Federal Civil Rights
(42 USC 1981-88)

If you want to file a Civil Rights (42 USC 1983) or Diversity Tort Complaint in Federal Court, HOW2's Bob Hirschfeld, JD, may be the right one to assist you. Bob does not represent litigants. However, he educates persons who represent themselves. Although he is no longer in law practice, he has considerable Federal Court experience, as well as Constitutional-law based State appeals. During his former law practice, he filed a number of such actions for clients, also as an ACLU Cooperating Attorney, and on his own behalf.

Among these are:

Hirschfeld is available through HOW2 to assist and teach pro-se litigants to draft Federal Civil Rights and Diversity Tort complaints via the Internet.

Hirschfeld does not represent anyone in a lawyer-client capacity.
He is a legal educator assisting pro-se litigants and appellants only.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD Phoenix, AZ
011 52 638 385 3600

Self-Representation Educational Videotapes

"Introduction to Courts and Civil Procedure"
HOW2 Represent Yourself in Court Without a Lawyer - Videotape #1

1 1/4 hour VHS -- $19.95 plus $3.20 Priority Mail Postage

"The Appeal Process"
HOW2 Represent Yourself on Appeal Without a Lawyer - Videotape #2

1 3/4 hour VHS -- $19.95 plus $3.20 Priority Mail Postage

"Power and Pitfalls of Federal Court"
What Federal Courts can and cannot do; Deciding to file a Federal action
Videotape #3

1 1/2 hour VHS -- $19.95 plus $3.20 Priority Mail Postage

Bob Hirschfeld, JD presented these seminars, which were videotaped, at recent conventions of the National Congress for Fathers and Children (NCFC).
Tape #1 is an excellent introduction to basic procedure, sequence of what happens from filing through motions, discovery, trial, post-trial, with the insights and techniques gained by Bob Hirschfeld in ten years of Domestic Relations practice.
Tape #2 is a practical seminar on Appeals; what can and cannot be appealed, preparations necessary before appeal, the nuts and bolts of the appeal process. Chock full of practical hints, warnings, explanations.
Tape #3 teaches what federal courts can and cannot do; too many pro-se litigants file fatally flawed complaints without first understanding the limitations, immunities, abstention doctrines, and peculiarities of federal Court jurisdiction and capability. This tape helps decide whether or not to use a federal court approach, and helps avoid the basic pitfalls if the decision is to go federal.
All three tapes are useful in representing yourself, and to show to meetings of fathers rights, court reform or pro-se advocates and organizations.

SECURE CREDIT CARD ORDERING Or, you may send a check or money order for $23.15 EACH, made out to "HOW2" Cash sent by mail is at your risk. (Inquire about outside-USA payment/shipment.)
HOW2, PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341-0696
(Voice Credit Card Orders: 011 52 638 385 3600


Visitors since 9/11/97

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