(America Law Education Rights & Taxation)


Raiding The Lock Box

Foreword from Gordon Phillips --

For years INFORM AMERICA! has been alerting our fellow Americans to the truth about the voluntary (i.e., elective) nature of participation in Social (in)Security, a treaty-based program designed in 1935 for foreigners -- one in which Americans today can still CHOOSE to participate.

I've written dozens of articles on this subject. I've recorded audio cassettes. I've produced videos. I even devoted a thousand hours or so to researching and writing a book titled 'Losing Your Illusions' that has since become an underground best-seller. I've spelled it all out in plain English, as clear as the nose on Franklin Roosevelt's face. 

No one has yet been able to refute this information and my F$10,000 cash reward offer still stands.

I've explained the truth behind our inflationary/expansionary system of fiat/debt/paper/cyber/credit/money, backed by nothing but the blind confidence of a trusting public.

I've explained that it would take a miracle for anyone under the age of 30 to receive one dime in Social (in)Security 'benefits' upon 'retirement'. 

I've explained that the first 'dollar' 'invested' in Social (in)Security will be worth about 5 cents in purchasing power when the government starts doling out the 'benefits' 40 years later. That's fraud and theft at the highest levels.

If you, Dear Reader, are a part-time government worker (i.e., still sending 50% of your labor to the Imperial City each working day until noon), take heed. 

Your life is a gift from God; He has given you just so many hours. Being defrauded of even ONE of those hours is bad enough. Being defrauded of YEARS' worth is unconscionable. 

In any event, the piper must now be paid. The following short piece is excerpted from 'The Daily Reckoning Weekend Edition' for September 22-23, 2001. Read it and understand. Click here to subscribe yourself --> http://www.dailyreckoning.com/emailfriend.cfm?id=1596

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Raiding The Lock Box -- by Bill Bonner

'Having watched the European and Asian markets teeter last week while U.S. markets were closed, we ... expected a crash on Monday's opening ... what we got was the greatest single point drop in the Dow's history ... the greatest rout in U.S. economic history ... On top of the $40 billion emergency package Congress doled out last week, says an article on SanDiego.com, we can expect $20 billion more to bail out the airline industry; $20 billion for the Pentagon; and $20 billion more to beef up entitlement programs already in place ... What's more, ... the Federal government will find itself $60 billion shy of projected tax revenues. All together, that's an unexpected hit of $160 billion on the Federal balance sheet ... 'Only two things,' said a Congressman on CNN this morning ... can lead us to raid the Social Security 'lock box': war and recession.' Now we've got both. America's baby boomers, historically short on savings and long on stock losses, are about to go to war against an enemy that they can scarcely define, using what's left of government IOUs in the Social Security fund.'


Gordon continues: With every future dime donated in 'self-employment' tax, with every payroll check from which FICA continues to be fleeced -- that is, 'withheld' --, repeat to yourself' 'it's only my labor ...', 'it's only my labor ...', 'it's only my labor ...' 

Finally, all torpedos and potential accusations of shameless self-promotion be damned -- please allow me to beseech you once again.

*** READ MY BOOK ... FOR FREE! ***

Yes, the offer still stands. And it's sincere. You can read 'Losing Your Illusions' absolutely for FREE. Simply mail it back in good condition within 30 days and we immediately refund your security deposit. You do NOT have to buy the book. We just want you to read it and discover the truth for yourself.

I have yet to find anyone else willing to make such an offer. It's just that I sincerely want YOU and yours to understand exactly how -- and why -- you are being fleeced like an ant milking an aphid. Your financial survival and your children's future depends on your comnprension of the lawfully limited power to tax like never before.

Given the economic and political future about to face us all, there has never been a more important time to understand the true nature of government -- or the proper role of a citizen under a constitutionally limited, lawful form of government -- than now.