The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

Fall Of The Roman Empire In The East
Originally Issued as Three Volumes In 1788 IV—Chapters 39-47 V—Chapters 48-57 VI —Chapters 58-71
Ch.Scope Ch.Scope Ch.Scope Ch.Scope
39 AD 455-526 47 Christianity 55 The Bulgarians 63 Ruin of the Greek empire
40 Justinian 48 Greek Emperors 56 Saracens, Franks & Greeks 64 The Moguls
41 Belisarius 49 AD 726-1356 57 Turks of Seljuk 65 Timour & Bajazet
42 The Barbaric World 50 Arabia & Mahomet 58 First Crusade 66 Applications to the Popes
43 AD 535-594 51 Saracen Conquests 59 Second & Third Crusades 67 AD 1440-1452
44 Roman Law 52 Empire of the Caliphs 60 Greeks and Latins 68 Fall in the East
45 AD 565-604 53 Eastern Empire in the 10th Century 61 The Courtenays 69 Rome from the 12th Century
46 Persian Wars 54 The Paulicans 62 Restoration of the Greek empire. 70 Petrarch & Rienzi
71 Conclusion

Edited by the author of A Study Of Our Decline