Published academic scholarship on the Second Amendment
Last updated: March 22, 2000
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Yale L.J. 1131, 1162-1175 (1991). [HTML] 57k
, The Bill of Rights as a Constitution, 100Yale L.J. 471-480 (1917). [HTML] 31k
, Legal and Historical Aspects of the Militia, 26Harv. J. of L. & Pub. Pol'y 403-410 (1996). [HTML] 27k
, The Relevance of the Framers' Intent, 19Emory L.J. 1140-1259 (1996). [HTML] 467k
, Under Fire: The New Consensus on the Second Amendment, 45L. & Contemp. Probs. 163-198 (1986). [HTML] 177k
, Strict Construction of Firearms Offenses: The Supreme Court and the Gun Control Act of 1968, 49Yale L. & Pol. Rev. 509-560 (1993). [HTML] 221k
, Do Battered Women Have a Right to Bear Arms?, 11Texas L. Rev. 1125-1151 (1996). [HTML] 115k
, Toward a Functional Framework for Interpreting the Second Amendment, 74Wis. B. Bull. 21-26 (Oct. 1980). [HTML] 38k
, The Right to Bear Arms: A Reply, 53Det. L. Rev. 789-823 (1982). [HTML] 132k
, The Right of the Individual to Bear Arms: A Recent Judicial Trend, 4Fordham L.J. 31-53 (1976). [HTML] 87k
, Restoring the Balance: The Second Amendment Revisited, 5Yale L.J. 995-1026 (1995). [HTML] 142k
, The Fifth Auxiliary Right, 104Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 1307-1335 (1995). [HTML] 134k
, "Never Intended to be Applied to the White Population": Firearms Regulation and Racial Disparity--The Redeemed South's Legacy to a National Jurisprudence?, 70Georgetown L.J. 309-361 (1991). [HTML] 244k
, The Second Amendment: Toward an Afro-Americanist Reconsideration, 80Kansas J. of L. & Pub. Pol. 17-25 (1995). [HTML]
, The Racist Roots of Gun Control, 4Tenn. L. Rev. 679-757 (1994). [HTML]
, "Shall Issue": The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws, 62So. Ill. U. L.J. 227-253 (1997). [HTML] 105k
, Professional Discourse, The Second Amendment and the "Talking Head Constitutionalism" Counterrevolution: A Review Essay, 21Okla. City U. L. Rev. 191-245 (1996). [HTML] 178k
, Palladium of Liberty? Causes and Consequences of the Federalization of State Militias in the Twentieth Century, 21Cumb. L. Rev. 961-1004 (1996). [HTML] 163k
, Can the Simple Cite be Trusted?: Lower Court Interpretations of United States v. Miller and the Second Amendment, 26Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 185-214 (1996). [HTML] 123k
, It Takes a Militia: A Communitarian Case for Compulsory Arms Bearing, 5Akron L. Rev. 1-92 (1995). [HTML] 148k
, Clearing the Smoke From the Right to Bear Arms and the Second Amendment, 29Central L. J. 259-261, 273-275, 285-287, 295-296 (1874). [HTML] 50k
, The Right to Keep and Bear Arms for Private and Public Defence, 1Touro Law Review 123-142 (1995). [HTML]
, "Use" and the Irresistible Impulse to Legislate, 12Stanford L. & Pol. Rev. 25-40 (1997). [HTML] 109k
, The Right to Keep and Bear Arms: A Right to Self-Defense Against Criminals and Despots, 8St. Thomas L. Rev. 203-214 (1992). [HTML] 52k
, Bearing Arms in State Bills of Rights, Judicial Interpretation, and Public Housing, 5U. Dayton L. Rev. 1-89 (1989). [HTML] 134k
, Federal and State Constitutional Guarantees to Arms, 15Oklahoma L. Rev. 65-105 (1983). [HTML] 167k
, The Right to Arms: Does the Constitution or the Predilection of Judges Reign?, 36Okla. City U. L. Rev. 177-241 (1982). [HTML] 237k
, State Constitutions and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 7U. Dayton L. Rev. 5 (1989). [HTML]
, The Second Amendment in the Twentieth Century: Have You Seen Your Militia Lately?, 15Harv. L. Rev. 473-477 (1915). [HTML] 13k
, The Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 28N.W. U. J. of Crim. L. & Crim. 764-806 (1995). [HTML] 184k
, Gun Control and Economic Discrimination: The Melting-Point Case-in-Point, 85Howard L.J. 411-436 (1995). [HTML] 102k
, Is the True Meaning of the Second Amendment Really Such a Riddle? Tracing the Historical "Origins of an Anglo-American Right", 39N. Ky. L. Rev. 63-96 (1982). [HTML] 126k
, To Preserve Liberty--A Look at the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 10N. Ky. L. Rev. 113-140 (1982). [HTML] 91k
, Gun Ownership: A Constitutional Right, 10GMU Civ. Rts. L.J. 105-178 (1995). [HTML] 235k
, Second Class Citizenship and the Second Amendment in the District of Columbia, 5Seton Hall Const. L.J. 341-434 (1995). [HTML] 293k
, Personal Security, Personal Liberty, and "The Constitutional Right to Bear Arms": Visions of the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment, 5Tenn. L. Rev. 597-641 (1995). [HTML] 170k
, Congress Interprets the Second Amendment: Declarations by a Co-Equal Branch on the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 62Val. U. L.Rev. 131-207 (1991). [HTML] 257k
, The Right of the People or the Power of the State: Bearing Arms, Arming Militias, and the Second Amendment, 26Baylor L. Rev. 629-688 (1989). [HTML] 218k
, The Right to Bear Arms in Texas: The Intent of the Framers of the Bill of Rights, 41U. Dayton L. Rev. 91-124 (1989). [HTML] 121k
, Encroachments of the Crown on the Liberty of the Subject: Pre-Revolutionary Origins of the Second Amendment, 15Law & Contemp. Probs. 151-162 (1986). [HTML] 57k
, What the Framers Intended: A Linguistic Analysis of the Right to "Bear Arms", 49Vt. L. Rev. 255-320 (1985). [HTML] 225k
, The Right to Bear Arms in the First State Bills of Rights: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Vermont, and Massachusetts, 49N. Ky. L. Rev. 13-39 (1982). [HTML] 96k
, To Keep and Bear Their Private Arms: The Adoption of the Second Amendment, 1787-1791, 10GMU L. Rev. 1-69 (1981). [HTML] 250k
, The Jurisprudence of the Second and Fourteenth Amendments, 4J. of Law & Pol. 1-62 (1987). [HTML] 214k
, The Second Amendment and the Historiography of the Bill of Rights, 4Cumb. L. Rev. 585-682 (1987). [HTML] 380k
, The Firearms Owners' Protection Act: A Historical and Legal Perspective, 17Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 559-638 (1986). [HTML] 287k
, Armed Citizens, Citizen Armies: Toward a Jurisprudence of the Second Amendment, 9Val. U. L. Rev. 107 (1991). [HTML]
, Arms, Anarchy and the Second Amendment, 26Rutgers L. Rev. 97-197 (1997). [HTML] 329k
, Principles and Passions: The Intersection of Abortion and Gun Rights, 50Rutgers L.J. 1-81 (1992). [HTML] 281k
, Beyond the Second Amendment: An Individual Right to Arms Viewed Through the Ninth Amendment, 24J. Contemp. L. 353-379 (1994). [HTML] 100k
, Gun Control: Separating Reality from Symbolism, 20Const. Comm. 87-104 (1992). [HTML] 60k
, The Second Amendment and the Ideology of Self-Protection, 9Pub. Interest L. Rev. 31-46 (1992). [HTML] 45k
, Bigotry, Symbolism and Ideology in the Battle over Gun Control,Am. J. of Crim. Law 113-167 (1991). [HTML] 225k
, The Value of Civilian Handgun Possession as a Deterrent to Crime or a Defense Against Crime, 18L. & Contemp. Probs. 143-150 (1986). [HTML] 37k
, The Second Amendment: A Dialogue, 49Mich. L. Rev. 204-273 (1983). [HTML] 308k
, Handgun Prohibition and the Original Meaning of the Second Amendment, 82Tenn. L. Rev. 513-596 (1994). [HTML] 364k
, Guns and Public Health: Epidemic of Violence or Pandemic of Propaganda?, 62Mich. L. Rev. 1335-1362 (1995). [HTML] 124k
, It Isn't About Duck Hunting: The British Origins of the Right to Arms, 93Qtl'y J. of Ideology 3-34 (1995). [HTML] 76k
, The Ideology of Gun Ownership and Gun Control in the United States, 18N.Y. L. Sch. J. of Int. & Comp. L. 355-398 (1995). [HTML] 144k
, Lethal Laws, 15J. of Contemp. L. 381-417 (1994). [HTML] 125k
, Rational Basis Analysis of "Assault Weapon" Prohibition, 20St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 285-359 (1993). [HTML]
, Peril or Protection? The Risks and Benefits of Handgun Prohibition, 12Asia Pac. L. Rev 26-52 (1993). [HTML] 89k
, Japanese Gun Control, 12Temple Int'l & Comp. L.J. 1-50 (1991). [HTML] 228k
, Canadian Gun Control: Should the United States Look North for a Solution to its Firearms Problem?, 5Temple L. Rev. 1177-1240 (1995). [HTML] 288k
, A Tale of Three Cities: The Right to Bear Arms in State Supreme Courts, 68Seton Hall Legis. J. 737-775 (1995). [HTML] 134k
, The Sullivan Principles: Protecting the Second Amendment from Civil Abuse, 56Maryland L. Rev. 438-554 (1997). [HTML] 476k
, Communitarians, Neorepublicans, and Guns: Assessing the Case for Firearms Prohibition, 56Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 148-167 (1971). [HTML] 65k
, The Right to Bear Arms: The Development of the American Experience, 48Yale L.J. 637-659 (1989). [HTML] 94k
, The Embarrassing Second Amendment, 99U. Chi. J. of L. Stud. -- (1997). [PDF]
, Crime, Deterrence, and Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns, 26Tex. Rev. L, & Pol. 157-191 (1999). [HTML] 122k
, The Ends of Second Amendment Jurisprudence: Firearms Disabilities and Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, 4Ga. L. Rev. 1-76 (1996). [HTML] 253k
, The Past and Future of the Individual's Right to Arms, 31Ala. L. Rev. 103-130 (1987). [HTML] 96k
, The Second Amendment, Political Liberty, and the Right to Self-Preservation, 39Hastings Const. L.Q. 285-314 (1983). [HTML] 113k
, The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: The Common Law Tradition, 10Lincoln L. Rev. 1-25 (1990). [HTML] 85k
, Who is the Militia--The Virginia Ratification Convention and the Right to Bear Arms, 19Hamline L. Rev. 399-465 (1999). [HTML] 282k
, All the Way Down the Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition in England and Some Lessons for Civil Liberties in America, 22Wash. U. L.Q. 1237- (1997). [HTML]
, Of Holocausts and Gun Control, 75Wm & Mary L. Rev. 1311-1403 (1997). [HTML] 331k
, Guns, Words, and Constitutional Interpretation, 38Cap. U. L. Rev. 641-692 (1993). [HTML] 194k
, Is There a Neutral Justification for Refusing to Implement the Second Amendment or is the Supreme Court Just "Gun Shy"?, 22Tenn. L. Rev. 461-512 (1995). [HTML] 210k
, A Critical Guide to the Second Amendment, 62Tenn. L. Rev. 647-673 (1994). [HTML] 105k
, The Right to Keep and Bear Arms under the Tennessee Constitution: A Case Study in Civic Republican Thought, 61Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1737-1768 (1995). [HTML] 108k
, The Second Amendment and States' Rights: A Thought Experiment, 36L. & Contemp. Probs. 125-141 (1986). [HTML] 71k
, The Armed Citizen in the Early Republic, 49J. of Am. Hist. 599-614 (1982). [HTML] 61k
, The Ideological Origins of the Second Amendment, 69Fla. St. U. L. Rev. -- (1995). [HTML]
, In Search of the Lost Amendment: Challenging Federal Firearms Regulation Through the State's Right Interpretation of the Second Amendment, 23A.B.A. J. 554-557 (June 1965). [HTML] 30k
, The Lost Amendment, 51A.B.A. J. 665-669 (July 1965). [HTML] 35k
, The Lost Amendment, 51Duke L.J. 1236-1255 (1994). [HTML] 69k
, The Second Amendment and the Personal Right to Arms, 43Val. L. Rev. 1007-1039 (1994). [HTML] 127k
, The History of the Second Amendment, 28NYU L. Rev. 793- (1998). [HTML]
, The Commonplace Second Amendment, 73NYU L. Rev. 831- (1998). [HTML]
, The Amazing Vanishing Second Amendment, 73J. of L. Ed. -- (forthcoming 1998). [HTML]
, The Second Amendment as Teaching Tool in Constitutional Law Classes, 73Hastings Const. L.Q. 961-1001 (1975). [HTML] 133k
, Standing Armies And Armed Citizens: An Historical Analysis of The Second Amendment, 2J. of Urb. Law 557-589 (1974). [HTML] 42k
, A Reply to Advocates of Gun-Control Law, 52N.Y.U. L. Rev. 822-830 (1998). [HTML] 33k
, The Unitary Second Amendment, 73Cornell L. Rev. 879-952 (1996). [HTML] 287k
, The Militia Movement and Second Amendment Revolution: Conjuring with the People, 81Yale L.J. 551-615 (1991). [HTML] 304k
, Civic Republicanism and the Citizen Militia: The Terrifying Second Amendment, 101[ Home ]