(Reference: John Bouvier, A Law Dictionary Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and the Several States of the American Union, Childs & Peterson, c1856.)
FISHERY, estates. A place prepared for catching fish with nets or hooks. This term is commonly applied to the place of drawing a seine, or net. 1 Whart. R. 131, 2.
The right
of fishery is to be considered as to tide or navigable waters,
and to rivers not navigable. A river where the tide ebbs and flows is considered
an arm of the sea. By the common law of England every
navigable river within the realm as far as the sea ebbs and flows is deemed
a royal river, and the fisheries therein as belonging to the crown by prerogative,
yet capable of being granted to a subject to be held
or disposed of as private property. The profit of such fisheries,
however, when retained by the crown, is not commonly taken and appropriated
by the king, unless of extraordinary value, but left free to all the people.
Dav. Rep. 155; 7 Co. 16, a: Plowd, 154, a. Within the tide waters of navigable
rivers in some of the United States, private or several fisheries were
established, during the colonial state, and are still held and enjoyed
as such, as in the Delaware. 1 Whart. 145, 5; 1 Baldw. Rep. 76. On
the high seas the right of fishing jure gentium is common to all persons,
as a general rule. In. rivers, not navigable, that is, where there is no
flux or reflux of the tide, the right of fishing is incident to the owner
of the soil, over which the water passes, and to the riparian proprietors,
when a stream is owned by two or more. 6 Cowen's R. 369;
5 Mason's R. 191; 4 Pick. R. 145; 5 Pick. R. 199. The
rule, that the right of fishery, within his territorial limits, belongs
exclusively to the riparian owner, extends alike to great and small streams.
The owners of farms adjoining the Connecticut river, above the flowing
of the tide, have the exclusive right of fishing opposite their farms,
to the middle of the river although the public have an easement in the
river as a public highway, for passing and repassing with every kind of
water craft. 2 Conn. R. 481. The right of fishery may exist, not only in
the owner of the soil or the riparian proprietor, but also in another who
has acquired it by grant or otherwise. Co. Litt. l22 a, n. 7; Schul.
Aq. R. 40 41; Ang. W. C. 184; sed vide 2 Salk. 637.
Fisheries have been
divided into: 1. Several fisheries. A several
fishery is one to which the party claiming it has the right of fishing,
independently of all others, as that no person can have a coextensive right
with him in the object claimed, but a partial and independent
right in another, or a limited liberty, does not derogate from the right
of the owner. 5 Burr. 2814. A several fishery,
as its name imports, is an exclusive property; this, however,
is not to be understood as depriving the territorial owner of his right
to a several fishery, when he grants to another person permission to fish;
for he would continue to be the several proprietor, although he should
suffer a stranger to hold a coextensive right with himself. Woolr. on Wat.
fisheries. A free fishery is said to be a franchise in the hands of a subject,
existing by grant or prescription, distinct from an ownership in the soil.
It is an exclusive right, and applies to a public navigable river, without
any right in the soil. 3 Kent, Com. 329. Mr. Woolrych says,
that sometimes a free fishery is confounded with a several, sometimes it
is said to be synonymous with common, and again treated as distinct from
either. Law of Waters, &c. 97.
of Fishery. A common of fishery is not an exclusive right, but one enjoyed
in common with certain other persons. 3 Kent, Com. 329.
A distinction has been made between a common
fishery, (commune piscarium,) which may mean for all mankind, as in the
sea, and a common of fishery, (communium piscariae,) which is a right,
in common with certain other persons, in a particular stream.
8 Taunt. R. 183. Mr. Angell seems to think that common of fishery and free
fishery, are convertible terms, Law of Water Courses, c. 6., s. 3, 4.
These distinctions
in relation to several, free, and common of, fishery, are not strongly
marked, and the lines are sometimes scarcely perceptible. "Instead
of going into the black letter books, to learn what was a fishery, and
a free fishery, and a several fishery," says Huston, J., "I am
disposed to regard our own acts, even though differing, from old feudal
times." 1 Whart. R. 132. See 14 Mus. R. 488; 2 Bl. Com. 39, 40; 7
Pick. R. 79. Vide, generally, Ang. Wat. Co.; Index, h. t; Woolr. on Wat.
Index, h. t; Schul. Aq. R. Index, h. t; 2 Rill. Ab. ch. 18, p. 1,63; Dane's
Ab. h. t; Bac. Ab. Prerogative, B 3; 12 John. R. 425; 14 John. R. 255 14
Wend. R. 42; 10 Mass., R. 212; 13 Mass. R. 477; 20 John. R. 98; 2 John.
It. 170; 6 Cowen, R. 369; 1 Wend. R. 237; 3 Greenl. R. 269; 3 N. H. Rep.
321; 1 Pick. R. 180; 2 Conn. R. 481; 1 Halst. 1; 5 Harr. and Johns. 195;
4 Mass. R. 527; and the articles Arm of the sea; Creek; Navigable River;
Tide. (Emphasis mine.)