Department of Justice > USAM > Title 9
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9-4.010 Introduction
9-4.100 Statutory Responsibilities General to All Criminal Division Sections and Offices
9-4.112 2 U.S.C.: The Congress
9-4.114 4 U.S.C.: Flag and Seal
9-4.115 5 U.S.C.: Executive Departments
9-4.117 7 U.S.C.: Agriculture
9-4.118 8 U.S.C.: Aliens and Nationality
9-4.121 10 U.S.C.: Armed Forces
9-4.123 12 U.S.C.: Banks and Banking
9-4.124 13 U.S.C.: Census
9-4.125 14 U.S.C.: Coast Guard
9-4.126 15 U.S.C.: Commerce and Trade
9-4.127 16 U.S.C.: Conservation
9-4.128 17 U.S.C.: Copyrights
9-4.129 18 U.S.C. 1-2725: Crimes
9-4.130 18 U.S.C. 3000-: Procedure
9-4.131 18 U.S.C.: Appendixes
9-4.134 21 U.S.C.: Food and Drugs
9-4.135 22 U.S.C.: Foreign Relations and Intercourse
9-4.137 24 U.S.C.: Hospitals and Asylums
9-4.138 25 U.S.C.: Indians
9-4.139 26 U.S.C.: Internal Revenue Code
9-4.141 27 U.S.C.: Intoxicating Liquor
9-4.142 28 U.S.C.: Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
9-4.143 28 U.S.C.: Appendix
9-4.144 29 U.S.C.: Labor
9-4.145 30 U.S.C.: Mineral Lands and Mining
9-4-146 31 U.S.C.: Money and Finance
9-4.146 33 U.S.C.: Navigation and Navigable Waters
9-4.151 35 U.S.C.: Patents
9-4.152 36 U.S.C.: Patriotic Societies and Observances
9-4.154 38 U.S.C.: Veterans' Benefits
9-4.155 39 U.S.C.: Postal Service
9-4.156 40 U.S.C.: Public Buildings, Property, and Works
9-4.157 40 U S.C.: Appendix
9-4.158 41 U.S.C.: Public Contracts
9-4.159 42 U.S.C.: The Public Health and Welfare
9-4.161 43 U.S.C.: Public Lands
9-4.163 45 U.S.C.: Railroads
9-4.164 46 U.S.C.: Shipping
9-4.165 46 U.S.C. Appendix: Shipping
9-4.166 47 U.S.C.: Telegraphs, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs
9-4.168 49 U.S.C.: Transportation
9-4.169 49 U.S.C. Appendix: Transportation
9-4.170 50 U.S.C.: War and National Defense
9-4.171 50 U.S.C.: Appendix
9-4.172 Uncodified
9-4.173 Repealed/Reclassified
9-4.200 Legislative Histories

9-4.010 Introduction

The statutes currently administered by the Criminal Division have been assigned to the following Sections and Offices:

Appellate Section                                       APP
Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section           AFMLS
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section                CEOS
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section        CCIP
Fraud Section                                           FRAUD
Internal Security Section                               ISS
Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section                     NDDS
Office of Enforcement Operations                        OEO
Office of International Affairs                         OIA
Office of Policy and Legislation                        OPL
Organized Crime and Racketeering Section                OCRS
Organized Crime and Racketeering Section (Labor Unit)   OCRS(L)
Public Integrity Section                                PIN
Terrorism and Violent Crime Section                     TVCS
The statutes are arranged by the United States Code Titles. Listed under each Title are: (1) the statutory designation in the left column, (2) the administering Section, as abbreviated above, with a telephone number in the center column, and (3) the investigating agency in the right column. When no particular Section has primary responsibility for a statute, the designation "All" will appear. Whenever a single asterisk (*) appears after the statutory designation, consultation with the Criminal Division is required in accordance with USAM 9-2.120. Whenever a double asterisk (**) appears after the statutory designation, special approval from the Criminal Division must be obtained in accordance with USAM 9-2.110.

A. The Section to be contacted with respect to the violation of a particular statute will be that Section listed except in the following cases:

1. Whenever it is determined that known organized crime figures are involved in any case, supervision of such case is assigned to the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section regardless of the statute involved.

2. Whenever it is determined that a public official is involved in any case involving misuse of office, supervision of such case is assigned to the Public Integrity Section, regardless of the statute involved.

3. Whenever any case involves a criminal activity affecting national defense or foreign relations, the Internal Security Section must be consulted, regardless of the statute involved.

4. Whenever any matter or case involves (1) violence (or the threat thereof) directed at a person or property or (2) the acquisition of any weapons or explosive, where such action is undertaken by known or suspected terrorists (international or domestic) the Terrorism and Violence Crime Section is the Section to consult, regardless of the statute involved.

5. Whenever any case involves a statute in the jurisdiction of the Criminal Division that authorizes civil or criminal forfeiture, questions concerning forfeiture should be referred to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section (514-1263), while questions concerning the underlying substantive offense should be referred to the Section with responsibility for the criminal statute.

B. The Appellate Section should be contacted with respect to questions or problems concerning the Speedy Trial Act (514-2611) and questions on bail (514-3521).

C. The Office of Policy and Legislation should be contacted with respect to questions or problems concerning the grand jury (514-3202).

D. The Office of Enforcement Operations should be contacted with respect to questions or problems concerning the following:

1. Grand jury and special attorney authorizations (606-4705);

2. Pre-trial diversion (514-5541);

3. Witness immunity (514-5541);

4. Subpoenas issued to Department of Justice employees under 28 C.F.R. §; 16.21 (606-4730);

5. Closure of judicial proceedings under 28 C.F.R. §;50.9 (606-4730);

6. Subpoenas issued to members of the news media under 28 C.F.R. §; 50.10 (606-4730);

7. Processing of tax disclosure requests under 26 U.S.C. §; 6103 (606-4730);

8. Authorization of electronic surveillance (514-3684);

9. Witness protection (514-3684);

10. Rule 6(e)(3)(C)(iv) disclosures (514-4730);

11. Right to Financial Privacy under 12 U.S.C. §; 3401-3422 (606-4730);

12. Searches for documentary evidence held by disinterested third parties, e.g., lawyers, doctors, clergymen, under 28 C.F.R. part 59 (Legal Support Unit-514-0856);

13. Electronic surveillance checks under 18 U.S.C. §; 3504 (606-4730);

14. Privacy Protection Act/42 U.S.C. 2000aa (Legal Support Unit - 514-0856);

15. S-VISA applications (S-VISA Unit - 514-3684);

16. Deputation of personnel in Inspectors General Offices as Special Deputy U.S. Marshals (Deputation Unit - 514-3684);

17. Legislative histories of criminal laws (Legislative History and Gambling Devices Unit - 514-1333);

18. International prisoner transfer matters (International Prisoner Transfer Unit-514-3173);

19. Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act matters inside the Criminal Division, including litigation support (FOIA/PA Unit, 616-0307); and

20. Gambling device registration (Legislative History and Gambling Devices Unit-514-1333).

E. The Office of International Affairs (514-0000) must be contacted:

1. Before contacting any foreign or State Department official in matters relating to criminal investigations or prosecutions;
a. Except when notifying a foreign consul of the arrest of a national of the consul's country;

2. Before any proposed contact with persons, other than United States investigative agents, in a foreign country;

3. Before attempting to do any act in Switzerland or other continental European countries relating to a criminal investigation or prosecution, including contacting a witness by telephone or mail;

4. Before issuing any subpoena to obtain records located in a foreign country, and before seeking the enforcement of any such subpoena; and

5. Before serving a subpoena on an officer of, or attorney for, a foreign bank or corporation, who is temporarily in, or passing through the United States, when the testimony sought relates to the officers or attorney's duties in connection with the operation of the bank or corporation.

9-4.100 Statutory Responsibilities General to All Criminal Division Sections and Offices

The assignment of responsibility for the following sections of the United States Code is general in nature and not specific to any Office or Section of the Criminal Division. Because of this, all Sections and Offices of the Criminal Division are responsible for the sections listed below.

9-4.112, 2 U.S.C.: The Congress

9-4.115, 5 U.S.C.: Executive Departments

9-4.123, 12 U.S.C.: Banks and Banking
§;§;209, 211, 324

9-4.129, 18 U.S.C.: Crimes and Criminal Procedure
§;§;1-6, 10, 14, 18-20, 151, 218, 371, 401-402, 2236, 3013, 3041-3044, 3046-3050, 3052-3053, 3056 [although 3056(b) and (d) are listed as OEO], 3059-3061, 3103a, 3105, 3107, 3109, 3237-3238, 3281-3282, 3285, 3287-3290, 3321-3322, 3331-3334, 3432, 3481, 3500-3502, 3571-3574, 3611, and 3691-3692.

9-4.135, 22 U.S.C.: Foreign Relations and Intercourse

9-4.139, 26 U.S.C.: Internal Revenue Code

9-4.142, 28 U.S.C.: Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
§;§;455, 1822, 2255

9-4.112 2 U.S.C.: The Congress

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §167a-g      OEO        (202) 514-6809   FBI                

 §192         OEO*       (202) 514-6809   FBI                

 §§193-194    All                         None          

 §§261-270    ISS*       (202) 514-1187   FBI           

 §§381-396    PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI           

 §§431-455    PIN*       (202) 514-1412   FBI           
 §441e        ISS*       (202) 514-1187  FBI                 
              (Only in cases involving foreign                   
              agents or those who should be registered           
              as foreign agents)                                 

9-4.114 4 U.S.C.: Flag and Seal

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §3           FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   FBI                

9-4.115 5 U.S.C.: Executive Departments

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §552         All                         None               

 §552(a)(i)   PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI                

 §3333        ISS        (202) 514-1187   FBI                

 §7311        ISS        (202) 514-1187   FBI                

 §8193        OEO        (202) 514-6809                      

9-4.117 7 U.S.C.: Agriculture

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§2-26       FRAUD*     (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §§51-65      FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §§71-85      FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §87b(a)(1)-  FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
 (5), (10),                               (Off. of                
 (11)                                     Investigations)         

 §87c         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §87f(e)      FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§95-96      FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §149         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§150bb,     FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
 ee, gg                                   (Off. of                

 §154         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§156-163    FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §164a        FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §166         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §167         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§181-231    FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §250         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §270         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§281-282    FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §472         PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI                

 §473c-1,     FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
 c-2                                      (Off. of                

 §491         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §499a-r      FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §503         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §511i, k     FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §581         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §586         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §591         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §596         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        

 §§607-608a   FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §608a        AFMLS      (202) 514-1263   Agriculture        
              (forfeiture only)           (Off. of                

 §608c(14)    FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§608d-624   FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §855         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §953         FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§1010-1011  FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §1373        FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §1379i(b),   FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
 (d)                                      (Off. of                

 §1427 note   FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §1471j       FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§1551-1611  FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §1595        AFMLS      (202) 514-1263   Agriculture        
              (forfeiture only)           (Off. of                

 §1622(h)     FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        

 §1642(c)     FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §1986        PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI                

 §2023(a)-(b) FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §2024(b)-(c) FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §2024(g)     AFMLS*     (202) 514-1263   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§2114-2115  FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §§2131-2147  FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §2149        FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §§2151-2156  FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §2156        AFMLS      (202) 514-1263   Agriculture        
              (forfeiture only)           (Off. of                

 §2270        OEO        (202) 514-6809   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §2274        OEO        (202) 514-6809   None               

 §2619(c)     PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI                

 §2621(b)     FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §2623        PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI                

 §2706        PIN        (202) 514-1412   FBI                

 §2807        FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §3806        FRAUD      (202) 514-7023   Agriculture        
                                          (Animal and Plant       
                                          Health Inspection)      

9-4.118 8 U.S.C.: Aliens and Nationality

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §1101(a)     NDDS       (202) 514-0917    None              

 §1182(a)     TVCS       (202) 514-0849    I.N.S.            


 §1252        TVCS       (202) 514-0849    I.N.S.            

 §1256        TVCS       (202) 514-0849    I.N.S.            

 §§1281-1287  TVCS       (202) 514-0849    I.N.S.       

 §§1301-1306  TVCS       (202) 514-0849    I.N.S.       

 §§1321-1330  TVCS       (202) 514-0849    I.N.S.       

 §1324(b)     AFMLS      (202) 514-1263    I.N.S.            

 §1357(a),    OEO        (202) 514-6809    I.N.S.            

9-4.121 10 U.S.C.: Armed Forces

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§331-335    OEO       (202) 514-6809    None          

 §§371-381    NDDS      (202) 514-0917    Defense       

 §808         OEO       (202) 514-6809    None               

 §847         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §976         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense            

 §7678        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

9-4.123 12 U.S.C.: Banks and Banking

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §25a         OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                

 §92a(h)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§95-95b     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury      

 §§95a-95b    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                  

 §209         All                         None               

 §211         All                         None               

 §324         All                         None               

 §339         OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                

 §374a        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §378         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §582         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §617         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §630         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §631         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1141j(b)-   FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1457(a)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1464(d)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1701(d)     PIN       (202) 514-1412    None               

 §1709-2      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1715z-4     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1723a(e)    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1725(g)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1730(p)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1730a(d),   FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1730c       OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                

 §1738(a)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1750b(a)    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1786(k)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1818(j)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1829a       OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                

 §1829b       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §1832        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1847        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§1881-1884  OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §1909        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§1956-1957  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §2607        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§3401-3422  OEO       (202) 514-6809    Legal Support

9-4.124 13 U.S.C.: Census

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§211-214    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §§221-225    OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §§304-305    ISS       (202) 514-1187    FBI           

9-4.125 14 U.S.C.: Coast Guard

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§83-85      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §431(c)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §638(b)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §639         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §892         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

9-4.126 15 U.S.C.: Commerce and Trade

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §6           AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §50          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                
              (only first three ¶s)                           

              PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                     
              (only last ¶)                                   

 §77          AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    S.E.C.             

 §§77a-77     FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.        

 §§78a-78kk   FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.        

 §78m(b)      FRAUD**   (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.             

 §78dd-1,     FRAUD**   (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.             

 §§78aaa-     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.        

 §§79-79z6    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.        

 §80a-1       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.             

  80b-1       FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    S.E.C.                  

 §158         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce           
                                          (China Trade Act        

 §§231-235    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce      
                                          (National Bureau of     

 §241         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce           
                                          (National Bureau of     

 §§291-300    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None          

 §330d        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce           
                                          (National Oceanic and   

 §§375-378    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §645(a)-(c)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §714m(a)-    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Agriculture        
 (f)                                      (Off. of                

 §§715a-m     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior      

 §§717-717w   FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Fed. Power

 §1004        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1007        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§1171-1178  OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI           

 §1173        OEO       (202) 514-6809    None               
                                          (Registration only)     

 §1177        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §1195        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    F.T.C.             

 §§1241-1245  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           

 §1265        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §§1281-1282  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           
              OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3595    FBI                     

 §1644        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    U.S.P.S.           
                                          (Postal Inspection      

 §1693n       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1717        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    HUD (Office of     
                                          Interstate Land Sales)  

 §§1821-1825  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §2071(b)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    None               

 §2104        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §2615        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    E.P.A.-- FBI       
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §3414(c)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Federal Regulatory 

 §3414(n)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

9-4.127 16 U.S.C.: Conservation

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §3           OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §9a          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §26          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior--FBI           
              (forfeiture only)           if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §45(e)       OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §60          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §63          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §65          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §92          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §98          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §99          AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §114         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §117c        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §117d        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §123         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §127         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §128         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §146         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §152         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §170         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §171         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §198c        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §198d        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §204c        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §204d        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §256b        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §256c        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §351         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §§352-353    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior      

 §354         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §364         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §371         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §373         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §374         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §395c        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §395d        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §403c-3      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §403c-4      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §403h-3      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §403h-4      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §404c-3      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §404c-4      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §408k        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §408l        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §413         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §414         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense            
                                          of Military Park)       

 §422d        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §423f        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §423g        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §425g        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §426i        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §428i        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §§430h,i,q   OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI 
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §430v        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §433         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §460d        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §460k-3      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §§460l-6a    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior      

 §460n-5      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §462(k)      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §470ee       OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §470gg(b)    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury--Customs  

 §551         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §552a-d      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §559         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §§604-606    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI 
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §668b(b)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §668dd(c),   OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §668dd(f)    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §670j        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §670j(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §676         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §683         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §685         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §689b        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §690d-g      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §690e(b)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior--FBI      
              (forfeiture only)           if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §692a        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §693a        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §694a        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §707         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §718e-g      OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §§726-727    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI 
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §727(c)      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §730         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §§742j-1(e)  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior      

 §773h        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §776c(b)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §§791-825e   FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §825f        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior--FBI      
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §825o        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Fed. Power         

 §831t        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI    (Larceny and 
              FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                     
                                          (Other offenses)        

 §916f        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Commerce           

 §957         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Commerce; Interior; 
                                          Transportation (Coast   

 §959         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Commerce; Interior; 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §1029        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Commerce; Interior; 
 (1, 2, 5)                                Transportation          
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §1029        TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Commerce; Interior; 
 (3, 4, 6)                                Transportation          
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §1030(a),    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Commerce; Interior; 
 (b)                                      Transportation          
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §1030(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Commerce; Interior; 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §1167        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §1172(e),    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Commerce; Interior 

 §1182        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §1184        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §1246(i)     OEO       (202) 514-6809    Agriculture        
                                          (Off. of                

 §1372        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §1376        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263                       

 §1540        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Commerce           
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    (National Oceanic and   
              (forfeiture only)           Atmospheric Admin.);    
                                          (Coast Guard);Treasury  

 §1860        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §2409        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Commerce (National 
                                          Oceanic and Atmospher.  
                                          Admin.); Interior;      
                                          Coast Guard); Treasury  

 §§243 -2439  OEO       (202) 514-6809    Transportation 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §§3372-3373  OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior      

 §3374        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §3606(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

9-4.128 17 U.S.C.: Copyrights

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §116(d)      CCIP      (202) 514-1026    FBI                

 §§506(a)-    CCIP      (202) 514-1026    FBI           

 §506(b)      AFMLS*    (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §509(a)      AFMLS*    (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §603(a),(b)  CCIP      (202) 514-1026    FBI                

 §603(c)      AFMLS*    (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

9-4.129 18 U.S.C. 1-986: Crimes

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§1-6        All                         None          

 §7           OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §8           FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §9           OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §10          All                         None               

 §11          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §12          OEO       (202) 514-6809    U.S.P.S.           

 §13          OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §14          All                         None               

 §15          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §16          TVCS      (202) 514-0849    None               

 §17          OEO       (202) 514-6809    None               

 §§18-20      All                         None          

 §§31-35      TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           
 §32(b)       TVCS**    (202) 514-0849    FBI                
 §33          OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI                
              (labor dispute)                                     

 §36          NDDS      (202) 514-0917    FBI                

 §37          TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §43          TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §45          ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §46          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior;
                                          (Off. of                

 §81          TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §§111-115    TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           

 §151         All                         None               

 §§152-155    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §§175-178    TVCS      (202) 514-0849     BI           

 §§201-213    PIN*      (202) 514-1412    FBI           
 §201(d)-(e)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§214-216    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           
              PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                     

 §217         PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §218         All                         None               

 §219         ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §224         OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                

 §228         CEOS      (202) 514-5780    FBI                

 §225         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§231-233    TVCS*     (202) 514-0849    FBI           

 §§241-242    PIN*      (202) 514-1412    FBI           
              (Only federal election issues, and then only        
              if no racial or religious issue involved;all other  
              issues assigned to Civil Rights Division)           

 §245(b)(1)   OEO**     (202) 514-6809    FBI                
              (Only if no racial or religious issue)              

 §245(b)(1)   PIN**     (202) 514-1412    Federal Election   
 (A)          (attempts by force or       Commission              
              threat to interfere                                 
              with the electoral process)                         

 §245(b)(3)   TVCS**    (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §246         PIN*      (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §285         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §§286-287    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §288         OEO       (202) 514-6809    U.S.P.S. (Postal   
                                          Inspection Service)     

 §§289-290    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §291         PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §292         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §331         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §332         PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §333         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §334         PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §§335-337    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Federal Reserve 

 §§342-343    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 

 §351         TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §371         All                         None               

 §372         TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §373         TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §§401-402    All                         None          

 §403         CEOS      (202) 514-5780    FBI                

 §§431-433    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §§435-437    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §§438-439    OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §§440-442    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §443         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§471-491    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury
 §475         FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §489         FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §492         FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §§492-495    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §§497-499    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Agency
involved; F.B.I  
                                          or Secret Service if    
                                          major investigation     

 §500         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    U.S.P.S.           

 §§501-502    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §503         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    U.S.P.S.           

 §504         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §505         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §506         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §507         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§508-509    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §510         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §511         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §512         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §513         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §521         TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI, DEA, Treasury 

 §§541-548    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury
 §§542, 544,  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury
 545, 548     (forfeiture only)                                   

 §549         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §550         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS*    (202) 514-1263                            
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §553         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 

 §§592-609    PIN*      (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §§641-642    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §§643-655    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §§656-658    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §§659-660    OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §§661-662    OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §663         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §664         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3595    FBI, Labor(Pension
                                          Welfare Benefits        
                                          Admin.); Office of      
                                          Labor (Racketeering)    

 §665(a)-(b)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §665(c)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §666(a)-(b)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §666(c)      PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §667         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §668         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                
              (Taking by fraud should be                          
              referred to the Fraud                               
              Section, 514-7023)                                  

 §700         FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§701-712    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §713(a)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                
              (Matters involving fund-raising and/or              
              public officials)                                   

 §713(b)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §715         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§751-755    OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §§756-757    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §§792-799    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           
 §§793,794    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI           
              (Forfeiture Only)                                   

 §831         TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §836         TVCS      (202) 514-0849   
                                          Highway Admin.)         

 §§841-843    TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §844(a)-     TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF);    
(b),(d)-(j)                              F.B.I; U.S.P.S.         
                                          Inspection Service)     
 §844(c)      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF); FBI; 
                                          U.S.P.S. (Postal        
                                          Inspection Service)     

 §844(i)      TVCS      (202) 514-0849     Treasury (ATF)    
              OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3595     Treasury (ATF)         
              (labor dispute)                                     

 §§845-848    TVCS      (202) 514-0849     Treasury (ATF) 

 §871         TVCS*     (202) 514-0849     Treasury (Secret  

 §872         PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §873         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §874         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     G.S.A.; FBI       

 §875         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §876(1-3)    TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §876(4)      TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI; U.S.P.S.     
                                           (Postal Inspection     

 §877(1-3)    TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §877(4)      TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI; U.S.P.S.     

 §878         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §879         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§891-894    OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI          

 §911         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     I.N.S.            
              PIN       (202) 514-1412     I.N.S.                 
              (election matters)                                  

 §§912-917    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §§921-93     TVCS      (202) 514-0849     Treasury (ATF) 
 §924(d)      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     Treasury (ATF)    

 §924(e)      TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF);

 §929         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§951-967    ISS**     (202) 514-1187     FBI          
 §956         TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§962-967    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI          
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §970(a)      OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §970(b)      TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§981-982    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI; Treasury 
                                           (Customs); D.E.A.;     
                                          I.R.S.; Postal Service  

 §984         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI; Treasury      
                                          (Customs); D.E.A.;      
                                          I.R.S.; Postal Service  

 §986         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI; Treasury      
                                          D.E.A.; I.R.S.; Postal  

9-4.129 18 U.S.C. 1001-2711: Crimes

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §1001        FRAUD*    (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §§1002-1007  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §§1010-1014  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §1015        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     I.N.S.            

 §1016        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §1017        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §§1018-1026  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §1027        OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3595    FBI; Labor (Pension 
                                          & Welfare Benefits      
                                          Administration) &       
                                          Office of Labor         

 §1028        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §1029        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     Secret Service    

 §1029(7)-(8) CCIP      (202) 514-1026                       

 §1030(a)(1)  ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI; Secret Service 

 §1030(a)(2)- CCIP      (202) 514-1026     Secret Service    

 §1031        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §1032        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI; F.D.I.C.     

 §§1071-1072  TVCS*     (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §1073        TVCS**    (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §1074        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§1081-1083  OCRS      (202) 514-3595     Treasury
 §1082(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     Treasury (Customs) 

 §1084        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI               

 §§1091-1093  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§1111-1114  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §1115        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §§1116-1117  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§1119-1121  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§1151-1153  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §§1154-1156  OCRS      (202) 514-3595     Interior     

 §§1158-1160  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §1161        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     No Offense        
 §§1162-1165  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI; Interior
 §1165        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI; Interior (BIA) 
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §§1166-1168  OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI; Interior

 §1169        CEOS      (202) 514-5780     None              

 §1170        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI; Interior (BIA) 

 §§1201-1202  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §1203        TVCS**    (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §1204        TVCS      (202) 514-5780     FBI               

 §1231        OCRS(L)*  (202) 514-3595     FBI               

 §§1262-1265  OCRS      (202) 514-3595     Treasury (ATF) 

 §1301        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     Treasury (Customs) 

 §§1302-1303  OCRS      (202) 514-3595     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1304        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI               

 §1305        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     Treasury (Customs) 

 §1306        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI               

 §1307        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     No Offense        

 §§1341-1343  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     U.S.P.S.
              PIN*      (202) 514-1412     Inspection Service)    
                                           (election law fraud)   

 §§1344-1345  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §§1361-1366  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §1367        CCIP      (202) 514-1026     F.C.C.; FBI       

 §1381        OEO*      (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §1382        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§1384-1385  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §1384        CEOS      (202) 514-5780                       

 §§1421-1429  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     I.N.S.       

 §§1460-1467  CEOS*     (202) 514-5780    U.S.P.S.; FBI;
                                          Treasury (Customs)      

 §1467        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     U.S.P.S. (Postal  
                                           Inspection Service);   

 §1501        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §1502        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     None              

 §§1503-1510  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §1511        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI               

 §§1512-1513  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          
              When violence (including a threat thereof) is       
              directed at person or property)                     

 §1515        FRAUD     202) 514-7023      FBI               

 §1516-1517   FRAUD     202) 514-7023      FBI               

 §§1541-1546  TVCS      202) 514-0849      FBI          
 §§1542-1544  ISS**     (202) 514-1412      FBI         
              (national security violations)                      

 §§1621-1623  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §§1651-1661  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§1691-1699  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1693        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263                       

 §1700        PIN       (202) 514-1412     None              

 §§1701-1702  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1703        PIN       (202) 514-1412     None              

 §§1704-1708  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §§1709-1713  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §1715        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     U.S.P.S. (Postal  
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1716        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     U.S.P.S. (Postal  
                                           Inspection Service     
              OEO       (202) 514-6809                            
              (When the nonmailable article is an explosive       
              or weapon or is intended to cause violent injury    
              to a person or property)                            

 §1716A, B,   OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S. (Postal  
 C                                         Inspection Service)    

 §1717        TVCS      (202) 514-0849                       

 §§1719-1720  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1721        PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §§1722-1725  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1726        PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §§1728-1731  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1732        PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §§1733-1734  OEO       (202) 514-6809     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §§1735-1737  CEOS      (202) 514-5780     U.S.P.S.
                                           Inspection Service)    

 §1738        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §1751        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §1752        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Secret Service    

 §§1761-1762  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          
 §1762(b)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI               

 §§1791-1792  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §1793        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §1821        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §1831        ISS       (202) 514-1187     FBI               
              (CCIP, only if domestic)     FBI                    

 §§1851-1861  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §1863        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §1864        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI; Interior     

 §§1901-1902  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §1903        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §1905        PIN*      (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §§1906-1907  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §§1909-1910  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §1911        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §§1912-1913  PIN*      (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §§1915-1917  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §1918(1)-(2) ISS**     (202) 514-1187     FBI               

 §1918(3)-(4) OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§1919-1923  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §1951        PIN*      (202) 514-1412     FBI               
              (Extortion under color of official right)           
              OCRS(L)*  (202) 514-3595     FBI; Labor (Office     
              (labor disputes)             of Labor Racketeering  
              TVCS*     (202) 514-0849     FBI                    
              (All others kidnapping; violent extortion;          
              nonviolent commercial extortion; or robbery)        

 §§1952-1953  OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI          
 §1952(b)(2)  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               
              (Bribery involving public servants)                 

 §1954        OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3595     FBI; Labor (Pension 
                                           and Welfare Benefits   
                                           Administration and     
                                           Office of Labor        

 §1955        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI               
              (Forfeiture only)                                   

 §1955(d)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI               

 §§1956-1957  AFMLS**   (202) 514-1263     Treasury;
                                           D.E.A.; FBI            

 §1958        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §1959        OCRS**    (202) 514-3595     FBI               

 §1960        AFMLS**   (202) 514-1263     Treasury; I.R.S.: 
                                           D.E.A.; FBI            

 §§1961-1968  OCRS**    (202) 514-3595     FBI          
              CEOS*     (202) 514-5780     FBI                    
              (Obscenity only)                                    

 §1963        AFMLS*    (202) 514-1263     FBI               
              (Forfeiture only)                                   

 §§1991-1992  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §2071(a)     OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§2071(b)-   PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §2074        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §§2075-2076  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §§2101-2102  TVCS*     (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§2111-2113  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §2114        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     U.S.P.S.; FBI     

 §§2115-2116  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §2117        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §2118        NDDS**    (202) 514-0917     FBI               

 §2119        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§2151-2157  ISS**     (202) 514-1187     FBI          

 §§2191-2196  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §2197        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §2198        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §2199        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §2231        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§2232-2233  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI          

 §§2234-2235  PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI          

 §2236        ALL                          None              

 §§2241-2245  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          
              CEOS*     (202) 514-5780     FBI                    

 §§2251-2252  CEOS*     (202) 514-5780     FBI; U.S.P.S. 
                                           (Postal Inspection     
                                           Services Treasury      

 §§2253-2254  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI; U.S.P.S. 
                                           (Postal Inspection     
                                           Service); Treasury     
              CEOS      (202) 514-5780                            

 §2253        OPL       (202) 514-3202                       

 §§2255-2259  CEOS      (202) 514-5780     F.B.I;
                                           (Postal Inspection     
                                           Service); Treasury     

 §2255        OPL       (202) 514-3202                       

 §2258        CEOS      (202) 514-5780     FBI               

 §§2261-2262  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§2271-2278  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          
 §2274        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI               
              (Forfeiture only)                                   

 §2279        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§2311-2317  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §2318-2320   CCIP      (202) 514-1026     FBI               
 §2318(d)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI               

 §2321        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§2331-      TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          
 §2332(d)     ISS       (202) 514-1187     FBI, Treasury,    

 §§2340-      TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §§2341-2346  OCRS      (202) 514-3595     FBI; Treasury
 §2344(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     FBI; Treasury (ATF) 

 §§2381-2391  ISS**     (202) 514-1187     FBI          

 §§2421-2424  CEOS*     (202) 514-5780     FBI; Treasury 

 §§2510-2515  OEO       (202) 514-6809     No Offense   

 §2516        OEO**     (202) 514-6809     No Offense        

 §2517        OEO       (202) 514-6809     No Offense        

 §2518        OEO**     (202) 514-6809     No Offense        

 §§2519-2522  OEO       (202) 514-6809     No Offense   

 §§2701-2709  OEO       (202) 514-6809     No Offense   

 §2711        OEO       (202) 514-6809     No Offense        

9-4.130 18 U.S.C. 3000-: Procedure

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §3013        All                          None              

 §§3041-3044  All                          None         

 §§3046-3050  All                          None         

 §§3052-3053  All                          None         

 §3055        OEO       (202) 514-6809     None              

 §3056        All                          None              

 §3056(b),    OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 3057         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI                    

 §3058        ISS**     (202) 514-1187     I.N.S.; FBI       

 §§3059-3061  All                          None         

 §3062        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §3063        OEO       (202) 514-6809     None              

 §§3071-3077  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI          

 §3103a       All                          None              

 §3105        All                          None              

 §3107        All                          None              

 §3109        All                          None              

 §3113        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     None              

 §3117        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §3118        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §3121        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§3122-3124  OEO       (202) 514-6809     None         

 §3125        OEO**     (202) 514-6809     None              

 §§3126-3127  OEO       (202) 514-6809     None         

 §§3141-3156  OPL       (202) 514-3202     None         

 §§3161-3174  APP       (202) 514-3521     None         

 §§3181-3196  OIA       (202) 514-4676     None         

 §3236        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     None              

 §§3237-3238  All                          None         

 §§3242-3243  OEO       (202) 514-6809     None         

 §3244        OEO       (202) 514-6809     No Offense        

 §§3281-3282  All                          None         

 §3283        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     None              

 §3284        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     None              

 §3285        All                          None              

 §3286        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     None              

 §§3287-3290  All                          None         

 §3291        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     None              

 §3292        OIA       (202) 514-4676     None              

 §3293        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023     FBI               

 §§3321-3322  All                          None         

 §§3331-3334  All                          None         

 §§3401-3402  OEO       (202) 514-6809     None         

 §3432        All                          None              

 §3435        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §3481        All                          None              

 §3487        PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §3488        OCRS      (202) 514-3595     None              

 §§3491-3495  OIA       (202) 514-4676     None         

 §3497        PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §§3500-3502  All                          None         

 §3504        OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI               

 §§3505-3506  OIA       (202) 514-4676     None         

 §3507        OIA*      (202) 514-4676     None              

 §3508        OIA       (202) 514-4676     Interpol          

 §3509        CEOS      (202) 514-5780     None              

 §3521        NDDS      (202) 514-0197     U.S. Marshals

 §§3521-3528  OEO**     (202) 514-6809     None         

 §3553        NDDS      (202) 514-0917     None              

 §3554        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     None              

 §§3561-3566  OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of

 §3566        OPL       (202) 514-3062                       

 §§3571-3574  All                          None         

 §§3581-3586  OPL       (202) 514-3202     None         

 §§3591-3598  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     None         
              NDDS      (202) 514-0917     None                   

 §3591(b)     NDDS      (202) 514-0917     DEA               

 §3606        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Commerce          

 §3607        NDDS      (202) 514-0917     Transportation    
                                           (Coast Guard)          

 §3611        All                          None              

 §3612        PIN       (202) 514-1412     FBI               

 §§3613-3615  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §§3621-3625  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §§3661-3662  OEO       (202) 514-6809     FBI          

 §3671        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI               

 §§3681-3682  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263     None         

 §§3691-3692  All                          None         

 §3731        APP       (202) 514-3521     None              

 §4001        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of Prisons 

 §4004        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of Prisons 

 §4012        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of Prisons 

 §§4081-4086  OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of

 §§4100-4115  OEO       (202) 514-6809     None         

 §§4241-4247  OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of

 §4282        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of Prisons; 
                                           U.S. Marshals Service  

 §4285        OEO       (202) 514-6809     Bureau of Prisons; 
                                           U.S. Marshals Service  

 §5001        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     FBI; U.S. Marshals 

 §5003        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     Bureau of Prisons 

 §5031        TVCS      (202) 514-0849     Bureau of Prisons; 

 §5032        TVCS*     (202) 514-0849     Bureau of Prisons; 

 §§5033-5042  TVCS      (202) 514-0849     Bureau of

 §6001        OEO       (202) 514-6809     None              

 §§6002-6003  OEO**     (202) 514-6809     None         

 §§6004-6005  OEO       (202) 514-6809     None         

9-4.131 18 U.S.C.: Appendix

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 Interstate   OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                     
 on Detainers                                                     

 F.R.Cr.P.    APP       (202) 514-3521    None                    
              OPL       (202) 514-3202    None                    

 III          ISS       (202) 514-1187    None                    

9-4.132 19 U.S.C.: Customs Duties

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §60          PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §70          OEO       (202) 514-6809    Treasury (Customs) 

 §81s         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury           

 §130         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §282         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §467         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §468         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    I.R.S.             

 §469         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §482         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §507         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury           

 §§1304-1305  ISS       (202) 514-1187    FBI; Treasury 
              (treasonous literature)     (Customs)               
              CEOS      (202) 514-5780                            
              (obscene materials)                                 
              OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI; Treasury           
              (all other material)        (Customs)               
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI; Treasury           

 §1322        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1338(f)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1341        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1401        NDDS      (202) 514-0917    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1432        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1436        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263                            
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1438        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 

 §§1449-1455  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §1453        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1462        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §§1464-1465  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §1464        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1466        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1497        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1510        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1510(b)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1526        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1527        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §§1581-1582  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §§1584-1587  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1588        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1590        NDDS      (202) 514-0917    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1592        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1592(c)(5)  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1594        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 
              (Forfeiture only)                                   

 §1595(a)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      

 §1595a       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      

 §1599        PIN       (202) 514-1412    Treasury (Customs) 

 §§1602-1618  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §1620        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1627a       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1629(d)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §1703(a)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §§1706-1708  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury
              FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs)      
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1919        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                
              FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                     

 §§2091-2095  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §2093        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

 §2316        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 2349         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                     

9-4.133 20 U.S.C.: Education

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §1097        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

9-4.134 21 U.S.C.: Food and Drugs

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§101-105  FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture
(Office of  

 §§111-131  FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture
(Office of  

 §134a-e    FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office

 §135a      FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office

 §§151-158  FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture
(Office of  

 §§331-334  Office of   (202) 307-3009    Food and Drug
            Consumer                      stration (including     
            Litigation                    FDA Office of Criminal  
            (OCL) B187                    Investigations)         

 §§458-     FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture
(Office of  
 461(b)                                   Investigations)         

 §461(c)    FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§463-467  FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture
(Office of  

 §467(b)    AFMLS       (202) 514-1263    Agriculture (Office
            (forfeiture only)             Investigations)         

 §§606-674  FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture
(Office of  
                                          Investigations); FBI    

 §675-676   FRAUD       (202) 514-7023                       

 §673       FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office
            (forfeiture only)             Investigations); FBI    

 §675       FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office
                                          Investigations); FBI    

 §676       FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office
                                          Investigations); FBI    

 §§801-971  NDDS        (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; FBI   
            AFMLS*      (202) 514-1263    D.E.A.; FBI             
            (forfeiture only)                                     
 §801-878   FRAUD       (202) 514-7023                       
 §941 (b)   FRAUD       (202) 514-7023                       
 §952-953   FRAUD       (202) 514-7023                       
 §802(32)   NDDS**      (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; FBI        
 §813       NDDS**      (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; FBI        
 §841(a)(2) NDDS*       (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; FBI        
 §848       NDDS*       (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; FBI        
 §849       NDDS*       (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; FBI        
 §853       AFMLS*      (202) 514-1263    D.E.A.; FBI        
 857        NDDS        (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.                  
 §875       NDDS*       (202) 514-0917    Postal Service;
 §881       AFMLS       (202) 514-1263    D.E.A.; FBI;       
                                          Postal Service          
 §881(f)(2) NDDS        (202) 514-0917    D.E.A.; Customs    
 §888       AFMLS       (202) 514-1263    D.E.A.; Customs    
 §967-969   OEO         (202) 514-6809    None               

 §1037      FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office

 §1041(a),  FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office
 (b)                                      Investigations)         

 §1041(c)   TVCS        (202) 514-0849    Agriculture (Office

 §1049      FRAUD       (202) 514-7023    Agriculture (Office
            (forfeiture only)             Investigations)         

9-4.135 22 U.S.C.: Foreign Relations and Intercourse

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §211a        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

 §286f(b)     OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §286f(c)     PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §287c        ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §401         ISS       (202) 514-1187    Treasury (Customs); 
              (civil penalties)           State                   

              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs);     
              (forfeiture only)           State                   

              ISS       (202) 514-1187    Treasury (Customs);     

 §455         ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §§611-621    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §1623(e)-(f) FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Foreign Claims     
                                          Settlement Comm.        

 §1631j-n     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1641p       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Foreign Claims     
                                          Settlement Comm.        

 §1642m       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Foreign Claims     

 §1643k       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Foreign Claims     
                                          Settlement Comm         

 §§1731-1732  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    State         

 §1978        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §2291(c)     NDDS      (202) 514-0917    State;

 §2667        All                         None               

 §2708        TVCS      (202) 514-0849    State              
              NDDS      (202) 514-0917    State                   

 §2712(f)     TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (Customs); 

 §§2774-2777  ISS       (202) 514-1187    Treasury

 §2778        ISS**     (202) 514-1187    Treasury (Customs); 

 §4199        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §4202        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §§4217-4218  PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI           

 §4221        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.137 24 U.S.C.: Hospitals and Asylums

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §154         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

9-4.138 25 U.S.C.: Indians

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §202         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §251         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Interior           

 §399         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §450d        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.139 26 U.S.C.: Internal Revenue Code

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §3121(b)17   ISS       (202) 514-1187    Treasury           

 §§4181-4182  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §§4401-4405  OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury;

 §§4411-4414  OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury;

 §§4421-4423  OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury;

 §§5001-5687  OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury (ATF) 
 §§5607-5608  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF) 
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §§5612-5613  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF) 

 §5615        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5661(a)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §5671        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §5673        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5681(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §5683        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §5685(c)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §5688        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5691        OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5723(c)-(d) FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5763        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     

 §§5801-5802  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §§5811-5812  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §§5821-5822  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §§5841-5849  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §§5851-5854  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF) 

 §5861        TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5871        TVCS      (202) 514-0849    Treasury (ATF)     

 §5872(a)     AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     

 §6050I       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury; I.R.S.   

 §6103        OEO**     (202) 514-6809    All DOJ Components 

 §7122        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)
              (statutes administered      Secret Service          
              by Criminal Division)                               

 §§7201-7209  All                         None          

 §7212        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §7213        PIN*      (202) 514-1412    Treasury; I.R.S.   

 §7214        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §7262        OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury; I.R.S.   

 §7272        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury; I.R.S.   

 §7301-7303   AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     

 §§7321-7327  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF) 

 §9012        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI; Federal       
                                          Election Commission     

 §9042        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI; Federal       
                                          Election Commission     

9-4.141 27 U.S.C.: Intoxicating Liquor

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §205-207     OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury (ATF)     

 §206         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (ATF)     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

9-4.142 28 U.S.C.: Judiciary and Judicial Procedure

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §455         All                         None               

 §524(c)      AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Related agency;    
                                          D.E.A.; FBI; I.N.S.;    
                                          U.S. Marshals Service;  
                                          I.R.S.; Postal Service  

 §§540-540(a) TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           

 §§591-592    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI    or other

 §1355        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    None               

 §1395        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    None               

 §§991-998    OPL       (202) 514-3202    None          
                        (202) 514-4182                            

 §1746        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§1781-1784  OIA       (202) 514-4676    None          

 §1822        All                         None               

 §1826        OEO       (202) 514-6809    U.S. Marshals

 §1875        OEO       (202) 514-6809    U.S. Marshals

 §§2241-2250  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.N.S.;       
              (Aliens)                    Bureau of Prisons       
              (All others)                                        

 §2253        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.N.S.;            
              (Aliens)                    Bureau of Prisons       
              (All others)                                        

 §2255        All                         None               

 §2461        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    None               

 §2465        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    None               

 §2514        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    U.S. Claims Court  

 §2678        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.143 28 U.S.C.: Appendix

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 F.R.E.       APP       (202) 514-3521     None                   

9-4.144 29 U.S.C.: Labor

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §162         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI                

 §186         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Office 
                                          of Labor Racketeering   
                                          per annual deputation   
                                          of Sp. Dep. U.S.        

 §§431-439    OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    Labor (Office
of Labor  
                                          Management Standards)   

 §§461 & 463  OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    Labor (Office
of Labor  
                                          Management Standards)   

 §501(c)      OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Office 
                                          of Labor Management     
                                          Standards & Office of   
                                          Labor Racketeering)     

 §502         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    Labor (Office of
                                          Management Standards)   

 §503(a)      OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    Labor (Office of
                                          Management Standards)   

 §503(b)      OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI (employers     
                                          payments);Labor Ofc     
                                          of Labor Management     
                                          Standards) (union       

 §504         OCRS(L)*  (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Office 
                                          of Labor Management     
                                          Standards and Office    
                                          of Racketeering on      
                                          case-by-case basis)     

 §521         OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                
              OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Office      
                                          of Labor Management     
                                          Standards and Office    
                                          of Racketeering on      
                                          case-by-case basis)     

 §522         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI                

 §528         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI                

 §530         OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Office
                                          Labor Racketeering on   
                                          case-by-case basis)     

 §666(e)-(f)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Occupational Safety
                                          Health Administration   

 §666(g)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                
              (When accompanying violation of (e)-(f))            

 §696         TVCS      (202) 514-0849                       

 §1111        OCRS(L)*  (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Pension 
                                          and Welfare Benefits    
                                          Administration and      
                                          Office of Labor         

 §1131        OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    Labor (Pension &   
                                          Welfare Benefits        

 §1141        OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Pension 
                                          and Welfare Benefits    
                                          Adm. and Office of      
                                          Labor Racketeering)     

 §1851        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor              

9-4.145 30 U.S.C.: Mineral Lands and Mining

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §184         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §689         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§801-878    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior (MESA) 

 §933         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior (MESA)    

 §942         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior (MESA)    

 §1211(f)     PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1267(g)     PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1294        OCRS      (202) 514-3595                       

 §1463        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce (National 
                                          Oceanic and             
                                          Atmospheric Admin.)     

 §1466        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Interior           

 §1720        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior           

9-4.146 31 U.S.C.: Money and Finance

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §1341-1342   PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1350        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1517        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1519        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §5111        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Secret   

 §5111(d)(3)  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Secret   

 §§5311-5312  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury      

 §§5313-5315  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury
              FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs)      

 §§5316-5317  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury
              FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs)      
              OCRS      (202) 514-3595    FBI                     
              (RICO prosecution only)                             

 §5317(c)     AFMLS*    (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §5318(2)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 

 §5321(a)(1), FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                
 (a)(3)       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                     

 §5321(a)(2)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs)      

 §5321(a)(4)  AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §5322        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Customs) 

 §5323        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury (Customs) 

 §9703        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury           

9-4.146 33 U.S.C.: Navigation and Navigable Waters

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§1-3        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Defense       
                                          (Army Corps of          

 §§401-533    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation; 

 §473c-1      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §473c-2      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §482         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §491         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §496         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §497         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §499a-499r   FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §503         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §505         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §507         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §511i        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §511k        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       
 §521-526     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

 §§554-555    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Defense (Army
Corps of  

 §601         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Defense (Army Corps

 §682         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior
                                          Office-Energy &         
                                          Resources Division)     

 §928         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §931         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §937         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor (Solicitor's 
                                          Office Employees'       
                                          Benefit Division)       

 §938         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §941         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor              

 §990(a)-(c)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1227        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation

 §1319(c)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Agency Involved;
                                          if major investigation  
                                          is required             

 §1908        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation
                                          Guard-contact local     
                                          Coast Guard District    

9-4.151 35 U.S.C.: Patents

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §33          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§181-185    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §186         CCIP      (202) 514-1026    FBI                

 §§187-188    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §289         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §292         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.152 36 U.S.C.: Patriotic Societies and Observances

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§179-181    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §728         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

9-4.154 38 U.S.C.: Veterans' Benefits

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §218         OEO       (202) 514-6809    VA Special Police; 

 §787         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §1790        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §3313        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §3405        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§3501-3502  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §5701        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

9-4.155 39 U.S.C.: Postal Service

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §606         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    U.S.P.S. (Postal   
                                          Inspection Service)     

 §3001        OEO       (202) 514-6809    U.S.P.S. (Postal   
                                          Inspection Service)     

 §3005        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    U.S.P.S. (Postal   
                                          Inspection Service)     

 §3008        CEOS      (202) 514-5780    U.S.P.S. (Postal   
                                          Inspection Service)     

 §§3010-3011  CEOS      (202) 514-5780    U.S.P.S.
                                          Inspection Service)     

9-4.156 40 U.S.C.: Public Buildings, Property, and Works

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §13f-p       OEO       (202) 514-6809    Marshal of Supreme 

 §56          OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §101         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Federal Police

 §193b-h, n-s OEO       (202) 514-6809    Capitol
                                          Police; U.S. Park       

 §212a        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Capitol Police     

 §212b        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Capitol Police     

 §255         OEO       (202) 514-6809    None               

 §276a        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor; FBI         

 §318a-c      OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §318d        OEO       (202) 514-6809    G.S.A.             

 §328         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor; FBI         

 §332         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor; FBI         

 §883         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Labor; FBI         

9-4.157 40 U S.C.: Appendix

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §402         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor; FBI         

9-4.158 41 U.S.C.: Public Contracts

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§35-36      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §51          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §54          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §119         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.159 42 U.S.C.: The Public Health and Welfare

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §261(b)-(c)  OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §262         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.             

 §263a        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.             

 §§264-272    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.        

 §274(e)      OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §406         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.             

 §408         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.             

 §410(a)(17)  ISS       (202) 514-1187    H.H.S.             

 §§1306-1307  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.        

 §1320c-9     PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1395nn      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.             

 §1396h       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    H.H.S.             

 §1973i(c)    PIN*      (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1973i(e)    PIN*      (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §2000aa      OEO       (202) 514-6809    No Offense         

 §2271        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§2272-2273  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §§2274-2278  ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §2278a       OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §2278b       ISS       (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §2280        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §2281        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §2282        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §2283        TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §2284        ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI                
              (Violations undertaken on behalf of a foreign       

 §3220(a)-(b) FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §3222        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor              

 §3425        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §3771        PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §§3791-3793  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §§3795-3795b FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §5157        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§5410(b)-   FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §7413        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§8431-8435  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

9-4.161 43 U.S.C.: Public Lands

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §104         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §315a        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §316k        OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §362         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §§1061-1062  OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI           

 §§1063-1064  TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           

 §1212        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§1331-1343  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Labor (MSHA)  

 §1605(b)     PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1619(f)(2)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.163 45 U.S.C.: Railroads

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§1-18       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §13          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

 §23          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §§28-29      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §32          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §34          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §§38-39      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §60          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§62-63      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §64a(a)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §§65-66      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §§71-73      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Agriculture   
                                          (Off. of                

 §81          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury (Fiscal   

 §83          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §152, Tenth  OCRS(L)*  (202) 514-3666    FBI; Labor (Office 
                                          of Labor Racketeering   
                                          per annual deputation   
                                          as Sp. Dep. U.S.        

 §231l        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §355(i)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §359         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §438         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Federal Railway        

 §546(b)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Federal Railway        

9-4.164 46 U.S.C.: Shipping

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§2106-2107  OEO       (202) 514-6809    Transportation 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §2302        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §2304        OEO       (202) 514-6809    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §3305        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §3306(a)(5)  FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §3318        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §3501        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §3713        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §3718        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §4307        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §4311        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §6306        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §7101        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §7106        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §7703        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §8102        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §8302        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §8903        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §8905        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §10314-16    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §§10505-     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI           

 §11501       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §11504       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     

 §12122       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     

 §12309       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

 §12309(a)    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     

9-4.165 46 U.S.C. Appendix: Shipping

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §41          AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §§58-59      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §§142-143    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Treasury

 §292         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §325         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    FBI                

 §676         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §738         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §§801-842    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Federal
Maritime Comm.  

 §808         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §835         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §883         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §883-1       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §883a        AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Transportation     
              (forfeiture only)                                   

 §1225        ISS*      (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §1295f(d)    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation     
                                          (Maritime Admin.)       

 §§1901-1904  NDDS      (202) 514-0917    Transportation

9-4.166 47 U.S.C.: Telegraphs, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §13          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.             

 §§21-34      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.        

 §33          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023                       

 §37          FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.             

 §220(e)      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.             

 §223         CCIPS     (202) 514-6809    FBI                
              CEOS*     (202) 514-5780    FBI                     
              (minors only)                                       

 §§301-416    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.        

 §§501-503    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.        

 §§507-508    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.C.C.        

 §510         AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    F.C.C.             

 §553         FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §559         OEO       (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §605         CCIP      (202) 514-1026    FBI                

  606         TVCS      (202) 514-0849    F.C.C.; Defense; G.S.A  

9-4.168 49 U.S.C.: Transportation

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§527-528    FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Transportation 

 §11109       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.C.C.             

 §§11901-     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.C.C.        

 §11902a      FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.C.C.             
              OCRS(L)   (202) 514-3666    I.C.C.                  
              (labor dispute)                                     

 §§11906-     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.C.C.        

 §§11909-     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.C.C.        

 §§11912-     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    I.C.C.        

 §46104       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    F.A.A.; I.C.C.     

 §46314       TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §46306(d)    AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    DEA;Treasury

 §§46501-     TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI           

 §§60122-     FRAUD     (202) 514-0849    F.A.A.; I.C.C. 

 §60123(b)    TVCS      (202) 514-0849    FBI                

 §80303       AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    DEA;Treasury

9-4.169 49 U.S.C. Appendix: Transportation

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§1522-1523  ISS       (202) 514-1187    F.A.A.        

 §2214        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §2216        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

9-4.170 50 U.S.C.: War and National Defense

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §§21-24      ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §167k        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Interior           

 §§191-192    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    Transportation 
                                          (Coast Guard)           

 §217         PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §403(h)      NDDS      (202) 514-0917    DEA                

 §421         ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §§422-426    ISS       (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §781         ISS*      (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §§782-798    ISS       (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §§841-844    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §§851-857    ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

 §§1701-1706  ISS**     (202) 514-1187    Treasury

 §1809        CCIP      (202) 514-1026    None               

 §§2401-2404  ISS**     (202) 514-1187    FBI           

9-4.171 50 U.S.C.: Appendix

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 §3           FRAUD**   (202) 514-7023    Treasury           

 §5           OEO       (202) 514-6809    Treasury (Customs) 

 §5(b)        ISS**     (202) 514-1187    Treasury           

 §12          AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury           
              (forfeiture only)                                  

 §16          ISS**     (202) 514-1187    Treasury           
              AFMLS     (202) 514-1263    Treasury               
              (forfeiture only)                                  

 §462         OEO*      (202) 514-6809    FBI                

 §473         OCRS      (202) 514-3595    Treasury (ATF)     

 §510         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense; FBI       

 §513         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense            

 §520         OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense            

 §§530-532    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense       

 §§534-535    OEO       (202) 514-6809    Defense       

 §1941d(b)    PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §1985        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §2009        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §2017m       FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §2071        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce           

 §2073        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    Commerce           

 §2155(d)     FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                

 §2155(e)     PIN       (202) 514-1412    FBI                

 §2166        FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    None               

 §§2401-2420  ISS**     (202) 514-1187    Treasury

 §2410(c)     ISS       (202) 514-1187    FBI                

 §2410(g)     AFMLS     202) 514-1263     FBI                
              (forfeiture only)                                  

9-4.172 Uncodified

 STATUTE      CRIMINAL   TELE-            AGENCY WITH     
              DIVISION   PHONE #          INVESTIGATIVE          
              SECTION                     JURISDICTION          

 76 Stat. 907 FRAUD     (202) 514-7023    FBI                    

9-4.173 Repealed/Reclassified

7 U.S.C.: Agriculture

8 U.S.C.: Aliens and Nationality

18 U.S.C.: Crimes and Criminal Procedure

26 U.S.C.: Internal Revenue Code

29 U.S.C.: Labor

31 U.S.C.: Money and Finance

36 U.S.C.: Patriotic Societies and Observances

39 U.S.C.: Postal Service

46 U.S.C.: Shipping

49 U.S.C.: Transportation

50 U.S.C.: War and National Defense

5 Canal
22 D.C.

9-4.200 Legislative Histories

Legislative Histories of statutes assigned to the Criminal Division are compiled and maintained by the Legislative History and Gambling Devices Unit, Office of Enforcement Operations. Research requests should be made to this office by calling (202) 514-1333. When requesting research of a specific legislative history, the United States Code cite must be provided. Considerable time will be saved by referring to the Public Law using the list found in the Criminal Resource Manual at 24. This list includes the legislative history of each statute assigned to the Criminal Division since 1946 and many enacted prior thereto.

June 1998 USAM Chapter 9-4