“No man can struggle with advantage against the spirit of
his age and country, and however powerful a man may be, it is hard for him to
make his contemporaries share feelings and ideas which run counter to the
general run of their hopes and desires.”
There is a malevolent obfuscation and outright arrogance against this nation’s freedom’s being applied by an out-of-control government which is intruding and manipulating the complete body of American’s lives. There can be no arguing about this fact in the modern American experience. Most people are now afraid of their government, and in fact; outright fear it. The restrictions placed upon government by a Constitution are but a mere remembrance…no longer does government know or understand any enumerated ‘restraints.’ Its power has become absolute. This is a recently developed contemporary fact that many American’s presently suffer through, especially fathers. Consider this letter as documented from within just one American Industry and their fears of American government:
“As you know, the real issue more so than
the price per thousand cubic feet is the continuation of the First Amendment of
the Constitution, the guarantee of freedom of speech. With increasing relation, as big brother looks closer over our
shoulder, we grow timid against speaking out for truth and our beliefs against
falsehoods and wrong doings. Fear of
IRS audits, bureaucratic strangulation or governmental harassment is a powerful
weapon against freedom of speech.
In October 31 [1977] edition of the U.S.
News & World Report, the Washington Whispers section noted that, “Oil
industry officials claim that they have received this ultimatum from Energy
Secretary James Schlesinger: ‘Support
the Administration’s proposed tax on crude oil—or else face tougher regulation
and a possible drive to break up the oil companies.”
His judgment is
amply confirmed by the public behavior of oil officials. Tongue-lashed by Senator Henry Jackson for
earning “obscene profits,” not a single member of a group of oil industry
executives answered back, or even left the room and refused to submit to
further personal abuse.”
To Choose, A Personal Statement, by Milton Friedman, ©1980, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Inc., 737 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017, ISBN 0-15-133481-1, p.
What omniscient powers Industry and business fears, such absolute totalitarian dictatorship with absolute authority is extrapolated one-hundred fold against Fathers who do not even begin to have the power or resources to combat such unwanted injustices or intrusions by Government. We must examine the fundamental reasons of how this came to be. Clearly, the unrestrained growth of government and the break-up of the American family are not only closely related: they have also a causal relationship intertwined within the modern workings of our Society. In examining this relationship, we must analyze what the qualitative products are between a Matriarchal Society and a Patriarchal one as we related in the last chapter.
Matriarchal Societies are feminist
in nature, based off the Female Kinship system, and suffer no regulation of the
woman. It is a state, of sexual
anarchy. It is a communal Socialist
society where ‘all share’ and property rights are loosely defined. Where Patriarchy makes sex work for the
society, Matriarchy imposes total freedom for the woman with no concurrent
responsibility. In fact, the Matriarchal system imposes unjust
manipulative ways in which to control the males within the population, as
normally; males cannot be controlled by females due to the fact that males are
bigger and stronger than their weaker counterpart. [Matriarchy as was established at the dawn of man was a system of
stasis, with inherent sexual anarchy, a natural system of stagnation and
disorder within the “natural” human condition.
Otherwise identified as tribalism.]
Females thereby use more surreptitious ways, social-collective in design
in which to subjugate and control the male.
In the modern American Society, this is done via both Government and
through the Courts through Feminist Jurisprudence. Matriarchy is simply a model which cannot work without
socialism. What we are saying here is
that Matriarchy can never work without SUBSIDY and subsidy can only come
through burdening the collective society.
It is the expression of socialism that creates the reason for altruism
(subsidy). This in turn gives
Matriarchy it’s cause and by this, gains control and power, via the sophistry
of ‘equality.’
In the early history of man,
Matriarchy was the original condition of mankind due to the fact that we
gestated from the ape. Man is the
fertilization of the great Apes. So Matriarchy
was the initial state for mankind, as mankind had no sense of
civilization. This ‘lowest order’ of
mankind ruled for on the order of a quarter of a million years. It is a scientific fact, that apes—have not
risen from their matriarchal state, that they have not created science, art,
literature, that they have in fact, been exactly in the same social and
technological state for eons. Mankind,
was essentially the same way.
One misgiving of Matriarchy is that it takes the physically inferior woman then through the application of the equality dogma, empowers the Matriarchal Model through coercion through the tribe. Conversely, the Patriarchal Model is implemented through contract and social regulation—the resultant benefits of the family order being the impetus for such regulation. In this model, the woman ‘chooses’ to voluntarily bind herself to the man, and from that mutual contract, both she and the male benefit—as they become one. This is the regulated application of Briffault’s law. “The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.” In the Patriarchal model therefore, the female voluntarily selects the best male, who concurrently has been grooming himself to be an attractive provider for the woman, the “best” provider in fact. From this an ‘association’ takes place, the best male provider, gets selected by his female counterpart—and from the female acquiring his benefit of security, safety and production; she gives him the best genetic expression of her body in children; and thereby a transactional application of Briffault’s Law takes place. He gets the knowledge that all children procreated from this union are his, and she gets the best protection and provider who will keep her comfortable and safe.
Within a Matriarchy however, it’s different. Sexual anarchy reigns. The tribe procreates randomly. The worst provider has as much probability of procreating as the most avid and expert hunter. When the children come out—nobody has any idea who is the Father, so—the tribe ‘generally’ takes care of them. In a Patriarchy, you better believe the father, knowing the children are his, provides for them specifically—and not only that—he provides for them in the best way he can. Those children get the best of what he can gain in surplus. This does not happen in the tribal model, nor does it happen within our modern social institutions such as Old Age Homes, Halfway houses, Shelters, or most importantly: Foster Care for children.
In a modern Matriarchy, it is only through base coercion that woman gains superiority through State Applied privilege as the male and female remain separate, disparate entities. From this, there is no social order, the only benefit is anarchy and devolution. The one most responsible in the Matriarchal model for proliferating (sexual freedom or ‘anarchy’ of the Female who now “controls” her own sexuality) is not held up to any standards, nor is she responsible for any of her sexual acts: the male is. In Patriarchy, the male is also held responsible for the creation of a child and his sexual acts, however, society grants him certain rights concomitant with that responsibility. Indeed, one may look at this conundrum and recognize that in either of the two models, the woman is either choosing to marry the man, or the government. She cannot however marry both. She either is free sexually and has sexual anarchy, and when she breeds the state, (or “Tribe” or “Village”) become responsible to ‘generally’ raise the child by government subsidy. In a Patriarchy, the male assumes the responsibility, and takes in the child to his home, he and his wife become one, and the family becomes a viable, sealed economic unit with the children cared for ‘specifically.’
This idea of the woman having to choose between either man or the government to marry is a direct extrapolation of Briffaults law. She will marry or bind herself to whatever ‘providers’ for her the best. With the attack upon the American male, and the concurrent attack on our economy and massive debt with a negative individual American savings-rate—has established an economic climate to where many of the lower, social order females (especially those whom have created our black and lower income inner-city “super-ghettos”) have clearly chosen the state over the male counterpart.
Instead of the State following the precepts of Western Civilization and giving the child to the father in order to keep divorce rates law, and to keep families together, it ‘enjoins’ in the sexual anarchy by not only supporting it, but economically providing for it thereby splitting the bond between the father and his family and more importantly: his children. The Father is then at a state of affairs to where he has to fight for his own children—to where under law—they ‘should’ be given to him. Instead, the state converts law into anti-law, and gains directly upon the man and woman trying to split their own children. The resulting fraud is best explained by the common law theory handed down from Lord Coke:
Trying to split children
Here be two maximes of the
common law. First, that no man can hold one and the same land immediately of
two severall lords. Secondly, that one man cannot of the same land be both lord
and tenant. And it is to be observed, that it is holden for an inconvenience,
that any of the maximes of the law should be broken, though a private man
suffer losse; for that by infringing of a maxime, not onely a generall prejudice
to many, but in the end a publike incertainty and confusion to all would
follow. Section 152b.
[Maxim’s of Lord Coke]
is a system of lies and deceptions. Of ‘confusion’ as Lord Coke notes. It has to be. For in order to pretend that two people each own exactly 50%
percent of a child, you have to defraud one in order for the other to enjoy its
ownership. Though it is well recognized
maxim that two people ‘really’ can’t own the same child (or land), this dichromatic fantasy exists in
modern law in order to force this illogic upon the parents, in which to allow
the ‘real’ distinction between lord and tenant, so that the male will be forced
to accept Matriarchy (whereby the State becomes the real parent to the child
under the “Best Interests” doctrine via Parens Patriæ). Under this illogical conundrum of “Joint
Custody” (which the State loves and eminently profits from), the ‘real’ lord is
established within the home from this anarchy is the State, or the one
who arbitrates and controls this issue under color of law and under color of
Justice. What we are logically proving
here is that the legal thesis alone of 50/50 Joint Custody—is a lie. Can’t happen in the domain of law as Lord
Coke notes above. And it most certainly
doesn’t exist within people’s realities.
Thereby, the courts are knowingly propagating an outright fraud that, in
accordance with their own maxims—is an impossible legal condition. Through Matriarchy the male has to be
either conditioned or forced to submit to an inferior and weaker species, a
weaker logic, and a weaker master: the state—who now truly rules his home. In this regard it is the inferior system,
due to the fact that it takes the stronger of the species and relegates him to
and subferior position of inferiority, and gives him no place within the home,
nor within society; even though through strength, moral, endurance,
intelligence, and his natural station, he is clearly the proper agent within a
society to rule within the home.
Reluctantly, even the feminists are beginning to recognize this sober
A man is
important for both boys and girls. Both
will benefit from having been loved by a man as well as a woman. However, a boy needs a relationship with a
man in order to have a role model for masculine identification, whereas a girl
need it for the experience of loving and being loved by a man...
Despite my
erroneous conviction prior to being a mother that almost all gender stereotypes
were created rather than inborn, I saw clearly on how much my son needed a kind
of roughhousing in play, something that was totally alien to me, but which
almost any man who was in the vicinity seemed to understand immediately. Men appear to love play in this rough-and-tumble
way that few women seem to enjoy.
[Single Mothers by
Choice, A Guidebook for Single Women who are Considering or have Chosen
Motherhood, by Jane Mattes, C.S.W., ©1994,
Times Books, Random House, New York, pp. 162-163.]
not only Western Civilization, but nature itself chose him for this task. To alienate the child from his father, a
Cognitive Dissonance has to be established in which to either intellectually or
morally allow the male to submit and to disinherit himself from his proper legal
and moral role of parent, which he now, under the Feminist Jurisprudence
system, ‘has to share’ with the wife and the State. Of course, as Lord Coke noted: the second he is ‘reasonable’ and
shares his property he loses all ‘rights’—just as a Lord Coke demonstrates any
Lord would when trying to ‘share’ a parcel with some other tenant. Thereby, there are many Lord’s trying to
hold title to the children when in fact; they do not even understand they have
been overthrown of that function.
Unfortunately, this fraud in “law” is accomplished in modern society by
sophistry through “Equity,” forced upon these men, by rogue courts. Through using the tools of sophistry and
deception, the Socialist agents have convinced (through force and coercion),
the American male to fall on his sword “In the Best Interests of the
Child.” The Judges accomplish this
through a tool used in Equity courts called “discretion,” which means that they
can now throw away the law, and refuse to do what is right or just. In contrast, the female by allowing this
false doctrine to intrude into the home, is essentially marrying the real Lord
and master to who she now she truly obeys: The State. If she doesn’t obey this
husband, she loses her children forever to where ever the State decides. The first “Lord” of the husband such women
usually discover, , really wasn’t as abusive as this “second Lord” of the
state, in which she now is ultimately held slave to. However, this second Lord can supply her with more economic
support and stable benefits, which is why she now tolerates this ultimate
authority of the State within her life, which she now essentially is married
to. This of course, has weakened the
once stable position of marriage within our society:
As marriage
began to erode as the central institution governing family relationships, so
too did the norm of marital permanence.
A small but revealing sign of the change came with the popular trend
toward self-written marriage vows. In
some ceremonies, the traditional pledge to marry for “as long as we both shall
live” was replaced with the more limited promise to marry for “as long as we
both shall love,” which in many cases meant “as long as I feel happy and
satisfied with the arrangement.” At
least one sourcebook on marriage vows suggests an even more contingent pledge:
to marry for “as long as we both shall like.”
In his divorce book J. Randall Nichols, and ordained minister and
teacher at the Princeton Theological Seminary, provides a more sophisticated
rationale for the limited and continent marriage vow: “The marriage vow is to
sign, seal, and vehicle of self-investment; it is not do this or that; it is a
commitment to work in relationship.”
divorce law offers even more compelling evidence of the abandonment of the norm
of marital permanence. As legal scholar
Donald S. Moir notes, no-fault divorce carries the message that “the marriage
covenant is freely and unilaterally terminable, that the welfare of children is
subservient to the personal fulfillment of adults, that a parents effective
relationship with his or her children may be terminated at any time without
cause at the will of the other parent.”
[The Divorce Culture,
by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, ©1996; Borzoi Books, Published by Alfred A.
Knopf, Inc., New York, ISBN 0-679-43230-2; p.142-143.]
Clearly, neither Government, nor the
Feminist main’s interest or desire is towards the true interest of the American
child. Indeed, no greater disaster has fallen upon American children than that of “In
the Best Interests of the Child.”
It is an outright lie, and the voluminous facts and figures showing this
absolutely show, that modern Matriarchy as applied through Feminism has been a
criminal abomination. We see these
sophistries applied in several other area’s to again, gain a toe-hold of
Government intrusion within other area’s: the Environment, Drug’s, the War on
Matriarchy (Socialists) use the
natural tendencies of Government to expand and enhance their power in which to
apply it’s mythologies upon an unsuspecting public. As Bastiat demonstrated in his treatise The Law, those wanting to accrue their power and control at the
expense of others obtain as such by holding up a social cause. From this they agitate the public, widely
dispersing the need of implementation of new laws and social causes throughout
the mainstream media, and widely advertise manufactured “crisis’s” in which to
gain public support, and mobilize their elite’s to enforce the cause. From this, those elite profit greatly by
these ‘new laws’ and social causes they have now joined to support. Once the cause is subsidized by government,
the sophistry remains eternal and the problems never get solved, while the
laws; which are usually obscure and general at first; are of no-consequence; soon
conflagrate into ever superceding and interceding laws. Within a short period, if you break one of
these laws, which now becomes very easy—you are held hostage in paying huge
fines, penalties, and in the case of Fathers Rights, even imprisonment. This is our new social order, designed and
implemented via ‘activist’ courts requires these courts to violate, the very
fundamental premises upon which American law rested, and abandon them
For the Four
Horsemen, the principles of laissez-faire economics were not merely preferred
but part of the natural order "beyond the right of official control." Although the swore allegiance to a brand of
constitutional fundamentalism that required judges to "declare the law as
written," with no textual mandate whatsoever, they freely read into he
Constitution their own Darwinist notions of social policy. Using the protean doctrine of substantive
due process as their sword, they ventured forth to defend the country against
all manner of social and economic legislation--minimum wage laws, maximum hours
laws, price controls, regulations of interstate commerce--and thus, set
themselves four-square against Roosevelt's New Deal efforts to lift the nation
from depression.
Opposite the
Four Horsemen stood the Three Musketeers, Justices Louis Brandies, Harlan Fiske
Stone, and Benjamin Cardozo. These
"liberals" found no particular economic philosophy enshrined in the
Constitution (certainly no "Mr. Herbert Spencers Social Statistics," as
Holmes had put it in the most famous expression of their jurisprudence). Though not all enamored of Roosevelt--Stone
was close to Calvin Coolidge, who had appointed him--they were political
progressives and legal pragmatists who looked out on a nation in crisis and
recognized that its basic charter must bee deemed flexible enough to meet
"the social and economic needs of the time." To the Musketeers, the Justices had no right
(as the conservatives had been doing for twenty years) to hold 120 million
citizens hostage to their "own personal predilections" regarding
economic policy. The Court's proper
concern was solely with Congress's authority to enact a particular statue, not
with its wisdom.
Closed Chambers, The First Eyewitness
Account of the Epic Struggles Inside the Supreme Court, by Edward Lazarus,
c1998, Times Books, Random House, Inc., New York, ISBN 0-8129-2402-9, pp.
the fact remains that the Paradox of Feminism indoctrinating Matriarchy
throughout society clearly overthrows the well-founded, and well-documented
American legal foundations such as “that one man
cannot of the same land be both lord and tenant.” The fact that Feminism cannot live within the
American system of governance under the past doctrines and foundational
precepts which our nation was well established upon. This of course is conclusive proof of the quote above, that
Fatherhood, or Patriarchy, is being held hostage by today’s entire American
Jurisprudence system, to a “personal predilection” which stems directly from Feminism. This intolerance to Americanism is not lost
upon the Fathers Rights movement and may other groups who tend to support their
country. Therefore, presented with this
dichotomy, Radical Feminist “just throw away” any laws that they don’t agree
with, or which stand in their way; just as they are throwing away the basis of
American Jurisprudence itself, Christian morals, ethic’s, and most
importantly—truth, logic and justice.
Whatever foundational precepts they don’t like, whatever laws or
doctrines which do not conform to their radical ideology, they attack, subvert,
then; undermine by either destroying them outright or subverting them and
‘replacing’ them with “new” more “efficient laws.” As Ms. Hillary Clinton is eagerly said to have quoted: “A
redesign of humanity.” The fact that
the new laws which are subverting the basic doctrines of America, and replacing
them with Anti-American “law”—doesn’t matter to these people, for they never
believed in the concept of America in the first place. This of course has had direct and eternal
effects on the tapestry of the American dream and has greatly compromised this
nation’s freedom, to subsidize feminism by destroying America from within; someone has had to pay for this massive
social program.
“On the other side of the national divide is Second Wave America,
the forgotten Americans left behind...[it] is a land of middle-class anxiety,
downsized hopes, and vanished dreams, where economic insecurity is a
preexisting condition of life, and company towns become ghost towns overnight. Men in their forties and fifties who have
worked for the same company since college come home bewildered to their shaken
wives that they are being let go.
People know in their hearts that America will never again be the country
they grew up in. The years slide by,
family incomes stagnate, wives go to work to make sure their children have the
same things as other kids at the public school do. For Middle America, something went wrong. They played by the rules, but the promise
was unfulfilled.”
[The Great Betrayal,
How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of
the Global Economy, by Patrick J. Buchanan, ©1998; Little, Brown and
Company, Canada, ISBN 0-316-11518-5; p. 7.]
Strangely, nobody has related this national American tragedy with the advent of second and third wave Radical Feminism. It is as if everyone recognizes there is a hole in the bottom of the ship of America, yet keep looking up and blaming the sails for the ship sinking.
Matriarchy has usurped the sovereign
authority and moral leadership of the father within his own home, through the establishment and maintenance of
several sophistries.
The Children as starving and
in poverty.
Children as being Beaten and
The wife as being Beaten and
The The Father/Male as a Wife
run-away or abandoning
Wife and Children as being
The mutilated Beggar
Syndrome—wife and children always need help.
Sainted Mother
postulate—mothers can do no wrong.
The ‘EQUALITY’ Card.
Mothers are the supreme
parent and must stay with children at all costs over the Fathers rights.
These ten items have been widely indoctrinated into the mainstream mindset by both government and the mainstream media. To virtually every item, almost each and every one of these then things is a national collective disinformation campaign, designed solely to subvert and undermine the Father, who is “invented” into either a Bogeyman or an outright criminal. Simply put, the Father is statistically the overwhelming singular best environment in which to place this nation’s children.
U.S. News & World Report recently
described the frightening reality faced daily by residents of fatherless city
neighborhoods this way: "There are
places in America where fathers--usually the best hope to socialize boys--are
so rare that bedlam engulfs the community.
Teaches, ministers, cops an other substitute authority figures fight
losing battles in these places to present role models to pre-teen and teenage
boys. The result is often an
astonishing level of violence an incomprehensible incidents of brutality."
[Fathers' Rights,
Hard-Hitting & Fair Advice for Every Father Involved in a Custody Dispute,
by Jeffery M. Leving, c1997; BasicBooks, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY
10022-5299, ISBN 0-465-02443-2; p. 47.]
And this is the main reason why he has been physically and legally driven out of his home, and disenfranchised as a parent, provider and leader of his own home. What the American nation, our Founding Fathers, Western civilization and even civilization itself once fully understood and chose as a blueprint for advancement within society has been mistakenly thrown away for the promise of a “new,” “redesigned,” “more efficient” social order highlighted by radical Feminism. Nothing could be further from the truth, and a warehouse of staggering facts and figures demarcating this national disaster, is concisely demonstrating that this new redesign was as flawed as the ancients once recognized. They threw away this design, “Matriarchy” which existed for a quarter million years before the advent of Patriarchy, and which never really produced a thing. They chose Patriarchy not as a system of oppression as the feminist would have us believe, but rather, as an engineered design, one of discipline, formal direction, morality, and justice—and most importantly—one that assured wealth, or ‘surplusage’ which in fact was the true reason why civilization was invented in the first place. As U.S. News & World Reports and others are beginning to recognize, there is an ever-growing bedlam which is attached to this feminist model, one of devolution, one of destruction.
We must understand the other side of this equation, that Patriarchy is not a system of lies and deceptions as Matriarchy is.. For it’s base and foundation is based in logic and timeless observation of not man but civilization as a whole has determined these truth’s. Western Civilization selected and chose Patriarchy for a reason; not only that, our whole foundation, laws, and civilized logic emanates from this time-tested selection. Patriarchy takes the natural leader, the physically stronger and more aggressive of the two entities between male and female, and allows him to assume his proper role within the family and the home, to protect, to lead and to provide for them. He can only do this if given the empowerment over his domain: his own family. In Lord Coke’s own words, he must be “Lord.” No lies, deceptions or sophistries are needed to implement Patriarchy. The facts are clear about this, Patriarchy gives the male his assumed role within the family and society. Matriarchy however; has no concomitant role for such men, excepting that of sperm donor, gay male, or prison inmate, which has been well documented and is a growing reality in today’s society.
This reality is not to belittle the
female by any means. Indeed, Patriarchy
celebrated the female and allowed her, to assume her role as well, which required just as much effort and discipline
(maybe more so) than even her male counterpart. They recognized that the female appears to have ingrained other
attributes and qualities which make her different, and perhaps much more needed
within this system. We know her brain
is wired differently. She is more
sensitive, acutely aware, her powers of observation appear to be superior, less
prone to violence, etc. She is more
sensitive, more resolute. Western
Society has correctly determined that both the male and female are
needed in civilized society to build strong homes and families. In essence, the nuclear two parent Family
doesn’t need the “Village” as much as the “Village” needs the two-parent
Family. Present day feminist dogma
desists this model altogether and tries by every means possible to formulate and
invent substitutes for the nuclear family. What I call a prostitution of
function. These include ‘mentoring’,
‘foster homes’, ‘child care’, and a
host of other ‘substitutes’ which have continually document the failed
experiment of feminism. The failure of
feminism is the thing that now devolves this society by a negative social
pressure and tries to push it into a tribal domain.
This in fact is the expression of
nature: the Ying and Yang of the masculine of feminine. Patriarchy does not denigrate these
differences, rather; it openly venerates and celebrates them and combines them
into one for mutual benefit. From this
recognition, it uses this intrinsic differences between the male and female to
place the proper person as the proper function within the home and family.
Clearly; by that design, it makes human
sexuality itself, work for the family and the society. This system which America chose as a
foundational blueprint for this nation, was marveled at by both Europeans and
De Tocqueville himself:
Thus the Americans do not think that man and women have
either the duty or the right to perform the same offices, but they show an
equal regard for both their respective parts; and though their lot is
different, they consider both of them as being of equal value. They do not give to the courage of women the
same for or the same direction as to that of man; but they never doubt her
courage; and if they hold that man and his partner ought not always to exercise
their intellect and understanding in the same manner, they at least believe the
understanding of the one to be as sound as that of the other, and her intellect
to be as clear. Thus, then, while they
have allowed the social inferiority of women to subsist, they have done all
they could to raise her morally and intellectually to the level of man; and in
this respect they appear to me to have excellently understood the true
principle of democratic improvement. As
for myself, I do not hesitate to avow that, although the woman of the United
States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their
situation is in some respects one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen
women occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked now that I am drawing
to the close of this work, in which I have
spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the singular
prosperity attributed, I should reply—to the superiority of their women.
[Democracy in
America, by Alexis De Tocqueville, ©1946, Oxford University Press, New
York, Inc., pp. 402-403.]
of course, appears to totally contradict the contention by the radical feminist
that women were useless and just being slaves to their men within the American
home. No—in fact; it appeared that
America had made a link as to which other societies before them did not, and
that was that the Females within the society, held not just a position in
society; but rather, they held an esteemed, and precious position of solemn and
loving responsibility within the home.
From this discipline, women were not just cattle, in fact as De Tocqueville
describes above, they were viewed
superior. This is a far cry from
the mindless second wave Feminist Mystique mantra being chanted today. More importantly, it is timeless praise
emanating from one of America’s most definitive study ever undertaken in
reference to understanding this country.
Feminism appears to contumaciously lie about the
existence of sexual differences and how they relate to society and the family;
and it opposes them upon every front.
It tries to overcome the obvious by and through the unequal application
of “Equality;” and as Betty Friedan describes “The Problem With No Name”, which
has been used to promote an unequal playing field in which to skew the tests or
performance to that lesser gender of the ‘protected class’ in order to gain the
equality of affirmative action. In
simple terms: they apply an unequal assessment in order to allow the inferior
person an advantage in which to show that they can succeed through their
engineered skewing of tests or performance.
The definitive example of this was shown at the San Francisco Fire
Department entrance tests where the women tested could not lift the ladder
during their performance examination.
The result?
There was an immediate re-evaluation
of the test and more particularly: the ladder.
It was ‘too heavy’ and had to be ‘replaced’…or so the Feminist
contended… This is the application of
‘Equality’ as applied by feminist sophistry.
Not just in the physical aspects of our society, but rather; in every
aspect, in testing, education, science, and even Military war. The Feminist contend that females are equal,
if not equal, then superior—if tested correctly. This correlation between Feminist inspired
mythology and sophistry in which to obfuscate the obvious is a well developed
tactic as implemented by Matriarchal institutions.
At Georgetown University, there was
a group of undergraduate females known as the Georgetown Girls. These young women XXXXXX [explain their
problem.] When confronted by a feminist
coalition at the University hearing, these young Georgetown Girls inadvertently
posed a question in total exasperation to the Feminist tribunal before them and
incredulously asked: “What do you want
us to do? Lie?!?” to which the tribunal immediately
responded: “Yes! If it places forwards our goals towards our
social agenda!!!” These young
Georgetown Girls were incredulous, but; they were meeting what men have met
headlong for the past 50 years: the Feminist “Village” mind. Feminist Lies and
Not only was there a stunned silence
from the Georgetown Girls, but there was also a stunned silence to many whom
have dealt with this radical feminist mindset.
But we must consider, this as the working grease of Matriarchy, the ability
to lie and apply disinformation at will, in order to place forwards their
social agenda—at any cost. It is one of
the main components to allow Feminist and Matriarchy to survive, as otherwise; it could not.
This is one reason why there has been such a complicit media, ready,
willing and able to disseminate the most egregious lies the Feminists
disseminate in favor of their cause.
The media has become such willing conspirators to this sophistry, that
they no longer can either tell or afford the truth. The American mainstream media, in both print and electronic; have
become willing conspirators towards the liberal cause of Matriarchal
development for “The Best Interests of the Child.” They have become no more than a willing propaganda machine now
intent on keeping truth from the public as much as they are mandated to inform
it. This was not true only within the
corridors of the mainstream media, but also the research communities as
well. This has been a well documented
problem within the Radical Feminist regime:
“In the past these issues have turned out to be too
difficult and too politically risky for debate. In the mid-1960s Daniel Patrick Moynihan then Assistant Secretary
of Labor, was denounced as a racist for calling attention to the relationship
between the prevalence of Black-Single-Mother families and the lower
socio-economic standing of black children.
For nearly twenty years, the policy and research comminutes backed away
from the entire issue.
[Children in Crisis, edited by Robin Brown, ©1994, H.W. Wilson Company, New York, ISBN 0-8242-0853-6; p. 23.]
This closes all doors to any
meaningful discussion or opposition by Patriarchal factions within our
society. No longer can the public be
informed as to what public policies to implement, due to the fact that most facts
and figures that have been presented to them have been well-publicized
lies. These lies have knowingly been
left to propagate and become part of the national mindset, leaving the public
incapable of making any decisions
upon this matter, especially serving on
a jury at trial.. As especially noted
by President Clinton’s $34 billion dollar lie that men owe this amount in child
support, when the facts over and over have empirically proven different. The whole American mindset in regards to
Fatherhood: is a complete abject lie!
These lies are willingly and cogently reintroduced incessantly and
insistently to the American public, even though the media has full knowledge
that these facts and figures being disseminated—are in fact—outright lies. Yet, these Feminist sophistries continue…and
they grow. They grow
exponentially. Presently, even the
American public has become fully cognizant that our media has become nothing
more than state-sponsored propaganda machine.
They recognize something is wrong, and the media for the first time in
over a century, is seeing a huge migration of the populace move from the
‘traditional’ media models, towards ‘alternative’ news sources. Never before has paper and television news
lost such a share in market due to their attendance and support of Feminist
Sophistry and state-sponsored propaganda.
Even with this recognition, it is with great reluctance that they intent
to change, in fact, they are not changing.
This clearly establishes a combine
of interests between government, media and the Socialist/Feminist
factions. They clearly act knowingly,
in collusion, to support the myths presented by the modern Matriarchal order.
It was during the heyday of
the Antebellum South that the roots of modern Feminism and Matriarchy first
established its model within the United States. The southern white-male separatist faction unwittingly through
the economic vehicle of slavery of the importation of African Blacks,
established Matriarchy as we know it today.
They imposed it for their own economic viabilities, destroying the Black
Father, stealing whatever wealth his labor made for him, separating his family,
stealing and selling his children, selling his wife, and using him only as a
sperm donor. Indeed, what the White
Southern slave owner was doing was emulating the exact function of the modern
Welfare state today, which does these same exact things to the Black Male,
except this time: under the guise and in the name of “We the People” of the State.
Slavery is a system based on
injustice, economic subjugation, and peonage/servitude for the benefit of
either an individual or a society. It
is a system as old as mankind, and can be either an evil or mercenary benevolent
institution. It is not an American
institution, as derogated by the foundational precepts of our Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution.
However; that contumacious point aside—modern Feminism/Matriarchy was
gestated from that former institution as it developed within the antebellum
From that southern model, we saw a
clearly demarcated ‘species,’ a Black African—who was sold into bondage, for
personal economic gain of mostly whites.
[Please note however; history shows that there were cases of blacks who
as freemen, also owned slaves in the south, as well as conversely; the Founding
Fathers who also could not resist the temptation of that pragmatic economic
institution.] Focusing on this
plantation model of slavery, you usually had a white freeman, landholder,
usually with a family and property, owning a slave or slaves, who worked at
their masters bidding. Their toil
promulgated wealth for the master, and the agrarian society which fostered
slavery. As a subset to the master, the
Black African slave was compelled to do whatever his master desired,
unconditionally. However; this Black
Slave lived in a separate order, a world unto himself; and usually assimilated
the Matriarchal societies from Africa from whence he came. This condition of Matriarchy was exacerbated
by the Master, using the slave as pure chattel, as property, and animal sold
and used at will.
If a slave propagated children, the
wife and children of that slave could be separated from that slave at the will
of the Master, they could be sold into bondage, or the wife of the male slave
could have duties as a concubine, or prostitute among the other male slaves,
essentially, the benevolence or denigration of the Master reigned supreme.
What we had here, led by this
Master/Slave relationship developed in the Antebellum south was the exact
contemporary construct of the Modern welfare-state. Indeed, if we again look to the maxims of law, it was clearly
recognized that children raised in such a sexual abstract situation, without
the regulation of the male (father) was indeed the condition of “slaves and
animals”. This state laid the bedrock
for the formation of modern Welfare slavery.
The modern Black woman in accepting Welfare has betrayed and driven her
society backwards to the slave/master model...
In the modern Welfare State, the
substitution for the white Male Master is the Government through the Doctrine
of Parens Patriæ. As in the Antebellum
model, the Black male, who has been conditioned by centuries of Matriarchal
oppression (read slavery) now is only a temporary sperm donor. The female, whom has unwittingly provided
this slave seedbed, is now the state subsidized administrator of the household,
using the male as only a sperm donor, holding no loyalty or obligation to him,
and living a life of promiscuity and irresponsibility. Today, this is called ‘freedom’ by many
feminists. As are the condition of
slaves, this sexual anarchy is the singular, main component of why the
Black society within the United States has never been able to rise out of
poverty. It is not due because of
lack of desire, intelligence or effort, but only due to their unknowing
enslavement to Matriarchy within the slave model of Modern Welfare State which
mainly holds them in bondage. When a
man no longer holds the function of a man, but that of a temporary accouterment
to a woman’s sexual freedom, he enslaves not only himself, but his children as
well. This has been accomplished and
conspired against the Black community, generationally.
As Le Roy Marshal an ardent Black Fathers
Rights advocate in Englewood California and Director of Fathers United Against
Slavery noted in East Los Angeles: “Our woman seek men, but don’t find
any. All the women here want to be
married, but can’t, because they don’t respect the Black man.” Indeed, this is the condition of Matriarchy,
that of slaves and animals. This is
also the exponential of Briffault’s Law which states that “The female, not the
male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the Female can derive no benefit from
association with the male, no such association takes place.”. As the Black slave of the Antebellum south
toiled for another in the fields of Southern America, his female counterpart
was busy keeping her children together, (if she was able to keep her children),
as she could not depend on the man for support because slavery was tearing him
apart. This is of course, the total
ordination of Briffault’s law. Unlike
Patriarchy, his wealth was foiled and unjustly taken from him, and when he
returned from his labors, he had nothing to show nor to give his woman in which
to improve her condition. There is no
‘benefit’. This is the classic
delineation of Matriarchy at its best it enjoins Briffault’s Law: “The female, not the male, determines all the
conditions of the animal family. Where
the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such
association takes place. [The Case For Father Custody, quoting
from Robert Briffault].
What we have here is the influence of hypergamy. Women marry up, (towards riches and wealth), men marry down (towards beauty, youth, and offspring). In Matriarchal archetypes, the man has been undermined; his endeavors have been superceded for another’s best interests at the expense of his own. (The State.) He does not have anything really to offer the woman, (other than temporary insemination), thereby; forcing the woman through the natural selection of hypergamy, to seek a male ‘or something else’ that is a better provider or ‘offers the woman something’. To that end, she will not hold her allegiance to him as Briffault’s law has been broken. When that ‘ability to provide’ is taken away from the male, as can be seen in the case of the Black Community and its intimate association with Welfare, the woman are left with economic desolation. Thereby, they have to marry the state, and from this choice, driven by Briffault’s Law, they get the benefit and security in which their own males are supposed to provide. In the Black Community this is a generational condition, men have lesser choices and economic opportunities due to the fact of the implementation of Matriarchy/Slave-based conditions. From that, the Black women have no real expressive choice within the Black Community as her men have been relegated into slavery, thereby making the Black male a poor choice for a Black woman to choose or hold fidelity to. This is but one of the reasons why Matriarchy and Feminism is the “condition of slaves and animals.”
This model is solidified within the
Welfare State by this economic modeling.
Black women get pregnant earlier, thereby opening the ‘door’s of
opportunity and freedom to these young black women who obtain instant
gratification and security from the Welfare “Village”. Striving to better themselves they do; as
their new husband: “The State” grants her subsidies to do so; thereby she takes
college courses. When these women enrich themselves through the panorama of
‘special support’ and opportunities of a virtual cornucopia of Welfare programs
such as GAIN, WIC, PIC and other educational, and child-welfare programs, the
are accepting the ‘benefit’ of which Briffault’s law describes.. Indeed, from this, a majority of Black Women
obtain degrees, opening the door to economic freedom within the socialist state itself, which was the
Feminist/Matriarchal intent in the first place.
Hayes rose to cross-examine Cheri. She
asked curtly whether she had sought a job.
“I’m always
seeking employment,” Cheri told her.
“Not at the
moment,” Cheri said.
“How do you
support yourself?”
“I’ve been
borrowing money from friends.”
“How often do
you go out on job interviews?”
“Résumé’s are
sent out every month,” Cheri said.
“Most recently, I’ve applied as a field organizer for NOW.”
Hayes asked why
Cheri’s Welfare payments had been cut off.
“Failure to
provide information they needed from my child’s birth certificate,” Cheri said.
cross-examination ended without any specific questions that might have forced
Cheri to testify about her part-time, late-night jobs.
[Myth of the Welfare
Queen, by David Zucchino, ©1997, Scribner, 1230 Avenue of the America’s,
New York, NY 10020; p. 267.]
the Black Woman obtains a career from the Welfare State, and the monolith of
feminism which as Cheri admits above—is also a main player within this game;
which of course is a engineered corollary which increases the power and breadth
of those continually expanding institutions.
(It should be noted here, that any male under-going this same line of
questioning—would have been placed into jail or most certainly have lost any
‘government benefits’ he/she was
seeking. However, the Cheri above, was
apparently able to keep those benefits even though she was only getting
job-interview reports ‘monthly’ where a man would have been required to get
them either weekly, or most certainly: daily.)
The Welfare woman cannot obtain this same type of security, wealth and
safety from the a poor American male.
This system viscously makes a class of men, POOR men mostly ‘marginal’
or ‘unmarketable’ for marriage or to provide security for either their woman or
child at the outset—and poor men have no hopes of competing with this national
Welfare system. The woman, however; is
guaranteed these things, especially the security through the Matriarchal
tribe. So she substitutes the benefits
of the Welfare State as the functionary
husband of her household, the state now becomes her husband. Of course, the Black male has been usurped
and he doesn’t even know it, and has no say upon this illegal usurpation and intrusion into his home, in his supposed
castle. In accordance with Briffault’s
law, the Black female marries the state, as the state now provides her with
benefits and security most Black males cannot counter. No Black male; nor can many White or other
males, provide as well, with as much security and safety as Welfare does. This of course, is a complete conversion of
our system of governance and American society itself, but those within the
system do not care—because providing these things is “their daily bread.”
In the sixties
and seventies we thought the situation we read about in Michael Harrington’s The Other America was desperate. Then, when I climbed the stairs of housing
projects and visited tenements on Chicago’s South and West sides, I knew
firsthand the bleak lives of the poor.
But these were the good old days when the poor were just poor and not
[an] underclass, and when we felt no fear in walking inner-city streets or negotiation
housing project stairwells. Today, two
and a half underclass generations later, I compare the underclass I see in
court today with the poor I represented twenty-five or thirty years ago, and
the comparison is invidious. No
fathers. Never fathers. Schools that do not and cannot without
parental involvement educate; empty factories in the inner city; a welfare
system that deprives people of dignity, fostering irresponsible behavior and
belittling self-discipline; drugs sold on street corners as freely as soda, and
guns as available as the drugs; and the whole mess a Gordian knot resisting
solutions and ready to explode in the outer city as random violence and in the
inner city as rioting and looting.
A young
Department of Labor economist named Daniel Moynihan publicized all this in the
1960s, but white and black liberals placed his report outside the ambit of
public discourse by the simple device of branding it as racist—though they
never argued that the raw facts he reported were untrue. Instead, as the messes of the underclass
raged out of control, Democrats blamed Ronald Reagan and his revolution. It really wasn’t a revolution at all, but it
has given the Democrats a convenient excuse...
argued that the growing trend of black children raised without fathers would
ultimately lead to catastrophe. The
left shouted him down because they feared racists would use Moynihan’s report
as proof that black people were less moral, ethical, and family-orientated than
whites. Many on the right felt that way
to begin with, so they didn’t pay much attention to Moynihan or his
report. Moynihan had the audacity to
pick up a large rock, uncovering a thousand nasty, crawling creatures. We shoved the rock back in place, but the
problems were still there. And they
grew and multiplied.
[Wasted, The Plight
of America’s Unwanted Children, by Patrick T. Murphy, ©1997, Ivan R. Dee,
Inc., 1332 North Halsted Street, Chicago 60622; ISBN 1-56663-163-7; pp. 90-92.]
Young Black Males have been under direct economic attack by their new Slave Master, the Welfare State “to Provide” for this Welfare institution which is in turn destroying him. He has been immediately undermined, as his authority does not reign supreme, the court (Welfare State) will direct him, his life, and his children even against his most basic will or authority. The courts in essence, have now become the White master. At every opportunity he will be undermined, enslaved, his life profits drained from him. He like other males will obediently become a slave. He has no idea what is happening to him, for on the one hand, the Black Male, who is proud and willing to care for his progeny, tries to enjoin in his own demise to show he cares for his own children. He provides for “Child Support” as long as he can, but usually is quickly destroyed by the system (an intentional by-product of this system). Thereby, he is undermined by the engineered Sophistry of “The Best Interest of the Child”, the Feminist Tribe demands that he destroy himself by direct financial subsidization of his own destruction. This sophistry as in the Master Model of the Antebellum south, accrues huge profits to the Welfare State. The Black Woman along with the Welfare State essentially ‘split’ the wealth of the Black man whom is trying to do the best thing, but is undermined by his own planned failure by this system. In fact, District Attorney’s around the country, try and push as many undeserving, and problematic cases onto welfare as they can, for they fully understand as well as others within the system ‘understand,’ that this is where their “daily bread” comes from:
Joann was
addicted to crack. She was
twenty-three, pretty, bright and came from a lovely family. Her mother was a Bank Teller, and had cared
for Joann’s three-year-old son for two years.
Kinship Foster care, of course.
After a twenty-four-month residential drug program, Joann came to court
ready to resume the care of her child.
The attorney argued that before her boy could be returned, Joann had to
open up a public assistance case and get a subsidy from the city for an apartment.
Joann readily agreed, but I almost had a stroke.
“Welfare?” I
shouted. “Oh no! She is going to get a job.”
Well, you
would have thought that I just maligned the Pope. “No Welfare,” I said.
“that’s hopeless. You have come
too far to get on the Welfare spiral.”
Then I adjourned the case for eight weeks for Joann’s job search.
When Joann
returned to court two months later, she had been employed full-time for six
weeks at a Roy Rogers restaurant. She
looked terrific, and although she was not crazy about the job, it was a
beginning. Joann needed a nudge.
[Don’t Pee on My Leg
and Tell Me It’s Raining, America’s toughest court Judge Speaks Out, by
Judy Sheindlin, ©1996, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd
Street, New York, NY 10022, ISBN 0-06-017321-1, p. 235.]
In the final analysis, it is not the Black women who accrues the males wealth, nor her children; but rather the Welfare state. Hillary and others embedded throughout this perverse system fully know this, and understand this. That is the institution which benefits mostly from this parasitic slave-based arraignment. Neither the singular Single Female Headed Household’s, or those children therewithin, nor the community can rise up from this constant attack upon their males, as any gross wealth developed by that society is drained out from that community. Thereby, the community itself cannot comprehend why, which government program after government program that they attach themselves to—the community somehow is always held down into poverty. There Welfare roles keep on increasing, crime keeps rising, police and prison populations keep on expanding. This is the classic impressment of the promise of the devolution of the Welfare tribal state, which really only devolves these communities into anarchy, crime, social pathology, and eternal poverty.
Until the Black community exorcises itself from this
addiction of the Welfare state: their communities, will continue to devolve
into the Tribal condition of anarchy.
The historical analysis and the attending facts and figures in regards
to this reality—are not just overwhelming—but rather: staggering:
By 1984, over
90 percent of births to black women under age twenty were illegitimate. As the president of the National Council of
Negro Women noted in 1985, although early marriage and the resulting early
motherhood were once common among blacks, today the overwhelming majority of
all black babies are born to unwed teenage mothers—a situation described by
Eleanor Holmes Norton as a “natural catastrophe in our midst, a threat to the
future of Black people without equal.”
In 1985, the Children’s Defense Fund described marriage as a “forgotten
institution” among black teenagers, when the adolescent single mother had
become the rule, rather than the exception that she was in the black community
in the 1950s.
Tranquility, A Brief Against Feminism, by F. Carolyn Graglia, ©1998, Spence
Publishing Company, 501 Elm Street, Suite 450, Dallas TX 75202; ISBN
0-9653208-6-3; p. 298.]
Two years after the riots, a report
by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights went further in probing the root causes
of Miami's unrest. It cited poverty,
unemployment, poor housing, and declining public schools--all of which blacks
suffered in disproportionate numbers--along with a widely held belief that the
criminal-justice system was biased. In
criticizing Reno's office, the report noted that three times as many blacks
were being prosecuted in Dad's juvenile courts as any other racial or ethnic
group. Reno said the report offered few
constructive suggestions for change.
"It will only exacerbate community tensions," she said.
Reno, Doing the Right Thing, by Paul Anderson, @1994; John Wiley &
Sons, ISBN 0-471-01858-9; p.83.]
"Yet the
statistics along with an entire array of economic and social criteria are
sobering. According to teh National
Urban League, the median net household worth for black families in 1988 was
$4,169, compared to $43,279 for white families. Over 29 percent of black families had zero or negative net worth,
compared with 87 percent of white families; only 5.2 percent of black families
had net worth’s above $100,000, contrasted with 29.2 percent of white
families. In 1992, 33.3 percent of all
blacks were below the poverty level, compared to 11.6 of whites. In 1991, the black unemployment rate was
12.4 percent, more than twice as high as the white unemployment rate. The black-to-white unemployment gap has
actually widened between 1964 and today.
Likewise, the Urban League
reports that blacks are 6.4 times more likely to die by homicide than
whites. In 1991, 46.4 percent of all
black families were headed by single females--a figure that has doubled since
1960. In 1970, 38 percent of black births
were out-of-wedlock; by 1988, that number had grown to 64 percent. By the year 2000, the proportion of black
children living with both parents is predicted to decline to 24 percent. For these children, the odds are great for a
life of poverty.
prospects are equally bleak: in 1991,
19.6 percent of blacks between the ages of 20 and 29 did not have a high school
diploma, and an additional 46.4 percent did not progress beyond high school. The National Assessment of Educational Progress
in 1995 reported that only 12 of black high school seniors (as compared to a
dismal-enough 40 percent of whites) were proficient in reading. According to Shelby Steele, 72 percent of
black college students drop out. The
educational statistics manifest themselves in additional ways: as many as
three-fourths of black males between the ages of 25 to 34 who dropped out of
high school had criminal records.
Overall, nearly one of every three black men between the ages of 20 and
29 is in jail or otherwise under supervision of the judicial system, which
represents a 30 percent increase since 1989.
civil rights remedies do not hold much hope for the truly disadvantaged. As political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset
observes, "Whatever the causes of childhood poverty, affirmative action is
no remedy for this group. Preference
policies or quotas are not much help to an illegitimate black ghetto youth who
grows up in poverty and receives an inferior education. Race-conscious affirmative action is
relevant only to those who are eligible for job, business, or college
opportunities--and utterly irrelevant to the remainder....It seems clear that
massive welfare programs and the race-specific policies of the past 30 years,
despite their enormous costs, both economic and social, are not up to the task
of bringing large numbers of economic outsiders into the mainstream of American
[The Affirmative Action FRAUD, Can We
Restore the American Civil Rights Vision?, by Clint Bolick, @1996 by the Cato
Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001; ISBN
1-882577-28-0; pp. 20-22.]
This of course is classical paradox of “The Best Interests of the Child” in conjunction with the Black Male being economically and socially obliterated is the classical modus operandi of the Modern Welfare State, which in fact, is the exact model of the Slavery model of the pre-Civil War Antebellum south. In both cases, the Black male is having his wealth stolen from him, undermining his chances of success, which can ONLY be gained through Patriarchy. The final result? Within a few short years over 90 percent of them lose all contact with their children—thereby, maintaining the generational Welfare cycle. The final result? Children are destroyed: society no longer has strong resilient families (by intended design) and thereby; are burdened to support an ever burgeoning Welfare ‘underclass.’ This model is now leaking over into other classes within our society; White, Black, Asian, Hispanic: no nationality, no nation will be able to stand in the way of this devolution once it takes root.
This condition has been folded over
against the Black Society and the complete American Society as a whole. What the Black Society has suffered through
via the seemingly inspirational offering of the Modern Welfare state, is in
fact, engineered enslavement, but on a vastly greater scale, spanning
generations, and crossing all ethnic and race barriers within America. In this regards, we are all being
‘equalized’ into slavery. This is why
the opening quotation of Chapter One is so important. This is why every American Father and every American school child
must be required to memorize that maxim of law. “Those children that follow the condition of the mother are that
of animals and slaves.”
Hillary, and her multiculturalist
elite have been building a slave-class society through welfare, so that they
can profit from the destruction which ‘should’ go to the home and family, and
then ‘should’ be absorbed by the local communities throughout America. Instead, by this Welfare State
cancer—Fathers wealth is immediately compromised at his paycheck. It never starts up the food chain which
would help to enrich so many individuals from the bottom up. They demand that it ‘trickle’ back down
through Welfare from the top down, by subsidy and through ‘entitlement’s’ and
‘grants.’ It is factually, a transfer
of the males wealth to the Feminist “Village” and the Government’s supporting
What this has done to the Black
Society in America has devastated them categorically across every social marker
across the United States. The Black
male is exponentially more probable to suffer gun use, drug use, teenage
pregnancy, suicide, high school drop-out rates, imprisonment…really…the list is
to long to categorize here. This has
been a planned war against the lower classes of the Blacks, in favor of the
white and elite classes of the United States.
It was a planned way to engineer their demise, and to control their
population (or any population) by offering them the ‘salvation’ through the
addiction of Welfare. Yet, like
everyone else, the Black male and community do not recognize the problem, they
know they are slowly sinking; yet they too, look up and blame the sails instead
of the gaping hole in their hull for sinking their ship. It isn’t the sails: it’s feminism destroying and feeding off of these communities.
It is time that the Black American
categorically rebuke feminism and Welfare.
It is time that they assume their rightful position as men, and lead
their society out of poverty, into the prospects of Patriarchy, which will
allow individual men to gain wealth, to obtain a wife, to have children, and to
work and keep his wealth in his family.
They must control the female kinship system as the rest of us must
do. This is the seed of progress which
was chosen to invent modern Western culture, and the ancients as well as our
Founding Fathers recognized this. In
the present Matriarchal model, it is clear that the main benefactor of the
Welfare State is NOT the children, as we shall see all too soon, they have been
annihilated by the welfare experience, across the board. Any child within the grips of Welfare has a
zero chance of getting out of poverty.
It is planned that way. It is
engineered for this solution. The
Government elite want it no other way…the facts and figures proving this
allegation are, plainly: I-N-C-O-N-T-R-O-V-E-R-T-A-B-L-E. Welfare, is planned to feed off of and
destroy the children, as that seedbed is the future harvest of a panorama of
‘Alphabet Soup’ Government agencies which feed off and depend upon those future
harvests for their future industries, interests, and controls.
“Our society fails to guarantee this support. We have a
thirty percent illegitimacy rate and a sixty (no longer fifty) percent divorce
rate with virtually automatic mother custody.
A judge may try a divorce case in the morning and place the children in the mother’s custody. He may try a criminal case in the afternoon and send a man to prison for robbing a liquor store. The chances are three out of four that the man he sends to prison grew up in a fatherless household like the one he created in the morning when he tried the divorce case. He sees no connection between the two cases.
Fatherless children are 5 times more likely to commit
suicide, 32 times more likely to run away, 20 times more likely to have
behavioral disorders, 14 times more likely to commit rape, 9 times more likely
to drop out of school, 10 times more prone to substance abuse, 9 times more
likely to end up in a state-operated institution, 20 times more likely to end
up in prison.
Fatherless girls perpetuate the next generation of
fatherlessness, encouraged by the removal of the stigma on illegitimacy and by
the growth of a government Backup System which is designed to repair the damage
created by fatherlessness, but which actually encourages and subsidizes it.
Family instability and the resulting fatherlessness has
produced children who are impulse-ridden, overly aggressive (or overly
passive), drug abusing, with low self-esteem and poor judgment. Their
educational performance is a national embarrassment.
Father custody, formerly mandatory and automatic,
stabilized the mid-nineteenth century family. There were only a few thousand
divorces annually in America when the Seneca Falls feminists complained in 1848
that in divorce mothers automatically lost their children, when in 1869 the
English philosopher John Stuart Mill complained in The Subjection of Women that
"They are by law his children." Between 1870, when judges began the
shift to mother-custody, and 1920, by which time mother-custody was the rule,
divorce increased by a factor of fifteen. Today’s sixty percent divorce rate is
wrecking marriage and the family and society.”
[The Case for Father Custody, by Dr. Daniel Amneus, Cover Sheet]
this, government through the courts is opening a gateway to all women and
easily allowing them to enter the Welfare State. Women; through their own selfish interests and needs, are
entering a engineered sophistry that is antithetical to they ever finding a
mate within their own community, as their ‘tough’ choices from the very
beginning in entering the Welfare State are undermining the male to which they
are ultimately seeking. They are
throwing away their males, and any allegiance they may hold to their race by
‘marrying’ Hillary’s Welfare “Village” tribe. As Mr. Marshal laments: “They can
find no males here.” Of course not, the
Black females have betrayed their males with their marriage to government and
the attendant Welfare State! They know
via the intrinsic lessons of Briffault’s law which exist throughout the animal
kindgom, that the women will consistently replace their males with the best
thing that can support them. In this
case the ‘benefit’s’ of the Welfare
State. This is because it provides the most secure assets in which women derive
benefits from, and as we said before, most men cannot begin to match these
benefits and especially the
security. The Black American woman has
betrayed her man and her race, for the chump change of Welfare and it’s special
government programs which binds her society, and her men, and her children into
that generational slavery. Because of
their own immediate greed, they cannot abstractly reason that in the final
analysis, through this model, that Hillary’s “Village” is going to enslave
someone to ‘pay’ for her freedom. And
it does, by generationally harvesting men (and soon women, for more women
default on child support than men) in which to enslave, and steal from so they
can keep the whole tribal Welfare state alive and constantly enslaved. This process has unwittingly harvested males
within their and our populations generationally.
A few years
ago I attended a meeting called by the news director of the local affiliate of
one of the major television networks.
In the wake of the highly publicized deaths of several children in
Chicago, the director had pulled together people active in child welfare. He generously offered television time to
educate the public about the problem of child abuse and its proposed remedies.
About thirty
of us sat around a long heavy oak table in a luxurious boardroom. I was enjoying myself because the buffet
table we loaded with good strong coffee, gourmet sweet rolls, and fresh fruit
and juices. Then the meeting
started. When the director asked for
our suggestions, one of the first out of the starting blocks was an articulate,
intense attorney for a well-known civil rights organization. She quickly set the boundaries. This is not a racial issue, she
announced. As many white children as
black are abused. The station would be
acting irresponsibly if it showed only instances of black children being
abused. Just about everyone in the room
nodded in agreement.
When my turn
came I pointed out that race was the overriding issue. Cook County, which includes Chicago, is
about one-third black, yet 88 percent of the abuse and neglect cases at
Juvenile Court involve African-American children. The same situation bogs down child welfare and criminal justice
systems in every major city in the United States. I pointed out that if we removed the so-called underclass from
the equation, the attorney from the civil rights organization was correct. But the underclass—primarily black in our
major cities because of our blighted history of slavery, segregation, and
employment discrimination—is the
The social workers, child welfare types, and
lawyers sitting around the table coughed, blew noses, scraped chairs, sipped
coffee, stared at their hands, or scratched stick figures on yellow pads. The news director diplomatically moved
on. Knowing I was defeated, I waited
fifteen minutes or so and then left, explaining I had to be in court. But the coffee and rolls were great.
[[Wasted, The Plight
of America’s Unwanted Children, by Patrick T. Murphy, ©1997, Ivan R. Dee,
Inc., 1332 North Halsted Street, Chicago 60622; ISBN 1-56663-163-7; pp. . 94-95.]
Because of Briffault’s Law, low
income females have a choice to select the best system that will provide for
them or their children. They have
clearly made their choice, and have selected the Welfare State. In fact, this paradox will not only
continue, but broaden within the Black community (and all other communities)
until Males within that Community, assume their proper roles superior to
government within their own homes, and drive out the Welfare State by refusing
to support it. What is saddest is that,
Hillary’s “Village” is now leaking over into the white and other
populaces. In that regard, we have now
become truly color-blind.
Presently, government has enslaved
the Black man, by forcing him to pay for that enslavement. It is called ‘Child Support’. As such, it is a fraud, as Hillary and those
who support this system fully understand, the whole system is a fraud. And as noted above by Mr. Murphy, those who
inhabit this system, don’t want any other discussion to avert them from their
‘daily bread.’ Unfortunately, many in
the black community don’t realize that this ‘feminist’ Welfare construct is a
new advent to their population. The
blacks in inner cities did not display and entreat the underlying problems of
which now permanently binds them to the Welfare state:
With many black men employed as sailors, the households far
exceeded those of whites. Among Blacks
between the ages of 15 and 40 in 1860, Females outnumbered males in New York
County by 4,267 to 2672. Females
accounted for 56 percent of the Black
population. Similarly, 58 percent of
the city’s Irish were female in 1855.
Irish and Black domestics shared a second demographic trait. Few had children. In 1860, there were ten percentage points fewer Black women with
children than white females. Domestic
work also lowered the Irish birth
rate. As poverty, drinking, fighting
and desertion undermined marital relations, matrimony became devalued, and
Irish Female Headed Households became common.
[A History of New
York State, David M. Ellis, ©1967, Cornell University Press, Ithica New
York, Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 67-20587, p. 11.]
oddly, it wasn’t the Irish who were dragged down into the depths of Welfare’s
generational despair—it was the Black
American population, even though they had
less children, and less families...
Please note the full understanding of these facts
and what they relate to, compared to a previous generation of Judges who made
the insight that they had a duty to actually protect the male; from a case
called Fanning v. Fanning in a court
case stemming from the late 1890’s:
“...As guardian[s] of the interests of the public and
persons not parties to the record, it is our imperative duty to prevent
dissolution of the marriage relation by means which the law condemns and expressly
infant child is the issue of this marriage, and we cannot tolerate that its
character shall be sullied and its career clouded by a Judicial conviction of
the Father on such evidence of infidelity to the most sacred obligations. Since the “common-law marriages,” so
called—another name for concubinage—is so obtrusively prevalent in the
community, and our calendars are crowded with applications for divorce, it
behooves us not to relax the stringency of the rules which, in the interests of
good morals and social security, have been prescribed by law for the safeguard
of the sanctity and stability of the marriage relation.
Daly Ch. J., and Bischoff, J. Concur.
REPORTS OF NEW YORK, Book 2, Delehanzy, Judges of the Several Courts Reported
During the Period Covered by this Volume, p. 94]
Both past Judges and Society as well, had a sense to protect both the Father and more importantly, the Family from any denigration—for the good of morality and the social good. Presently, they have completely turned their backs on such self-evident truths and have abandoned their protections of the Family in ‘supposedly’ assuming the “Sir Galahad” complex of now protecting only the Female. From this modern feminist intellect, the “Family Court” calendars have exploded—something again in opposition to Fanning’s sage warning’s and admonition’s. The result has been a social pandemonium and anarchy which rages as various wars across the landscape of America. And any Father or group, social scientist, or politician who dares to challenge these facts, or even note the obvious, is quickly shouted down, attacked, and most importantly; either vilified or outright imprisoned. Presently, the courts have turned their back on both law and order, as within their own courtrooms and outside their doors flowing into the streets and schools and homes of America, they directly from the war that they intentionally created. As Dr. Amneus notes above, by overtly removing Fathers from their own children and from their own homes—these courts now establish and sustain various social pathologies directly related to their acts and omissions, that now fills our prisons, kills and wounds our children, homes and families, all under the direction and in the name of ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’ for the feminists.
Paradox. This is the force and weight of Matriarchy. It is the embellishment of Sophistries and disinformation within a society to obtain needed goals at the expense of others, with no attendant responsibility; all in the name of “The Best Interests of the Child”. Placing the propaganda machine of the media before the American public and incessantly inundating the public with the fallacies and sophistries of Modern Feminism, establishes the unholy combine of the media, the Feminist and Government in a managed program to undermine the American male, and thereby destroy the family: FOR PROFIT.
It is the support of the male: the
father; who as head of the household which establishes individual wealth and
prosperity, inculcates mores and traditions, and generally is the true binder
and propagator of the two-parent nuclear household. This implementation of Full Patriarchy is the thing that combats
an errant government, and keeps it within the control of its specified
‘enumerated authority’.
Self-governance requires a robust, intelligent society. Matriarchy does not require a robust
people, and it most certainly doesn’t require intelligence, it does however;
require slavish obedience, and the ability to never question. This is the Ultimate Paradox, to either
support the a robust society and thereby an ‘unbiased’ structured system of
Full Patriarchy, and from that have a society grow in ascension, liberty and
prosperity, with low social pathology indexes; or to conversely, support the
‘Equality’ and ‘Fairness’ and ‘Freedom’ of Feminism, which gains unlimited
power and wealth to a ever-burgeoning government, with no limits, who imposes
huge restraints on personal freedoms, with an extreme, never-ending social
pathology index fed by the sexual anarchy that then reigns upon an unwitting
society, (whose ignorance of course, again, feeds the power-construct of the
Matriarchal Welfare archetype by allowing them to ‘create’ even more problems
to solve and manage).
The average mainstream media
indoctrinated modern citizen would quickly viscerally choose the ‘equality’
‘fairness’ and ‘freedom’ of feminism, then; shortly thereafter wonder why
he/she is paying so much out in taxes, and wonder why children are being killed
upon the streets and wonder why there is a cop on every corner. Conversely, in accepting the structured and
ordered system of full Patriarchy, they would revolt and wonder if the men were
going to rage and beat their women and children inconsolably within the quiet
unprotected sanctitude of their own homes—yet then amaze in their surprise at
the order, prosperity, freedom and safety that such a system provides. They would wonder at the paradox presented
before them.
Clearly, as William Pitt noted, it
is the male and his supreme authority in the home which keeps government at bay
at the threshold of each and every door.
Take the father out of the home, undermine him, and you have lost the
true underpinnings of the control of government, and thereby; for instance--no
longer is there a need for any fourth-amendment warrant...they just come down
and break-down your door as they do today.
It is the individual acting in the status of “We the People” who
controls the authoritative chains of the ‘enumerated power’ clause of an
unrestrained government. Remove the
Father from within his own home, undermine him as he lives there, and
government now instantly becomes the Master of “We the People”. No longer does the American public have a
protector living within the home as William Pitt declared, nor any authority
over government whatsoever. The main
force of power in the home has been replaced by the state through feminism. Remove Fatherhood, and the family goes into
disarray, and more importantly, the real authority and control of government is
removed. This is the most important
part of the Feminist and Socialist agenda within this nation today. They are silently removing what groundwork
the American system of governance has established over the past 400 years.
From case study to University
studies, there is a clear correlation of the father within the home as the main
disciplinarian which gives a family structure and limits. It is the placement of the Father within his
own home that raises both children’s I.Q. test scores and scholastic test
scores, just by the mere fact that he is there. Place a father in the home, and suddenly,
you establish children within that household that have limits, with respect for
the law, with a sense of identity; of family name and heritage; ergo: you tend
to produce ‘super-children’ within these environments. Go to a Patriarchal society such as Japan,
and you have children which astronomical test scores in relation to our test
scores, a society with insignificant illegitimacy and teen pregnancy
rates. A society with the lowest crime
rate in the world. Follow that
Patriarchal construct to this nation, and those households following the
Patriarchal model indeed, follow that bell curve of establishing “super-children”
within this society.
Miller’s (1958) well-known article, “Lower Class Culture as a Generating Milieu
of Gang Delinquency,” argues that the lower class concern with toughness.
Is probably related to the fact that a significant
proportion of lower class males are reared in a predominantly female household
and lack a consistently present male figure with which to identify and from
whom to learn essential components of a “male” role. Since women serve as a primary object of identification during
pre-adolescent years, the almost obsessive lower class concerns with
“masculinity” probably resembles a type of compulsive reaction-formation. (P.
Rohrer and
Edmonson (1960) develop a similar analysis of the origins of adolescent male
gangs among New Orleans Blacks:
Thus an organized form that springs from the little boy’s
search for masculinity he cannot find at home becomes at first a protest
against femininity and then an assertion of hyper-virility. On the way it acquires a structuring in which
the aspirations and goals of the Matriarchy or the middle class are seen as
soft, effeminate, and despicable. The
gang ideology of masculine independence is formed from these perceptions and
the gang then sees its common enemy, not as a class, nor even as a sex, but as
the “Feminine Principle” in society. (Pp. 162-163)
Kluckhohn and Anthony (1958) extended the hypothesis by arguing that “insofar
as there has been an increase in Juvenile delinquency in our society, it
probably has been accompanied by an increase in the exclusiveness of
mother-child relationships and/or a decrease in the authority of the
Father. (P. 70)
[The Myth of Masculinity, by Joseph H. Pleck, ©1981, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, ISBN 0-262-16081-1; p. 97.]
Remove the father, and instantly; you tend to show immediate pathologies within the children. Place those children into the confines of the Single Female Headed Household and in the first instance, the social pathology within those children go astronomically off-scale, across the board within all limits of the social pathologies represented. The Ultimate Paradox is of course, is the implementation of Full Patriarchy establishes singular, maintenance-free homes and families, free from the watchful eye of government and the Superstructure of waiting Welfare programs standing at the ready to help needy families. Place the father within the domain of his own home, allow him to be a father, and instantly; government loses its eternally engineered Socialist Superstructure.
Government cannot, and will not have
this, and will fight the re-implementation of Full Patriarchy at every
instance. Like the War On Drugs,
Welfare and the artificial enforcement of Matriarchy is a generational program,
intended to be an eternal, ever-growing part of government. An Empire.
Replace the Matriarchal “Village” family concept, with the Patriarchal
“Ozzie and Harriet” concept of a Patriarchal Family, and you destroy the
Welfare State categorically by the following ways.
Matriarchal Societies are
Debt based Societies, Patriarchal are Free Saving Societies. You return the wealth of the nation back to those
whom produce it. You go from a debtors
society of one of savings. A government
can more readily control a debtor society than it can control a society that is
free from debt. Also, allowing those
whom to produce their wealth to keep it, stops the “Welfare Filter” of the
absconding of money, via taxes, special programs and outright confiscation. This alone will be a loss estimated in the
billions, and not only that, it will be a loss of control for government, whom
will no longer be allowed to delve into the personal savings issue of every
American who are ‘mandated’ to support welfare.
Matriarchal Societies are
Slave-based Uneducated Societies, Patriarchal Societies require a Robust and
Educated populace to viably survive. Strange, yet the two are
axiomatic. Matriarchal societies are
socialist in nature, and as the natural extension of the Matriarchal society is
the Single Female Headed Household which produces less-educated children. Those children are more likely to be
unassuming and easily swayed by a Communistic/Socialist state propaganda
machine. Patriarchal homes however, are
those in which the two-parent household’s flourish, and the greater attendance
to education occurs. These households
are more apt to produce intelligent children, those who will not unwaveringly
swallow anything a Government presents them with. The responsibility of Self-Governance requires an educated public,
clearly the Patriarchal model is where this flourishes. From that, you obtain a Government
restricted by a well informed, educated populace; which of course lead to free,
just societies, ones that are ‘self-determinate’.
Patriarchal societies Create
a Nation of Personal Savings Funds which Propagates Private Industry. In the
“Golden Age of America” personal savings in this nation was XXX. These savings held in trust bank accounts
funded Private Industry which provided 93% of the jobs in this nation. Presently, due to Matriarchy, we are a
nation without savings. [show us vs. Japan’s savings] Now, Government provides 40% of the jobs within this nation and
that percentage is growing. Clearly,
Government exponential growth is intimately tied to the restraint upon personal
and family savings, which are either taxes out from the populace’s use, or it
is seized outright by an ever arrogant and burgeoning government.
Matriarchy is the seed to
fund Government growth and “Empirism”. Through the
well-established fact of the Single Female Headed Household propagating the
majority of crime and social pathology within this nation, this is the causal
engine that supplies and feeds the Superstructure of the Welfare State. Removal of Feminism/Matriarchal archetype
from this society, will drastically collapse that monolithic entity.
Patriarchal Societies imbues
the family over that of the socialist State or the Feminist tribal “Village”
model. Presently, through Ms. Hillary
Rodham-Clinton’s assertion that it “Takes a Village to Raise a Child” will be
completely eradicated through the re-implementation of Full Patriarchy. A Patriarchal society is one with lineage,
history and tradition, which venerates its family and community. Matriarchal societies are that of a Tribal
State, with limited if any sense of legacy and tradition. Matriarchal societies venerate the doctrine
of Parens Patriae, the state as the ultimate parent, with absolute control and
invasive authority into the panorama of human existence. Presently, families cannot make any decision
without Government’s willing consent.
In fact, there are Orwellian program’s being developed right now that
will have a social worker assigned to a child, present in the birth-room upon
delivery; that will be the sole agent for that child for life.
Matriarchal Societies are
those modern societies devolving.
Patriarchal Societies are those ascending. The
tribal condition imposed by Matriarchy is a drain on a society’s resources, and
thereby—as the outright failure of Soviet Communism indicates; socialism is a
devolving pressure against society ascending.
Because of this tribal social condition where wealth is transferred by
the state, such societies most likely assume one of two states: either the
first being stasis, or no advancement; and the second devolution towards
Placing the Father back as
the head of his home and family forces government out from being a superior law
to that of the father in his own home. Once you place family (the
Father) as the main law in the home, government must retreat to its former
constitutional role as being subordinate to “We the People”. The individual becomes once again supreme
over that of government, as shown in Model one of Lawrence H. Tribes Constitutional
Re-Establishing the laws or
Morte Main and the Law of Descents. Once Full
Patriarchy is re-established, the wealth of the father will be handed down upon
his death to his children. Presently,
due to the Welfare State, a Fathers wealth is seized by Government for
government purposes and interests, to support its Empire and enrichment. This is done in the “Best Interests of the
Child” (or other social doctrines which allow the state to steal) whom in fact
at best only receives 27 cents on the dollar.
[Show how for one dollar it takes a 1.63 to collect, yet only gives the
child 27 cents of it.] Reestablishment
of the laws of Morte Main and the Law of Descents will again, through children
who will be the direct beneficiary of that Patriarchal instrument of protection,
is the causal reason why societies tend to ascend using Patriarchy as the model
for order within the society.
Clearly, Governments have a vested reason to align themselves with the false promises and the Sophistries of modern socialist Matriarchy. Implementation of the “Equality” effect has a wide range and scope within a society, in very covert ways. Most societies have no idea they are being undermined, for each society feels the pain of every child and wants to help and they buy into this ‘protection’ through the doctrine of “In the Best Interests of the Child”. Clearly, it is the nature in cultures to believe in ‘original sin’, to create and vilify those whom Government vilifies and condemns. However; in this instance, this is the ultimate betrayal, for in the first as well final analysis, there never was a bogeyman within the American Father. Government and the Feminist needed to create one, and through their sophistries and propaganda, took a very unassuming and rare problem at one extreme end of the bell curve and exploded it to vilify the American male and Father so that society now believes all men are abusers! Presently all males and Fathers are inherently evil, and ‘must have’ done something terrible. Therefore, they must be controlled. Our society has been become conditioned to the national propaganda of Matriarchy, which they now believe unquestioningly. It has become a national mantra. Close analysis and empirical reasoning show only one thing: that children did not have the massive problems that were advertise to initiate the Welfare State, and presently, they are factually in worse condition now that the Welfare State is here.
These are serious charges.
One that lend themselves to treason.
For Factually, Matriarchy is exemplified in Radical Feminism, which is
no more than a extreme liberal hate group, one bent upon gaining supreme
privileges and “super-rights” that supercede constitutional authority. They do this at the cost of enslavement, and
destruction. Enslavement of the Father
and Society, and the destruction of our children, all, of course, “In the Best
Interests of the Child.” This of
course, makes huge profits within the Welfare state, who ‘manage’ these
maladies that will never end or be solved...
“Be careful Lisa, most
of those girls are lesbians, you know.” This was my mother’s rejoinder when,
during a telephone call to her my sophomore year of college, I announced that I
was a feminist. I remember a wry smile
crossing my lips as her words echoed through my head. Her warning was a bit late: Unbeknownst to her, I had already
come out as a lesbian. I found her
prescience amusing, but I was more intrigued by the fact that even though she
lived in the Bahamas, miles away from any organized feminist movement, my
mother had fallen prey to that popular myth: All feminists are lesbians.
hold no monopoly on misconceptions about feminism. The current U.S. sociopolitical climate is rife with rhetoric
about man-hating feminists and feminists who prey on other women. Who can forget that during the 1992
presidential campaign, Pat Robertson wrote a fanatical fund-raising letter
opposing the insertion of the word “women” into the Iowa state constitution? Robertson claimed there was a “secret
feminist agenda” that was “not about equal rights about women [but rather
about] a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to
leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy
capitalism, and become lesbians.”
[Listen Up, Voices
from the Next Feminist Generation, edited by Barbara Findlen, © 1995, Seal
Press, 3131 Western Ave., Suite 410, Seattle, WA 98121; p.45.]
we must all be chagrined, that Pat Robinson’s and this poor mother’s alarms
although wasted on deaf ears have in fact, come true for the most part. In being non-aligned with Pat Robertson, and
in being directly on the front lines of the Fathers Rights movement, especially
in battling the courts, and in researching not only the feminist agenda, but
also its pragmatic, real life applications across this nation, I can factually tell you that Mr. Robertson’s prescience is
in fact, dead on correct. The fact that
this radical lesbian feminist, chuckles at her mothers concerns and warnings
about Feminism being closely linked to Lesbianism, when the reality is totally
true; it proves somewhat that there is in fact, a ‘secret feminist agenda’
being propagated upon college campuses around this nation. These are tax-funded government programs
designed to implement Radical Feminism from the most remote American small
town-enclave right up to our nations largest cities—all through the miracle of
our present educational systems..
trends in the law also left Bork relatively isolated. One of the most vibrant forces in legal academia was the Critical
Legal Studies Movement (described by one of its leading members as a
"political location for a group of people on the Left who share the
project of supporting and extending the domain of the Left in the legal academy"). In terms of legal scholarship, this
enterprise meant applying European literary criticism and neo-Marxist social
thought to the study of legal doctrines.
That, in turn, meant dismissing old notions of legal reasoning as
historical artifact or the will of the dominant classes. For "the crits" (as they were
known), law was a hegemonic struggle for power, and the vast body of judicial
decisions reflected little more than a sinister desire to perpetuate the class,
gender, or racial advantages of the lawmakers.
The crits
deconstructed the law, exploding what they perceived as myths about the
potential for objectivity or the value of tradition, history, and the common
law. They deconstructed law schools,
too. Duncan Kennedy, one of the
movement's founders, went on tour as a CLS evangelist with such "modest
proposals" as equalizing the pay of janitors and professors at Harvard
(where he taught) and having them exchange jobs for a while. Heirs to a sixties radicalism, the
charismatic leaders of CLS charmed students with their "context
smashing" doctrines while a follow-up army of feminist, multiculturalists,
critical race theorists, and champions of gay rights borrowed deeply from such
attacks on the established order.
[Closed Chambers, The First Eyewitness
Account of the Epic Struggles Inside the Supreme Court, by Edward Lazarus,
c1998, Times Books, Random House, Inc., New York, ISBN 0-8129-2402-9, Pp.
and the Media have aligned themselves to this liberal radical hate-group with its
roots buried deep within the doctrines of socialism and anarchy, for
their own concomitant gain and benefit.
Clearly, there are hidden agenda’s being implemented here, without the
public’s full knowledge or consent.
They have falsely vilified the American Male and Father, whence other
societies have not. They have enslaved
the Father, imprisoned him, created a second-class citizen, and enraged a
public upon the false doctrines and dogma of national propaganda, which is the
only way they could have established, and continually maintained these outright
lies. In fact, this mantra has gone
beyond lies and deceptions and has become a sustained shrill staccato
throughout the American experience: “save the children”—“not one more child.”
Such are these charges that they go
beyond treason, that they are factually: a terrible, terrible sin. They were needlessly brought, and they were
pathologically hate driven and implemented against an unsuspecting public, and
a totally bewildered male. They have
brought a plague against mankind, all managed by an Imperialist Federalist
Government, whom happily assumes the task of replacing the Father and in
forcibly replacing him, and benefits greatly by doing so. The explosion of crime, prisons, and
government empires are endless due to the singular replacement of the Father,
but those within this monolithic system, do not care. They will never recognize that they are the fulcrum of the
problem and that it is not the American Father, who was not the problem in the
first place! The intrusions upon an
unsuspecting public, whom must eternally and unquestionably fund these massive
socialist superstructures throughout the government’s empire, which of course,
strangely, never accomplish their goal of ‘solving’ the said problems that
created these empires in the first place!
They have become an eternal blight upon the American landscape of
freedom’s and liberties, most of which have to be abrogated in which to defend
against the pathologies which have become artificially produced and
Legislatively sustained. Yet, these
pathologies generate huge capital, and more than that; they inspire
ever-increasing control of an omniscient, Orwellian, ever-pervasive and
intrusive government over its own people, all in the “Best Interests of the
Child” of course.
Clearly this Ultimate Paradox is no
paradox whatsoever. What it has become
is a systematic and surreptitious irruption against what was a once Free
American society. It clearly was a
planned attack upon the American people, who had no idea that it was coming,
whom did not vote for the establishment of the Welfare State, and who in fact,
even without having the tools and information of the true facts and figures
presented to them, greatly deny and hate this system that was created and
imposed upon us, by a Socialist oligarchy.
The weakest element of this paradigm is through the autonomic consent to
this system which is given by American’s who unwaveringly and viscerally want
what is in “The Best Interests of the Child”.
They have no idea of the scope of the perversion that they unwittingly
delegate to Government and the Feminists in which they use to gain power and
control within this nation to ‘solve’ these unceasing problems; yet, this is
how that phrase has been used to implement destruction and havoc upon our
children and families. It has become a
Pandora’s Box.
During World War II the Japanese who
were desperate at the final outcome of the War in the Pacific, used children as
a physical shield against bullets. They put their armies behind that shield,
and placed guns upon the shoulders of those innocent children in which to use
them in a similar paradox to hopefully overcome superior American forces who
the Japanese knew would hesitate, and not shoot the Japanese army out of fear
of killing innocent children who marched before them. The modern Welfare state does not only this exact thing, but also
something worse; it forcibly removes the father from the children’s lives and
vilifies and criminalizes that same exact father, to allow Government and
Feminists to intrude upon that home and obtain huge profit’s and a the same
time, to implement their socialist agenda against this nation, in which to
subvert the American ‘individualist’ form of governance.
Indeed, this subversion has been
given voice through the tribal pressures which now have become unleashed
through the complete access of women to their supposed “freedom.” They have escaped the supposed “tyranny” of
the ‘dreaded’ “Problem With No Name,” and have brought a tribal devolution to
the American culture which has devastated generations of men, destroyed and
killed children, developed them into several generations of a national
uneducated underclass, all the while consuming several national budgets which
should have been used to ascend this society.
Because Fathers have been disenfranchised, they can only find anarchy
throughout the institutions of America...just like Pat Robinson predicted
above. So have other men:
I figured it
this way: The world had taken away my wife and in compensation had made all
women my wives. For a while it felt all
I had to do was reach out and there one or two would be, beauty queens from
remote Fijian Islands, eager to help me mourn.
It was as though I was hopping from honeymoon, to honeymoon, when all I
wanted was my wife in our Sunday morning bed with our boys on either side. But it was never her, my southern belle who
had gone savage. She whom I wanted most
had succumbed to military rhetoric over family life, turning into a kind of
Apache Sado-Squaw. A member of some
tribe warrior women who thought that the answer to an unhappiness they couldn’t
name was to scalp the men they loved.
...I was just
sadder than hell because I was wasting my life suffering for her when there
were women out there who were lovely and deep and maybe even true.
[Men on Divorce, The Other Side of the Story, edited by Penny Kaganoff and Susan Spano, Harcourt Brace and Company, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-6777; pp. 177-187.]
What must sound most remarkable through this man’s pain and heartache; is that he is most eloquently describing the Tribal state of which Feminism is devolving this society into. He is describing what I am empirically observing throughout this book. The savagery, the rampant, uncontrolled and unrestrained sex, again—based within a freedom that has no concomitant responsibility attached to it. What is most saddening however; is that it is most certain that this man probably will not find a woman who is “lovely, deep and maybe even true,” for most cannot withstand the social pressure and anarchy of which Feminism empowers them with.
Yet, this isn’t the saddest thing this system is developing and devolving us into. What most certainly this man’s two son’s will begin to experience, will of course lead to the next generation of destruction, of which Feminism has invested it with. America is quickly becoming Hillary’s ‘redesign of Humanity’ however; nobody really knows what this redesign is about: all we are doing is recording the casualties in the wake of the Feminist national disaster, all the while Ms. Clinton and her immoral counterparts, profit immeasurably by this slavery and national destruction. Note the following documented casualty:
“I don’t have a dad,” says Megan 8, a
tiny blonde child with a pixie nose who gazes up at a visitor and talks of her
hunger. “Well, I do have a Dad, but I
don’t know his name, I only know his first name, Bill.”
Just what is it that Fathers do?
“Love you. Kiss you and hug you when you need them. I had my mom’s boyfriend for a while, but
they broke up.” Now Megan lives with
just her mother and older brother in Culver City, California.
What would you want to do with your Dad?
“I’d want him to talk to me.” She’s hurting now. “I wish I had somebody to talk to. It’s not fair. If two
people made you, then you should still be with those two people.” And she is sad. “I’m not so special,” she says looking down at the floor.
“I don’t have two people.”
[Children in Crisis, edited by Robin Brown, ©1994, H.W. Wilson Company, New York, ISBN 0-8242-0853-6; p. 60.]
This is no longer just the promise of modern Feminism, it has become our all too painful reality. We have been sold a bill of goods which is no more than a fraud, and surprisingly; they want to continue this massive conflagration—to propagate even more empires and socialist dreams. All the while the Fathers, Families, and children of this nation get decimated in the process. And a rising cacophony of a single question begins to sing from these small children which all begin to sound out the same question, “Where’s my Dad?”
Alexander’s In Praise of Single Parents
is a good example of second-generation advice literature. Alexander does not minimize or rationalize
children’s grief at the loss of their intact family. Indeed, she tells story after story of sad children, mired in the
misery of divorce. There is the story
of Danielle, whose parents split up when she was three and a half. Immediately after the divorce the little
girl comforted herself by adopting the Holy Family as her own and engaging in
nightly conversations with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, who, in her imagination,
hovered at the foot of her bed. But
nine years later Danielle has not “gotten over” her parents’ divorce. She still yearns for an intact family. She fills dozens of spiral-bound notebooks
with her own stories with her own stories of happy two-parent families. "“ make up families,” she says. “That’s what keeps me alive.” According to Alexander, Danielle’s mother is
stunned by the persistence of her daughter’s grief and mourning. “Even though I have been so aware of the
lack she has suffered, and I have so much wanted to address it...I am astonished
that I have not been able to do that...she has obviously experienced tremendous
Similarly, the
literature gives a painful accounting of the distress caused by an unknown or
vanished or inconsistent father.
Children began pestering mothers with the “daddy question” at an early
age. Indeed, the testimonies of single
mothers on the child’s early consciousness of father absence are consistent
with the research evidence on children’s precocious awareness of
fatherlessness. “It just broke my heart
each time Trevor would ask the question: Why don’t I have a father who loves
me?” one single mother lamented.
Shoshana Alexander’s son, Elias, at age three wants to know who made his
daddy go away. “did you make him go
away?” he asks his mother. Then he
raises his deeper concern: “Did I make him go away?”
[The Divorce Culture,
by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, ©1996, Borzoi Book, Alfred A. Knopf, New York,
ISBN 0-679-43230-2; p. 101.]
This failed social experiment now only goes in direct opposition to those American visionary dreams and precepts which we are a society have agreed to live under. As the beginning quotation noted which started this chapter: “No man can struggle with advantage against the spirit of his age and country, and however powerful a man may be, it is hard for him to make his contemporaries share feelings and ideas which run counter to the general run of their hopes and desires.” What is amazing is that doctrine of Feminism runs absolutely against the spirit of this nation—yet it is flourishing...all the while many of us (mostly poor) devolve. This is the present paradigm we men must solve. How does something which is so countervalent to our American form of government, survive when our contemporary society is also against it?
This is the real paradox we must
have the courage to meet, analyze and answer, before we can hope to answer
these children’s more important questions about the problem of Fatherlessness
in their lives...