Usufructory Property:
The following are examples of American case sites applying the principle of "usufructory ownership" to surface water:
Eddy v. Simpson, 3 Calif,
249, 252 (1853): "It is laid down by our law writers, that the right of property in
water is usufructory, and consists not so much of the fluid itself as the advantage
of its use."
Rickey Land & Cattle Co. v.
Miller & Lux, 152 Fed. 11, 18 (C.C.A. 9th, 1907.) The water appropriator acquires
no specific property in the water itself - the corpus of the water - while flowing
in the stream; what he acquires is a right of diversion and use of some specific quantity
of water that at the time may be flowing in the stream.
(See also: Section on California Surface Water Law.)