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19 Tax Division Case Status Report Form

Information regarding developments in pending criminal tax cases should be provided to the Tax Division in a timely manner in order that the Department's files reflect the true case status and so that, upon completion of the criminal case, the case can be timely closed and returned to the IRS for the collection of any revenue due through civil disposition. This standard form is designed to facilitate providing this information to the Tax Division.

DEFENDANT(S)'S NAME(S): ______________________________________

DISTRICT: _____________________________________________________

DATE OF INDICTMENT (NO BILL) (Attach copy of indictment (no bill): _______________________________________________________________

DATE OF ARRAIGNMENT AND KIND OF PLEA: _______________________________________________________________

DATE OF GUILTY PLEA: _________________________________________

DATE OF TRIAL: ________________________________________________

TRIAL JUDGE: __________________________________________________

JURY OR NONJURY TRIAL: ________________________________________

VERDICT AND DATE VERDICT RETURNED: _______________________________________________________________

DATE AND TERMS OF SENTENCE (Attach copy of Judgment and Commitment Order):________________________________________________________



DATE OF APPEAL: _______________________________________________

APPELLATE DECISION AND DATE THEREOF (Attach copy of opinion): _______________________________________________________________

When finished, please return the completed form to the appropriate Tax Division criminal enforcement section listed below:

Robert E. Lindsay, Chief CATEPS
Room 4131, U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

E. Ralph Pierce, Chief
Northern Criminal Enforcement Section
Room 4625, U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

J. Randolph Maney, Chief
Southern Criminal Enforcement Section
Room 5154, Bicentennial Building
600 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530

Ronald A. Cimino, Chief
Western Criminal Enforcement Section
Room 5127, Bicentennial Building
600 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530

October 1997 Tax Resource Manual 19