c/o general delivery
                                        San Rafael, California
                                        Postal Code 94901/tdc

                                        May 4, 1991

Mr. Howard Freeman
P. O. Box 364
Lusk, WYO 82225

Dear Howard:

I recently obtained a copy of a hand-written letter which you
addressed to Dr. Clarence Edens on March 25, 1991.  Because it
seemed to be such a good summary of the recent U.C.C. lecture
which you delivered in Pleasanton, California, I have taken the
liberty of entering the letter into my word processor, and
performing some minor editing to improve its readability.
Enclosed is a copy of the finished product.  If you have any
objection to my sharing the new version to interested parties,
please let me know at once by writing the above address.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ John E. Trumane

John E. Trumane
Account for Better Citizenship

enclosures:  edited version of Edens letter
             latest petition to Rep. Barbara Boxer

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