"I ask you to uphold the values of America, and remember why
so many have come here. We are in a fight for our principles,
and our first responsibility is to live by them."
George W. Bush, Address to Congress, September 20, 2001
Judiciaries have maintained and expanded the 'non-publication' rules by refusing to hear challenges to their
propriety. But recently, in the case of Anastasoff v. United States of America,
Judge Arnold, together with Judges Heaney and Magnuson, held,
- "...the portion of Rule 28A(i) that declares that unpublished opinions are not precedent is unconstitutional under Article III, because it purports to confer on the federal courts a power that goes beyond the 'judicial'."
Judge Richard S. Arnold, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, in Anastasoff v. United States of America
- "At bottom, rules like our Rule 28A(i) assert that courts have the following power: to
choose for themselves, from among all the cases they decide, those that they will follow
in the future, and those they need not. Indeed, some forms of the non-publication rule even forbid
citation. These courts are saying to the bar: 'We may have decided this question the opposite way yesterday,
but that does not bind us today, and what's more, you cannot even tell us what we did yesterday.'
As we have tried to explain in this opinion, such a statement exceeds judicial power, which is
based on reason, not fiat."
Judge Richard S. Arnold, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, in Anastasoff v. United States of America
- "The case is not alone considered as decided and settled; but the principles of the
decision are held, as precedents and authority, to bind future cases of the same nature.
This is the constant practice under our whole system of jurisprudence. Our ancestors brought
it with them, when they first emigrated to this country; and it is, and always has been considered,
as the great security of our rights, our liberties, and our property. It is on this account,
that our law is justly deemed certain, and founded in permanent principles, and not dependent
upon the caprice or will of judges. A more alarming doctrine could not be promulgated by any
American court, than that it was at liberty to disregard all former rules and decisions,
and to decide for itself, without reference to the settled course of antecedent principles."
"This known course of proceeding, this settled habit of thinking, this conclusive effect of
judicial adjudications, was in the full view of the framers of the constitution. It was
required, and enforced in every state in the Union; and a departure from it would have been
justly deemed an approach to tyranny and arbitrary power, to the excercise of mere discretion,
and to the abandonment of all the just checks upon judicial authority."
Judge Richard S. Arnold, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, in Anastasoff v. United States of America
More Quotations
- "The availability of unpublished opinions, on computer databases or otherwise, varies from case to case and from
circuit to circuit. The lack of uniform availability of decisions poses serious problems for litigants in all circuits by
creating confusion about what the law is and where it can be found. Several circuits do post their opinions on the Internet
or a comparably accessible database. We recommend that all circuits do so. Moreover, we support development of a publicly
available database, with an appropriate media-neutral citation system, for long-term access to all federal judicial decisions."
Submission of The United States Department of Justice to the Commission on Structural Alternatives for the
Federal Courts of Appeals
- "The California Supreme Court has caused a major flaw undermining our legal system. I want it fixed now. Appellate court rulings are no longer published for all to see. Secret rulings do not serve as future guidelines, even in the same court. They enable judges to ignore the law, knowing this injustice is hidden. Corruption and arrogance fester at every level because precedent is destroyed. Feedback to the public, necessary to prevent abuses, is prevented. I will ensure that this and other justice flaws are fixed, not buried. The foundation of law and order is order under law."
Michael K. Schmier, candidate for Attorney General, statement submitted for Voter Handbook, 1998 primary. Chief Justice Ron George, for the California Supreme Court, refused to allow this statement to be published in the Official Voter Handbook . A blank page was published in its place, possibly costing him the election. The Chief Justice and three other Supreme Court Justices were running for retention in the same election cycle.
- "The advent of virtually costless on-line publishing with no need for books or shelves makes nonpublication more questionable than ever. In general, it’s the dark side of the judicial process that ought to be brought into daylight."
Stephen F. Barnett, Professor, University of California, Berkely, Boalt School of Law. San Francisco Daily Journal March 9, 1998, Publish is his Platform by Peter Blumberg
- "Chief Justice Ronald M. George, like many other appellate judges, defends nonpublication as a "necessary evil to chill the development of the law."
In an interview last week, George said it would be "folly" to abandon the nonpublication rule and force the legal system to reconcile cases that are essentially insignificant.
"You’d have a difficult time separating the wheat from the chaff if you published everything," the Chief Justice said."
San Francisco Daily Journal, March 9, 1998 Publish is his Platform by Peter Blumberg
- Whether published or not, a decision by a court is a statement of the rule of law and holding by that
court and, absent a rule to the contrary, "a court can properly notice a doctrine or rule of law from such
prior case and apply that principle under the theory of stare decisis M/V Am. Queen, 708 F.2d at 1941…. The Attorney General's reliance on Ninth Circuit Rule 36-3 is misplaced. That rule, a local rule of the
Ninth Circuit, does not govern the citation of cases decided by district courts. The circuit has previously
emphasized that the circuit rule "prohibits citation to or by this [circuit] court of unreported decisions of
this [circuit] court" Committee of Central Am. Refugees, 795 F.2d at 1438 n.5 (emphasis original). "Neither the Ninth Circuit Rules nor the local rules of [this district court] prohibit the citation of unreported
district court opinions." The Attorney General's objection to Clair's citation to unpublished district court
decisions is OVERRRULED.
Judge Gary Taylor, United States District Judge, Central District Federal Court From a
Federal Court order in a capital case.
- Section 16 - Mr. Busterud had suggested at the May Commission meeting that the Committee consider making only
published opinions available for citation as precedent.
MC- Kleps - reject suggestion prohibiting citation of unpublished opinions as precedent.
Mr. Kleps noted that the Judicial Council could do this by rule. Mr. Selvin stated that Illinois once has such a
provision which lawyers and judges ignored so that it was repealed. He felt that since law review articles and everything
else is being cited to courts that to adopt this section would be "a constitutional prohibition on enlightenment." (emphasis added)
Minutes of the Meeting of the [Constitutional
Revision] Committee on Article VI, July 9, 1965 at the International Hotel, Los
- "Mr. Schmier claims that in California the law has become inaccessible as a result of Court Rules 976 and 977
issuing from the State Supreme Court. Courts can withhold publication of appellate opinions and prohibit citing those
unpublished opinions in legal actions. In addition Court Rule 979 codifies depublication of previously published legal opinions. According to the June, 1999 issue of "California Lawyer," 60 court of appeals opinions are depublished every year. These opinions are "erased as precedents while letting the decisions stand." The only other state allowing depublication is Arizona and then to a very small extent.
"…Mr. Schmier has brought a serious issue to Marin's attention." (Emphasis
Human Rights Commission Response to IJ Editorial by
Mayme Hubert and Carole Hayashino, Chair and Vice-Chair Marin County Human Rights Commission
The California First District Court of Appeal ruled the state’s Ellis Act protected a landlord from the San Francisco’s hotel preservation ordinance. The ruling was made in an unpublished decision:
- "The hotel ordinance is not endangered by this decision," (deputy City Attorney) Schwartz said. "It’s not precedent; it doesn’t bind anybody"
S.F. Landlord Wins Court Fight Over Replacing Units San Francisco Chronicle 1/28/99 by Jason B. Johnson.
- "The obstacle to citation is Rule 977 of the California Rules of Court, the so-called non-citation rule. (Footnote illegible). It is our view, for reasons to be elaborated that the rule is invalid for at least two reasons: (1) It violates basic concepts of the doctrine of stare decisis, (2) It is contrary to the superior command of Civil Code Section 22.2. The rule is likewise constitutionally suspect, since it can be argued that in criminal cases, at least, it deprives a defendant the right to cite a case otherwise favorably controlling his fate. (illegible) …equal protection of the laws."
Final pages of decision identifying authors is missing.
People v. Valenzuela filed April 26, 1978 Superior Court No. CR A 16021 Municipal Court of the Beverly Hills Judicial District No. M-63478 Opinion and Judgment of the Appelate Department of the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles. Certified for Publication. Case Removed by the Appellate Court, Decision Vacated and case decided on other grounds. Only a poor copy of this decision can be found.
- "We think it is dangerous to a democratic society to have more than 93% of all criminal cases considered by the appellate courts stamped for non-publication"
Rose Bird, later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, State Bar of California Reports, Sept. 1974 quoted in People V. Valenzuela, Ibid.,
- "[A] fair reading of rule 977 of the California Rules of Court surely allows citation to the unpublished opinion. To hold otherwise leaves us in the Orwellian situation where the Court of Appeal opinion binds us, under Auto Equity Sales v. Superior Court, 57 Cal.2d 450, 20 Cal.Rptr.321, 369 P.2d 937, but we cannot tell anyone about it. Such a rule of law is intolerable in a society whose government decisions are supposed to be free and open and whose legal system is founded on principles of the common law (Civ. Code, § 22.2) with its elementary reliance on the doctrine of stare decisis."
Presiding Judge Cole’ concurrence, County of Los Angeles v. Wilshire Insurance Co. (1978) 103 Cal. App. 3d Supp.1, 3, 163 Cal. Rptr. 123, 124.
- "I would no more say that what [Justice Souter] calls "selective prospectivity" is impermissible because it produces inequitable results than I would say that the coercion of confessions is impermissible for that reason. I believe that the one, like the other, is impermissible simply because it is not allowed by the Constitution. Deciding between a constitutional course and an unconstitutional one does not pose a question of choice of law."
Justice Scalia with whom Justice Marshall and Justice Blackmun join, concurring in the judgment in James B. Beam Distilling Co. v. Georgia 501 U.S. 529, 548 111 S.Ct. 2439, 2450 (1991)
- We would have
chaos and not the rule of law if each judge in the land did simply what he
or she thought was right instead of what the law requires.
Justice Ginsberg, on the children's broadcast Nick News: Nick
News (Channel 36, San Francisco Area, television rebroadcast, Dec. 27,
- "Nevertheless, in the interests of improving the administration of justice, the quality of legal practice, the orderly growth and development of this state’s decisional law, and the operation of the selective publication system itself, the committee believes that providing convenient and inexpensive access to the body of unpublished decisions is highly desirable."
Report of the Chief Justice’s Advisory Committee for an Effective Publication Rule .June 1, 1979, pg 15
- If an inexpensive, convenient access system proves feasible, the policy of non-citation should be reconsidered.
Report of the Chief Justice’s Advisory Committee for an Effective Publication Rule .June 1, 1979, pg 18
- "If I cannot give a reason I should be willing to stand to
[publish as precedent], I must shrink from the very result which
otherwise seems good."
U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
County of Los Angeles et.al. vs. Kling
474 U.S. 936 at 937 (1985)
- "Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good
or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example."
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
- "If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for
law; it invites everyman to become a law unto himself; it invites
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
- "An imperfectly reasoned and generally result-oriented opinion
may be buried in a non-publication grave. A panel may avoid public heat
or appointing authority disapprobation by interring an opinion of real
precedential value. More frequently, a panel may make a mistake, and
fail to publish an opinion."
California Associate Justice Robert S. Thompson,
California State Bar Journal, Nov./Dec. 1975
- "[A]ll rulings of [the] court are precedents, like it or not,
and [the court] cannot consign any of them to oblivion by merely banning
their citation
No matter how insignificant a prior ruling might
appear to us, any litigant who can point to [it] and demonstrate that he
is entitled to prevail under it should do so as a matter of essential
justice and fundamental fairness."
U.S. District Judge William J. Holloway, Jr.
10th Circuit
In re Rules 955 F.2nd 38
- "Here I am going nuts because of this opinion that 10 years ago
no one would've known about, and that can't even be cited in the
jurisdiction it came from. With unlimited resources to pay for
electronic searches, the entire insurance industry knows about this
opinion and is using it as authority in settlement negotiations"
Tampa, Florida Attorney William "Chip" Merlin
As quoted by Richard C. Reuben, "New Cites For Sore Eyes," ABA
Journal, June, 1994
- "[Those who choose what opinions to publish] may consciously
decide to suppress an opinion they know to be significant enough to
publish either to escape review by a higher court, to escape criticism
for a controversial decision, or even to allow a court to get away with
making a decision contrary to prevailing law"
Robert S. Gerstein,
"Law by Elimination: Depublication in the
California Supreme Court"
67 Judicature, No. 6 (December-January 1984)
- "[A] rule which authorizes any court to censor the future
citation of its own opinions or orders rests on a false premise. Such a
rule assumes that author is a reliable judge of the quality and
importance of his own work product. If I need authority to demonstrate
the invalidity of that assumption, I refer you to a citizen of Illinois
who gave a brief talk in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania that he did not expect
to be long remembered. Judges are the last persons who should be
authorized to determine which of their decisions should be long
U.S. Justice John Paul Stevens,
Illinois State Bar Association
Centennial Dinner,
Springfield, Illinois, January 22, 1977
- "Gaius Caligula passed many new laws that were never published.
When the people complained, he ordered it posted up, but in a very
narrow place and excessively small letters, to prevent the making of a
copy.' Suetonius, The Lives of the Twelve Caesars 192 (J. Gavorse ed.
J. Myron Jacobstein,
"Some Reflections of the Control of the
Publication of
Appellate Court Opinions,"
27 Stanford L. Rev. 791
(Feb. 1975)
- "The goal of a public judiciary, free from the specter of secret
adversarial lobbying, is critically dependent upon the relationship
between rules of publication and the doctrine of Stare Decisis. To the
extent that precedential opinions may be deleted by the Supreme Court
without explanation or opinion, that doctrine is undermined and the
orderly development of the law is thwarted."
Julie Hayward Biggs, "
Censoring the Law in California: Decertification Revisited,"
30 Hastings Law Journal 1577 (May 1979)
- "Requiring all decisions to be supported by a written opinion
and to be published would best advance the error correction goal...
publication of a written opinion appears to be the only practical way of
insuring uniform declaration of a law... publication of written opinions
reinforces the public's respect for and understanding of the judiciary."
J. Clark Kelso,
"A Report on the California Appellate System,"
45 Hastings Law Journal 433 (March 1994)
- "Abolition of the no-citation rule could help eliminate the idea
that non-publication is a rug under which the judges sweep whatever they
wish never to see the light of day."
Edwin R. Render,
"On Unpublished Opinions,"
73 Kentucky Law Journal 164 (1984-85)
- "Finally, the courts have abandoned the notion of one appellate
method for all cases and all litigants. The significant cases, those
brought by wealthy, powerful, or institutional litigants -- receive the
traditional approach model. The routine, trivial cases -- usually the
ones brought by poorer, weaker litigants -- are relegated to two-track
appellate justice. For these cases (about half the total) the circuit
courts have become certiorari courts, rather than courts of mandatory,
appellate jurisdiction that Congress intended."
William M. Richman and William L. Reynolds,
"Elitism, Expediency, and the New Certiorari: Requiem for the Learned Hand Tradition,"
81 Cornell Law Review 273
- "We have been forced to adopt... shortcuts to cope with the
rising volume: we hear fewer oral arguments, publish fewer opinions and
rely more heavily on law clerks and staff attorneys. The heavy volume of
cases threatens the ability... to give each case the attention and care
it deserves."
J. Clifford Wallace, "
Developing the Mission of the Federal Courts
-- A Method to Determine the Size of the Federal Judiciary,"
Connecticut Law Review 851, 858 (1995)
- "Tying up the question of dissenting with publication may work
adversely on the dissenter, constraining him not to dissent...
Federal Circuit Judge Philip Nichols, Jr.,
Introduction, "Selective Publication of Opinions: One Judge's View,"
35 American University L. Rev. 909, 920 (1986)
- With non-publication "stare decisis is twice diminished. First,
the decision itself is freed from their responsibility to reason within
the full view. Second, an increment of precedent is rendered unusable."
Thomas D. Baker, "
Rationing Justice on Appeal: The Problems of the
U.S Courts of Appeal," 130 (1994)
- "Barring citation does not prevent the use of unpublished
opinions; it merely alters the character of that use."
Kurt Shuldberg,
"Digital Influence: Technology and Unpublished
in the Federal Courts of Appeals,"
85 California Law Review
- "I submit that stare decisis cannot operate as a `workable
doctrine' as long as courts, while adjudicating sets of identical facts,
are able to reach directly contrary results on diametrically opposed
legal theories, by the simple expedient of publishing one set of results
but not the other."
Gideon Kanner,
"The Unpublished Appellate Opinion: Friend Or Foe?"
48 California State Bar Journal 387 (1973)
- "Certainly, the objectives of the law courts cannot be merely to
resolve as many cases as quickly as possible. To do that we need only
toss two-sided coins, although two-headed coins might even more
Prof. Philip B. Kurland, quoted in Rosen and Rosen,
"Evolution or
Revolution in the Courts?"
78 Case & Comment 20, 26 (March-April
- "Unlike the executive branch of the national government with its
arguable (if occasionally abused) national security concerns, or matters
of police intelligence, the courts have nothing to hide."
Gideon Kanner,
"The Unpublished Appellate Opinion: Friend Or Foe?"
48 California State Bar Journal 387 (1973) [Italics in original]
- "Justice must not only be done, it must appear to be done. The
authority of the federal judiciary rests upon the trust of the public
and the bar. Courts that articulate no reasons for their decisions
undermine that trust by creating the appearance of arbitrariness."
William L. Reynolds and William M. Richman,
"An Evaluation of Limited Publication in the United States Courts of Appeals:
The Price of
48 The University of Chicago Law Review, 573 (1981)
- "In our law... the exercise of a power to speak authoritatively
as an interpreter carries with that an obligation to explain the grounds
upon which the interpreter gives the authoritative judgment."
Jerry L. Mashaw,
"Textualism, Constitutionalism, and the
Interpretation of Federal Statutes,"
32 William and Merry Law Review
827, 838 (1991)
- "By signing his name to a judgment or opinion the judge assures
the parties that he has thoroughly participated in that process and
assumes individual responsibility for the decision."
Owen M. Fiss,
"The Bureaucratization of the Judiciary,"
Yale Law Journal 1442, 1484 (1983)
- "When circulated to me, the majority opinion approved by the two
justices making up the majority was marked for Publication in the
Official Reports. It was only after I had circulated my dissenting
opinion to the two justices who make up the majority that they decided
to reverse their original position regarding publication in the Official
Reports. I do not think this reversal of position is justified."
Justice Bernard Jefferson,
dissent, in People vs. Para, No. CRA 15889
(California Court of Appeals, Aug. 1979)
- "In a government, which is emphatically styled a government of
laws, the least possible range ought to be left to the discretion of the
judge. Whatever tends to render the laws certain, equally tends to limit
that discretion; and perhaps, nothing induces more to that object than
the publication of reports. Every case decided is a check upon the
judge: he cannot decide a similar case differently, without strong
reasons, which, for his own justification, he will wish to make public.
The avenues of corruption are thus obstructed, and the sources of
litigation closed."
William Cranch, 1 United States Reports (5 U.S.) iii (1803)
- "The `precedential importance' of an opinion... cannot be
predetermined by its author. The Rather, the attorney wishing to rely on
the opinion in a subsequent matter is in a better position to decide
whether the opinion is worth citing."
Edwin R. Render,
"On Unpublished Opinions,"
73 Kentucky Law Journal 153 (1984-85)
- "Any decision is by definition a precedent and...we cannot deny
litigants and the bar the right to urge upon us what we have previously
Fourth Circuit, Jones vs. Superintendent, Virginia State Farm,
465 F.2d
1091, 1094 (4th Cir. 1972),
cert. denied 410 U.S. 944 (1973)
- "Stare decisis provides some moorings so that men may trade and
arrange their affairs with confidence. Stare decisis serves to take the
capricious element out of law and to give stability to a society."
U.S. Justice William O. Douglas,
"Stare Decisis,"
49 Columbia
Law Review 736
- "The labor of judges would be increased almost to the breaking
point if
one could not lay one's own course of bricks on the secure
foundation of the courses laid by others who had gone before him."
Benjamin N. Cardozo,
"The Nature of the Judicial Process, 149
- "Judicial precedents are presumptively correct and valuable to
the legal community as a whole. They are not merely the property of
private litigants
U.S. Justice John Paul Stevens,
Izumi Seimitsu Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
vs. U.S. Philips Corp.,
114 S. Ct. 431
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