"Are You A Practicing Communist?" by Richard McDonald Here in America today, we Americans pride ourselves as being staunch anti-communists. A lot of us think of the communists as the bad guys and the cause of our troubles and that of the rest of the world's. This bad guy must look really bad and we should spot him easily in any crowd. Let us examine what a communist really is. Communism is a way of life that is contrary to most teachings of the bible and that of the common law as our beloved country "The Union of States united" was founded to be. In 1848, Karl Marx wrote the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, which he copied from an article written by Adam Weishaupt in 1797. (This article was named "How to change a Republic into a Democracy.") It is the foundation of what communist ideology is all about. A true communist or communist country would be practicing all these 10 planks. Today, even here in America, we are practicing all these 10 planks and we don't even know that we are, in reality, communists. We would rather call ourselves something else "a Democracy" which is really the same thing. The 1st Plank: THE ABOLITION OF PROPERTY IN LAND AND APPLICATION OF ALL RENTS IN LAND TO PUBLIC PURPOSES. As in the old law of Moses and in the first 150 years of America, when you owned land, you had absolute title to the land and no other party can lay claim on it whatsoever unless you sold the land or voluntarily let another party lay claim. But then, you had the right to get it back if it would take your grandchildren to claim it back. Today, we only have what you call a 99 year lease. The state can confiscate your land for non-payment of taxes. The only reason the state can do this is that you don't really own the land, as you are not a State Citizen, but in law you are an alien who is resident within the state. The state has controlling interest on your land, and you are merely paying rent and this rent goes to public purposes. The 2nd Plank: A HEAVY PROGRESSIVE OR GRADUATED INCOME TAX. Need I explain this. We all know that we have an income tax in America, and that the more you make, the more you are taxed. The income tax on the working individual was instituted in 1942 by the President of the N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank, Mr. Beardsly Rumhl, with the backing of F.D.R. The 3rd Plank: THE ABOLITION OF ALL RIGHT OF INHERITANCE. In the old law of Moses and the first 150 years of America, there was no inheritance tax. In the law of Moses, land was transferred to the eldest son absolutely. In the first 150 years in America, inheritance and/or your assigns was also absolute. There were no third parties involved. A marriage license makes the state a third party to the marriage. If you are an alien you cannot have the right of descent. Thus, the state has an interest which must be paid when one dies. The 4th Plank: THE CONFISCATION OF THE PROPERTY OF ALL EMIGRANTS AND REBELS. Some people are beginning to find out about what is really going on. They are beginning to rebel against the communists controlling the government and in the process, SWAT teams are sent against them. Businesses are closed down, homes are taken from then and they are put out on the street. Their wages are taken from them, so they cannot sustain the necessities of life. All because the IRS controls the lifeblood of all the citizens of the District of Columbia. The 5th Plank: CENTRALIZATION OF CREDIT IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE, BY MEANS OF A NATIONAL BANK WITH STATE CAPITAL AND AN EXCLUSIVE MONOPOLY. This brings us straight to the Federal Reserve Bank. This is a private bank, not a governmental agency. The basis of the federal reserve note is credit which is the reason it has no gold or silver backing. The government borrows these notes to pass on to the people to use, and pays interest in gold or silver to the foreign communist owners of the bank. In the first 150 years of America, people used gold or silver coins as currency, they did not have to pay interest to anyone for their use. The 6th Plank: THE CENTRALIZATION OF THE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND TRANSPORTATION IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE. This is accomplished by the Federal Communications Commission which controls, regulates and licenses all newspapers, magazines; radio and television stations who are in local or national networks in a corporate capacity. Transportation is controlled through the use of state vehicle registration and licensing of the owners. The 7th Plank: THE EXTENSION OF FACTORIES AND THE INSTRUMENTS OF PRODUCTION OWNED BY THE STATE AND THE BRINGING INTO CULTIVATION OF LAND AND THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL GENERALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH A COMMON PLAN. Factories are all controlled by the government by means of permits and licenses. Various other agencies like OSHA, labor boards, unions all regulate the businesses. Smaller businesses are extensions of these factories because they are franchises. Farms are told which crop to plant and are sometimes paid not to plant. Farms are controlled by various governmental agencies like Soil Conservation Districts, Bureau of Land Management and Desert Land Entry Act, where government owned land is leased to corporate farmers. Like the Imperial Valley in San Diego. The 8th Plank: EQUAL LIABILITY FOR ALL TO LABOR AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ARMIES, ESPECIALLY FOR AGRICULTURE. Equal liability is established through Social Security, and forcing women to work to support the family, as the man cannot earn enough to support his family. Most are members of an industrial army through this number because you cannot get a job without this number. The 9th Plank: THE COMBINATION OF AGRICULTURE WITH MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES AND THE GRADUAL ABOLITION OF THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TOWN AND COUNTRY BY THE MORE EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION OVER THE COUNTRY. Regional government under control of the federal government who are under the direct control of foreign bankers. In other words, "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT." The 10th Plank: FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Need this be explained? Even private and church schools must obtain a license and teach a state approved courses. These all teach humanistic principles, not reading, writing and mathematics. They are taught to be good slaves to the government and ask for a license (permission) before doing anything. In fact, 6th and 7th graders are taught to fill out income tax forms by the IRS. They are taught that the government will support them, if they do what they are told, and do not ask questions. NOW, ARE YOU A PRACTICING COMMUNIST? # # #
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