston advised his one-world brethren to adopt semantic camouflage,
since "the more talk about world government, the less chance of achieving
it, because it frightens people who would accept the concept of world
And world law under a world government
is exactly what Benjamin Ferencz, the eminence grise of the ICC
conference, had in mind when he told conferees that "outmoded traditions
of State sovereignty must not derail the forward movement," and
"antiquated notions of absolute sovereignty are absolutely obsolete in
the interconnected and interdependent global world of the 21st century."
Just the Beginning
Many Americans who watched the Rome
summit with grave foreboding no doubt heaved an immense sigh of relief on
learning of the Clinton Administration’s vote against the ICC Statute and
the apparent resolute opposition voiced by Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) and
others on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Indeed, it was comforting to
hear the forceful statements of Senators Rod Grams (R-MN) and John Ashcroft
(R-MO) at the July 22nd hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee
on International Operations. Senator Grams, who chaired the hearing, stated:
"This Court claims universal jurisdiction; in other words, the right to
prosecute United States citizens even though the U.S. is not a party to the
treaty. It is important for Congress and the American people to become
apprised of the details regarding this court sooner than later. While I am
relieved that the Administration voted against the treaty in Rome, I am
convinced that is not sufficient to safeguard our nation’s interests. The
United States must aggressively oppose this Court each step of the way,
because the treaty establishing the International Criminal Court is not just
bad, it is dangerous."
And the danger has just begun. The world
government partisans who have brought the ICC this far have invested too much
and achieved too much to let up now. They, of course, hope to see the U.S.
ratify and become fully entwined in the Court as soon as possible, but they
are willing to take many years to achieve that objective, if necessary.
However, with the Establishment media cameras dishing up fresh war crimes
daily from Kosovo, and more numbing atrocities from Africa, the emotional
hard-sell campaign to end "impunity" can be expected to escalate and
to create a formidable momentum on very short notice. President Clinton has
been an avid proponent of the ICC since his first days in the Oval Office. His
objections to the current ICC Statute — if real at all (which is highly
doubtful) — do not concern the most fundamental constitutional, legal, and
moral issues involved in this serious issue. At best they reflect his most
current assessment of political expediencies. And those too can change very
Unfortunately, the biggest problem we
face in this fight is the lack of dependable Republican opposition in
the Senate. Even though some senators are expressing their unalterable
opposition to the treaty as is, we can be sure from past experience
that the gradualist war is already underway to convince them that the ICC is a
fact, a fait accompli, one which we will have to recognize sooner or
later, and that we might as well try to make the best of it. Our past
experience with the Genocide Convention, GATT, NAFTA, WTO, and other
internationalist programs indicates it will require a sustained and unyielding
effort on the part of every partisan of freedom to keep the ICC monster caged.
Ultimately, however, the only lasting solution is to get out of the United
Nations completely and get the United Nations out of the United States.
of International Criminals
by William F. Jasper
American citizens someday be hauled to a foreign land to stand trial before a
United Nations tribunal made up of judges from some of the most oppressive
regimes in the world? That is a possibility more imminent than most people
imagine. In the past year, the U.S. Senate and the UN have been moving quietly
but rapidly to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC) that threatens
all of the rights, protections, and freedoms Americans so often take for
The ostensible reason for establishing
such a court, according to its advocates, is the need for an impartial
international venue to try war criminals, pirates, terrorists, international
drug traffickers, and other assorted threats to "world peace." The
more proximate cause of the current rush to create this new institution is the
frustration and anger over ongoing atrocities and human rights abuses in
Bosnia, Iraq, Somalia, Burundi, Rwanda, and other hell holes.
Dangerous Proposal
Thus inspired with holy zeal for
suffering humanity, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) introduced Senate Joint
Resolution 32 on January 28, 1993. The nonbinding resolution reads, in part:
Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled...
Congress finds that --
(1) the freedom and security of the international community rests on the
sanctity of the rule of law;
(2) the international community is increasingly threatened by unlawful acts
such as war crimes, genocide, aggression, terrorism, drug trafficking, money
laundering, and other crimes of an international character;
(3) the prosecution of individuals suspected of carrying out such acts is
often impeded by political and legal obstacles such as disputes over
(5) since its inception in 1945 the United Nations has sought to build on
the precedent established at the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials by establishing
a permanent international court with jurisdiction over crimes of an
international character...
(9) given the developments of recent years, the time is propitious for the
United States to lend its support to this effort.
Accordingly, the resolution holds it is
the "sense of Congress" that:
(1) the establishment of an
international criminal court with jurisdiction over crimes of an
international character would greatly strengthen the international rule of
(2) such a court would thereby serve the interests of the United States and
the world community; and
(3) the United States delegation should make every effort to advance this
proposal at the United Nations.
Hearings on S.J. Res. 32 were held by
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on May 12, 1993. The committee passed
the resolution by a vote of 11 to 7. On June 29th, S.J. Res. 32 was debated
again in the Subcommittee on International Operations and a 236-page report
(Report 103-71) on the subject containing testimony of both proponents and
opponents was ordered to be printed by the Senate. The subcommittee voted to
add the resolution as an amendment to the State Department authorization bill,
S.1281, which has been wending its way through Congress over the past year.
Noble Rhetoric
On January 26Th of this year, Senator
Dodd cited the continuing bloodshed in Bosnia and appealed to his Senate
colleagues to support the call for a permanent international court modeled
after the newly established UN tribunal for war crimes in Yugoslavia. "We
all watch, every night, the television screen and we see the covers of our
newspapers and magazines," said Dodd. "It is abhorrent to us that
innocent civilians are being gunned down by the ruthless terrorists of the
Serbians and others. We are incensed by it. And so we support an international
criminal court on an ad hoc basis to deal with it. What I am suggesting is,
does it not make some sense to maybe deal with this in a more substantive way
rather than on an ad hoc basis?"
Framed in such noble rhetoric, the
proposal, no doubt, does make sense to many people. But under close
examination, the proposed court is revealed as, at best, a paper tiger that
will have no power to enforce decisions against the world's most egregious
offenders, or, at worst, a tyrannical monster that will usurp global judicial
authority. And the continued efforts of "the best and the brightest"
minds in international law over the past 50 years have not been able to
resolve this dilemma.
At the United Nations, many different
draft statutes for an ICC have been on file for decades. For the past four
years, the UN's International Law Commission (ILC) has been studying the ICC
issue with renewed fervor. Last year the ILC brought forth a 67-article draft
statute for an international criminal court. This is the document that has
been eliciting such hopeful excitement in internationalist circles. In
November 1993 the UN General Assembly voted to request the ILC to complete its
work on the statute during the 1994 session. One-world advocates eagerly
anticipate this statute as a giant step forward in establishing the structure
and the legal precedent for the UN's ultimate judicial supremacy over all the
Problematic Language
The ILC's draft statute for the ICC, as
'even many of its supporters note, is replete with problematic language. This
is evident, says Michael P. Scharf of the New England School of Law,
"most notably with respect to the obligations it imposes on states that
are party to the Court's Statute but have not accepted the Court's
jurisdiction with respect to the type of offense involved in a particular
case." Professor Scharf, it should be noted, is an ardent supporter of
establishing the ICC. In his testimony in favor of the ICC, which was placed
in the Congressional Record on January 26th, Scharf,
nonetheless, outlined a lengthy series of "problems" with the ILC
draft statute. Scharf commented:
For example, under Article 33(2) of
the draft statute, such states [who have not accepted the Court's
jurisdiction for particular types of offenses] are required to ensure that
the accused is arrested. Article 46 provides that the Court has authority to
"require any person to give evidence at trial," even if that
person is a national of a State that has not accepted the ICC's jurisdiction
with respect to the particular offense. The commentary to Article 58
provides that Parties have a "general obligation to cooperate with and
provide judicial assistance" to the Court, even in cases over which
they have not recognized the Court's jurisdiction. Article 45 requires
Parties not to try the accused if he/she has been acquitted or given a light
sentence by the international criminal court even for offenses over which
the State has not accepted the Court's jurisdiction. Article 63 provides
that Parties that have not accepted the Court's jurisdiction over the type
of offenses at issue, must prosecute the offender and forgoes the option of
extradition to a third State.
And that barely scratches the surface.
Article 26 gives the ICC jurisdiction over other crimes "under general
international law" and "under national law which give effect to
provisions of a multilateral treaty." Scharf noted that this "would
give the ICC jurisdiction over uncodified, open-ended offenses that are not
defined with sufficient specificity and precision to inform people of what
acts will be considered criminal." Still, after enumerating these and
other serious defects, Scharf said the draft "provides a solid basis for
negotiations of a statute for an ICC that will be acceptable to a broad range
of countries."
The defects in the ILC draft statute
are, more or less, resident in all of the other draft statutes put forth by
other organizations for an ICC. L. Ralph Mecham, director of the
Administrative Office of the United States Courts, presented the report for
the Judicial Conference of the United States on the proposed draft statutes to
the Senate. The Judicial Conference found numerous apparent conflicts between
the ICC drafts and U.S. constitutional and legal principles. "For
example," states the report, "trial by jury is fundamental to our
system .... However, none of the draft statutes summarized above provides for
a jury trial even for the most serious offenses...." Furthermore,
"None of them addresses the practical question of what standards would
govern enforcement in the U.S. courts of search warrants and arrest warrants
issued by an international tribunal." The Judicial Conference report
What rules of evidence and procedure
would apply? The draft statutes generally leave these questions for
consideration by the Court itself, putting off some of the most complex and
important questions.
The draft statutes do not agree on
whether and how appeals may be taken. Nor do they address the appropriate
standards of review. None of them provides for appeals to a different
judicial body than that which conducted the trial.
Where would persons awaiting trial be
confined, and what bail standards would apply? Where would those convicted
be incarcerated? Once again, we are aware of no detailed consideration of
these questions.
Cause for Concern
And, once again, as with so many similar
threats in the past, the sole warrior to rise in opposition to this dangerous
movement was Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC). "In all candor and with all due
respect," Helms told his colleagues, "... this is an unwise and
dangerous proposal. What is at stake is a proposed total reversal of
long-standing United States policy against encouraging the establishment of a
permanent international criminal court to try individuals -- potentially
including American citizens -- for such vague crimes as 'colonialism' or
'environmental crimes' before judges who could be from North Korea, Cuba, or
the Palestine Liberation Organization."
Is this an exaggerated or empty fear?
Hardly. At the May 1993 hearings, Senator Helms asked Professor Cherif
Bassiouni, one of the leading architects of the ICC, "What is the
probability that member states [of the UN] such as Communist China and Iran
and Libya, Syria, and observer groups such as the PLO, will be empowered to
become key players in the establishment and operation of an international
criminal court?" Bassiouni responded, "There is no guarantee against
the election of an individual from any state by general assembly."
Precisely. Every dictator and self-anointed "maximum leader" has an
equal shot at providing judges, prosecutors, and other officers and personnel
for the court.
Another matter that greatly troubled
Senator Helms involved the potential loss of our national sovereignty to the
proposed UN court. Many pooh-poohed the senator's fears as unfounded. However,
Professor Bassiouni, ironically, proved Helms' qualms were far from baseless.
According to this internationalist, in the new world order "traditional
sovereignty-based arguments against the recognition or application of
internationally protected human rights are no longer valid." Bassiouni,
who is a professor of law at DePaul University and president of the
International Human Rights Law Institute, asserts that "international
human rights law can penetrate into areas that in the past have been deemed to
be wholly within the realm of domestic law."
"Historically, the notion of
sovereignty has been a bar to the application of international substantive
legal norms to national criminal justice processes," said Bassiouni in
his Senate testimony. "Over the course of time, however, the increasing
influence of international regulation of armed conflicts and the development
of international criminal law have broken through national sovereignty
Benjamin B. Ferencz, a former chief
prosecutor at Nuremberg and another leading champion of an international
criminal court, also acknowledged that the ICC represents an assault on
sovereignty. However, he tried to put a patriotic gloss on the subversive
effort, saying
Setting up such a court would involve
limiting sovereign rights in a way that would certainly be familiar to
Americans: Just as the 13 Colonies found it necessary to cede many sovereign
rights to a central government in 1787, so the violent and interdependent
global community of today is beginning to learn that real sovereignty
belongs to the people and that no one should be allowed to get away with
The Hartford Courant cheered
Senator Dodd's efforts with a similar theme in its February 6, 1993 editorial,
"Time for an International Court." "The United States has been
reluctant in the past to support such a move out of fear that U.S. citizens
might be brought before an international court," opined the paper.
"That is, indeed, a possibility. As Americans, we should not fear it --
any more than we fear the rule of law in our own communities" (emphasis
added). (Of course, Americans don't fear "the rule of law";
it is the blatant disregard of "the rule of law" -- i.e., a
disregard of constitutional restraints upon government -- that Americans fear.
And rightly so.) The Courant continued: "The need for such
a court is obvious. Each week news stories reveal the limitations of law
enforcement. As the world shrinks, international crime increases. How to bring
to justice the pirates who prey on refugees on the high seas in Southeast
Asia? Those poachers of endangered species? Those who flout environmental
regulations and cause large-scale damage to the earth ?" (emphasis
The United States Commission on
Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations shares the Courant's eco-crime
concerns. Along with piracy, aircraft hijacking, and the taking of civilian
hostages, the Commission cites "destruction or theft of national
treasures" and "environmental damage" as grave crimes that
should fall under ICC purview. Yes, if the erection of your new barn destroys
the habitat of the desert dung beetle, your fishing nets snag an endangered
halibut, or your factory smokestack spews one too many particles into the
atmosphere, you could face not only the holy wrath of the federal EPA, but you
could also be dragged in chains to Addis Abbaba -or whatever other appropriate
venue the ICC may decide -- for dispensation of justice.
Insider Directed
The primary leadership for this new push
for world governance is coming, naturally, from America's "Wise
Men," the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Besides Senator Dodd, other
key CFR sponsors of S.J. Res. 32 in the Senate include John Kerry (D-MA),
Claiborne Pell (D-RI), and George Mitchell (D-ME). Pushing the proposal from
the Administration's side are President Clinton (CFR), Secretary of State
Warren Christopher (CFR), U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine
Albright (CFR), and Conrad K. Harper (CFR), legal adviser to the U.S. State
Department and U.S. Representative to the UN General Assembly.
Providing key support from the
"outside" are many CFR Insiders operating through internationalist
organizations, academic posts, and the national press. World Federalist
Association President John Anderson (CFR) "strongly" endorsed S.J.
Res. 32. The American Bar Association task force on the ICC, led by former
Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti, has also endorsed the effort. Key
advisers to the ABA panel are Professor Louis B. Sohn (CFR), coauthor of the
world government blueprint, World Peace Through World Law, and
international lawyer Jerome J. Shestack (CFR).
Providing strategic scholarly support to
the ICC endeavor, in addition to Bassiouni and Ferencz, is Thomas Buergenthal
(CFR), professor of law at George Washington University. Buergenthal, together
with Richard N. Gardner (CFR), professor of law at Columbia University,
negotiator Max Kampelman (CFR), and other CFR "Wise Men," comprise
what Professor Otto Schacter has admiringly described as the "invisible
college of international lawyers" who draft the international treaties,
conventions, and covenants -- and then provide the "expert
testimony" that guides the legislative, executive, and judicial decisions
implementing them.
On January 26th, the Senate voted 55 to
45 in favor of a motion by Senator John Kerry (CFR) to table (kill) an
amendment by Senator Helms that would have stripped S.J. Res. 32 from the
State Department authorization bill. Senators Kerry and Dodd assured their
colleagues that "this is a sense-of-the-Senate resolution. It does not
mandate or bind us to anything." The resolution merely puts the Senate on
record in favor of advancing the ICC "exploratory process," Kerry
said. That "exploration" will soon lead to adoption of an
International Criminal Court treaty, unless American voters send strong
messages of opposition now -- and in November.
Your Child, the Global Citizen
by William Norman Grigg
According to a recently published report from
the United States Committee for UNICEF, the UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child has been ratified by 191 countries. "The
remaining two countries which have not ratified the Convention are
Somalia and the United States," the document observed. Since
Somalia has descended into Hobbesian anarchy, the United States is
the only nation with a functioning government to withhold
ratification of the Convention.
Who is to blame for this
"scandalous" state of affairs? The UNICEF Committee's
report insists that ratification has been withheld on account of
"an epidemic of misconceptions about its intent and
content" that has been spread by a handful of "right-wing
extremists" bent on poisoning the political wells:
"Conservative organizations including the Christian Coalition,
Concerned Women for America, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council,
Focus on the Family, the John Birch Society, the National Center for
Home Education, and the Rutherford Institute have spearheaded the
efforts in opposition to the Convention. These organizations have
made a significant effort to portray the Convention as a threat ...
to national sovereignty, states' rights, and the parent-child
A "fact sheet" distributed at the recent
"Second World Congress on Family Law and the Rights of Children and
Youth" in San Francisco (Children's Rights Congress) accuses
conservative groups of disseminating "misleading, unnecessarily
inflammatory or unfounded information about the substance and intent of the
Convention...." The same accusation was retailed in an essay in the
Fall 1996 issue of Transnational Law and Contemporary Politics,
which lamented that "the Convention faces extremely well-organized and
vociferous political opposition in the United States [from] conservative
organizations [who] have expressed strong opposition to the Convention and
are mounting a well-coordinated political attack on it with the intention of
blocking U.S. ratification." The essay accused opponents of the
Convention of "polarizing the American public" and haughtily
asserted that "the opposition does not speak for a consensus of the
American people."
A common rhetorical theme of the Convention's
supporters is that only irrational right-wing ideologues could construe the
treaty as a threat to parental rights, constitutional order, and national
sovereignty. However, a close reading of both the Convention and the
pronouncements of its supporters will illustrate that its critics understand
and appreciate both the intent and the substance of that treaty only too
Compelling Force
Speaking at the Children's Rights Congress, Nobel
Prize Laureate Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta of East Timor observed that the
Children's Rights Convention "challenges the dichotomy between the
privacy of the family and the public domain of the State and its
instrumentalities. The Convention disaggregates the rights of children
from the rights of families and constitutes children as independent
actors with rights and with respect to both parents and with respect to the
State." (Emphasis added.)
In simpler language, Dr. Horta's conclusion agrees
with that of the Convention's critics in America: The Convention is intended
to emancipate children from parental authority within the home, and invests
them with "rights" that can be enforced against their parents.
The parental role, as defined by the Convention, is
that of "guaranteeing and promoting the rights set forth in this
Convention" and of bringing up their children "in the spirit of
the ideals enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations." The
document also instructs ratifying governments to "render appropriate
assistance to parents" in these endeavors -- an open-ended mandate for
government intervention in the home. Furthermore, it must be remembered that
governments do not "assist" -- they compel; hence, the
Convention would require, in principle, that ratifying governments compel
parents to bring up their children in accordance with the UN's guidelines.
The UN's International Year of the Family (IYF)
program, which co-sponsored the Children's Rights Congress, insists that the
family must be reconstituted as "the smallest democracy at the heart of
society." In keeping with that theme, UNICEF explains that "rather
than creating conflict between the rights of parents and the rights of
children, the Convention encourages an atmosphere conducive to dialogue and
mutual respect."
How might this work in practice? Under the Convention,
if a child decides he has a "right" to join a street gang or
religious cult, for example, the parent's role would be to engage in
"dialogue," rather than exercising parental authority in ways that
inhibit the child's "freedom of association" or "freedom of
religion." In the secular egalitarian order which the Convention seeks
to create, parents and children would be equal before the state -- a radical
departure from the biblical worldview in which children are required to
honor and obey their parents to the extent that the parents honor and obey
The Convention would also forbid parents to employ
biblically mandated physical discipline. UNICEF explains that the Convention
"makes it clear that children shall be protected from all forms of
mental or physical violence or maltreatment. Thus, any forms of discipline
involving such violence are unacceptable."
Most ominously, the Convention would establish the
legal framework for the seizure of children from parents who use their
authority in an "undemocratic" fashion or who practice spanking or
other "unacceptable" means of discipline. Article 9 of the
document dictates that "a child shall not be separated from his or her
parents" unless "competent legal authorities subject to judicial
review determine ... that such separation is necessary for the best
interests of the child." When read in light of what it would empower
government to do, this passage is revealed to be a license for the state to
snatch children at whim. After all, what government, no matter how corrupt
or incompetent, would not see its own actions as being in "the best
interest of the child"?
"Geopolitical Social Contract"
Would the Convention, as its critics claim, constitute
a threat to national sovereignty and America's constitutional order? The
answer is an emphatic "yes."
UNICEF's The State of the World's Children 1997 report
specifies, "Once a country ratifies [the Convention], it is obliged in
law to undertake all appropriate measures to assist parents and other
responsible parties in fulfilling their obligations under the Convention....
Fulfilling their obligations sometimes requires States to make fundamental
changes in national laws, institutions, plans, policies and practices to
bring them into line with the principles of the Convention."
In other words, just as unconstitutional federal
"mandates" are used to dictate policies to the states, the
Convention requires ratifying national governments to enforce UN standards
within their nations, even if this requires "fundamental changes"
in their political systems. And what are some of those treaty-mandated
standards? They include free education, child care, health care, family
planning services, etc. "to the maximum extent of [the nation's]
available resources." In the case of the United States, those
"fundamental changes" would include the destruction of America's
constitutional system.
The U.S. Constitution does not authorize the central
government to play any role in child or family policy. To the extent that
government at any level has such a role, it falls within the rights reserved
to the people and to the states by the Tenth Amendment; in short, it is a
local and state responsibility. However, according to the "fact
sheet" distributed at the Children's Rights Congress, "The
Convention would prevail over state law in all cases."
Clearly, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
is the spearhead of a radical assault on parental rights, national
sovereignty, and the U.S. Constitution. However, according to UN adviser
Eugene Verhellen, who is director of the Children's Rights Centre at the
University of Ghent in Belgium, the Convention is also "a geopolitical,
binding social contract" that will advance the Marxist vision of
"human rights."
In a workshop at the Children's Rights Congress,
Professor Verhellen explained that there have been "two generations of
rights." The first generation, embodied in the American Revolution and
the U.S. Constitution, led to restrictions on the state's interference in
the lives of its subjects; this was the generation of "civil and
political rights." The second generation began "in 1917, with the
revolution in Russia," Verhellen approvingly stated. As a result of
that revolution, "economic, social, and cultural rights emerged. By
nature, these two generations of rights assume different roles for the
Although the Children's Rights treaty contains
provisions dealing with civil and political protections, Verhellen notes
that the Convention (like all the other UN "human rights"
instruments) is a "second generation" human rights instrument in
that it expresses "a romantic idea of how the state should take care of
us, about how we as an organized state can provide human dignity and live a
decent life" -- and is therefore the political offspring of the Soviet
Ratification of the Convention requires national
governments to eschew "incremental" child and family policies in
favor of "comprehensive and integrated" policies, continued
Verhellen. As one workshop participant noted without a hint of disapproval,
a less euphemistic term to describe such "comprehensive" national
policies would be "socialist" -- the "womb to the tomb"
policies typical of both Scandinavian welfare states and Soviet-style
But the Convention embodies another radical principle,
according to Verhellen: Parens Patriae, or the "parenthood of
the state," a principle whose triumph will result in nothing less than
the "deconstruction and the reconstruction of the concept of the
family." "By recognizing children as the bearers of rights that
the state must protect, the [Convention] makes family relationships more
equal," Verhellen explained to THE NEW AMERICAN.
"This process will eliminate the hidden inequalities that are found in
the older concept of the family." Invoking the UN slogan that the
family must be "the smallest democracy at the heart of society,"
he insisted that "the family in this new society must serve as a kind
of mediator, preparing its members to be part of the larger democracy."
The Real Purpose
Perhaps the most powerful indictment of the Convention
is provided by a partial roster of ratifying nations. As Dr. Ramos-Horta
observed in his address, "Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China,
Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam are all
parties to the Convention." None of the regimes governing those nations
has displayed a notable commitment to improving the lives of children.
Indeed, as left-wing activist Caroline Moorehead, a supporter of the
Convention, recently pointed out, "The Convention on Children is being
violated, systematically and contemptuously, and no countries violate it
more energetically than those that were quickest to sign. Almost every ill
it set out to remedy has grown worse in the years since it was
This is because the Convention is not intended to
protect children, but to enhance the powers of the United Nations. Hillary
Clinton, honorary chair of the Children's Rights Congress, claims that
"it takes a village" to raise a child. Through the Convention, the
new world orderites hope to become the chieftains of a global village in
which the UNICEF slogan "Every child is our child" will be
realized. It is to the credit of America that it has thus far refused to
enlist in this cynical and destructive enterprise.
Loco Parentis
by William
Norman Grigg
Chesterton wrote, "The ideal for which the family stands is
liberty. It is the only institution that is at once necessary and
voluntary. It is the only check on the state that is bound to renew
itself as eternally as the state, and more naturally than the
For this reason, dictators and
despots of all varieties have sought throughout history to corrupt
the conventional family, appropriate its functions, and remove the
individual from the shelter of the home. Accordingly, those
concerned about individual liberty should become suspicious whenever
they hear a politician or bureaucrat refer to "our"
Children of the
The concept that the state
should control the development of children arguably began with
Plato, who made the government of his totalitarian
"republic" the custodian of "its" children. The
Jacobin government of revolutionary France, which sought to create a
totalitarian "republic,, systematically subverted family
connections. Bertrand Barere, a member of the revolutionary
Committee on Public Safety, taught that the "principles that
ought to guide parents are that children belong to the general
family, to the republic, before they belong to particular families
... the spirit of private families must disappear when the great
family calls .... You are born for the republic and not for the
pride and despotism of families."
The Soviet revolution, a
lineal descendant of the French Revolution, trafficked in nearly
identical concepts. A.S. Makarenko. the Stalin-era family theorist
who became known as the "Dr. Spock of the socialist
world," wrote in the Handbook for Soviet Families that
the state had "handed over a certain measure of social
authority" to individual families. According to Makarenko,
"[The Soviet] family is not a closed-in, collective body, like
the bourgeois family. It is an organic part of Soviet society, and
every attempt it makes to build up its own experience independently
of the moral demands of society is bound to result in a
disproportion, discordant as an alarm bell."
Unfortunately, the drive to
collectivize the American family proceeds with little opposition. As
the November 14, 1993 New York Times reported,
"Bit by bit, the country's urge for collective child-rearing is
becoming more visible." According to Times reporter
Ronald Smothers, embattled parents are desperate for any help they
can find: "Feeling thwarted in trying to rear their children
and enforce standards of behavior that at one time seemed clear and
universal, parents are increasingly reaching out for help and
welcoming any help that is volunteered. Many appear willing to
subcontract a portion of their role to government, schools and
whatever communal vestiges remain in a mobile and complex
Many analysts ascribe these
developments to the supposedly inexorable laws of social
development. However, as the late historian Christopher Lasch
observed, "The family did not simply evolve in response to
social and economic influences; it was deliberately transformed by
the intervention of planners and policy makers [who] sought to
remove children from the influence of their families ... and to
place them under the benign influence of the state and school."
On April 11th, the Carnegie
Corporation published Starting Points: Meeting the Needs of
Our Youngest Children, a report calling for greater
government involvement in the lives of children in the years from
birth to age three. That report was timed to generate support for a
substantial expansion of the Head Start program; it has also
achieved quasi-scriptural status for those who support even more
extensive regulation of the family by the state. But the evidence is
conclusive that government entanglement in family affairs has
created or abetted the majority of the problems that provide fodder
for think-tank policy wonks.
Cultivated Destruction
Government can create neither
wealth nor liberty, but it has an unparalleled ability to create
work for itself. Nothing illustrates this fact better than the
welfare state's effect upon the family. Allan Carlson of the
Rockford Institute has written, "The rise of the welfare state
can be written as the steady transfer of the dependency function
from the family to the state; from persons tied by blood, marriage
or adoption to persons tied to public employees." Carlson has
pointed out that what he calls "the collapse of family
structure" in America began in earnest in 1965 -- about the
same time that the "Great Society" welfare state was
However, by the time the Great
Society began, Social Security -- arguably the most disruptive
social program ever devised -- was well entrenched. By making the
state the broker of social insurance, Social Security has disrupted
the bonds between generations and sewn discord between them. As
family therapist Michael Bettinger observes, "in the 'old'
days, before Social Security, people had to rely on others more than
they do today .... If people did not build and maintain
relationships with family and friends, they might find themselves in
need of help, but there would be no one there to help them. People
could not easily write off their families after a minor
dispute." However, "Most of this changed with introduction
of Social Security." According to Bettinger, Social Security
has abetted family disruption: "As a family therapist, I have
seen too many individuals cut off from their families for the
slimmest of reasons .... They know when they get old or ill, Social
Security will take care of them. They believe they do not need each
The tax burden created, in
large measure, by Social Security and various welfare state
"entitlement" programs has been sorely felt by families.
In 1950, a family of four paid about two percent of its adjusted
gross income in federal income tax; in 1993, a similar family paid
about 24 percent. Between 1946 and 1993, the standard deduction for
children increased from $600 to $2,500; however, to keep pace with
inflation, that deduction should have been at least $7,800.
Accordingly, every family with a combined household income of less
than $32,000 should have been relieved entirely of payroll or income
The state's appropriation of
family functions creates a feedback loop. "Entitlement"
programs consume tax dollars from families; the increased tax burden
forces both parents into the work force; parental absence cultivates
new social problems -- resulting in a new "need" for
entitlement programs. In this fashion, families become knitted to
the government in a state of enervating dependency.
The Kansas Case
Some advocates of the
traditional family have sought to protect parental authority through
the passage of state-level "parental rights" amendments.
Pro-family activists in Kansas recently proposed the following
amendment to their state constitution: "Parents shall retain
the fundamental right to exercise primary control over the care and
upbringing of their children." After being modified to include
"the state's traditional responsibility to protect the health,
safety and welfare of children," the measure was defeated by
the state legislature.
Jim McDavitt, director of the
Kansas Education Watch (KEW) network, laments, "With the defeat
of the Parental Rights Amendment on March 29th, every parent in
Kansas was told by over half the legislators that they are not the
primary decision makers in the lives of their children. They are,
however, as a group at large, considered capable and likely of
criminal child abuse." Recalled McDavitt, "During the
floor debate, House members, both Republican and Democrat, described
how giving parents primary control would result in wholesale child
abuse and injury to the children."
Opposition to the parental
rights amendment included State Representative Denise Everhart, who
declared, "I have a thousand stories of child abuse that I will
recite on the House floor one at a time if I have to in order to
keep this amendment from passing." But none of the measure's
critics was more demagogic than State Representative Rochell
Chronister, who declared that "every time I see this amendment,
I cannot help but think of those children that were burned alive by
David Koresh in Waco, Texas." (More perceptive people
understand that the Waco Massacre illustrates the dangers of
government involvement in child "protection" issues.) This
piece of rhetorical dishonesty was seized upon by the measure's
critics, who repeatedly referred to the proposed amendment as the
"David Koresh amendment."
Supporters of the parental
rights measure were not acting out of whimsical or alarmist
impulses; rather, they were reacting to an ominous expansion of the
state government's power over individual families. In an August 20,
1991 story bearing the headline "Bigger State Role Proposed in
Children's Lives," the Wichita Eagle reported,
"Kansas must change its tradition of leaving the responsibility
of rearing children strictly to parents if its youth are to be
adequately prepared for life, members of a legislative student
committee were told...." A measure introduced in the state
legislature in 1992 (House Bill 3113) stated: "The legislature
hereby declares that the state is ultimately responsible for meeting
the educational, health, mental health, and welfare needs for every
child and every adolescent in the state."
Pro-family activists in Kansas
fear that the defeat of the parental rights amendment may set the
stage for a new escalation in the war upon the family. KEW's
McDavitt reports that "during the testimony in the House
Judiciary hearing one conferee testified about a book by Hugh
LaFollette entitled Licensing Parents ... and its
argument that parents should not be allowed to parent unless they
have been fully licensed by the state."
Ready to Act
The readiness of "child
protection" authorities to pounce upon "abusive"
parents was recently illustrated by an incident in Woodstock,
Georgia. A grocery store employee saw 35-year-old Lynn Kivi
discipline her nine-year-old son after the youngster misbehaved. The
employee called the police, who quickly arrived and asked the boy if
his mother had ever hit him before. The child guilelessly replied,
"I get smacked when I am bad." Mrs. Kivi also admitted to
police that she had struck the child. The police slapped handcuffs
on the mother and took her to jail. At the time of this writing,
Mrs. Kivi is free on $22,050 ball, but she faces a charge of
"cruelty to children" -- and a possible prison term of 20
years -- for the "crime" of disciplining her own child.
But the only cruelty inflicted upon the boy resulted from the
state's seizure of his mother. Since his mother's arrest, the child
has been tormented by nightmares in which he is permanently
separated from his parents.
Phillip Jenkins of the
Administration of Justice Department at Pennsylvania State
University points out that "child abuse cases have served as a
massive bridgehead for the notion of the 'objective expert,' the
neutral professional who is seeking to protect the child and the
community in the face of all the obstacles posed by outmoded
legalism." The infiltration of such "experts" into
the lives of families is a dominant objective of federal educational
and social policies.
Attorney General Janet Reno,
who was described by Florida Senator Bob Graham as "part crime
fighter, part social worker," insists that because of the
social failures that have been abetted by statist social policies --
or summoned into existence by deliberate design -children should be
considered within the federal government's primary jurisdiction:
"... when we talk about access to legal services, our
traditional response has been to say parents will represent their
children's interests. [But] there are too many children in America
for whom the fabric of society has literally fallen away and have no
one to speak out and to advocate for them. And we have a great
challenge to devise a system that can do that."
In Janet Reno:Doing the
Right Thing, reporter Paul Anderson writes: "Reno's
agenda for children is ambitious, to say the least: Every pregnant
woman should have prenatal care .... Every child should be
immunized. Every child age zero to three should have 'either proper
parental supervision' or 'safe, good, constructive, thoughtful 'educare'
that blends into Head Start .... From kindergarten through high
school, students should be offered creative activities in the
afternoons: computer instruction, art, music, and drama as well as
According to Reno,
"We" -- meaning the federal government -- "[have] got
to make sure that parents are old enough, wise enough, and
financially able enough to take care of their children, and that
they are taught parenting skills that enable them to be responsible
parents." Of course, "parenting skills" were quite
effectively taught long before the federal government was devised.
Like the Carnegie Foundation, Janet Reno insists that the government
must especially focus its efforts on children "in the critical
years between birth and age three" -- essentially that the
state must take over the basic task of molding early childhood
habits and attitudes.
According to the April 4th
issue of U.S. News and World Report, Janet Reno's
Justice Department has endorsed "federal backing for 'home
visitation,' citing the example of Hawaii, which encourages parents
in families where authorities suspect a risk of child abuse to allow
outside counsellors into their homes as early as during
pregnancy." The Hawaiian program so warmly endorsed by the
Justice Department, which is entitled "Healthy Start," was
the subject of a two-segment "American Agenda" profile on
ABC television in March 1993. According to ABC reporter Rebecca
Chase, "Every time a baby is born [in Hawaii], workers screen
the mother's chart, looking for signs that families are under stress
.... If they find warning signs, they interview the parents to
determine what kind of support system is in place [and] whether
there is a family history of abuse. Parents who seem under stress
are offered help." For those who accept the "help,"
weekly visits from Healthy Start workers begin.
Although the program was sold
as a solution for the problems of low-income families, over 50
percent of Hawaiian families with young children are now enrolled in
Healthy Start. Furthermore, despite the program's putative emphasis
on early childhood development, state supervision does not end after
infancy. According to Chase, "Home visits continue as necessary
as the baby grows up and the problems change." Furthermore, the
"services" provided extend to things other than child
abuse prevention: "The program is also proving to be an
effective way to link families with other services -- birth control,
medical care, and preschool, for example."
Another Hawaiian program,
"Open Doors," offers a state subsidy to parents and advice
regarding the choice of child care programs. According to Chase,
"Ultimately, Hawaii's goal is to provide not just day care, but
early education to all children to make sure they are ready to learn
when they start school." The ABC program displayed a couple who
endorsed the program: "We're really confident and at peace with
them being there [in state-administered child care centers] .... We
can just do our jobs and do it well, instead of stressing out and
worrying what's happening to them." The implicit message is
that all American parents should be able to surrender their children
to the state with similar equanimity.
Children "At
A measure before the
California legislature would create a similar program in that state.
The bill, AB 3345, would allocate federal grant money for the
creation of "neonatal and early childhood home-based prevention
services for families at risk of child abuse and neglect."
The problem with this concept,
according to Roy M. Hanson of the California Child and Family
Protection Association, is that "There is no legal statutory
definition of 'at risk.' Use of the term 'at risk' amounts to a
blank check for intervention in the home by the therapeutic
state." As a result, observes Hanson, "You can be a good
and innocent mother of several children with no history of abuse or
crime and still be considered at risk of being an abuser under this
The assumption that all
families are "at risk" of child abuse is confirmed by
Barbara F. Meltz of the Boston Globe. Summarizing the
perspectives of "the large network of professionals who deal
with child abuse," Meltz urges that parents should enroll in
"parent education" courses before the birth of their
child. Notes Meltz, "these programs help only parents who can
be identified as being at risk. The truth, experts say, is that
anyone is capable of hurting their child." This would seem to
simplify the task of identifying "at risk" parents:
apparently all parents are "at risk."
The Goals 2000 Act represents
a profound enrichment of the idea that parents are little more than
administrative agents of the state. According to a summary of the
act, "every school will promote partnerships that will increase
parental involvement and participation in promoting the social,
emotional, and academic growth of children." When read with
sobriety, this is an implicit claim that it is the state -- not the
parents -- which has primary responsibility for the
"social, emotional, and academic growth of children";
through the program, the state will condescend to permit parents a
larger role, but that role must be compatible with the state's
designs. To help dictate those designs to parents, Title IV of Goals
2000 will create "Parent Information and Resource Centers"
which will "help provide parents with knowledge and skills
needed to participate effectively in their child's education."
Under Goals 2000, parents will
have to create the proper environment of "readiness to
learn" as that environment is defined by a National Education
Goals Panel. As an Education Department backgrounder points out,
"Experts differ on just what constitutes 'readiness,' so
communities need to consider what aspects are most important to them
and then design a strategy that fits their needs." Once again,
the locus of control would be removed from the home and assigned to
"experts" who would act in the name of "community
Redefining Family
Perhaps the most effective
means to collectivize the family is to hasten its destruction
through social re-definition. Every successful society has been
predicated upon the conventional "nuclear" family, which
is organized around a man and a woman who are joined in legal
wedlock. However, powerful interests seek to institutionalize
"alternative" models of the family.
The UN's International Year of
the Family (IYF) is, among other disreputable things, a campaign to
redefine the family. According to an IYF profile published in the
March 1994 UN Chronicle, "... the nuclear family
itself is changing. Non-traditional family types are becoming more
common, such as cohabitation, same-gender relationships, [and]
single-parent families...." Michael Stewart, the Utah official
who presides over the IYF-linked "Patron Cities" program,
observes that IYF materials avoid a standard definition of the
family because "that definition is changing."
On April 15th, the
Cleveland-based Federation for Community Planning held an IYF-related
conference entitled "Families: Redefining, Reinforcing and
Revitalizing." According to the event's prospectus, "We
[the event's planning committee] began by discussing 'the family.'
We came to realize, though, that no one 'family' structure typifies
today's society. Rather, today's families come in a vast array of
shapes, sizes and forms. As a result, the [Federation] recognizes
the definition prepared by Family Service America: 'A family
consists of two people, whether living together or apart, related by
blood, marriage, or commitment to care for one another.'" By
this definition, a "family" might consist of nearly any
imaginable combination of people. An even more radical definition
comes from a booklet prepared by the Utah Center for Families in
Education: "Let's be clear about the meaning of 'family.' It
means a child and an adult responsible for that child's
upbringing." Under this formula, a "same-sex couple"
given custody of a child would be considered a "family,"
as would a dyad composed of a child and his state-appointed
In a speech given at the
University of Chicago on November 15, 1991, Donna Shalala -- who now
presides over the Department of Health and Human Services, an agency
which dwarfs the Pentagon -- predicted the society that would greet
"Renata," a fictional four-year-old kindergarten student,
in 2004: "Renata doesn't know any moms who don't work, but she
knows lots of moms who are single. She knows some children who only
live with their duds, and children who have two duds, or live with
their mothers and their grandmothers. In her school books, there are
lots of different kinds of friends and families...."
After school, Renata would not
go home, but rather to a publicly funded day care center where she
and her fellow inmates would be further weaned from
"patriarchal" culture by playing gender-neutral games.
According to Shalala, Renata is a true World Citizen -- she
"will think of herself as part of the world -- not just her
town or the United States."
Shalala told her audience that
the world she envisioned would not come into existence by accident,
but rather "because we made it our top priority in our
communities and in Congress." Americans devoted to the
traditional family -- and the liberties it represents -- had best
become aggressive in the defense of their priorities.
Mom and Dad
by William P.
Have you heard about the
national program that is supposed to help both needy and other
families for the common good? It is so impressive that even those
one might expect to be suspicious have promoted it. As a prominent
professor from one of the world's most prestigious universities
described it, the plan's chief purpose is to provide a nationwide
"service of advice, instruction and help for young mothers and
for children, especially those below school age."
The professor goes on to
explain, "Recuperation homes are made available for mothers
after child-birth, nurseries and kindergartens have been provided,
in particular in country districts, for looking after the young
children during harvest time when the mothers are in the fields, and
a network of advisory health centres has been established all over
[the nation]. In general the aim is to diminish infant and child
mortality, to raise the standard of health in the early years of
child life, and to emphasise the importance of preventative and
remedial measures as a means of diminishing poverty."
History Repeats
Is this panacea a program of
the Children's Defense Fund? Or Goals 2000, as pushed by the Clinton
Administration? Or perhaps it is a description of that newly
nationalized program called Parents as Teachers to help mothers and
fathers raise their own children? No, it was not written about a
plan endorsed by one of the above. But it could just as easily refer
to such "new" liberal schemes that are as old as the
"benign" totalitarianism pushed by Plato.
For the record, the quoted
material is by C.W. Guillebaud, a Fellow of St. John's College,
University of Cambridge, and is taken from his 1941 book The
Social Policy of Nazi Germany. Mr. Guillebaud was referring
to Hitler's National Socialist Welfare Organization which set up the
institution called Mutter und Kind, or Mother and
This writer has found it
instructive to review this little book, which was published in
wartime England, as an indication of how statists, be they national
socialists or otherwise, are inevitably enamored of centralized
Children are constantly being
made into targets of reform by the modern-day educrats. Compulsory
education, starting at age six or so, isn't enough, though as
psychologist Irving Berkovitz has demurely pointed out, public
schools are "the places where the behavior and feelings of the
majority of children first come to the close attention of
professionally trained adults outside the nuclear family." As
bluntly translated by Dr. Allan Carlson of the Rockford Institute,
this means the places "where the experts get their turn at the
expense of Mom and Dad."
The experiments keep getting
moved earlier in life. The government-run Head Start program is one
prominent example; this often-cited success (of which more later)
isn't sufficient for the behaviorists. They have now come up with
pre-Head Start programs, such as a pilot program that began in
Missouri called Parents as Teachers (PAT). Federal funding for PAT,
contained in the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, seems sure to make
this a more fashionable standard. "Trained educators,"
stress proponents, will visit homes to provide instruction to
parents "to encourage their child's intellectual
development," as one wire service story put it, and prepare the
infants for school. But that is not the whole story. Integral to the
plan is introduction of the family into a network of "social
services," capturing both child and parents into dependence on
the state right from the start.
Education researcher Laura
Rogers, who has studied PAT extensively, provided a clearer picture
of the program in Chronicles:
Simply put, the program
pivots on assigning to all parents and children a "certified
parent educator." This state employee evaluates the child
(under the guise of educational screening), assigns the child a
computer code classification, and initiates a computer file that
the state will use to track the child for the rest of his or her
life. All of the computer code designations label the child to
some degree "at risk," and there is no classification
for "normal."
The state agent conducts
periodic home and school visits to check on the child and the
family, dispersing gratis such things as nutritional
counseling, mental-health services, and even food. Schools under
the PAT program provide free day- and overnight-care. The
"certified parent" might forbid the biological parents
to spank their child, and might prescribe, if the child is deemed
"unhappy," psychological counseling or a drug such as
Ritalin. If the parents refuse the recommended services or drags,
the state may remove the child from the home, place him in a
residential treatment center, and force the parents to enroll in
family counseling for an indefinite period.
When conservatives raised
objections concerning the PAT program, liberals reacted typically --
with ridicule. For example, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch intimated
that next the "far right" would be attacking Barney the
PBS dragon with a baseball bat. Programs such as PAT, of course,
don't spring up spontaneously from the grass-roots; in the case of
PAT, the national replication and "franchising" of the
plan was boosted by a hefty grant from the Ford Foundation.
Head Start Expands
Foundations and major
industries have long backed programs that rely on government
spending and "interdependence" with other nations through
outfits such as the Committee for Economic Development (CED).
Educational programs are in the forefront of these. One recent CED
study, Why Child Care Matters, is typical -- pointing
with approval to Edward Ziglar, a founder of Head Start, and how Dr.
Ziglar wants to set up public schools as a hub for child care in
general. With the opening provided by Head Start, Ziglar is pushing
a program called the School of the 21st Century, which is already
being implemented in a number of states.
Ziglar, a Yale psychology
professor, has claimed that "child care in this country is put
to shame" by other nations. And who are these exemplars? They
include, he has said, Sweden and then-communist Hungary -- both with
majorities of preschoolers in government centers. Also, "In
[the People's Republic of] China, nurseries are available for
virtually all children from the age of 56 days on. Cuba offers care
for children as young as 45 days old as part of a national child
care system: the goal for the next decade is to provide day care for
all mothers who want it."
Such designs feed off of the
Head Start program, which has acquired an undeserved reputation as a
successful federal program. In truth, even Dr. Ziglar has admitted
that only 40 percent of Head Start centers are of "high
quality" and that closing 30 percent "would be of no great
loss." Time magazine has acknowledged that
President Clinton's excessive praise for Head Start, and the money
supposedly saved by it in the long run, "reflects the success
of one non-Head Start project at the Perry Preschool in
Ypsilanti, Michigan." What educational improvements have been
seen, and they are minimal, have proven temporary. To bureaucrats,
this means that more money is needed over a longer period of time.
And Head Start is, in fact, being expanded under the Clinton
Education Department with more funding and with related programs.
These are also favored by the
Children's Defense Fund (CDF), where Hillary Clinton and Donna
Shalala (now Secretary of Health and Human Services) served on the
board. The Carnegie Task Force on Meeting the Needs of Young
Children bemoans the fact that only one in 20 eligible for Head
Start under age three participates. Among CDF-approved programs to
help fill in the gaps -- and make our children even more captive to
the state -- are such plans as "A Healthy Start" as part
of a nationalized health scheme, an expanded "Head Start,"
and a "Fair Start" through economic incentives.
The CDF also favors such ideas
as federal gun control and family-leave legislation. To get to such
objectives, statists must start with the seemingly salutary and
non-controversial. Spending more on "free" childhood
vaccinations -- which are already available but under-utilized in
many cities -- is intended to be fuel for further statist programs.
Branching Out
There has hardly been a missed
opportunity for the state to transmit the fact that it -- not
parents -- should be seen as the provider. The role of the school
has been expanded accordingly through such ploys as school-based
clinics, more sex education taught outside the home, school
breakfasts, a push for longer hours and more days in school, extra
activities in school buildings, etc. Another scheme waiting in the
wings is the brainchild of Jane Roland, philosophy professor at the
University of Massachusetts-Boston. Roland is proposing a "new
kind of school" to which "youngsters of all ages, many of
them dragging a parent along," would come to have the state
meet their needs.
Many items have already found
their way into Bill Clinton's budget -- including the Family Medical
and Leave Act, more free vaccinations, more funds for Head Start,
the Child Care and Development Block Grant, and the Women, Infants
and Children (WIC) nutritional program -- which already touches four
in ten babies born in the United States.
There are federal funds for
the Summer Youth and Training Program, the Independent Living
program (for so-called transitional support for foster children who
"age out" of the foster care system), and the deceptively
named Family Preservation and Support program to teach families with
"at risk" children how to go about bringing up their child
in a government-approved way. One popular feature of many of these
"innovative" plans is "interagency
collaboration," coordinating programs to put services in and
around schools -- so that health, educational, and social services
bureaucrats can get maximum impact. This approach is part of the
focus of the National Education Goals, and is viewed with favor by
the National Governors' Association.
National service, a state
version of which is mandatory for graduation from public high school
in Maryland, falls into this framework as well. Again, there is
little new under the sun. Here was an analogous law in Nazi Germany:
"National Labor Service is a service of honor to the German
Reich. All young people of both sexes are obliged to serve their
country in the National Labor Service. The function of the Service
is to inculcate in the German youth a community spirit and a true
concept of the dignity of work, and above all, a proper respect for
manual labor. To the National Labor Service is allotted the task of
carrying out work for the good of the whole community."
President Clinton's views are
alarmingly similar. National Service, he emphasizes, "will
harness the energy of our youth and attack the problems of our time.
It literally has the potential to revolutionize the way young people
all across America look at their country and feel about themselves
.... "Hillary Clinton last year told the National Summit on
Children and Families, "We would like the government to be an
enabler, more than a regulator."
Yes, indeed, much more.
Starting from, at the very least, the womb -- the ultimate goal is a
federal Nanny State.
Staat Über Alles
by William
Norman Grigg
The Book of Matthew warns of a
time in which "the children shall rise up against their
parents, and cause them to be put to death." Where those
governed by biblical principles seek to "turn the hearts of the
fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their
fathers" (Malachi 4:6), totalitarians seek to turn the hearts
of the children to the state by indoctrinating them and deploying
them as agents of the state within their own homes.
Undermining Parents
Educational elites in
contemporary America have no compunctions about mobilizing
schoolchildren on behalf of political or social agendas, nor do they
see anything amiss in using children as informants. Outcome-based
education programs and related initiatives almost invariably require
schoolchildren to fill out detailed and intrusive questionnaires
dealing with their lives at home. Child abuse "prevention"
programs encourage children to report incidents of abuse to teachers
or other authorities -- and those same programs define
"abuse" to include nearly any act of discipline or any
parental decision a child doesn't like.
Disrespect for parental
authority can be cleverly cultivated in some apparently commendable
programs. In his book Lost Rights: The Destruction of American
Liberty, James Bovard explains that drug prevention
education has been used to teach children to act as informants
against their parents. This is ironic, as Bovard points out, because
"while schools attempt to indoctrinate children with an almost
unlimited fear of illicit drugs, schools routinely arrange to have
kids drugged for the teachers' benefit" -- particularly with
the drug Ritalin. According to Bovard, "Since 1990, the number
of schoolchildren in Massachusetts being administered Ritalin has
doubled. The Boston Globe noted that 'some specialists
say that schoolchildren are being diagnosed and medicated for
[hyperactivity] in too cavalier a fashion' in part because of
'increased pressure on financially troubled schools to provide a
quick fix for disruptive children.' Apparently drugs are bad --
except when they are administered for the benefit of the
The issues of child abuse and
drug abuse may soon be woven together. During recent months, Surgeon
General Joycelyn Elders and FDA Administrator David Kessler have
expressed a desire to eradicate smoking, essentially contending that
tobacco should be regulated as a dangerous narcotic. At the same
time, some "child welfare" activists insist that parents
who smoke at home are committing child abuse. Legal activist John F.
Banzhaff III maintains that "parents exposing their children to
second-hand smoke is the most common form of child abuse in
Soviet, Nazi Control
In their study Utopia in
Power, Russian historians Mikhail Heller and Aleksandr
Nekrich summarized the Soviet perspective on family obligations:
"The subordination of the family to the interests of the state
was a constant theme in literature, the cinema, and every form of
art. The family is an important collective, so the argument ran, but
the state is an incomparably more important one .... [The] call for
betrayal of one's kin was directed to all family members without
distinction; in that respect full equality reigned."
Pavlik Morozov was the Soviet
regime's poster child. As a 12-year-old in the Stalin-era Soviet
Union, Morozov betrayed his father to state authorities, accusing
him of being a "kulak" (a wealthy peasant farmer). The
young quisling was exalted by Stalin and his sycophants as the model
Soviet youth. As Heller and Nekrich recall, "[Maxim] Gorky
called on Soviet writers to glorify this adolescent who, 'by
overcoming blood kinship, discovered spiritual kinship.'"
Morozov was commended as a
role model to members of the Komsomol -- the "All-Union
Leninist Communist Union of Youth." Participation in the
Komsomol was mandatory for all Soviet youth between the ages of 14
and 28. Peter Gumbel of the Wall Street Journal
described the Komsomol as "a cross between Big Brother and the
Scouts, a giant organization that rammed Communist theory down the
throats of Soviet youngsters while monopolizing all their group
activities." No totalitarian organization worked more
aggressively to conscript children than Hitler's National Socialist
movement. As G.K. Chesterton observed during the years of Hitler's
rise to power, "Hitler's way of defending the independence of
the family is to make every family dependent upon him and his
semi-socialist state, and to preserve the authority of parents by
authoritatively telling all the parents what to do .... He appears
to interfere with family life more even than the Bolshevists do, and
to do it in the name of the sacredness of the family."
In his book Nazi
Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich,
historian George L. Mosse observes, "Nazism, like any
revolutionary movement, attempted to capture the new generation and
rally it to the cause." According to Mosse, "The Nazis did
make changes in the school system, though the federal structure of
the [pre-Hitler] Reich made this difficult at first. Until the
individual states were abolished, Prussia was the laboratory for
much of this change." Once the social engineering schemes
developed in Prussia were ready, writes Mosse, "The Nazis
attempted to unify the school system, as they 'meshed the gears' of
all other activities in the Third Reich."
The National Socialist
educational elite sought to eradicate the "bourgeois"
values instilled in German youth by their parents. The National
Socialist educational system heavily emphasized
"character" and "values" training. However,
notes Mosse, "'Character' did not 'mean self-reliance and
independence, but a steeling of oneself for service and obedience in
the name of the Volk and the Führer .... To inculcate service and
obedience, the individualism and the enthusiasm of the schoolboy had
to be controlled by instilling within him a sense of
community." Accordingly, Nazi education was a war upon
traditional values and individualism -- and the youth were forcibly
conscripted as foot soldiers to prosecute that war.
In 1932, 107,956 youngsters
were enlisted in the Hitler Youth organization, as compared with the
more than ten million youth enrolled in such apolitical entities as
the Boy Scouts. In an essay published in 1934, National Socialist
leader Baldur Von Schirach sought to allay parental concerns about
the Hitler Youth organization by testifying of the Nazi Party's
"pro-family" sentiments: "The family is the smallest
and at the same time the most important unit of our Volk community.
It can never be the task of the [Hitler Youth] to interfere with the
life of the family and with the work of the parents in bringing up
their children. But neither should the parental home interfere with
the work of the [Hitler Youth]."
However, a year before
Schirach assured Germans that the state would never usurp parental
authority, Hitler declared in a speech: "When an opponent
declares, 'I will not come over to your side,' I calmly say, 'Your
child belongs to us already .... What are you? You will pass on.
Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short
time they will know nothing else but this new community.'"
By 1938, 7,728,259 youngsters
had joined the Nazi Youth program. In 1939, Hitler's government
enacted a law requiting that all German youth be enrolled in the
Hitler Youth program. As leftist historian William Shirer points
out, "Recalcitrant parents were warned that their children
would be taken from them and put into orphanages unless they
enrolled" in the Hitler Youth organization. Once the children
had been seized by the state and properly indoctrinated, they were
sent forth to battle their friends and relatives who had not
accepted the Nazi gospel.
Hitler's OBE
An anguished letter written on
June 19, 1939 by Theophil Wurm, the Protestant bishop of Wurttemberg,
offers an illustration of the role played by the Hitler Youth in
enforcing the New Order. The parents of Wurttemberg confronted what
was essentially the Nazi Party's equivalent of outcome-based
education. Students in secondary schools were offered a choice
between religious instruction and National Socialist
"ideological instruction." Recalled Bishop Wurm,
"though the parents were openly solicited ... the overwhelming
majority of [them] clung tenaciously to their right to Evangelical
or Catholic instruction for their children."
Confronted with the resistance
of what is now called the "religious right," the Nazi
public education system became more insistent. Many of the parents
received a "request" that their children be registered for
ideological instruction and enrolled in special "recreation
camps." Elementary school children were soon required to choose
between religious instruction and ideological instruction, but
warned that "only ideological instruction would be entered in
their annual progress reports" and that their access to
continued government education would depend upon their performance
in ideological examinations.
As parental opposition to
ideological instruction escalated, Nazi public school officials
began to tell schoolchildren they would soon be required to enroll
in the indoctrination courses. Shortly thereafter, 50 fathers were
summoned to the local town hall, presented with a pre-printed
application, and told that "ideological instruction was bound
to come anyhow and it would therefore be better to sign now."
Recalled Bishop Wurm,
"The event produced tremendous agitation in the community ....
Again and again one heard the question whether mothers no longer had
any rights over their children and whether the Führer's assurance
that everyone could seek salvation in his own fashion was still
In other communities, wrote
Wurm, "recruitment for the ideological instruction was carried
out under especially overt pressure and threats." Teachers told
recalcitrant children that their parents would suffer. One student
was asked by his teacher, "What does your father do?" When
the child responded that his father was a mail-carrier, the teacher
declared, "If he doesn't sign [the indoctrination form], he'll
see what will happen; he'll have to become a street-sweeper."
Wurm recalls that amid all the
conflict, the National Socialist state used its youth auxiliaries to
recruit schoolchildren and pressure their families: "In a
number of municipalities, standard-bearers of the Hitler Youth
ordered their subordinates to see to it that relatives of Hitler
Youth members withdrew from religious instruction classes and
applied for ideological instruction within three weeks. By such
procedures, a matter that is one of the inalienable rights of
parents is withdrawn from the free decision of parents and propelled
toward an anti-Christian solution, despite all official utterances
to the contrary."
In a free society, an
individual's loyalties are to God, family, and country -in that
order. In a totalitarian society, obedience to the state eclipses
all other allegiances. American parents must jealously guard their
rights and obligations, lest they suffer the fate of the parents of
Takeover of the Child
by Jane H.
When the United Nations sets
out to protect, develop, educate, nourish, and speak for the
children of the world -- watch out. The UN bureaucrats, the great
majority of whom come from socialist or communist countries where
children suffer enormous economic, health, educational, and cultural
deprivations, have appointed themselves experts for telling the rest
of us what is to be done or not done for, to, by, or with all
children, in utter disregard of the vital responsibilities of
This astounding international
takeover of the control of children has been in the works since at
least 1978 when the communist government of Poland launched a
"new way of thinking about children, their needs and
rights." A Working Group was set up by the UN General Assembly
to prepare a draft of the "new thinking," which soon
discovered that children have "inalienable civil, political,
and economic rights" of their own, quite apart from, and
primarily in opposition to, those of their parents. Developing and
propagandizing this pernicious idea of child autonomy provided jobs
worldwide for thousands of UN bureaucrats throughout the decade of
the 1980s, when massive yearly reports on the state of the world's
children set the trap with endless examples of the poverty, neglect,
ill health, and lack of education of the world's children, with
never a mention of the causal role of authoritarian governments in
creating these conditions.
A "Simple Idea"
By late 1989 the UN General
Assembly was ready to erase all this misery with a "simple
idea"; it unanimously adopted a Convention on the Rights of the
Child. Nine months later, in September 1990, the Convention
"entered into force" after having been ratified by the
necessary 20 nations. This meant that the Convention became part of
international law, setting international legal standards binding
upon all ratifying nations. Only a few months later, 62 U.S.
senators approved a resolution asking President Bush to forward the
Convention to the Senate for ratification. Although George Bush
approved the Convention, he never took this fateful step for the
simple reason that as an international treaty, the Convention
required a two-thirds vote (67 members) of the Senate for passage;
this was never forthcoming during Bush's term.
Once the Convention had
"entered into force," a committee of "ten experts of
high moral standing and recognized competence" was established
with its own "secretariat" (UN-speak for bureaucracy) to
monitor "the way the ratifying nations translate the principles
of the Convention into national law and practice." Each nation
is required to submit regular reports to the Committee of Ten, which
holds them accountable for the "proper translation" of the
Convention's principles into their own legislation and societal
What are these
"principles" that the UN rightly claims will have a
"revolutionary impact on the lives of children"? The first
"principle" that emerges from the fine rhetoric is the
perversion of the definition of true rights into a meaningless
smorgasbord of "rights" such as "dignity,"
"tolerance," "solidarity," "special
safeguards," and "full participation in all social,
cultural, educational and other endeavors necessary for the child's
growth and well-being." To pretend for one moment that such an
ideal state of being could, or should, be delivered by government
edict is gross demagoguery and deception of peoples (including many
Americans) who are sucked into a naive belief in the
"goodness" and "noble intentions" of the UN.
Granted by Government
With the concept of rights
thus distorted, the second "principle" that emerges is
that all "rights" are granted by government under the
caring direction and control of UN experts of "high moral
standing." This framework is key to the real intent of the
Convention: that is, to restructure societal arrangements according
to Insider UN mandates. Gone is the extraordinary idea of God-given
rights that made Americans the most blessed people in all of human
history. Far from using the Bill of Rights' unequivocal negative
wording (Congress shall make no law ...), the UN globalists
"proclaim," "affirm," "state,"
"recognize," and "ensure" their phony
"rights" that demolish parents' authority over their own
A third "principle"
of this ominous document is that, like the Constitution of the
former Soviet Union, it grants fine-sounding freedoms in one breath,
only to nullify them in the next. For instance, "Freedom to
manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such
limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect
public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights
and freedoms of others." Freedom of expression, information,
and association? Well, certainly -except for "certain
restrictions as provided by law and are necessary for the protection
of national security or of public order or of pubic health or
Wrapping these
"freedoms" in totalitarian controls is only one of the
hooks in these carefully laid traps that preposterously put children
on a par with adults. What the UN is really saying is that children
(anyone under 18) have the "right" to refuse to attend the
church of their parents' choice, or the "right" to refuse
religious training of any kind, or the "right" to join any
type of cult or occult group passing as a "religion," or
the "right" to defy their parents' belief that associating
with druggies or street gangs is bad for them, or the
"right" to read or view debasing or pornographic material,
Contrary to the kind of
repulsive totalitarianism accompanying the above
"freedoms" is the straightforward wording of certain other
"rights," such as the "right" of the child to
privacy. No fears here about "public health, morals or
order." Instead, children have a "right to the protection
of the law against arbitrary interference" with this
"right" (privacy) which was the operative word used by the
Court in Roe v. Wade to create the legal "right" to
abortion. This UN-sanctioned privacy seemingly means to establish
the child's "right" to obtain an abortion without parental
knowledge, the "Right" to purchase and use contraceptives,
and the "Right" to heterosexual or homosexual promiscuity.
Under the "children's
rights" Convention, the only "right" that is assured
is the "freedom" to rebel against parental authority.
Although parental authority is sharply limited by the document,
government power is absolute. Thus, the effect of the Convention is
to entice children out of the protective shelter of the home and
leave them exposed to the full force of the global state.
Although the Covenant states
that "parents have the primary responsibility for the
upbringing and development of the child," this is laughable
window-dressing in the face of the thrust of the entire document as
well as the very next paragraph: "For the purpose of
guaranteeing and promoting the rights set forth in this
Convention, [ratifying] governments shall render appropriate
assistance to parents" (emphasis added). To make it
perfectly clear that parents count for nothing, the UN masterminds
inform us that children are to be "brought up in the spirit of
the ideals enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations."
That is, centralization of all power in a oneworld socialist
Why would the governments of
the world agree to the loss of sovereignty implicit in the
Convention? An answer is found in the World Summit for Children,
held in 1990 under the auspices of the United Nations International
Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). With tremendous media fanfare,
71 heads of state (including President Bush) and representatives
from another 86 countries unanimously adopted a World Declaration on
the Survival, Protection and Development of Children.
Called by the gushing media
"a milestone in humanity's treatment of children," at
first glance this declaration seems to be a curious repetition of
the previous Convention. How many more "rights" to
education, nutrition, or health can you have? But the declaration
gets down to the nitty gritty in its discussion of
"resources" -- that is, how much all these
"rights" will cost and who will pay.
We soon discover that the game
being hatched -- under the subterfuge of helping suffering children
-- is that Western creditor nations should forgive the international
debts owed by Third World governments. UNICEF practically wept in
claiming that in order to meet debt-service payments, countries had
to "harshly cut back" in social services, so that
"the poorest and most vulnerable children paid the Third
World's debt" with their lack of health and education. Since
Third World countries will have to spend $20 billion per year to
meet "basic goals for children," and since their
debt-service outflows to the rich nations are about $40 billion per
year, what could be more reasonable than that the debts of Africa
should be written off and those of Latin America greatly reduced?
Fund-Raising Scam
This line of UNICEF that
creditors in affluent countries are killing babies in the Third
World is effective propaganda but paints an entirely false picture.
The truth is that the net transfer of aid funds to the Third World
from the West has been far higher than any outflow during the past
decade; between 1983 and 1987, for example, the
"developing" countries enjoyed a net transfer from abroad
of more than $130 billion. In addition, far from cutting back
harshly, figures show that these governments spent more during the
past decade than previously.
In other words, what UNICEF's
summit was all about was a deceptive fundraiser for the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
When George Bush signed this
shameful document, he let us know that the Insiders' drive for a New
International Economic Order (the global redistribution of our
wealth in preparation for world merger) is alive and well and
operating under the UN umbrella. Unless we stop them, these
conspirators will destroy the greatest experiment in freedom the
world has ever known, force us to finance the destruction out of our
own pockets, take over the minds of our children, and absorb them
into the new world order.
A Budding Global School Board
by Thomas R.
In February of this year, the
U.S. State Department issued an appeal to reinstate American
membership in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO's long and unambiguous
history of anti-American rhetoric and socialistic scheming
demonstrates that rejoining the United Nations agency is one of the
worst things this country can do to its educational system.
After the ratification of its
1945 charter, UNESCO immediately began making detailed
recommendations about how to run the schools of the world. A
ten-part series for teachers, published in 1949 under the heading Toward
World Understanding, laid out the UNESCO blueprint for a
global dumbing-down of education. The second section in the series,
entitled "The Education and Training of Teachers," called
for "a shift in emphasis from subject teaching to the needs of
the child," which could be accomplished by a number of means,
including a "greater freedom of choice of subjects" and a
"substantial reduction in the number of subjects in the
curriculum." Instead of academic subjects, pupils would be
given "increased 'free time' to allow students to work on
projects." There would also be an "allocation of working
time for student clubs," and "a tendency to abandon role
from above tin the classroom] in favor of democratic cooperation
between staff and students." The 1949 study concluded with a
statement that bears striking resemblance to much of the
outcome-based educational rhetoric of today: "The old,
academic, subject-dominated type of training [of teachers] is
rapidly being replaced by a training aimed at the personal as well
as professional development of the teacher and effective
Among the subjects recommended
by UNESCO in Toward World Understanding was "The
Influence of Home and Community on Children Under Thirteen Years of
Age." Notes the UNESCO study, "One of the chief aims of
education today should be to prepare boys and girls to take an
active part in the creation of a world society...." But love of
country must be stamped out by the government schools: "As long
as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in
world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we
have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child
with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means
described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor
jingoism." This global citizenry propaganda must begin early:
"The kindergarten or infant school has a significant part to
play in a child's education. Not only can it correct many of the
errors of home training, but it can prepare the child for membership
... in the world society."
It is due in no small measure
to UNESCO's pernicious, anti-family, totalitarian influence over the
past 40 years that so many outrageous programs and curricular
materials marching under the ensigns of
"multiculturalism," "global education,"
"gender equity," and "diversity" have flooded
our schools. But we are headed for much worse. In 1990, UNESCO
launched a new global education initiative called the World
Conference on Education for All (WCEFA), which brought together
representatives from 150 countries. The American branch of WCEFA is
the U.S. Coalition for Education for All (USCEFA), a collectivist
claque sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers, the
National Education Association, the U.S. Department of Education,
Apple Computer, IBM, and other public and private internationalist
Out of the 1990 WCEFA summit
in Jomtien, Thailand came two documents: The World Declaration on
Education for All, and The Framework for Action to Meet Basic
Learning Needs. Oddly enough, the Framework lists six goal areas
that almost exactly parallel those put forth in the Goals 2000
legislation enacted by Congress and signed by President Clinton this
spring. American education policies are being simultaneously
nationalized and internationalized in a concerted effort to
"harmonize" all education according to a global plan.
From the WCEFA-USCEFA nexus
has flowed a continuous procession of conferences, summits, and
confabs on such globalist agenda items as: "Basic Education for
Democracy, Cultural Identity and Environment"; "Children
and Adolescents in Conflict With the Law"; "Technologies
for Learning for All"; "Distance Learning";
"Population and Development"; etc. Private, state, and
national education organizations have gotten the globaloney
"bug" too, dramatically stepping up their international
networking and summiteering in the past couple of years. This July,
for instance, the Education Commission of the States (ECS) held an
Asia-Pacific Conference in Honolulu, featuring education elites from
China, Russia, Japan, Korea, Australia, Mexico, and more than 50
other nations. ECS is a high-powered compact of governors, state
legislators, and state education officials -- the folks in charge of
American education.
Even though these conferences
routinely involve people from the far-flung corners of the planet
representing dozens of different language groups, the participants
all seem to speak the same dialect: edu-babble. They all mouth the
same inane utterances concerning "interdependence,"
"empowerment," "transformation," "holistic
approaches," "globalization," "comprehensive
integration of schools and social services,"
"developmental needs," and "community," as if
collectively intoning the sacred doxology of a global Cult of the
World Mind. They all hum the mantra of UNESCO's universal humanist
faith. Small wonder then that almost identical education programs
and policies are springing up "spontaneously" in Tokyo,
Dallas, Kiev, Toronto, Berlin, Seattle, Seoul, New Delhi, Cairo, and