(America Law Education Rights & Taxation)

On The Road Again

E-mail tsunamis ... "Open Line Monday Night" ... "TNT" ... echoes of Sherman ... desperate downloads ... and more!


Canned Heat fans and others, if you've written to INFORM AMERICA! lately and not received a timely reply, please accept our apologies. During this time of year, our e-mail inbox is flooded (we bail it out hourly by the bucketful).

We can only conclude that the tax laws must somehow be more comprehensible between January 1st and April 15th (which we hear promises to be another potentially nice spring day). Why does no one write during the summer? It's so lonely around here in August.

Also, our e-mail was down temporarily last week. Seems the sheer volume of correspondence and downloads "smoked" our server. That's been duct-taped back together and we're back in action. If you wrote recently and received no reply, please reload and write again.


Join me each week on Monday evening at 9:30PM eastern time for 90 minutes of tax fun and frivolity. No question too scary or perplexing! Call 918-222-7101. When prompted for the PIN, enter 5562, then press the # key. This is a national telephone conference call, not an Internet conference. Long
distance charges only apply. Participate or lurk, your choice.


Our January "TAX NEGATION TECHNOLOGY" event was  a huge success. A dozen serious individuals from all over America defied Mr. Ashcroft, packed their nail clippers and flew to New England for a weekend of intensive guerilla tax training (... when your own government is a scofflaw, one can never be too well informed).

Some strong and mutually beneficial new relationships are already being formed as a result of this furtive gathering. To those who attended, thanks again for your intense interest in the Cause of American Liberty (... and don't forget your reading assignments ;-).


Throughout the remainder of 2002, INFORM AMERICA! will once again take to the highways to bring our hands-on educational workshops to cities and towns across America.

Our March excursion will include daily "whistle stops" up and down the eastern seaboard from New England to Georgia. In April, we'll head westward to Iowa ("and beyond!").

Later trips this year will take us to the Republic of Texas and other south central outposts of Azlatan (sorry).

INFORM AMERICA! speaking engagements range from the informal evening "TAX FREEDOM 101" presentation in your living room to a few flabbergasted close friends, to the intensive, all-day "TAX NEGATION TECHNOLOGY" workshop, complete with overheads, escape routes and aspirin.

If you have an interest in scheduling a casual "talk" or full-blown seminar in your area, now is the time to let us know. The Taxmobile is gassed up and ready to roll, so don't delay! Send an e-mail to <seminarctr@onebox.com> today for more details.


Over the weekend of March 16/17, I'll be swinging through Atlanta, Georgia to attend the bi-monthly "Managing Director Workshop" being conducted by our friends at Financial Fortress Associates.

In my opinion, FFA continues to provide the most professional, practical and performance-oriented asset protection education and services in the land.

If, like Robin Hood, you have an interest in plunder-proofing your little piece of heaven against the rapacious wiles of today's evil Prince John, join me in Atlanta.

I'll be conducting a "TAX FREEDOM 101" presentation on the evening of Friday, March 15th (the night before the FFA weekend event, and probably in the same hotel). Location to be decided shortly.

If you plan to attend and would like to schedule a little personal "one-on-one" time together, I am planning to stay over on Monday, March 18th. But be sure to let me know asap.


Interest in becoming a member of America's most established constitutional tax education and support organization peaks at this time of year. Again, it must be something in the mail.

No, it's not anthrax spores ... it's millions of 1099 and W-2 transmittal documents (applicable to foreigners ONLY) being sent to "fink" on one's neighbors. Now that's some REAL "home-grown" terrorism!

Compared to America's millions of quisling tax preparers, McVeigh and bin Laden are mere pikers. Someone please inform Homeland Security.

For information on Case Development and Power-of-Attorney services available to Fellowship members (only), visit our web site at http://www.informamerica.com/download.htm and grab the ZIP files at the bottom of the FREE REPORTS page.

*** Read everything first (please) **** then e-mail me at <gordon@informamerica.com> if you have serious interest in membership.

Put "SAPF MEMBERSHIP" in the Subject line and we'll "triage" you to the top of the inbox.

Until next time, keep your toner dry ...